Correction to: Oncogene (2017) 36, 4235–4242; doi:10.1038/onc.2016.394; published online 21 November 2016

Since the online publication of this article the authors noticed an incorrect version of Figure 4c was inadvertently included in Figure 4. Below is the corrected figure.

Figure 4
figure 1

Enrichment and correlation of CysDep and TNFα gene signatures in breast tumors and cancer cell lines. (a) The activities of CysDep gene signature in a data set of breast cancer cell lines in relation to ER status. (b) The correlation of CysDep and TNFα gene signatures in a panel of breast cancer cell lines. (c, d) The activities of CysDep gene signature in a data set of breast cancer relative to ER status (c) or intrinsic subtypes (d). (e) The correlations of CysDep and TNFα gene signature in a panel of breast tumor data sets. (f) Kaplan-Meyer survival curves of high and low CysDep-Sig breast tumors.32

This correction has no effects on the results/conclusions of the paper.

The authors would like to apologize for this error.