
Innate social behaviors, such as mating, fighting and parenting, are indispensable for the survival and propagation of a species and, therefore, are present widely in the animal kingdom. These behaviors are considered innate as they can take place without learning, although the efficiency in performing these behaviors can be improved with repeated execution1. The developmental mechanisms for the establishment of innate social behaviors and the role of experience in shaping these circuits remain poorly understood.

An array of interconnected brain regions, collectively called the social behavior network (SBN), was proposed to be important for diverse social behaviors2,3. The medial amygdala (MeA), especially its posterior division (MeAp), is considered a key node of the SBN based on its connectivity, activity, gonadal hormone receptor expression and numerous lesion studies2. MeA is the primary recipient of accessory olfactory bulb (AOB) inputs, the exclusive relay of the vomeronasal organ (VNO) specialized in detecting pheromones4. Volatile information also reaches MeA cells via the cortical amygdala5,6. Consistent with the strong olfactory inputs, immediate early gene mapping, in vivo electrophysiological recordings and Ca2+ imaging have all revealed increased MeA activity after exposure to conspecific and heterospecific chemosensory cues6,7,8,9,10. Unsurprisingly, MeA lesion causes deficits in multiple social behaviors, including male sexual behavior, aggression and maternal behaviors11,12,13,14,15. These studies collectively support an important role for the MeA in processing and relaying olfactory information related to conspecifics.

Recent functional experiments suggest a more direct role of the MeAp in driving social behaviors. Hong et al.16 first showed that optogenetic activation of GABAergic MeAp cells acutely induced mounting or attack in male mice depending on stimulation intensity. Later, Unger et al.17 reported that silencing or ablating aromatase-expressing MeAp cells decreased aggression in both sexes. Work from three recent studies18,19,20 found that activation of the projection from MeANpy1r, MeAD1R or MeACaMKII cells to the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis (BNST) promoted male aggression. Beyond aggression, MeA GABAergic cells were also found to drive pup grooming, infanticide and allogrooming21,22.

These results raised several questions regarding the MeA function in social behaviors. First, are there dedicated MeA subpopulations for distinct social behaviors, or can any random subsets of MeA cells generate any social behavior in a context-dependent and intensity-dependent manner? An answer to this question remains unclear as activating multiple subpopulations of MeA cells can all induce aggression17,18,19,20, whereas activating the same GABAergic MeA population induces diverse social behaviors16,21,22. Second, how much of the MeA cell response is developmentally hardwired versus determined by adult experience? Choi et al.7 found that MeA cells relevant for social behaviors and predator defense are marked by different members of the Lhx family of transcription-factor-encoding genes, suggesting developmental hardwiring of social versus non-social signals. However, recent imaging studies revealed that MeA cell responses to social stimuli could be altered with adult experience, suggesting that the exact social response of MeA cells may not be pre-determined10.

Taken together, despite being a central node of the SBN, how the MeA mediates social behaviors remains elusive. We previously identified two distinct MeA populations that arise from separate embryonic lineages in the telencephalic preoptic area (POA), marked by the transcription factors Dbx1 and Foxp2 (refs. 9,23). In adults, although Dbx1 is no longer expressed in the MeA, Dbx1 lineage cells remain distinct from Foxp2-expressing cells despite being spatially intermingled9 (Fig. 1). Addtionally, these two subpopulations differ in their gene expression patterns and intrinsic electrophysiological properties9. Therefore, we reason that these two developmentally distinct and transcriptionally defined subpopulations could provide a unique opportunity to address whether social cue representation and social function of MeA cells are predetermined by their developmental lineage. In the present study, we compared the neuronal responses, functions and connectivity of MeADbx1 and MeAFoxp2 cells in male social behaviors and revealed the response pattern of MeAFoxp2 cells over development. Our findings highlight the interplay between nature (development) versus nurture (experience) in shaping social sensory representations, supporting a framework by which neuronal function and circuitry are developmentally defined.

