How to use the Nature Index

Search for a specific institution or location

From the Nature Index homepage, begin typing your query in the search box to generate a list of suggested institutions or countries → Select the institution or country/region → Click ‘Go’.

A Research Profile page will be generated that lists research outputs within the current 12-month date range by Count and Share, organized by subject area.

  • Click on the subject area to drill-down into a list of outputs organized by journal, and then by article title.
  • Click article titles to display article-level information including complete affiliation details, data and links to the version of record on the publisher’s website.
  • The collaboration section displays the institution’s or location’s patterns of publication collaboration, including a list of top collaborators.

Make a table of institutions ordered by research outputs

Click on the ‘Current index’ tab for the dropdown menu → Choose ‘Institution tables’ → Under ‘Institution outputs’, filter by region/country, by sector and by subject/journals → Click ‘Generate’ → Sort table by clicking on column heads → Click ‘Export CSV’ to download the table as CSV file.

Make a table of country/territories ordered by research outputs

Click on the ‘Current index’ tab for the dropdown menu → Choose ‘Country/territory tables’ → Using the drop-down menus, choose region and filter by subject area or journal group → Click ‘Generate’ → Sort table by clicking on column heads → Click ‘Export CSV’ to download the table as CSV file.

Institution benchmarking

Click on the ‘Current index’ tab for the dropdown menu → Choose `Institution benchmarking` → Add up to 10 institutions → Click ‘Compare’ → View outputs in graph by clicking on ‘Share’ and ‘Count’ → Click ‘Export CSV’ to download the table as CSV file.

Country/territory benchmarking

Click on the ‘Current index’ tab for the dropdown menu → Choose `Country/territory benchmarking` → Add up to 10 countries/territories → Click ‘Compare’ → View outputs in graph by clicking on ‘Share’ and ‘Count’ → Click ‘Export CSV’ to download the table as CSV file.