Molecular biology articles within Nature Reviews Cardiology


  • Review Article |

    In this Review, the authors discuss the latest insights on RNA-binding proteins and RNA biology and appraise them in the context of cardiovascular research, summarizing the progress in our understanding of the involvement of RNA-binding proteins in cardiac biology and disease.

    • Mirko Völkers
    • , Thomas Preiss
    •  & Matthias W. Hentze
  • Research Highlight |

    A new study shows that age-dependent nuclear remodelling in cardiomyocytes (via age-related loss of nuclear lamins) contributes to cardiac dysfunction through a process that is conserved in flies, mice and nonhuman primates.

    • Irene Fernández-Ruiz
  • Review Article |

    Alternative splicing determines which exons are included in mature RNA and accounts for the majority of transcriptomic diversity. In this Review, Gotthardt and colleagues discuss how alternative splicing is regulated in the heart and how it differs in cardiac development, physiological adaptation and pathological remodelling. They also summarize technological advances in the field and potential applications of splicing data in cardiovascular medicine.

    • Michael Gotthardt
    • , Victor Badillo-Lisakowski
    •  & Leslie Leinwand
  • Review Article |

    In this Review, Gatsiou and Stellos summarize the current knowledge on RNA modifications in cardiovascular health and disease, discussing their effect on cardiovascular biology and function, and the potential for development and application of epitranscriptome-based prognostic, diagnostic and therapeutic tools for cardiovascular disease.

    • Aikaterini Gatsiou
    •  & Konstantinos Stellos
  • Review Article |

    In this Review, Santovito and Weber discuss the functional relevance of non-canonical features of microRNAs for cardiovascular homeostasis and pathophysiology, describing the role of atypical microRNA biogenesis and localization, RISC heterogeneity, and non-conventional regulatory functions, including direct protein interactions and transcriptional regulation in the nucleus and in mitochondria.

    • Donato Santovito
    •  & Christian Weber
  • Review Article |

    In this Review, Münzel and colleagues summarize the epidemiological evidence on transportation noise pollution as a cardiovascular risk factor, discussing mechanistic insights for the adverse cardiovascular effects of noise pollution and highlighting new risk markers of noise-induced cardiovascular effects as well as promising noise-mitigation strategies.

    • Thomas Münzel
    • , Mette Sørensen
    •  & Andreas Daiber
  • Review Article |

    In this Review, Mayr and colleagues describe the growing number of omic techniques, discuss their strengths and weaknesses, outline network theory, and highlight exemplars of novel approaches that combine gene regulatory and co-expression networks, proteomics, metabolomics, lipidomics and phenomics with informatics techniques to provide new insights into cardiovascular disease.

    • Abhishek Joshi
    • , Marieke Rienks
    •  & Manuel Mayr
  • Review Article |

    The presence of cardiovascular comorbidities is linked with worse outcomes in patients with coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), and COVID-19 can induce cardiovascular damage. In this Review, Wu and colleagues summarize the latest mechanistic and clinical studies that contribute to our current understanding of COVID-19-related cardiovascular disease.

    • Masataka Nishiga
    • , Dao Wen Wang
    •  & Joseph C. Wu
  • Research Highlight |

    Viral vector delivery of microRNA-199a after myocardial infarction in pigs can stimulate endogenous myocardial repair mechanisms and improve cardiac function; however, persistent expression of the miRNA leads to sudden arrhythmic death.

    • Gregory B. Lim
  • Review Article |

    Circular RNAs (circRNAs) are emerging as a new class of non-coding RNA molecules. In this Review, the authors discuss the current understanding of circRNA biogenesis and function, with a particular emphasis on the cardiovascular system.

    • Simona Aufiero
    • , Yolan J. Reckman
    •  & Esther E. Creemers
  • Review Article |

    In this Review, Drs Kullo and Cooper discuss the role of genomics and proteomics in cardiovascular risk assessment, using the specific example of atherosclerosis. The availability of good markers for risk stratification might enable the health-care system to become more proactive, moving the focus away from treatment of end-stage coronary heart disease and towards early detection of disease risk and prevention of adverse outcomes.

    • Iftikhar J. Kullo
    •  & Leslie T. Cooper