
Batch effect refers to technical variation or non-biological differences between measurements of different groups of samples. Although batch effect can be reduced by good experimental design, it is difficult to completely eradicate1. If this systematic bias is not removed, its effect can mask important biological differences (discussed in results section using colorectal cancer as an example), at worst resulting in misleading inferences and conclusions.

Many approaches have now been developed to remove batch effects from high-throughput genomic profiling datasets. Common methods include: combating batch effect (ComBat), an empirical Bayes method for batch correction on each gene2; distance-weighted discrimination (DWD), which employs support vector machines (SVMs) to find a hyper-plane separating the batches3 (both ComBat and DWD were used by us in multiple instances4,5,6,7); FAbatch, an extension of ComBat with batch-specific latent variables that is only suitable when the outcome of interest is known and binary8; mean-adjustment of microarray data by batches using prediction analysis of microarrays - PAM 9; gene standardisation by z-score 10; cross-platform normalisation (XPN), which is based on fitting a block linear model on clusters of features and samples from the different datasets to be merged11; and finally, PCA/singular value decomposition (SVD), which searches for directions of maximal variance associated with batch effect in the data space and removes them12, 13. The main drawback of PCA is that, if batch effect is not the greatest source of variability PCA fails as a batch correction method3. In addition, we are going to show that correcting batch effect by completely removing principal components (PCs) affected by batch can result in loss of essential non-technical information, as this variability may not be exclusively due to batch effect. At present ComBat is the standard method and it has been shown to outperform most of the available batch correction approaches1. Therefore, we have used ComBat to compare to our exploBATCH method.

Most batch effect studies focus on methods to remove systematic bias in high-throughput genomic data rather than on tools to detect, evaluate, or diagnose batch effect before and after correction. The current standard methods for detecting batch effect including PCA, dendrograms, boxplots, and density plots are based on visualisation and can only be regarded as explorative in nature10. PCA is the most standard approach in this setting and is based on visual inspection of the first few PCs10, 14. These ad hoc approaches can be subjective and, when within-batch variability is high relative to total batch variability, PCA usually provides inconclusive evidence of the presence of batch effect3, 14. Moreover, unnecessary batch correction can lead to unwarranted data distortion10.

There are few metrics available to investigate batch effect including: a) the mixture score, which uses a k-nearest neighbour-based distance metric to assess how samples from different batches mix15; b) the skewness divergence score (skewdiv), which measures the distributional differences between data from different batches8; c) average minimal distance to the other batch (avedist) which uses Euclidean distances to measure separation between batches8; and d) the Kullback-Leibler divergence score (klmetr), which assesses variability within and between batches16. However, none of these methods provide a formal statistical test to evaluate the presence of batch effect(s) in the data.

Principal variation component analysis (PVCA) is another batch evaluation method that identifies sources of variability in data1, 17. Specifically, PVCA is a multi-step method that initially reduces data dimensionality using PCA followed by estimating the variability associated with batches using a linear mixed model fitted on each PC1, 17. Finally, PVCA derives the proportion of variability associated with batch effect using the estimated batch variability from the linear mixed model and eigenvalues associated with each PC from PCA1. Although this method has been successfully applied to compare the performances of different batch correction methods, it has the following main limitations in diagnosing batch effects: (i) it involves multiple batch evaluation steps, which reduces statistical power; (ii) there is no standard approach for selecting the optimal number of PCs associated with the data; and (iii) it does not use a formal statistical test to assess the significance of the batch effects. Hence, there remains a need for methods that perform formal statistical testing to significantly evaluate/diagnose the batch effect(s) before and after batch correction.

