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Pediatric Transplants

Second allogeneic hematopoietic SCT for relapsed ALL in children


A second SCT is generally accepted as the only potentially curative approach for ALL patients that relapse after SCT, but the role of second SCT for pediatric ALL is not fully understood. We performed a retrospective analysis of 171 pediatric patients who received a second allo-SCT for relapsed ALL after allo-SCT. OS at 2 years was 29.4±3.7%, the cumulative incidence of relapse was 44.1±4.0% and non-relapse mortality was 18.8±3.5%. Relapse occurred faster after the second SCT than after the first SCT (117 days vs 164 days, P=0.04). Younger age (9 years or less), late relapse (180 days or more after first SCT), CR at the second SCT, and myeloablative conditioning were found to be related to longer survival. Neither acute GVHD nor the type of donor influenced the outcome of second SCT. Multivariate analysis showed that younger age and late relapse were associated with better outcomes. Our analysis suggests that second SCT for relapsed pediatric ALL is an appropriate treatment option for patients that have achieved CR, which is associated with late relapse after the first SCT.

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We thank all the clinicians and hospital and health center administrators who provided precise data via the registry of the Japan Society for Stem Cell Transplantation (JSHCT).

Author contributions: MK, YH, YO, YT, DH and KK designed the research; K Koh, JT, MI, HK, AO, YS, K Kawa, HY, HS and RS collected the data; and MK analyzed the data and wrote the paper. All authors discussed the results and commented on the paper.

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Correspondence to M Kato.

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Kato, M., Horikoshi, Y., Okamoto, Y. et al. Second allogeneic hematopoietic SCT for relapsed ALL in children. Bone Marrow Transplant 47, 1307–1311 (2012).

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