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Central pulse pressure in patients with chronic kidney disease and in renal transplant recipients


Patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD) and renal transplant recipients (RTR) have increased cardiovascular risk. The value of measuring central pulse pressure (cPP) over brachial pulse pressure (pPP) is not known. Central PP was measured in 597 patients (364 CKD:233 RTR). In multivariate analysis, age and female gender positively correlated with cPP; heart rate and estimated glomerular filtration rate negatively correlated with cPP. Associations for age, heart rate and gender persisted after additional adjustment for pPP and aortic wave reflection. This model accounted for 91% of the variability in cPP, with pPP alone accounting for 74%. Results were similar when both patient groups were analysed separately. A subset of patients with CKD had aortic pulse wave velocity (PWV) and left ventricular mass index (LVMI) measured. There were no differences in the univariate correlations between PWV (r=0.368 vs 0.315; P=0.4) or LVMI (r=0.125 vs 0.163; P=0.7); nor in the multivariate models created for PWV (P=0.1) or LVMI (P=0.1) when either cPP or pPP were used. This study demonstrates that in these patients most of the variability in cPP can be explained by pPP. Additionally, cPP does not appear to provide additional information beyond pPP in determining PWV and LVMI.

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Ng, K., Moody, W., Chue, C. et al. Central pulse pressure in patients with chronic kidney disease and in renal transplant recipients. J Hum Hypertens 28, 180–185 (2014).

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