Here we propose a new batch evaluation and correction approach called explore batch effect (exploBATCH) based on PPCCA, which we originally developed to discover metabolites associated with cancer phenotypes18. Since the PPCCA framework allows for incorporation of covariates into traditional PCA, findBATCH (within exploBATCH) employs PPCCA to evaluate and detect the presence of significant batch effects by statistically testing if the samples are distributed according to batches in the principal subspace. Reese et al. developed guided PCA (gPCA), an extension of traditional PCA, to discover batch effects in high-throughput genomic data14. However, although gPCA provides a permutation-based formal statistical test of batch effect, it is a global test on all the PCs. Instead, findBATCH statistically tests every PC for the presence of batch effect. Furthermore, we have developed a new method correctBATCH (a part of exploBATCH and again based on PPCCA) for batch correction that subtracts the batch effect on each affected PC to recover the batch-corrected expression data. We evaluate this package using examples from breast (GSE1276319, GSE1378720 and GSE2359321) and colorectal cancer (CRC; GSE1808822 and GSE2387823) and normal sample gene expression profiles.

Results and Discussion

Framework of exploBATCH for batch detection and correction

The main challenge in merging different datasets is detecting and correcting for systematic bias (due to the fact that data are generated from different sources, time points or platforms) without distorting important biological effects. The different steps involved in evaluating batch effect(s) in exploBATCH are illustrated in Fig. 1. First, each individual dataset is separately pre-processed and normalised according to the technology used and then pooled together based on common identifiers (probes or gene names). Second, findBATCH within exploBATCH is used to evaluate the existence of batch effect(s) in the data. The findBATCH function selects the optimal number of probabilistic (p)PCs (based on the highest Bayesian information criterion value; BIC; Nyamundanda et al., 2010)18 associated with PPCCA and exploits variability associated with the batch variable to quantify and test the effect of batch(es) in the data. The findBATCH function computes 95% confidence intervals (CI) around the estimated batch effect on each pPC. Those pPCs with 95% CI values not including zero are considered to have significant batch effect. Finally, if one or more batch effects exist, correctBATCH subtracts the effect of batch on each affected probabilistic principal component (pPC) to recover the batch-corrected expression data. ComBat (standard approach for batch correction in genomics1) was included as part of exploBATCH, however, any other batch correction method can be implemented within exploBATCH when required. Both findBATCH and correctBATCH are implemented in R statistical software as exploBATCH. The exploBATCH output includes: (i) Forest plots, showing estimated batch effect(s) with corresponding 95% CIs to identify pPCs significantly associated with batch; (ii) PCA and PPCCA plots before and after batch correction for visual inspection; and (iii) batch-corrected expression data using correctBATCH or ComBat. Overall, exploBATCH provides a framework for formal statistical testing to assess and quantitate the batch effect(s), which also allows for batch correction.

Figure 1
figure 1

Flowchart of steps within exploBATCH. A schematic representation of the steps involved within exploBATCH for batch detection, quantitation and correction.

Demonstration of exploBATCH

Detecting, quantitating and correcting for batch effect - merging three breast cancer gene expression datasets

In this example using breast cancer datasets with batch effect, we demonstrate the utility of exploBATCH in detecting, estimating and correcting for batch effect. We also compared results of exploBATCH to other commonly used methods – ComBat and gPCA. Initially, we sought to merge gene expression data (profiled using Affymetrix GeneChip® Human Genome U133 Plus 2.0 Array, 20,155 genes) generated from primary human breast tumors from three different studies of 70 samples (GSE1276319, n = 30; GSE1378720, n = 22; and GSE2359321, n = 18; after microarray quality control; see Materials and Methods). It can be clearly seen in Fig. 2A and Supplementary Figure 1 that clustering of samples in the principal subspace (defined by the first two PCs) was exclusively driven by batch effect, which is due to merging data from different sources. However, in situations where batch effect is not the greatest source of variability, PCA may fail to reveal any underlying clustering structure due to batch effect3. Consequently, findBATCH was applied as a formal statistical test to detect the presence of batch effect in this pooled dataset, by determining the lower dimensional representation of the data affected by batch effect. The BIC plot in Fig. 2B shows that the first five pPCs (with the highest BIC value) explained most of the data variability. The 95% CIs of the estimated regression coefficients associated with batch effect in Fig. 2C (forest plot showing the results of findBATCH, which allow us to quantify batch effect and perform formal statistical tests) are used to assess the effect of batch on each of the five pPCs. Fig. 2C shows significant batch effects in pPC1, pPC2 and pPC4 (since their corresponding 95% CIs did not include zero). We further assessed batch effect using another method, gPCA 14, and it showed a p-value less than 0.001, representing the presence of significant batch effect in these pooled dataset, which is consistent with findBATCH analysis (Fig. 2C). However, unlike findBATCH, gPCA method does not assess the effect of batch on individual PCs. Overall; this establishes the presence of batch effect in the pooled breast cancer dataset.