Fig. 1: MeAFoxp2 and MeADbx1 cells are essentially non-overlapping transcriptionally defined subpopulations.
figure 1

a, Immunostaining of Foxp2 and GFP (Dbx1-derived cells) in the MeAp of Dbx1cre;Ai6 male mice. Left bottom shows the enlarged view of boxed areas. b, Percentage of MeAFoxp2 and MeADbx1 cells in the total MeAp population. c, The number of Foxp2-only, Dbx1-derived-only and double-positive cells in each side of the MeAp from bregma −1.4 mm to −2.1 mm. d, The total number of counted Foxp2-only, Dbx1-derived-only and double-positive cells in each side of the posterodorsal and posteroventral MeA (MeApd and MeApv). e, The total number of Foxp2-only, Dbx1-derived-only and double-positive cells in each side of the MeAp. f, Immunostaining of Foxp2 (magenta) and GFP (marking Vgat or Vglut2, cyan) in the MeA of Vgatcre;Ai6 or Vglut2cre;Ai6 male mice. The left bottom shows the enlarged view of boxed areas. g, Percentage of MeAFoxp2 cells overlapping with Vgat+ or Vglut2+ cells in the MeAp. h, Percentage of Foxp2+Vgat+ cells over the total Foxp2+ cells in the MeApd and MeApv. i, Percentage of Foxp2+Vglut2+ cells over the total Foxp2+ cells in the MeApd and MeApv. j, Triple in situ hybridization of Vgat (left, orange), Vglut2 (right, orange) and GFP (marking Dbx1-derived cells, green) in the MeAp of Dbx1cre;Ai6 male mice. Left bottom shows the enlarged view of boxed areas. k, Percentage of MeADbx1 cells overlapping with Vgat+ or Vglut2+ cells in the MeAp. l, Percentage of Dbx1-derived+Vgat+ cells over the total Dbx1-derived cells in the MeApd and MeApv. m, Percentage of Dbx1-derived+Vglut2+ cells over the total Dbx1-derived cells in the MeApd and MeApv. For be and gi, every third of 50-µm brain sections was counted. For km, every sixth of 20-µm brain sections was counted. The Allen Brain Reference Atlas was used to determine the MeAp subdivisions. n, number of animals. n = 3 mice for all groups. b, Unpaired t-test, P = 0.0018. gi,km, Paired t-tests; P = 0.0004 (g), P = 0.0132 (h), P = 0.0075 (k). All statistical tests are two-tailed. Data are mean ± s.e.m. *P < 0.05, **P < 0.01, ***P < 0.001, otherwise P > 0.05. See Source Data Fig. 1 for more detailed statistics.

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Distribution of MeADbx1 and MeAFoxp2 cells in male mice

To visualize the spatial distribution of MeADbx1 and MeAFoxp2 cells in adults, we crossed Dbx1cre mice24 with a ZsGreen reporter line (Ai6)25 and immunostained for Foxp2. MeADbx1 cells make up approximately 28% of total posterior MeA cells (MeAp, bregma level −1.4 mm to −2.1 mm) and are found in both dorsal and ventral subdivisions (MeApd and MeApv) (Fig. 1a–c). In comparison, MeAFoxp2 cells are relatively fewer, constituting only 10% of MeAp cells and largely absent from caudal MeA (Fig. 1a–c). Between MeApd and MeApv, both MeADbx1 and MeAFoxp2 cells show a dorsal bias, with approximately twice as many cells in MeApd than MeApv (Fig. 1d). Along the medial-lateral axis of the MeApd, the MeAFoxp2 cells are generally located more laterally than MeADbx1 cells as reflected by their longer distances to the optic tract at multiple bregma levels (Extended Data Fig. 1a–f). Along the dorsal-ventral axis of the MeApd, the MeAFoxp2 cells are located more dorsally than the MeADbx1 cells (Extended Data Fig. 1g–l). Notably, consistent with our previous study, MeADbx1, and MeAFoxp2 are largely distinct, even when they occupy the same MeA region (Fig. 1c–e). Of all MeAFoxp2 and MeADbx1 cells, only 1.8% are double positive.

