Killer wiles: growing interest in Fas. Pettmann, B. & Henderson, C. E. Nature Cell Biology February (2003). News and Views article that highlights an unexpected new effect of activation of the death receptor Fas — the stimulation of axonal growth. Whereas in a T-lymphocyte cell line Fas activation causes cell death, neuroblastoma cells are resistant to Fas-induced cell death and Fas triggers the ERK/p35 pathway, which leads to axonal growth

Molecular imaging in drug discovery and development. Rudin, M. & Weissleder, R. Nature Reviews Drug Discovery February (2003)

C. elegans operons: form and function. Blumenthal, T. & Seggerson, K. Nature Reviews Genetics February (2003). This Review discusses the function of C. elegans operons, how they evolved and what kind of genes can be found within them.

Wnts and TGFβ: old friends signalling at new places. Packard, M., Mathew, D. & Budnik, V. Nature Reviews Neuroscience February (2003).

Towards responsible animal research. Addressing the ethical dimension of animal experimentation and implementing the 'Three R principle' in biomedical research. Matthiessen, L., Lucaroni, B. & Sachez, E. EMBO Reports February (2003).

Interleukin-12 and the regulation of innate resistance and adaptive immunity. Trinchieri, G. Nature Reviews Immunology February (2003).

Kinases as therapeutic targets for heart disease. Vlahos, C. J., McDowell, S. A. & Clerk, A. Nature Reviews Drug Discovery February (2003).

The endothelin axis: emerging role in cancer. Nelson, J., Bagnato, A., Battistini, B. & Nisen, P. Nature Reviews Cancer February (2003).

Hide, shield and strike back: how HIV-infected cells avoid immune eradication. Peterlin, B. M. & Trono, D. Nature Reviews Immunology February (2003).

Coordinated regulation of life and death by RB. Chau, B. N. & Wang, J. Y. J. Nature Reviews Cancer February (2003).

Limb patterning: rethinking old models. Niswander, L. A. Nature Reviews Genetics February (2003).