Figure 2
figure 2

Detection of batch effect in pooled breast cancer gene expression datasets. (A) A PCA plot showing clustering of samples according to batches (three breast cancer datasets – GSE23593, GSE13787 and GSE12763). (B) BIC values from findBATCH showing the optimal number of pPCs for pooled/merged (three) datasets. The higher the BIC value, the better the model. The red dashed vertical line identifies the optimal number of pPCs. (C). A forest plot depicting different pPCs from findBATCH applied to quantify batch effect before correction.

In order to correct batch effect in this pooled dataset, we applied our correctBATCH method, which subtracts the effect of batch in the principal subspace. The performance of correctBATCH was compared to ComBat, the current standard approach to batch correction1, and traditional PCA correction12, 13. Although visually inspecting PCA plots in Fig. 3A and B highlighted no batch effect (mixing of samples from different batches) after applying both correctBATCH and ComBat, formal statistical tests were carried out again using findBATCH to assess for any residual batch effect. None of the five pPCs were significantly associated with batch effect after applying the two batch correction methods (95% CIs in Fig. 3C do include zero for all pPCs), confirming the removal of batch effect. We also applied gPCA to assess if batch effect has been corrected. A gPCA p-value was 1 for both batch correction methods (Fig. 3C), also confirming that batch effect has been removed. The performance of the two batch correction approaches - correctBATCH and ComBat - in this dataset was generally comparable with a correlation coefficient of 0.96 (Fig. 3D). However, data corrected for batch effect using PCA approach (removing the eigen vectors associated with batch effect12, 13) had very low correlation with correctBATCH (Pearson correlation coefficient = 0.35) and ComBat (Pearson correlation coefficient = 0.26) corrected data, Supplementary Figure 2A and B, respectively. This low correlation could be due to the loss of important biological information when the affected PCs are completely removed in PCA approach. We will demonstrate this in the next example.

Figure 3
figure 3

Correction of batch effect in pooled breast cancer gene expression datasets. (A,B) PCA plots highlight clustering of samples (three breast cancer datasets – GSE23593, GSE13787 and GSE12763) after batch correction using correctBATCH (A) and ComBat (B). (C) A forest plot depicting different pPCs from findBATCH for assessing batch effect after correction using both correctBATCH (blue) or ComBat (green). The gPCA p-values for the corrected data using correctBATCH (blue) or ComBat (green) are also shown. (D) A plot showing Pearson correlation between correctBATCH and ComBat batch corrected data.

Overall, this example demonstrates how exploBATCH can be used to: (i) statistically test (instead of simple visual inspection) and quantitate the presence of batch effect using findBATCH, and (ii) correct for batch effect using correctBATCH.

Batch vs. biological effect - merging two colorectal cancer gene expression datasets

When clustering gene expression data containing a mixture of different samples (normal and tumor), tumors typically cluster away from the normal samples; here we refer to this as the “normal/tumor biological effect”. If experiments are not carefully designed, it can be difficult to distinguish biological effects from batch effects. In this example, we demonstrate how exploBATCH can be used to disentangle biological variability from batch variability.

Two gene expression datasets (GSE1808822 and GSE2387823; Affymetrix GeneChip® Human Genome U133 Plus 2.0 Array) consisting of 52 and 58 samples, respectively, (after microarray data analysis quality control; see Materials and Methods) were pooled together. Whilst all of the 52 samples from GSE18088 were CRCs, 24 of 58 GSE23878 samples were from normal tissues and the rest were tumor samples (after quality control of the data; see Materials and Methods). Here the aim is to assess whether (i) findBATCH can distinguish batch effect from biological effect; and (ii) the correction of batch effect using correctBATCH retains the normal/tumor biological effect.

