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Fast searches of large collections of single-cell data using scfind


Single-cell technologies have made it possible to profile millions of cells, but for these resources to be useful they must be easy to query and access. To facilitate interactive and intuitive access to single-cell data we have developed scfind, a single-cell analysis tool that facilitates fast search of biologically or clinically relevant marker genes in cell atlases. Using transcriptome data from six mouse cell atlases, we show how scfind can be used to evaluate marker genes, perform in silico gating, and identify both cell-type-specific and housekeeping genes. Moreover, we have developed a subquery optimization routine to ensure that long and complex queries return meaningful results. To make scfind more user friendly, we use indices of PubMed abstracts and techniques from natural language processing to allow for arbitrary queries. Finally, we show how scfind can be used for multi-omics analyses by combining single-cell ATAC-seq data with transcriptome data.

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Fig. 1: Compression and search times.
Fig. 2: Basic search, identification of cell-type-specific and housekeeping genes.
Fig. 3: Subquery optimization.
Fig. 4: Free text searches and visualization of results.
Fig. 5: Determining cell-type specificity of distal enhancers using RNA-seq and ATAC-seq data.

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Data availability

The index LinnarssonAtlas.rds for the the BCA data from can be downloaded from The index mca.rds for the the MCA data from can be downloaded from The index tm_10x.rds for the the TM, 10X and TM, FACS data from can be downloaded from and respectively. The index atacseq.rds for the the sciATAC-seq data from can be downloaded from The source data underlying Figs. 13 and 5 are provided as a Source Data file. Source data are provided with this paper.

Code availability

The code for scfind is available at and the code for generating the figures in this manuscript is available at A Code Ocean capsule of the tool is provided (


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J.T.H.L., N.P., V.Y.K. and M.H. were supported by a core grant from the Wellcome Trust. J.T.H.L. was also supported by a grant ‘Search tools for scRNA-seq data’ (RR-4145) from the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative and N.P. was supported by UK Dementia Research Institute (DRI) grant RRZA/175. We thank members of the Hemberg group, Y. Liu, T. Bergmann and A. Meziani for assisting with beta testing of the software and L. Garcia-Alonso, V.J. Hall, A. Ori, S. Teichmann and R. Vento for feedback on the manuscript. We thank J. Eliasova for assistance with Fig. 1a.

Author information

Authors and Affiliations



M.H. conceived the project and supervised the research. J.T.H.L., N.P., V.Y.K. and M.H. contributed to the code. J.T.H.L., N.P. and M.H. analyzed the data. J.T.H.L. and M.H. wrote the manuscript with input from N.P. and V.Y.K.

Corresponding author

Correspondence to Martin Hemberg.

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The authors declare no competing interests.

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Peer review information Nature Methods thanks Qi Liu and Itoshi Nikaido for their contribution to the peer review of this work. Lin Tang was the primary editor on this article and managed its editorial process and peer review in collaboration with the rest of the editorial team.

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Supplementary information

Supplementary Information

Supplementary Discussion, Tables 1–12 and Supplementary Figs. 1–18.

Reporting Summary

Supplementary Table 1

Precision, recall and F1 scores for all cell types in the atlases considered.

Supplementary Table 2

Information about the total number of marker genes and the precision and F1 scores that they provide for each cell type.

Supplementary Table 3

Cell-type specificity for the genes found in the MCA and the two TM datasets.

Supplementary Table 4

Number of maximal marker genes for each cell type in the MCA and the two TM datasets.

Supplementary Table 5

Number of cell-type-specific genes for each cell type in the MCA and the two TM datasets.

Supplementary Table 6

Best matches of the TM, FACS dataset from queries generated by sample variants from the index created from PubTator.

Supplementary Table 7

Best matches of the TM, FACS dataset from queries generated by sample diseases names/MeSH/OMIM IDs.

Supplementary Table 8

Best matches of the TM, FACS dataset from queries generated by sample chemical names and their corresponding IDs.

Supplementary Table 9

Best matches of the TM, FACS dataset from queries generated by sample phrases from the dictionary from the PubMed.

Supplementary Table 10

Cell-type specificity of super enhancers.

Supplementary Table 11

Cell-type-specific enhancer-gene pairs.

Supplementary Table 12

Top 20 and 30 marker genes in the three batch correction methods.

Source data

Source Data Fig. 1

Data generated with R package scfind.

Source Data Fig. 2

Data generated with R package scfind.

Source Data Fig. 3

Data generated with R package scfind.

Source Data Fig. 5

Data generated with R package scfind.

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Lee, J.T.H., Patikas, N., Kiselev, V.Y. et al. Fast searches of large collections of single-cell data using scfind. Nat Methods 18, 262–271 (2021).

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