MeADbx1 and MeAFoxp2 cells in male mice are predominantly GABAergic

Our previous study showed that both MeAp Foxp2 and Dbx1-derived cells are enriched with markers for inhibitory neurons—for example, calbindin and nNOS9,23. To determine the neurotransmitter type of MeAFoxp2 cells more directly, we immunostained Foxp2 in Vgatcre;Ai6+/− and Vglut2cre;Ai6+/− male mice. We observed that 76% of the total MeAFoxp2 subpopulation is GABAergic, whereas only 5% is glutamatergic (Fig. 1f,g). Within MeAp subdivisions, there is a significantly higher percentage of Foxp2+Vgat+ double-labeled cells in the MeApd (84%) than in the MeApv (66%) and a higher percentage of MeA Foxp2+Vglut2+ cells in the MeApv (12%) than in the MeApd (2%) (Fig. 1f,h,i). We next performed in situ hybridization for Vglut2+ and Vgat+ mRNA in Dbx1cre;Ai6+/− male mice and found that the MeADbx1 subpopulation is also primarily GABAergic. Eighty-two percent of Dbx1-derived cells are Vgat+, and only 12% are Vglut2+ (Fig. 1j,k). Within MeA subdivisions, 87% and 7% of MeApd Dbx1-derived cells are Vgat+ and Vglut2+, respectively, whereas 66% and 27% of MeApv Dbx1-derived cells express Vgat and Vglut2, respectively (Fig. 1j,l,m). We note that Vgat+ and Vglut2+ MeADbx1 (or MeAFoxp2) cells do not add up to 100%. This could be because (1) some MeADbx1 or MeAFoxp2 cells are non-neuronal—previous work suggested that approximately 80% of the total MeAFoxp2 cells express NeuN, a neuronal marker9; and (2) some Vgat+ or Vglut2+ cells might be missed due to their low mRNA or protein levels. Overall, these data suggest that both MeADbx1 and MeAFoxp2 are primarily GABAergic.

Distinct MeAFoxp2 and MeADbx1 cell responses to social sensory cues

To address whether MeAFoxp2 and MeADbx1 are hardwired to respond to different social cues, we recorded the Ca2+ activity of each population in naive adult male mice using fiber photometry while presenting various social stimuli in a pseudo-random order (Fig. 2a). Naive mice are animals without any social interaction with other conspecifics, except with their dams and littermates. To ensure that any response difference is not due to behavior differences toward different social stimuli, we head-fixed the recording animals and presented anesthetized social stimuli along a linear track so that the onset, offset and duration of the stimulus presentation were precisely controlled (Fig. 2a). To record MeAFoxp2 cells, we injected a GCaMP6f virus into the MeA of Foxp2cre male mice26 (Foxp2GCaMP). To record MeADbx1 cells, we generated Dbx1cre;LSL-FlpO mice. In these animals, the transient Cre expression during embryogenesis, when Dbx1 is expressed, drives permanent Flp expression, allowing targeting of Dbx1-derived cells in adult mice27. We then injected a GCaMP6f virus into the MeA of Dbx1cre;LSL-FlpO male mice (Dbx1GCaMP) (Fig. 2b). Histological analysis revealed that 88% of GCaMP6f cells express Foxp2 in Foxp2GCaMP mice, whereas only 5% of GCaMP6f cells were co-labeled with Foxp2 in Dbx1GCaMP mice, confirming the specificity of the recorded populations (Fig. 2c,d).

Fig. 2: Distinct responses to social cues of MeAFoxp2 and MeADbx1 cells in head-fixed naive mice.
figure 2

a, Schematics showing the timeline of stimulus presentation. b, Schematics of viral injection strategy for targeting MeAFoxp2 and MeADbx1 cells. c, Representative histology images of viral injection, denoting GCaMP6f expression (green), Foxp2 antibody (red) and DAPI (blue) staining in Foxp2cre and Dbx1cre;LSL-FlpO mice. White dotted lines mark the optic fiber tracks. d, Percentage of cells co-expressing Foxp2 and GCaMP6f over the total number of GCaMP6f cells in the MeA of Foxp2cre and Dbx1cre;LSL-FlpO mice. e1e4, Top, representative Ca2+ traces of MeAFoxp2 cells during the presentation of an adult male (e1), an adult female (e2), a pup (e3) and an object (e4). Colored shades represent the duration of the stimulus presentation. Bottom, corresponding heat maps of the z-scored Ca2+ responses (Fz) per animal before and after the onset of each stimulus in MeAFoxp2 cells. f1f4, Responses of MeADbx1 cells to various stimuli in head-fixed naive male mice. g,h, Average peri-stimulus histograms (PSTHs) of Ca2+ signals from MeAFoxp2 (g) and MeADbx1 (h) cells aligned to the onset (left) and offset (right) of various stimulus presentations. Open circles indicate significantly increased responses (q < 0.05) from the baseline (Fz = 0). Colored lines and shades represent mean responses ± s.e.m. across animals. Dashed lines mark time 0. i,j, Peak Fz signal of MeAFoxp2 (i) and MeADbx1 (j) cells during the presentation of social and non-social stimuli. k, PI of MeAFoxp2 and MeADbx1 cells to different social stimuli. For example, PImale is calculated as (Fzmale − 0.5 × (Fzfemale + Fzpup)) / (|Fzmale| + 0.5 × |Fzfemale + Fzpup|). d, Unpaired t-test. gh, One-sample t-test for each stimulus with a null hypothesis Fz = 0, corrected for repeated testing with FDR of 0.05. i,j, One-way repeated-measures ANOVA followed by Tukey’s multiple comparisons tests; P < 0.0001 (i) and P = 0.0004 (j) (interaction term). k, Two-way repeated-measures ANOVA followed by Sidak’s multiple comparison tests; P = 0.0006 (interaction term). All statistical tests are two-tailed. n, number of animals. Data are mean ± s.e.m; *P < 0.05, **P < 0.01, ***P < 0.001, ****P < 0.0001, otherwise P > 0.05. See Source Data Fig. 2 for more detailed statistics.