Although Fig. 4A and Supplementary Figure 3 highlight batch effect, as samples from GSE23878 dataset clustered away from GSE18088 samples in the first PC, it is difficult to differentiate normal/tumor biological effect from batch effect by visual inspection alone as some normal samples are mixing with tumors. findBATCH was applied to detect batch effect in this pooled dataset with two different variables (batch and normal/tumor) as covariates in the PPCCA model. The presence of the normal/tumor variable allowed us to assess if batch correction using either correctBATCH or ComBat retained biological effect. The optimal number of pPCs for this dataset was nine (BIC plot in Fig. 4B). Whilst the first two of the nine pPCs (pPC1 and pPC2) were significantly associated (95% CIs don’t contain zero) with the batch variable (Fig. 4C), confirming the presence of batch effect in the data, the first three pPCs (pPC1, pPC2 and pPC3) were also associated with the normal/tumor biological effect (Fig. 4D ). Hence, batch and biological effects are entangled in the first two PCs, which makes PCA-based batch correction challenging.

Figure 4
figure 4

Detection of batch effect in CRC and normal gene expression datasets. (A) A PCA plot showing clustering of samples according to batches (the two CRC datasets – GSE18088 and GSE23878) in the principal subspace defined by the first two PCs. The filled squares identify normal samples and the filled circles identify tumors. (B) BIC values from findBATCH showing the optimal number of pPCs for pooled/merged datasets. The higher the BIC value, the better the model. The red dashed vertical line identifies the optimal number of pPCs to be nine. (C,D) Forest plots depicting different pPCs from findBATCH applied to quantify (C) batch and (D) normal/biological effect using uncorrected CRC pooled dataset (GSE18088 and GSE23878). pPCs are considered significant only if 95% CIs do not include zero.

In order to efficiently remove the effect of batch whilst retaining biological effects in the data, we applied correctBATCH, which removes the effect of batch in each pPC, as well as ComBat to assess if the two methods retain biological effect in the data after batch correction. The results of batch correction using these two methods are shown in Fig. 5. Since PCA does not provide a measure to assess the presence of batch effect, it is not easy to conclude from PCA plots in Fig. 5A and B that batch effect has been completely corrected. However, formal statistical tests using findBATCH confirmed no significant batch affect (95% CIs in Fig. 5C and D, in blue, do include zero) after applying correctBATCH and ComBat. Global test of batch effect on all PCs using gPCA also confirmed no significant batch effect left in correctBATCH and ComBat corrected data with p-values of 1.000 and 0.908 (Fig. 5C and D), respectively. Crucially, both batch correction methods managed to retain the normal/tumor biological effect (95% CIs in Fig. 5C and D, in orange, do not include zero). Interestingly, the resolution of normal/tumor biological effect in the data improved after batch correction (Fig. 5C and D; at least one additional pPC was associated with biological effect) compared to that before correction (Fig. 4D ). The performance of correctBATCH and ComBat was comparable with high Pearson correlation coefficient of 0.95 (Fig. 5E).

Figure 5
figure 5

Correction of batch effect in CRC and normal gene expression datasets whilst retaining biological effects. (A,B) PCA plots showing clustering of samples (the two CRC datasets – GSE18088 and GSE23878) after batch correction using correctBATCH (A) and ComBat (B). (C,D) Forest plots from findBATCH show batch (blue) and normal/tumor biological effect (orange) associated with batch corrected data from (C) correctBATCH and (D) ComBat. pPCs are considered significant only if 95% CIs do not include zero. The gPCA p-values of 1.000 and 0.908 for correctBATCH and ComBat, respectively, are shown. (E) A plot showing Pearson correlation between batch-corrected data from correctBATCH and ComBat methods.

