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  • Understanding the material strength of heterogeneously wetted granular systems is challenging due to the presence of a liquid modifying the interaction between the grains. Here, the authors investigate the mechanical properties of grains wetted with silicon oil finding an increase in Young’s modulus and an increased resistance to compressive strains.

    • Honoka Fujio
    • Hikari Yokota
    • Rei Kurita
    ArticleOpen Access
  • Discovering nonlinear differential equations from empirical data is a significant challenge, often requiring manual parameter tuning. This paper introduces a machine learning method integrating denoising techniques, sparse regression, and bootstrap confidence intervals, which shows consistent accuracy in identifying 3D dynamical systems with moderate data size and high signal quality.

    • Kevin Egan
    • Weizhen Li
    • Rui Carvalho
    ArticleOpen Access
  • A key problem in non-Hermitian lattice physics is restoring bulk-boundary correspondence. Here, the authors study two non-Hermitian models with a generalized boundary condition, proving that these systems can continuously be tuned from a periodic to an open boundary condition, showing a phase transition characterized by an exceptional point.

    • Sonu Verma
    • Moon Jip Park
    ArticleOpen Access
  • Surrogate networks are synthetic alternatives to real world networks that avoid expensive data collection and privacy issues, but they often lack information on the temporal or topological properties of the input network. The authors propose a method to construct realistic surrogate network, outperforming the existing ones in accuracy and execution time.

    • A. Longa
    • G. Cencetti
    • B. Lepri
    ArticleOpen Access
  • Quantum many-body systems may not thermalize due to the phenomenon of many-body localisation. Its theoretical underpinning is given by observables, the l-bits, which could not as of now be probed by experiments. The authors define experimentally relevant quantities to retrieve spatially resolved entanglement information, allowing to probe the l-bits.

    • Bohan Lu
    • Christian Bertoni
    • Jens Eisert
    ArticleOpen Access
  • Key players are a small number of vertices that govern the structure and function of a complex network, and their identification can grant answers in many disciplines. By tapping into quantum information, the authors introduce an entanglement-based metric capable of quantifying the perturbations caused by individual vertices on spectral entropy.

    • Yiming Huang
    • Hao Wang
    • Linyuan Lü
    ArticleOpen Access
  • High-intensity vortex and vector laser pulses can enable a wide range of applications; however, their generation remains challenging. The manuscript demonstrates that the strongly-coupled stimulated Brillouin scattering in plasma can be used as a promising amplification technique for both vortex and vector laser pulses, and thus paves the way for novel optical devices.

    • Yipeng Wu
    • Chaojie Zhang
    • Chan Joshi
    ArticleOpen Access
  • Scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) is a powerful tool that can be used to both investigate and manipulate surfaces at the atomic scale. Here, using epitaxial graphene layers on a SiC substrate, the authors show that STM can be used to manipulate the covalent bonding between a graphitic buffer layer-substrate interface, and in turn modify the charge state of the epitaxial graphene.

    • Marek Kolmer
    • Joseph Hall
    • Michael C. Tringides
    ArticleOpen Access
  • Kagome materials provide a platform to investigate the interplay between a range of ordered phases such as charge density waves, superconductivity, as well as non-trivial topological properties. Here, the authors observed the two-fold symmetric superconductivity in RbV3Sb5, which suggests the presence of unconventional superconductivity involved with nematic states and spin-orbit-parity coupled superconductivity.

    • Shuo Wang
    • Jing-Zhi Fang
    • Dapeng Yu
    ArticleOpen Access
  • Whispering gallery mode microcavities with asymmetric backscattering provide a platform to characterise non-orthogonal Hermitian features, but the majority of the studies focus on near-field measurements. The authors realize a non-Hermitian platform and characterise its far-field features in terms of polarization via confocal micro-photoluminescence.