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MeAFoxp2 cells in naive male mice showed robust GCaMP6 increases only during the presentation of adult males but not adult females, pups or objects (Fig. 2e,g,i,k). In contrast, MeADbx1 cells showed the highest activity increase during the adult female presentation (Fig. 2f,h,j,k). MeAFoxp2 and MeADbx1 cells also differed in their response dynamics. MeAFoxp2 cells returned to the baseline activity slowly (>10 s) after the removal of the male stimulus, whereas the MeADbx1 cell activity returned to the baseline quickly (<3 s) (Fig. 2g,h). Overall, MeAFoxp2 cells showed male-specific and slow decaying responses, whereas MeADbx1 cells showed broad responses to social cues (Fig. 2g–k). These results strongly support distinct response patterns of MeAFoxp2 and MeADbx1 cells to social stimuli independent of fighting or mating experience.

Distinct MeADbx1 and MeAFoxp2 cell responses during social behaviors

Next, we examined responses of male MeAFoxp2 and MeADbx1 cells during social behaviors in freely moving male mice to address whether the cells increase activity only to sensory cues—for example, during investigation—or also during the action phase of the behavior—for example, attack and mount (Fig. 3a). Before recording, all test animals went through up to 12 interactions with an adult male and a female (once per day) to ensure behavior stability. During recording, a non-aggressive adult BALB/c male intruder, a sexually receptive female, a pup and a novel object were introduced into the home cage of the recorded mice, one at a time, with 5 min in between (Fig. 3b). MeAFoxp2 cells significantly increased activity upon introducing a male, more than the responses during the introduction of any other social and non-social stimuli, and the activity remained elevated when the male was present (Fig. 3c–h). During each episode of male investigation and attack, MeAFoxp2 cells also showed a significant activity increase (Fig. 3h). To address whether the activity increase during attack simply reflects the elevated activity during investigation, we separated investigation trials based on whether they were followed by attack or not. We found that MeAFxop2 cell activity at the offset of investigation is higher in investigation-followed-by-attack trials than investigation-not-followed-by-attack trials, suggesting that the elevated activity during attack is not simply due to sensory inputs during the preceding investigation (Extended Data Fig. 2a). In contrast to the strong response during male interaction, MeAFoxp2 cells showed either no change or slightly suppressed activity during female investigation and all phases of sexual behaviors (Fig. 3d,h). Similarly, no activity change was observed during pup interaction, supporting a highly adult male-specific response of MeAFoxp2 cells (Fig. 3e,h). Notably, the adult male-specific response of MeAFoxp2 cells is not limited to one particular strain. We found that BALB/c and C57BL/6 males evoked similarly strong responses, significantly higher than those evoked by C57BL/6 or 129S4/SvJae females (Extended Data Fig. 3a–f).

