Articles in 2024

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  • Research papers can make a long-lasting impact when the code and software tools supporting the findings are made readily available and can be reused and built on. Our reusability reports explore and highlight examples of good code sharing practices.

  • Tailoring the alignment of large language models (LLMs) to individuals is a new frontier in generative AI, but unbounded personalization can bring potential harm, such as large-scale profiling, privacy infringement and bias reinforcement. Kirk et al. develop a taxonomy for risks and benefits of personalized LLMs and discuss the need for normative decisions on what are acceptable bounds of personalization.

    • Hannah Rose Kirk
    • Bertie Vidgen
    • Scott A. Hale
  • Speech technology offers many applications to enhance employee productivity and efficiency. Yet new dangers arise for marginalized groups, potentially jeopardizing organizational efforts to promote workplace diversity. Our analysis delves into three critical risks of speech technology and offers guidance for mitigating these risks responsibly.

    • Mike Horia Mihail Teodorescu
    • Mingang K. Geiger
    • Lily Morse
  • A classic question in cognitive science is whether learning requires innate, domain-specific inductive biases to solve visual tasks. A recent study trained machine-learning systems on the first-person visual experiences of children to show that visual knowledge can be learned in the absence of innate inductive biases about objects or space.

    • Justin N. Wood
    News & Views
  • Current limb-driven methods often result in suboptimal prosthetic motions. Kühn and colleagues develop a framework called synergy complement control (SCC) that advances prosthetics by learning ‘cyborg’ limb-driven control, ensuring natural coordination. Validated in diverse trials, SCC offers reliable and intuitive enhancement for limb functionality.

    • Johannes Kühn
    • Tingli Hu
    • Sami Haddadin
    ArticleOpen Access
  • Modelling the statistical and geometrical properties of particle trajectories in turbulent flows is key to many scientific and technological applications. Li and colleagues introduce a data-driven diffusion model that can generate high-Reynolds-number Lagrangian turbulence trajectories with statistical properties consistent with those of the training set and even generalize to rare, intense events unseen during training.

    • T. Li
    • L. Biferale
    • M. Buzzicotti
    ArticleOpen Access
  • Fragment-based molecular design uses chemical motifs and combines them into bio-active compounds. While this approach has grown in capability, molecular linker methods are restricted to linking fragments one by one, which makes the search for effective combinations harder. Igashov and colleagues use a conditional diffusion model to link multiple fragments in a one-shot generative process.

    • Ilia Igashov
    • Hannes Stärk
    • Bruno Correia
    ArticleOpen Access
  • Identifying compounds in tandem mass spectrometry requires extensive databases of known compounds or computational methods to simulate spectra for samples not found in databases. Simulating tandem mass spectra is still challenging, and long-range connections in particular are difficult to model for graph neural networks. Young and colleagues use a graph transformer model to learn patterns of long-distance relations between atoms and molecules.

    • Adamo Young
    • Hannes Röst
    • Bo Wang
  • The 5′ untranslated region is a critical regulatory region of mRNA, influencing gene expression regulation and translation. Chu, Yu and colleagues develop a language model for analysing untranslated regions of mRNA. The model, pretrained on data from diverse species, enhances the prediction of mRNA translation activities and has implications for new vaccine design.

    • Yanyi Chu
    • Dan Yu
    • Mengdi Wang
  • Using machine learning methods to model interatomic potentials enables molecular dynamics simulations with ab initio level accuracy at a relatively low computational cost, but requires a large number of labelled training data obtained through expensive ab initio computations. Cui and colleagues propose a geometric learning framework that leverages self-supervised learning pretraining to enhance existing machine learning based interatomic potential models at a negligible additional computational cost.

    • Taoyong Cui
    • Chenyu Tang
    • Wanli Ouyang
  • The area under the receiver operating characteristic curve (AUROC) of the test set is used throughout machine learning (ML) for assessing a model’s performance. However, when concordance is not the only ambition, this gives only a partial insight into performance, masking distribution shifts of model outputs and model instability.

    • Michael Roberts
    • Alon Hazan
    • Carola-Bibiane Schönlieb
  • Generative models for chemical structures are often trained to create output in the common SMILES notation. Michael Skinnider shows that training models with the goal of avoiding the generation of incorrect SMILES strings is detrimental to learning other chemical properties and that allowing models to generate incorrect molecules, which can be easily removed post hoc, leads to better performing models.

    • Michael A. Skinnider
    ArticleOpen Access
  • After several decades of developments in AI, has the inspiration that can be drawn from neuroscience been exhausted? Recent initiatives make the case for taking a fresh look at the intersection between the two fields.

  • An emerging research area in AI is developing multi-agent capabilities with collections of interacting AI systems. Andrea Soltoggio and colleagues develop a vision for combining such approaches with current edge computing technology and lifelong learning advances. The envisioned network of AI agents could quickly learn new tasks in open-ended applications, with individual AI agents independently learning and contributing to and benefiting from collective knowledge.

    • Andrea Soltoggio
    • Eseoghene Ben-Iwhiwhu
    • Soheil Kolouri
  • As the impacts of AI on everyday life increase, guidelines are needed to ensure ethical deployment and use of this technology. This is even more pressing for technology that interacts with groups that need special protection, such as children. In this Perspective Wang et al. survey the existing AI ethics guidelines with a focus on children’s issues, and provide suggestions for further development.

    • Ge Wang
    • Jun Zhao
    • Nigel Shadbolt