Articles in 2010

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  • The UK government decision to remove the cap on undergraduate student fees is likely to have long-lasting negative consequences for science research in the UK.

  • A new study finds that retinoid X receptor-γ promotes remyelination. Its function in oligodendrocyte progenitor cell maturation sheds light on nuclear receptor signaling in myelin development and paves the way toward therapeutic ligands for myelin repair.

    • Vittorio Gallo
    • Li-Jin Chew
    News & Views
  • This Perspective discusses concepts in endocannabinoid signaling that have come to light with the recent development of pharmacological and genetic tools for the study of biosynthetic enzymes. It also highlights caveats for interpreting data, given the cross-talk between biosynthetic pathways, and outlines future directions for the field.

    • Vincenzo Di Marzo
  • The volume of the human amygdala correlates with the size and complexity of individual social networks, reports this study. This correlation still exists after correcting for intracranial volume, and seems to be specific to the amygdala and not other subcortical structures.

    • Kevin C Bickart
    • Christopher I Wright
    • Lisa Feldman Barrett
    Brief Communication
  • Just before a rapid eye movement (saccade), attentional performance improves for the targeted position where the saccade will land. This behavioral study finds that attentional performance also improves at the subsequent locations that the target of the saccade will move to, suggesting that attentional remapping occurs at least two steps ahead.

    • Martin Rolfs
    • Donatas Jonikaitis
    • Patrick Cavanagh
  • The auxiliary subunit Cavβ regulates calcium channel density in the plasma membrane, but the mechanism by which this occurs has been poorly defined. Altier et al. find that Cavβ prevents ubiquitination of the Cav1.2 channels by the RFP2 ubiquitin ligase and subsequent targeting of the channels for proteasomal degradation.

    • Christophe Altier
    • Agustin Garcia-Caballero
    • Gerald W Zamponi
  • P2X receptor channels, which have three α-helical transmembrane domains, are found throughout the nervous system. Using site-directed mutagenesis, the authors find that each of the three subunits contributes equally to the open channel permeation pathway and that the closed-to-open transition involves a symmetrical separation of the three channel subunits.

    • Liam E Browne
    • Lishuang Cao
    • R Alan North
    Brief Communication
  • Even if it doesn't trigger action potential, a slight somatic depolarization can still spread and modulate the neurotransmitter release at distant sites along axons. Here, the authors find that depolarization in the cerebellar molecular layer interneurons can affect presynaptic neurotransmitter release in a calcium-dependent and voltage-sensitive Ca2+ channel–dependent manner.

    • Jason M Christie
    • Delia N Chiu
    • Craig E Jahr
  • Anticipation about the timing of an event can improve response speed. Here the authors find that responses of single neurons in primary auditory cortex show enhanced representation of sounds during periods of heightened expectation. Neural activity was also linked to perceptual performance, suggesting that this signal could contribute to the behavioral effects of temporal expectation.

    • Santiago Jaramillo
    • Anthony M Zador
  • In a mouse model of Alzheimer's disease, the authors find that early loss of AMPA receptors at synapses at onset of cognitive dysfunction is a result of activation of the phosphatase calcineurin by caspase-3. Inhibition of caspase activity rescued both synapse density and fear memory in this model.

    • Marcello D'Amelio
    • Virve Cavallucci
    • Francesco Cecconi
  • The patterns of nociceptive innervation in skin and spinal cord differ in mammals and lower vertebrates. Guo et al. report that nerve growth factor induces the transcription factor Hoxd1 in mouse, but not chick, sensory neurons, and that expression of Hoxd1 is necessary and sufficient for a mammalian-like pattern of nociceptive projections in vivo.

    • Ting Guo
    • Kenji Mandai
    • David D Ginty
  • The authors report that, in a subset of rodent hippocampal and neocortical interneurons, evoking hundreds of spikes at normal rates caused persistent firing that outlasted the stimulus by about a minute. Persistent firing was generated in the distal axon, did not require somatic depolarization and could be shared between interneurons via an axo-axonal interaction.

    • Mark E J Sheffield
    • Tyler K Best
    • Nelson Spruston