Fig. 3: Differential response patterns of MeAFoxp2 and MeADbx1 cells during fighting and mating in socially experienced male mice.
figure 3

a, Schematics of viral strategies and the fiber photometry setup. b, Experimental timeline for Ca2+ recordings in freely moving experienced male mice. c,f,il, Representative Ca2+ traces and PETHs of MeAFoxp2 (cf) and MeADbx1 (il) cells during interactions with an adult male, an adult female, a pup and an object. Dashed black lines in PETHs represent the behavior onset at time 0; blue lines in Ca2+ traces indicate time 0 when the intruder is introduced. g,m, Introduction responses of MeAFoxp2 (g) and MeADbx1 (m) cells, calculated as the peak Ca2+ signal within the first 100 s after stimulus introduction. h,n, Average Ca2+ responses of MeAFoxp2 (h) and MeADbx1 (n) cells during behaviors toward various conspecific intruders and a novel object. o, PIs of MeAFoxp2 and MeADbx1 cells showing the relative introduction response magnitudes across different social stimuli. p, PIs of MeAFoxp2 and MeADbx1 cells showing the relative investigation response magnitudes across different social stimuli. g,h,np, Mixed-effects analysis followed by Sidak’s multiple comparisons tests; P < 0.0001 (interaction term). m, Friedman test followed by FDR correction; P = 0.0023. h,n, One-sample t-test with null hypothesis Fz = 0, corrected for repeated testing with FDR of 0.05. Parentheses indicate number of animals. All statistical tests are two-tailed. Data are mean ± s.e.m; *P < 0.05, **P < 0.01, ***P < 0.001, ****P < 0.0001, #q < 0.05, otherwise P > 0.05 and q > 0.05. See Source Data Fig. 3 for more detailed statistics.

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In contrast to the response pattern of MeAFoxp2 cells, MeADbx1 cells in experienced male mice showed activity increases to all social stimuli (Fig. 3i–k). Upon initial intruder introduction, MeADbx1 cells increased activity regardless of the identity of the intruder, and the responses to adult females and pups were significantly higher than those to objects (Fig. 3m). During investigation, MeADbx1 cell activity also increased to a similar extent to all social targets (Fig. 3n). Although MeADbx1 cells showed significant activity increase during inter-male attack, we did not find the responses during investigation-followed-by-attack trials and those during investigation-only trials to differ, suggesting that MeADbx1 cell activity during attack could be largely due to activity increases during investigation preceding attack (Fig. 3i,n and Extended Data Fig. 2b). During copulation, the activity of MeADbx1 cells did not increase during mounting but slightly increased during intromission (Fig. 3j,n). During ejaculation, MeADbx1 cells increased activity robustly, significantly higher than the responses during any other behaviors (Fig. 3j,n). No activity increase of MeADbx1 cells was observed when males attacked pups (Fig. 3k,n). MeADbx1 cells did not respond during object investigation, whereas MeAFoxp2 cells showed a slight suppression in activity during object investigation (Fig. 3f,h,l,n), supporting the social-specific response patterns of the cells.

The sexual and aggressive behaviors of MeAFoxp2 and MeADbx1 male mice are largely similar, except that MeADbx1 attacked more frequently (Extended Data Fig. 4). Thus, changes in neuronal activity observed during recordings are unlikely due to behavioral differences. Overall, male MeAFoxp2 cells show highly specific responses during both the investigatory and action phases of behaviors toward a conspecific adult male, whereas MeADbx1 cells respond to diverse social cues and during ejaculation.

Refinement of MeAFoxp2 cell responses with adult social experience

In some Foxp2GCaMP animals, we performed Ca2+ recordings during freely moving social interactions before repeated social experiences. Two of 14 naive male Foxp2GCaMP mice briefly attacked a male intruder in the 10-min testing period, and others only investigated the intruders (Extended Data Fig. 4a,b). Similar to our recordings in head-fixed naive animals, MeAFoxp2 cells responded specifically during male investigation (Fig. 4a–f). We then directly compared MeAFoxp2 cell responses between naive and experienced animals. The experienced animals were divided into two groups: mice that attacked a male intruder in the recording session (experienced aggressors) and those that did not (experienced non-aggressors).

