Nature Reviews presents a Collection on microRNAs, which includes Reviews from Nature Reviews Genetics, Nature Reviews Cancer and Nature Reviews Molecular Cell Biology. The articles have been specially selected to provide an introduction to diverse aspects of microRNA biology, including their biogenesis, function in normal development and cancer, and evolutionary implications of their impact on gene regulation. The articles are freely available until 31 March 2008.

From the editors



The evolution of gene regulation by transcription factors and microRNAs

Kevin Chen & Nikolaus Rajewsky


Nature Reviews Genetics 8, 93-103 (2007)

MicroRNAs: small RNAs with a big role in gene regulation

Lin He & Gregory J Hannon


Nature Reviews Genetics 5, 631 (2004)

MicroRNA signatures in human cancers

George A. Calin & Carlo M. Croce


Nature Reviews Cancer 6, 857-866 (2006)

Oncomirs — microRNAs with a role in cancer

Aurora Esquela-Kerscher & Frank J. Slack


Nature Reviews Cancer 6, 259-269 (2006)

MicroRNA biogenesis: coordinated cropping and dicing

V. Narry Kim


Nature Reviews Molecular Cell Biology 6, 376-385 (2005)


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