Articles in 2024

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  • Taking inspiration from the success of organic light-emitting diodes (LEDs), vapour deposition holds promises for bringing perovskite LEDs closer to commercialization. This Perspective article highlights the main bottlenecks and challenges towards high-efficiency vapour-deposited perovskite LEDs, as well as the prospects on the route towards commercial displays.

    • Jiajun Luo
    • Jinghui Li
    • Jiang Tang
  • Current interest in furthering space exploration is undoubtedly relevant to materials science research. However, as we stand on the brink of a revolution, it is imperative to establish robust frameworks to foster sustainable growth. In this Viewpoint, experts in space policy, environmental stewardship and ethics reflect on issues from space debris management to international collaboration and exploitation of extraterrestrial resources.

    • Martin Elvis
    • Moriba Jah
    • Kazuto Suzuki
  • For more than two decades, the crystallization of various (bio)molecules and materials have been found to be non-classical and to generate unique crystal structures and morphologies. This Review discusses the non-classical crystallization pathways discovered in soft and organic materials and identifies challenges and opportunities in understanding, designing and synthesizing such structures.

    • Jingshan S. Du
    • Yuna Bae
    • James J. De Yoreo
    Review Article
  • Peptides and nucleic acids inspired the creation of synthetic analogues that fold and assemble on demand. By contrast, programmable glycan architectures remain mostly unexplored. In this Perspective, the authors propose that advances in synthesis and analysis could fuel the use of well-defined glycans in materials science and supramolecular chemistry.

    • Surusch Djalali
    • Nishu Yadav
    • Martina Delbianco
  • Moisture-sorption-based energy harvesting (MSEH) is a promising strategy for obtaining heat, cold and electricity from ubiquitous moisture anywhere and anytime. This Perspective article discusses the thermodynamic characteristics of MSEH, evaluates global energy production potential and highlights challenges and strategies for realizing high-energy-productivity MSEH.

    • Jiaxing Xu
    • Pengfei Wang
    • Tingxian Li
  • Multijunction solar cells can overcome the fundamental efficiency limits of single-junction devices. This Perspective article highlights tandem solar cells based on a wide-gap perovskite and a narrow-gap organic subcell, which could achieve efficiencies beyond 30% and can be produced without large carbon emissions.

    • Kai O. Brinkmann
    • Pang Wang
    • Thomas Riedl
  • Materialism, a podcast exploring the past, present and future of materials science, is turning five. Co-founders and co-hosts Taylor Sparks (a professor at the University of Utah) and Andrew Falkowski (a PhD student in Sparks’ group) discuss how they use storytelling to create compelling episodes and share their journey and lessons learned.

    • Giulia Pacchioni
  • An article in Nature Machine Intelligence presents an adaptable method to control magnetic microrobots’ navigation using reinforcement learning.

    • Charlotte Allard
    Research Highlight
  • Minimally invasive surgery (MIS) lacks sufficient haptic feedback to the surgeon due to the length and flexibility of surgical tools. This haptic disconnect is exacerbated in robotic-MIS, which utilizes tele-operation to control surgical tools. Tactile sensation in MIS and robotic-MIS can be restored in a safe and conformable manner through soft sensors and soft haptic feedback devices.

    • Arincheyan Gerald
    • Sheila Russo
  • The production of conventional meat contributes to climate change and uses up around 70% of available arable land. Cultured meat is emerging as a potential solution, but presently can be only produced at the pilot scale. Biofabrication technologies developed for biomedical applications could be leveraged to introduce automation and standardization in the production of cultured meat, accelerating its path to market.

    • Simon Heine
    • Tilman Ahlfeld
    • Petra J. Kluger
  • Single-atom catalysts benefit from metal–support interactions that enable the support to be directly involved in the reaction, accelerating specific mechanistic steps to obtain unique electrocatalytic properties. This Review discusses state-of-the-art techniques for synthesizing active co-catalytic single-atom structures and explores the design strategies that enhance their catalytic performance.

    • Lucy Gloag
    • Samuel V. Somerville
    • Richard D. Tilley
    Review Article
  • An article in Nature Electronics introduces a single-step platform for integrating 2D materials into functional devices, addressing a fundamental constraint in van der Waals integration.

    • Chenyu Wang
    Research Highlight
  • An article in Advanced Healthcare Materials reports a 4D-printed hydrogel dressing that shrinks at body temperature and promotes healing in chronic diabetic wounds.

    • Ariane Vartanian
    In Brief
  • An article in Science reports an exceptionally warm and thin sweater knitted from stretchy aerogel fibres, whose core–shell structures are inspired by the fur of polar bears.

    • Ariane Vartanian
    In Brief
  • An article in Nature Communications reports 3D-printed personalized liver models that can self-heal and are as soft as real livers.

    • Ariane Vartanian
    In Brief
  • An article in Nature Communications reports a dynamic gelation strategy to fabricate strong aerogel fibres at high speed and large scale.

    • Ariane Vartanian
    In Brief