However, when PCA-based batch correction was applied to the pooled colorectal data, the results did not correlate well with those of correctBATCH and ComBat (Supplementary Figure 4), with Pearson correlation of 0.36 and 0.23, respectively. We further assessed batch effect on the pooled data using findBATCH after PCA-based correction. We observed that only the first probabilistic component (pPC1) from findBATCH was associated with the normal/tumor biological effect, as shown in Fig. 6A. In Fig. 6B, this pPC1 only explains less than a tenth (9%) of the total variability in the data corrected for batch effect using PCA. On the other hand, correctBATCH and ComBat-based batch effect correction of the same data showed additional three pPCs (pPC2, pPC3 and pPC4 in correctBATCH; and pPC2, pPC3 and pPC5 in ComBat; Fig. 5C and D) associated with a total of 30% and 27% variability of normal/tumor biological effects, respectively. This loss of information in pPC1 of PCA-based batch correction can be explained by the fact that, since batch and biological effects were coupled in pPC1 and pPC2 (as shown in Fig. 4C and D), PCA-based batch correction of simply discarding these two PCs resulted in loss of important normal/tumor biological effect in these two components.

Figure 6
figure 6

PCA-based batch correction loses biological information. (A) A forest plot depicting different pPCs from findBATCH applied to assess normal/tumor biological effect after PCA-based batch correction (applied on CRC pooled dataset from - GSE18088 and GSE23878 datasets). pPCs are considered significant only if 95% CIs do not include zero. (B) A plot showing the cumulative proportion of variation (PoVs) for the first nine PCs (from PCA) for the uncorrected (red) and corrected (using PCA corrected; blue, correctBATCH; green and ComBat; violet) CRC pooled data for batch effect. The quadrants highlight the cumulative PoVs for PCs associated with normal/tumor biological effect in PCA (9%; blue), correctBATCH (30%; green), and ComBat (27%; purple) corrected data.

Overall, this example demonstrates that findBATCH from exploBATCH tool can effectively differentiate batch variability from biological variability to determine and quantitate batch effect in the data. It also detects batch effect even when the results of visual inspection are inconclusive. Moreover, the PPCCA model in correctBATCH (from exploBATCH tool) allows for correction of batch effect without distorting important biological structures in the data.


Here, to our knowledge for the first time, we establish a method to evaluate or diagnose batch effect(s) in genomic data at the level of individual PCs. Our method allows for both visual inspection and formal statistical testing of batch effect(s) before and after batch correction. The two methods, findBATCH and correctBATCH, within the package exploBATCH were applied successfully to the two gene expression datasets (breast and colorectal cancer/normal samples) to diagnose and correct for batch effect, respectively. The correctBATCH framework allows for removal of batch effect(s) in genomic data without compromising biological effect, provided that the experiments are designed to properly distinguish between batch and biological effects.

Materials and Methods

Samples and pre-processing

All the datasets used are publicly available. The three datasets in the first example, GSE1276319, GSE1378720, and GSE2359321, are human breast cancer samples. The gene expression profiles for these breast cancer samples were performed using Affymetrix GeneChip® Human Genome U133 Plus 2.0 Array. The replicate samples were removed from GSE23593 as indicated in GEO Omnibus leading to a total of 18 samples. The samples were pre-processed and normalized using robust multi-array average (RMA)24 using R and Bioconductor25. One sample (GSM346904) from GSE13787 had normalized unscaled standard error (NUSE; as a part of the affyPLM 26, 27 package from Bioconductor) median score greater than 1.05, which was removed, leading to a total of 22 samples. GSE12763 had 30 samples. A single probe with highest variation was selected for those genes with multiple probes before merging different datasets. In addition, those probes with gene name not annotated by the HUGO gene nomenclature committee (HGNC)28 were removed.

For the second example on colorectal cancer, we chose two gene expression data sets (GSE1808822 and GSE2387823; Affymetrix GeneChip® Human Genome U133 Plus 2.0 Array) with 53 and 59 samples, respectively. Two samples, one each from GSE18088 and GSE23878, had NUSE median score greater than 1.05, hence were removed from analysis. All 52 samples from the GSE18088 data were primary CRC tumors whilst 24 of 58 GSE23878 samples were normal samples and rest of the samples were matched tumor samples. Again, each of the datasets was pre-processed and normalized using RMA as described above.

