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New insights into β-cell failure, regeneration and replacement

In 2021, several discoveries shed light on the pathomechanisms of β-cell failure during the initiation and progression of diabetes mellitus, and validated novel molecular targets for intervention. Moreover, the field of stem-cell-derived replacements for β-cells is rapidly advancing. These advances bring us closer to therapies to protect and/or regenerate β-cell mass.

Key advances

  • Single-cell epigenomics and genome-wide association studies (GWAS) of type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1DM) detected enrichment of risk variants in cis-regulatory elements, implicating the contribution of pancreatic exocrine dysfunction to the development of T1DM2.

  • Combining single-cell epigenomics and GWAS of type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) identified a risk variant at the KCNQ1 locus, which impacts insulin synthesis3.

  • Multi-omics analysis of samples from deeply metabolically profiled individuals uncovered molecular changes associated with β-cell pathophysiology in T2DM and identified novel lipid biomarkers4.

  • The unexpected discovery of an insulin inhibitory receptor (inceptor) provided insights into how insulin signalling and the insulin receptor are regulated in β-cells7.

  • Ready-made microvessels improved the survival and function of transplanted stem-cell-derived islets and primary human islets into mice, enhancing T1DM remission9.

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Fig. 1: Novel approaches and targets for β-cell protection, regeneration and replacement.


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Bakhti, M., Lickert, H. New insights into β-cell failure, regeneration and replacement. Nat Rev Endocrinol 18, 79–80 (2022).

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