Scientific Reports 7: Article number: 42023; published online: 10 February 2017; updated: 22 March 2017.

This Article contains typographical errors.

In the methods section under subheading ‘Boolean networks’, “In Boolean networks, variables can only take one of two possible values, 0 or 1, and their dynamics is described by

where xi(t + 1) represents the value of variable i at the time t + 1 as a Boolean function Fi of its n regulators xi(t), …, xn(t) at the current time”.

should read:

“In Boolean networks, variables can only take one of two possible values, 0 or 1, and their dynamics is described by

where xi(t + 1) represents the value of variable i at the time t + 1 as a Boolean function fi of its n regulators xi(t), …, xn(t) at the current time”.

In the Results section under subheading ‘Non-hierarchical and non-unidirectional interactions greatly increases the dynamical diversity of pathways’,

“Because the inputs follow the identity function, the minimum number of attractors is equal to 2|inputsl|, where inputs is the set of inputs”.

should read:

“Because the inputs follow the identity function, the minimum number of attractors is equal to 2|inputs| where inputs is the set of inputs”.