Fig. 4: Comparison of MeAFoxp2 cell responses in naive versus non-aggressive and aggressive experienced male mice.
figure 4

ad, Representative Ca2+ traces of MeAFoxp2 cells during the presentation of an adult male (a), an adult female (b), a pup (c) and an object (d) in naive male mice. e, Average PETHs of MeAFoxp2 cell responses aligned to investigation onset in naive male mice. The dashed black line represents the behavior onset at time 0. f, Average Fz score of MeAFoxp2 cells during investigation of different stimuli in naive male mice. gi, Representative heat maps showing trial-by-trial Ca2+ signal in normalized Fz (by subtracting the signal at time 0) of MeAFoxp2 cells while investigating a male intruder in a naive (g), experienced non-aggressive (experienced NA) (h) and experienced aggressive (experienced A) (i) male mouse. Black short lines denote the timepoints when Fz ≥ 1. Black dots denote the investigation offsets. j, Average PETHs of MeAFoxp2 cell responses aligned to investigation onset in naive (purple), experienced NA (orange) and experienced A (pink) male mice. k, Percent of male investigation trials in which MeAFoxp2 cells reach Fz ≥ 1. l, Latency of MeAFoxp2 cells to respond (Fz > 1) in responsive trials. m, Average Fz score of MeAFoxp2 cells during male investigation. n, Male PIs of MeAFoxp2 cell responses during investigation across experience. o, Average male investigation duration per trial. f, Friedman test followed by multiple comparison tests with FDR correction; P = 0.0006. One-sample t-test for each stimulus with null hypothesis Fz = 0, corrected for repeated testing with FDR of 0.05. km,o, One-way ANOVA followed by Tukey’s multiple comparison tests; P = 0.0013 (interaction term) (k), P = 0.0278 (interaction term) (l), P = 0.0037 (interaction term) (m). m, One-sample t-test with null hypothesis Fz = 0, corrected for repeated testing with FDR of 0.05. n, Kruskal–Wallis test followed by the multiple comparison tests with FDR correction. Parentheses and n indicate the number of animals per group. ko, Naive group n = 14; Experienced NA group n = 7; Experienced A group n = 14. All statistical tests are two-tailed. Data are mean ± s.e.m. #q < 0.05, *P < 0.05, **P < 0.01, ***P < 0.001, otherwise P > 0.05 and q > 0.05. See Source Data Fig. 4 for more detailed statistics.

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The activity of MeAFoxp2 cells in experienced aggressors increased faster and with higher consistency during male investigation than in naive animals (Fig. 4g–j). MeAFoxp2 cells responded (Zincrease > 1 during investigation) in approximately 32% of trials in naive animals. In comparison, this number increased to 55% in experienced aggressors (Fig. 4k). Among the responsive trials, the average latency to respond in experienced aggressors is approximately half of that in naive animals (Fig. 4l). The mean activity increase during male investigation is significantly higher in experienced aggressors than in naive animals (Fig. 4m). The MeAFoxp2 cell responses in experienced non-aggressors generally fell in between those in naive and experienced aggressors. Nevertheless, the male preference index (PI) did not differ among these three groups (Fig. 4n). Furthermore, the average duration per investigation episode was similar across the groups (Fig. 4o). These results suggest that, although adult aggressive experience is not required for the male-specific responses of MeAFoxp2 cells, it refines the response by improving its trial-to-trial consistency and temporal precision.

The male-specific response of MeAFoxp2 cells exists before puberty

To further address whether the male-specific MeAFoxp2 cell responses are developmentally hardwired or established through adult experience, we recorded the responses of MeAFoxp2 cells to social stimuli during early life. Puberty (P30–P38) is a critical development period when aggression emerges28,29,30. Thus, we focused on MeAFoxp2 cell responses before puberty (P25), at the onset of puberty (P30–P32) and after puberty (P40–P44). To achieve this goal, we injected Cre-dependent GCaMP6f virus into the MeA of P11 Foxp2cre mice and placed a 400-µm fiber just dorsal to the MeA at P24 and allowed for 24-h recovery before recording at P25 (Fig. 5a–c). Behaviorally, recorded juvenile Foxp2cre mice (P25) spent a similar amount of time investigating the intruders as age-matched Foxp2cre mice that had not undergone surgery, suggesting sufficient recovery (Extended Data Fig. 5a). Histological analysis confirmed high levels of GCaMP6 expression at P25 (Extended Data Fig. 5b).

