
Time-resolved structure determination

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Time-resolved structure determination involves a range of techniques to capture and analyze the dynamic structural changes of molecules or materials over time. Methods include X-ray solution scattering and crystallography for the collection of rapid diffraction data during a (chemical) reaction or process; time-resolved spectroscopy for the monitoring of changes in light absorption, emission, or scattering; and ultrafast as well cryo electron microscopy for the capture of structural changes of proteins. Information about time-resolved structure has uses in fields as diverse as chemistry, materials science, and biology, and provide insights into reaction mechanisms, material behavior, and protein folding. New technology, much of it related to advances in computational hardware, is helping to improve time-resolved structure determination and contributing to research in these areas.

This Collection invites the submission of original research that either uses time-resolved structure determination as a main method of the study to address a research question or contributes to the development of methods used during ultra-fast structure determination.

Toll-like receptor 4 (TLR4, extracellular domain) bound to lipopolysaccharide (LPS) and MD-2. Involved in activating the innate immune system upon detecting LPS, a component of many gram-negative bacteria. 3D rendering based on protein data bank entry 3fxi. Combined cartoon and stick representation with backbone gradient coloring. Background black.


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