Table of contents

Volume 399 Number 6738 ppA1-A47



Neurological disorders pA1



New order from neurological disorders pA3

Donald L. Price



The changing landscape of ischaemic brain injury mechanisms pA7

Thrombolysis has become established as an acute treatment for human stroke. But despite multiple clinical trials, neuroprotective strategies have yet to be proved effective in humans. Here we discuss intrinsic tissue mechanisms of ischaemic brain injury, and present a perspective that broadening of therapeutic targeting beyond excitotoxicity and neuronal calcium overload will be desirable for developing the most effective neuroprotective therapies.

Jin-Moo Lee, Gregory J. Zipfel and Dennis W. Choi


Emerging insights into the genesis of epilepsy pA15

Epilepsies are a diverse collection of brain disorders that affect 1–2% of the population. Current therapies are unsatisfactory as they provide only symptomatic relief, are effective in only a subset of affected individuals, and are often accompanied by persistent toxic effects. It is hoped that insight into the cellular and molecular mechanisms of epileptogenesis will lead to new therapies, prevention, or even a cure. Emerging insights point to alterations of synaptic function and intrinsic properties of neurons as common mechanisms underlying the hyperexcitability in diverse forms of epilepsy.

James O. McNamara


Translating cell biology into therapeutic advances in Alzheimer's disease pA23

Dennis J. Selkoe


Prospects for new restorative and neuroprotective treatments in Parkinson's disease pA32

The degeneration of forebrain dopamine systems in Parkinson's disease has been an effective target for pharmaceutical research over the past four decades. However, although dopamine replacement may alleviate the symptoms of the disease, it does not halt the underlying neuronal degeneration. The past decade has seen major advances in identifying discrete genetic and molecular causes of parkinsonism and mapping the events involved in nigral cell death. This new understanding of the pathogenesis of the disease now offers novel prospects for therapy based on targeted neuroprotection of vulnerable neurons and effective strategies for their replacement.

Stephen B. Dunnett and Anders Björklund


Progress in determining the causes and treatment of multiple sclerosis pA40

John H. Noseworthy


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