Fig. 5: MeAFoxp2 cell responses before, during and after puberty in developing male mice.
figure 5

a, Schematics of virus injection and a representative histology image indicating GCaMP6f expression (green), Foxp2 antibody (red) and DAPI (blue) staining in Foxp2cre male mice. White dotted lines mark the fiber end. b, Timeline of virus injection, fiber placement and recordings. c, Pup at P11 before viral surgery and juvenile at P25 before experimental recording. d, Timeline of behavioral test during the recording day. Stimuli were presented in a pseudo-random order. eh, Representative Fz-scored Ca2+ traces of MeAFoxp2 cells during interactions with an anesthetized (e1g1) or freely moving (h1) male, an anesthetized (e2g2) or freely moving (h2) female or a pup (e3h3) in a male mouse at different ages. Average Fz score during social investigation (e4h4) of animals at different ages. Average Fz score of the entire intruder session (e5h5) of animals at different ages. i, Average Fz score of MeAFoxp2 cell responses during male (purple), female (red) and pup (blue) investigation in male mice of different ages. j, Average Fz score of MeAFoxp2 cells per intruder session at different ages. k, Male investigation PIs at different ages. e4h4,e5h5, One-way repeated-measures ANOVA followed by Tukey’s multiple comparison tests; interaction terms: P = 0.0003 (e4), P = 0.0071 (e5), P = 0.0084 (f4), P = 0.0295 (g4), P = 0.0009 (h4), P = 0.0026 (h5). One-sample t-test for each behavior with null hypothesis Fz = 0, corrected for repeated testing with FDR of 0.05. i,j, Two-way repeated-measures ANOVA followed by Sidak’s multiple comparison tests; P = 0.1007 (interaction term) (i) and P = 0.0137 (interaction term) (j). The color of the line specifies the social stimulus that evokes significantly different responses over development. k, Kruskal–Wallis test followed by multiple comparison tests with FDR correction. n = 9 (P25), 6 (P30–P32), 6 (P40–P44) and 7 (>P56) mice. n, number of animals. All statistical tests are two-tailed. Data are mean ± s.e.m. *P < 0.05, **P < 0.01, ***P < 0.001, ****P < 0.0001, #q < 0.05, otherwise P > 0.05 and q > 0.05. See Source Data Fig. 5 for more detailed statistics.

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We recorded the Ca2+ activity of MeAFoxp2 cells when the animals were exposed to an anesthetized adult male and adult female mouse or a pup at P25, P30–32 and P40–P44 (Fig. 5d). To minimize the impact of social experience, all animals were singly housed after weaning at P21. We found that MeAFoxp2 cells in P25 juvenile male mice already showed higher activity during close interaction with an adult male than an adult female or pups (Fig. 5e). However, when we consider the average activity of the entire recording session, the presence of either an adult male or female, but not a pup, caused an elevation in GCaMP6 activity (Fig. 5e5). At P30–P32, a similar male-biased response was observed during close interaction, whereas the overall GCaMP6 activity during the recording session was not significantly elevated regardless of the intruder (Fig. 5f5). At P40–P44, the difference between male and female responses during investigation increased (Fig. 5g), and this trend continued at >P56 (Fig. 5h). At >P56, the presence of a male caused a significant elevation in the GCaMP6 activity, whereas female and pup presence caused either no change or slightly suppressed activity (Fig. 5h,i). As a result of gradually decreased activity to non-male social cues, the MeAFoxp2 cells become increasingly tuned to adult males over development (Fig. 5j), although male-biased responses are seen at all ages (Fig. 5k). Altogether, these results suggest that MeAFoxp2 cells are predisposed to preferentially responding to male-related sensory information even before puberty, and the discriminability between adult male and non-male cues is further refined after puberty by reducing responses to non-adult male cues.

Differential inputs to MeAFoxp2 and MeADbx1 cells

Given the differential responses of MeAFoxp2 and MeADbx1 cells to social cues, we next asked whether these two populations receive inputs from different brain regions by performing monosynaptic rabies virus tracing. We injected Cre-dependent or Flp-dependent adeno-associated viruses (AAVs) expressing TVA-mCherry and rabies G protein into the MeA of Foxp2cre or Dbx1cre;LSL-FlpO male mice and, 4 weeks later, EnvA-ΔG rabies virus expressing GFP (Fig. 6a–d). We found that the major inputs to MeAFoxp2 are from other amygdala nuclei, including the posterior amygdala (PA), central amygdala (CeA) and BNST (Fig. 6e–g). In contrast, MeADbx1 cells receive inputs mainly from primary olfactory relays, including AOB, cortical amygdala (CoA) and the piriform cortex (Pir) (Fig. 6e,h,i). Hypothalamus, mainly the medial preoptic area (MPOA) and zona incerta (ZI), provided moderate inputs to both MeAFoxp2 and MeADbx1 cells (Fig. 6e–i). Sparsely retrogradely labeled cells from both MeAFoxp2 and MeADbx1 cells were also observed in the hippocampus, striatum and pallidum (Fig. 6e–i).

