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Geometry-enhanced pretraining on interatomic potentials


Machine learning interatomic potentials (MLIPs) describe the interactions between atoms in materials and molecules by learning them from a reference database generated by ab initio calculations. MLIPs can accurately and efficiently predict such interactions and have been applied to various fields of physical science. However, high-performance MLIPs rely on a large amount of labelled data, which are costly to obtain by ab initio calculations. Here we propose a geometric structure learning framework that leverages unlabelled configurations to improve the performance of MLIPs. Our framework consists of two stages: first, using classical molecular dynamics simulations to generate unlabelled configurations of the target molecular system; and second, applying geometry-enhanced self-supervised learning techniques, including masking, denoising and contrastive learning, to capture structural information. We evaluate our framework on various benchmarks ranging from small molecule datasets to complex periodic molecular systems with more types of elements. We show that our method significantly improves the accuracy and generalization of MLIPs with only a few additional computational costs and is compatible with different invariant or equivariant graph neural network architectures. Our method enhances MLIPs and advances the simulations of molecular systems.

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Fig. 1: Overview.
Fig. 2: Results on ISO17 dataset.
Fig. 3: Projection of the pretraining and fine-tuning data onto the embedding of the SchNet-GPIP model.

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Data availability

The data used for pretraining and downstream tasks are available in the figshare database: (ref. 48).

Code availability

The source code of the GPIP framework is available at GitHub: (ref. 49).


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This work was supported by the National Key R&D Programme of China (Grant No. 2022ZD0160101). M.S. was partially supported by Shanghai Committee of Science and Technology, China (Grant No. 23QD1400900). T.C. and C.T. did this work during their internship at Shanghai Artificial Intelligence Laboratory.

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M.S. and S.Z. conceived the idea and led the research. T.C. developed the codes and trained the models. C.T. generated datasets and performed experiments and analyses. Y.L. and X.G. contributed technical ideas for datasets and experiments. L.B., Y.D. and W.O. contributed technical ideas for self-supervised methods. T.C., C.T., M.S. and S.Z. wrote the paper. All authors discussed the results and reviewed the manuscript.

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Correspondence to Mao Su or Shufei Zhang.

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Cui, T., Tang, C., Su, M. et al. Geometry-enhanced pretraining on interatomic potentials. Nat Mach Intell 6, 428–436 (2024).

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