Correction to: Journal of Perinatology advance online publication, 15 June 2017; doi:10.1038/jp.2017.90

In the ‘Decision-making information’ section of Table 1, the n values for ‘Joint decision parent(s) and doctor, parental opinion decisive’ should be 12/54, not 13/54, and the percentage is therefore 22 instead of 23. The n values for ‘Joint decision parent(s) and doctor, both equally decisive’ should be 16/54, not 17/54. These changes also affect the last sentence of the first paragraph in the Results section (‘According to the parents, most decisions were made together by the doctor and parents (62%)’); the percentage should be 61%. The corrections to the percentages are slight and do not affect the conclusions of the paper. A corrected version of Table 1 is shown below. The authors regret the errors.

Table 1 Background of the participants