Probabilistic principal component and covariates analysis

Suppose we have measurements, y i  = (y i1y ip) T, taken on a large number of p correlated variables (i.e. genes) and corresponding phenotypes (i.e. covariates), x i  = (x i1x il) T, recorded on a sample i. PPCCA18 can be used to model the relationship between the expression data matrix Y = (y 1 y n) T and covariates X = (x 1 x l) T where n is the number of samples and l is the number of covariates plus an intercept term. High-dimensional data point y i is modeled as a linear function of the corresponding low-dimensional probabilistic principal component (pPC) score u i  = (u i1 u iq) T (also known as scores in PCA), whilst the pPC score, u i , is modeled as a linear function of covariates x i , plus some unexplained additional sources of variation ξ i  = (ξ i1 …ξ ip )T and ε i  = (ε i1 …ε iq ) T, respectively, where, q « p. The PPCCA model can be written as follows,

$${\mathop{y}\limits_{\_}}_{i}={\bf{W}}{\mathop{u}\limits_{\_}}_{i}+\mathop{\mu }\limits_{\_}+{\mathop{\xi }\limits_{\_}}_{i},$$
$${\mathop{u}\limits_{\_}}_{i}=\beta {\mathop{x}\limits_{\_}}_{i}+{\mathop{\varepsilon }\limits_{\_}}_{i},$$

where W is a p × q loadings matrix, μ is a p dimensional mean vector of the data and β is a q × l regression coefficients matrix quantifying the relationship between the pPC score u i and covariates x i . The pPC score, observed errors, and the pPC errors are assumed  to be from multivariate normal distribution (MVN), u i  ~ MVNq (β x i , I), ξ i  ~ MVNp (0, σ2 I) and ε i ~ MVNq (0, I), where I is an identity matrix and σ2 is the residual variance. For a more detailed description of the PPCCA model see Nyamundanda et al.18.

Explore batch (exploBATCH) package

Approaches in exploBATCH R package, to quantitate and correct batch effect, are based on the PPCCA model18. Firstly, the PPCCA model is applied to detect batch effect in the dataset. This is achieved by carrying out a formal statistical test to determine if samples are distributed according to batches in the principal subspace defined by the PPCCA model. Since the PPCCA allows for incorporation of covariates in PCA, the batch variable(s) can be tested if it is significantly associated with any of the pPCs from PPCCA using the following test statistic created under the null hypothesis of no batch effect,

$${{\rm{\Delta }}}_{bk}=({\beta }_{bk})/SE({\beta }_{bk})$$

where β bk is the regression coefficient that quantifies batch effect b on k th pPC, and SE is the corresponding standard error. If this test statistic is significant (5% significance level) for any of the pPCs it confirms the presence of batch effect in the data. Secondly, the effect of batch is removed on those pPCs significantly associated with the batch variable of interest using PPCCA (implemented as correctBATCH within exploBATCH R package) as follows,

$${\underline{u}}_{ck}={\underline{u}}_{ak}-{\underline{{\rm{x}}}}_{b}{{\boldsymbol{\beta }}}_{bk}$$

where u ak and u ck is a vector of scores of k th pPC affected and corrected for batch effect, respectively, whilst x b is the variable defining batches. Finally, correctBATCH recovers the batch effect corrected expression data by using the PPCCA model to predict the observed data but conditioning on the scores, u = (u c , u u ), where u c is scores of corrected and u u is uncorrected pPCs.

In order to improve the speed of matrix multiplications and inversions in exploBATCH, Rcpp29 packages (such as RcppArmadillo 30 and RcppEigen 31), which allow calling C++ functions in R, were adopted in exploBATCH to fit the PPCCA model from MetabolAnalyze 18 package. R packages such as, foreach 32 and doParallel 33, were implemented in exploBATCH to allow for multi-threading when selecting the optimal number of pPCs and estimating parameter uncertainty. This drastically improved the computational efficiency of exploBATCH, compared to MetabolAnalyze package that includes PPCCA. The other information and bottlenecks associated with exploBATCH implementation are available in the supplementary information (Supplementary Figures 5 and 6).

Other R packages in exploBATCH include, SVA 34 for ComBat, STATS 25 for PCA, and MASS 35 for generating data from a multivariate Gaussian distribution. The exploBATCH package is available as an R package on github (