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Democratizing knowledge representation with BioCypher

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Fig. 1: The BioCypher framework.


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This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (grant agreement No 965193 (DECIDER) and 116030 (TransQST)), the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF, Computational Life Sciences grant No 031L0181B and MSCoreSys research initiative research core SMART-CARE 031L0212A), the US Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) Young Faculty Award (W911NF-20-1-0255), and the Medical Informatics Initiative Germany, MIRACUM consortium (FKZ: 01ZZ2019). We thank Henning Hermjakob, Benjamin Haibe-Kains, Pablo Rodriguez-Mier, Daniel Dimitrov and Olga Ivanova for feedback on the manuscript and Ben Hitz and Pedro Assis for feedback on their use of BioCypher.

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The project was conceived by S.L. and J.S.-R. The software was developed by S.L. with input from D.T. The manuscript was drafted by S.L., edited by J.S.-R. and jointly revised by all co-authors. All co-authors as members of the BioCypher Consortium contributed to the case studies in development and writing and gave feedback for software development, which was coordinated and integrated by S.L. All authors except first and last are listed alphabetically by surname.

Corresponding authors

Correspondence to Sebastian Lobentanzer or Julio Saez-Rodriguez.

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J.S.-R. reports funding from GSK, Pfizer and Sanofi and fees from Travere Therapeutics and Astex Pharmaceuticals.

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Nature Biotechnology thanks the anonymous reviewers for their contribution to the peer review of this work.

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Supplementary Methods, Supplementary Notes 1–5 and Supplementary Table 1

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Lobentanzer, S., Aloy, P., Baumbach, J. et al. Democratizing knowledge representation with BioCypher. Nat Biotechnol 41, 1056–1059 (2023).

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