Optical materials and structures articles within Nature


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    A molecular aggregate formed in a two-dimensional organic–inorganic hybrid perovskite superlattice with a near-equilibrium distance is shown to have a near-unity photoluminescence quantum yield like that of single molecules, despite being in an aggregated state.

    • Kang Wang
    • , Zih-Yu Lin
    •  & Letian Dou
  • Article
    | Open Access

    Electric-field tunable generation of entangled photon pairs is achieved by spontaneous parametric down-conversion in a ferroelectric nematic liquid crystal, with an efficiency comparable to that of the best nonlinear crystals.

    • Vitaliy Sultanov
    • , Aljaž Kavčič
    •  & Matjaž Humar
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    Enhanced light–molecule interactions in high-finesse fibre-based Fabry–Pérot microcavities are used to detect and profile individual unlabelled solution-phase biomolecules, leading to potential applications in the life and chemical sciences.

    • Lisa-Maria Needham
    • , Carlos Saavedra
    •  & Randall H. Goldsmith
  • Article
    | Open Access

    Electro-optical photonic integrated circuits based on lithium tantalate perform as well as current state-of-the-art ones using lithium niobate but the material has the advantage of existing commercial uses in consumer electronics, easing the problem of scalability.

    • Chengli Wang
    • , Zihan Li
    •  & Tobias J. Kippenberg
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    An integrated device that combines optical parametric oscillation and electro-optic modulation in lithium niobate creates a flat-top frequency-comb-like output with low power requirements.

    • Hubert S. Stokowski
    • , Devin J. Dean
    •  & Amir H. Safavi-Naeini
  • Article
    | Open Access

    An experimental design consisting of a photonic-crystal nanoslab covered with upconversion nanoparticles demonstrates the phenomenon of supercritical coupling, resulting in giant enhancement of upconversion by photonic bound states in the continuum.

    • Chiara Schiattarella
    • , Silvia Romano
    •  & Gianluigi Zito
  • Article
    | Open Access

    Vectorial optoelectronic metasurfaces are described, showing that light pulses can be used to drive and direct local charge flows around symmetry-broken plasmonic nanostructures, leading to tunable responses in terahertz emission.

    • Jacob Pettine
    • , Prashant Padmanabhan
    •  & Hou-Tong Chen
  • Article
    | Open Access

    Silicon photonic nanocavities based on surface forces and conventional lithography and etching are developed, demonstrating pioneering technology that integrates atomic dimensions with the scalability of planar semiconductors.

    • Ali Nawaz Babar
    • , Thor August Schimmell Weis
    •  & Søren Stobbe
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    Measurements of thermal transport along 3C-SiC nanowires with and without a gold coating on the end(s) suggest that thermally excited surface phonon polaritons can be used in nanostructures to substantially enhance thermal conductivity.

    • Zhiliang Pan
    • , Guanyu Lu
    •  & Deyu Li
  • Article
    | Open Access

    We developed large-scale photonic-crystal surface-emitting lasers with controlled Hermitian and non-Hermitian couplings inside the photonic crystal and a pre-installed spatial distribution of the lattice constant, which leads to the realization of a continuous-wave brightness of 1 GW cm−2 sr−1.

    • Masahiro Yoshida
    • , Shumpei Katsuno
    •  & Susumu Noda
  • Article
    | Open Access

    A simple spectral selective active colloidal system is designed in which TiO2 colloidal species are coded with dyes to form a photochromic swarm that adapts the appearance of incident light due to layered phase segregation.

    • Jing Zheng
    • , Jingyuan Chen
    •  & Jinyao Tang
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    Chiral metasurfaces have been produced, with experimental observation of intrinsic chiral bound states in the continuum, which may lead to applications in chiral light sources and detectors, chiral sensing, valleytronics and asymmetric photocatalysis.

    • Yang Chen
    • , Huachun Deng
    •  & Cheng-Wei Qiu
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    A van der Waals crystal, niobium oxide dichloride, with vanishing interlayer electronic coupling and considerable monolayer-like excitonic behaviour in the bulk, as well as strong and scalable second-order optical nonlinearity, is discovered, which enables a high-performance quantum light source.

    • Qiangbing Guo
    • , Xiao-Zhuo Qi
    •  & Andrew T. S. Wee
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    An array of 2D crystals of isotropic, 432-symmetric chiral gold nanoparticles is shown to exhibit collective resonances with a strong and uniform chiral near field, allowing enantioselective detection by the collective circular dichroism.

    • Ryeong Myeong Kim
    • , Ji-Hyeok Huh
    •  & Ki Tae Nam
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    By introducing a further modal dimension to transform a two-dimensional photonic waveguide array, a photonic topological insulator with protected topological surface states in three dimensions, enabled by a screw dislocation, is demonstrated.

