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  • Review Article
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The skeleton as an endocrine organ


Surprising new discoveries in the field of skeletal biology show that bone cells produce endocrine hormones that regulate phosphate and glucose homeostasis. In this Review, we examine the features of these new endocrine pathways and discuss their physiological importance in the context of our current understanding of energy metabolism and mineral homeostasis. Consideration of evolutionary and comparative biology provides clues that a key driving force for the emergence of these hormonal pathways was the development of a large, energy-expensive musculoskeletal system. Specialized bone cells also evolved and produced endocrine hormones to integrate the skeleton in global mineral and nutrient homeostasis. The recognition of bone as a true endocrine organ represents a fertile area for further research and should improve the diagnosis and treatment of metabolic diseases such as osteoporosis and diabetes mellitus.

Key Points

  • The endochondral skeleton evolved specialized bone cells (osteocytes), which produce endocrine hormones that integrate skeletal metabolism with global mineral and nutrient homeostasis

  • FGF23, made by osteocytes, regulates phosphate disposal from the body, providing an additional layer of control to aid parathyroid hormone in the maintenance of phosphate levels during bone resorption

  • Osteocalcin, produced by osteoblasts and osteocytes under the control of insulin, increases the efficiency of glucose utilization through its actions on the pancreas and adipocytes

  • Understanding the endocrine roles of the skeleton should improve the ability to diagnose and manage patients with a broad range of metabolic diseases, including osteoporosis and diabetes mellitus

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Figure 1: Microstructure and macrostructure of mammalian bone.
Figure 2: Integration of the skeleton in mineral and energy homeostasis.
Figure 3: The regulation of calcium and phosphate homeostasis by PTH, vitamin D and FGF23.
Figure 4: The osteocalcin axis in the regulation of energy metabolism by the skeleton.

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The authors wish to acknowledge grant support from the NIH: AR062074 (D. J. DiGirolamo); AR057868 (T. L. Clemens); and AR054447, AR055931 and AG032959 (S. Kousteni). T. L. Clemens is also the recipient of a Merit Review grant and Research Career Scientist Award from the Veterans Administration.

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Correspondence to Douglas J. DiGirolamo.

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DiGirolamo, D., Clemens, T. & Kousteni, S. The skeleton as an endocrine organ. Nat Rev Rheumatol 8, 674–683 (2012).

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