    • Jingnan Yang
    • Shushu Shi
    • Xiulai Xu
    ArticleOpen Access
  • In the case of rare earth insulators, local moments on 4f-electron shells are coupled through interatomic superexchange interactions resulting in magnetic orders at low temperatures. Here, the authors demonstrate that conventional Heisenberg interactions in PrO2 are negligible and its unusual magnetic ordering is driven by superexchange between high-order multipolar moments.

    • Sergii Khmelevskyi
    • Leonid V. Pourovskii
    ArticleOpen Access
  • The Cheshire Cat phenomenon in quantum mechanics refers to a captivating observation where a particle and its properties behave as if they were separated. Here, the authors show the possibility of observing the Cheshire Cat phenomenon via interferometric neutron experiments in agreement with a weak measurement theoretical approach.

    • Armin Danner
    • Niels Geerits
    • Yuji Hasegawa
    ArticleOpen Access
  • The lack of Galilean invariance in spin-orbit coupled systems greatly reduces the controllability of optical lattices and strongly limits applications. By simultaneously applying Raman and radio frequency coupling to a dilute-gas Bose-Einstein condensate, the authors generate an emerging lattice with restored Galilean invariance.

    • M. K. H. Ome
    • Huaxin He
    • P. Engels
    ArticleOpen Access
  • Topological superconductivity is anticipated to provide an appropriate platform for realizing Majorana fermions, garnering significant interest for the development of quantum computing. Here, using DFT and many-body mean-field theory, the authors investigate the bulk superconductivity of KZnBi where their calculations suggest the presence of hosohedral nodal-line superconductivity.

    • Hong-Guk Min
    • Churlhi Lyi
    • Youngkuk Kim
    ArticleOpen Access
  • Quantum Rabi model as an outstanding model can support superradiant phase transitions, and gets increasing interest in the quantum physics. This work presents an effective method to demonstrate the dynamical critical phenomenon in quantum Rabi model without preparing the Confirmed equilibrium state, i.e., a sudden change of the photon number distribution.

    • Ye-Hong Chen
    • Yuan Qiu
    • Franco Nori
    ArticleOpen Access
  • The underlying symmetry of a given system dictates the material properties from the electronic band structure to its spontaneous symmetry broken ordering. Here, the authors consider the effects of symmetry breaking and investigate spin-singlet orbital triplet pairings in unconventional superconductors with electronic nematicity, they apply their results to iron-based superconductors and twisted bilayer graphene.

    • Meng Zeng
    • Dong-Hui Xu
    • Fu-Chun Zhang
    ArticleOpen Access
  • Knots are mathematically and physically complex objects that have only rarely been realized in quantum fluids and optics. The authors create knotted quantum wavefunctions of a spinor Bose gas and recognize a close mapping of the results to a recent realization of knots in the polarization of an optical field, exploring common features of topology: a topological atom optics.

    • Maitreyi Jayaseelan
    • Joseph D. Murphree
    • Nicholas P. Bigelow
    ArticleOpen Access
  • Embedding methods for signed networks typically rely on clustering, losing the access to continuous attributes from nodes. The authors present the physically-insipired method SHEEP (Signed Hamiltonian Eigenvector Embedding for Proximity), able to preserve the continuity of node attributes while reducing the dimensionality of the network.

    • Shazia’Ayn Babul
    • Renaud Lambiotte
    ArticleOpen Access
  • Acceleration of heavy ions is difficult in presence of low charge contaminants due to their high charge-to-mass ratio. The authors use ultra-thin Au foils to efficiently accelerate both contaminants and heavy ions, discussing the interplay between distinct acceleration mechanisms at different stages of interaction via particle-in-cell simulations.

    • Philip Martin
    • Hamad Ahmed
    • Satyabrata Kar
    ArticleOpen Access
  • A turbulent binary fluid strives for a relaxed state after the forcing has been switched off. Using direct numerical simulations of the Cahn-Hilliard-NavierStokes system, it is found that the bulk of each fluid and the interface relax differently following a universal path of relaxation.

    • Nandita Pan
    • Supratik Banerjee
    • Arijit Halder
    ArticleOpen Access