    • Eran Lustig
    • , Lukas J. Maczewsky
    •  & Mordechai Segev
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    Using a three-layer opto-electronic neural network, direct, clock-less sub-nanosecond image classification on a silicon photonics chip is demonstrated, achieving a classification time comparable with a single clock cycle of state-of-the-art digital implementations.

    • Farshid Ashtiani
    • , Alexander J. Geers
    •  & Firooz Aflatouni
  • Perspective |

    The control of light–matter interactions as a way to manipulate and synthesize strongly correlated quantum matter is discussed, highlighting a field termed ‘strongly correlated electron–photon science’.

    • Jacqueline Bloch
    • , Andrea Cavalleri
    •  & Angel Rubio
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    Electrically controlled quantum confinement of excitons to below 10 nm is achieved in a 2D semiconductor by combining in-plane electric fields with interactions between excitons and free charges.

    • Deepankur Thureja
    • , Atac Imamoglu
    •  & Puneet A. Murthy
  • Article
    | Open Access

    A simple and power-efficient microcomb source is used to drive complementary metal–oxide–semiconductor silicon photonic engines, a step towards the next generation of fully integrated photonic systems.

    • Haowen Shu
    • , Lin Chang
    •  & John E. Bowers
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    Stable, dissipative optomechanical solitons are realized using optical fields in a whispering gallery mode resonator by balancing the optomechanical nonlinearities with a tailored modal dispersion.

    • Jing Zhang
    • , Bo Peng
    •  & Lan Yang
  • Review Article |

    This Review discusses the state of the art of interface optics—including refractive optics, meta-optics and moiré engineering—for the control of van der Waals polaritons.

    • Qing Zhang
    • , Guangwei Hu
    •  & Cheng-Wei Qiu
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    Gold nanoflake pairs form by self-assembly in an aqueous ligand solution and offer stable and tunable microcavities by virtue of equilibrium between attractive Casimir forces and repulsive electrostatic forces.

    • Battulga Munkhbat
    • , Adriana Canales
    •  & Timur O. Shegai
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    High-performance optoelectronic devices that operate in the infrared regime at room temperature exhibit wide-range, active and reversible tunability of the operating wavelengths with black phosphorus.

    • Hyungjin Kim
    • , Shiekh Zia Uddin
    •  & Ali Javey
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    Direct infrared nano-imaging of plasmonic waves in graphene carrying high current density reveals the Fizeau drag of plasmon polaritons by fast-moving quasi-relativistic electrons.

    • Y. Dong
    • , L. Xiong
    •  & D. N. Basov
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    Room-temperature photon avalanching realized in single thulium-doped upconverting nanocrystals enables super-resolution imaging at near-infrared wavelengths of maximal biological transparency and provides a material platform potentially suitable for other optical technologies.

    • Changhwan Lee
    • , Emma Z. Xu
    •  & P. James Schuck
  • Review Article |

    The current state of programmable photonic integrated circuits is discussed, including recent developments in their building blocks, circuit architectures, electronic control and programming strategies, as well as different application spaces.

    • Wim Bogaerts
    • , Daniel Pérez
    •  & Andrea Melloni
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    Self-assembly of cubic diamond crystals is demonstrated, by using precursor clusters of particles with carefully placed ‘sticky’ patches that attract and bind adjacent clusters in specific geometries.

    • Mingxin He
    • , Johnathon P. Gales
    •  & David J. Pine
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    The semiclassical quantization rule breaks down for a class of dispersionless flat bands, and their anomalous Landau level spectrum is characterized by their Hilbert–Schmidt quantum distance.

    • Jun-Won Rhim
    • , Kyoo Kim
    •  & Bohm-Jung Yang
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    Combining thermal scanning-probe lithography with templating enables the production of high-quality gratings that manipulate light through Fourier-spectrum engineering in ways that are not achievable with conventional gratings.

    • Nolan Lassaline
    • , Raphael Brechbühler
    •  & David J. Norris
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    A turnkey regime for soliton microcombs is demonstrated, in which solitons are generated by switching on a co-integrated pump laser, eliminating the need for photonic and electronic control circuitry.

    • Boqiang Shen
    • , Lin Chang
    •  & John E. Bowers
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    Wave destabilization is demonstrated in semiconductor ring lasers operating at low pumping levels, where ultrafast gain recovery leads to the emergence of a frequency comb regime owing to phase turbulence.

    • Marco Piccardo
    • , Benedikt Schwarz
    •  & Federico Capasso
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    The coupling between light and relativistic free electrons is enhanced through phase matching of electrons with optical whispering-gallery modes in dielectric microspheres and through extended modal lifetimes.

    • Ofer Kfir
    • , Hugo Lourenço-Martins
    •  & Claus Ropers
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    precisely controllable integrated optical gyroscope based on stimulated Brillouin scattering is used to study non-Hermitian physics, revealing a four-fold enhancement of the Sagnac scale factor near exceptional points.

    • Yu-Hung Lai
    • , Yu-Kun Lu
    •  & Kerry Vahala