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Anti-aging therapy for pulmonary fibrosis

Accelerated aging and cellular senescence are driving forces of pulmonary fibrosis. A novel anti-aging therapeutic approach combats lung fibrosis by targeting senescent fibrogenic cells for apoptosis.

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Fig. 1: Anti-aging therapy for pulmonary fibrosis.


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D.L. gratefully acknowledges funding support from the NIH (grant R01 HL147059-01), the start-up package from Massachusetts General Hospital and sponsored research grants from Boehringer Ingelheim.

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Correspondence to David Lagares.

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D.L. declares that he has received research funding from Boehringer Ingelheim, Indalo Therapeutics, Merck and Unity Biotechnology. D.L. has a financial interest in Mediar Therapeutics and Zenon Biotech. The companies are developing treatments for organ fibrosis. D.L.’s interests were reviewed and are managed by MGH and Partners HealthCare in accordance with their conflict of interest policies.

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Zhou, Y., Lagares, D. Anti-aging therapy for pulmonary fibrosis. Nat Aging 1, 155–156 (2021).

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