Fig. 6: Differences in the anatomical and functional inputs of MeAFoxp2 and MeADbx1 cells for sensory processing.
figure 6

a,c, The timeline of monosynaptic retrograde rabies tracing of MeAFoxp2 (a) and MeADbx1 (c) cells and distribution of starter cells (mCherry+GFP+). b,d, Representative images showing the location of starter MeAFoxp2 cells in a Foxp2cre mouse (b) or MeADbx1 cells in a Dbx1cre;LSL-FlpO mouse (d). TVA-mCherry (red), Rabies-GFP (green) and DAPI (blue) staining. Scale bars, 100 µm (top right). e, Distribution of retrogradely labeled cells. f,h, Representative histological images with cells retrogradely labeled from MeAFoxp2 (f) and MeADbx1 (h) cells. g,i, Overview of inputs into MeAFoxp2 (g) and MeADbx1 (i) cells. j,l, Recording strategy examining synaptic inputs from the AOB to MeAFoxp2 (j) and MeADbx1 (l) cells. k,m, Representative images showing ChrimsonR (red) expression in the olfactory bulb (OB) and ChrimsonR fibers in the MeA. Green: GFP expressed in Foxp2 (k) and Dbx1 (m) cells. Blue: DAPI staining. n,t, The distribution of synaptic responses of MeAFoxp2 (n) and MeADbx1 (t) cells to OB terminal activation. o,u, Representative traces showing optogenetically (1 ms, 605 nm) evoked IPSCs (oIPCSs) and EPSCs (oEPSCs) before and after bath application of TTX and TTX + 4-AP. ps, Amplitude (p,r) and latency (q,s) of oIPSCs and oEPSCs in MeAFoxp2 and MeADbx1 cells. vw, oIPSCs in MeAFoxp2 (v) and MeADbx1 (w) cells were abolished by TTX and failed to recover after applying TTX + 4-AP. x, oEPSCs in MeADbx1 cells were abolished by TTX but recovered after TTX + 4-AP application. a,c, n, number of animals for ai. e, Two-way ANOVA followed by Sidak’s multiple comparison tests; n = 4 mice per group; P < 0.0001. r,s, Mann–Whitney test; P = 0.0002 (r) and P < 0.0001 (s). vx, Friedman test followed by multiple comparison tests with FDR correction; P = 0.0014, n = 7 cells from three male mice (v); P = 0.0041 and P = 0.0017, respectively (w,x), n = 6 cells from three male mice. ns, n = 23 cells from three male mice for MeAFoxp2 group and n = 33 cells from three male mice for MeADbx1group, where n is the number used for statistical analysis. All statistical tests are two-tailed. Data are mean ± s.e.m. *P < 0.05, **P < 0.01, ***P < 0.001, ****P < 0.0001, otherwise P > 0.05. See Extended Data Table 1 for brain region abbreviations. See Source Data Fig. 6 for more detailed statistics.

Source data

The lack of retrogradely labeled cells in the AOB from MeAFoxp2 starter cells was particularly surprising given that the MeA is the primary target of the AOB (Fig. 6e–g)4,31,32. To further dissect the inputs from the AOB to MeAFoxp2 cells, we performed optogenetic-assisted circuit mapping. We expressed ChrimsonR-tdTomato in the olfactory bulb, virally labeled MeAFoxp2 cells with GFP (Fig. 6j,k) and visualized MeADbx1 cells using Dbx1cre;Ai6 mice (Fig. 6l,m). Four weeks after injection, we prepared brain slices containing the MeA and recorded the responses of GFP+ MeAFoxp2 and MeADbx1 cells to 605-nm, 1-ms light pulses. Among 23 recorded MeAFoxp2 cells, we observed light-evoked excitatory postsynaptic currents (oEPSCs) in only two cells, and 18 of 23 recorded cells showed light-evoked inhibitory postsynaptic currents (oIPSCs) (Fig. 6n,o). In contrast, 18 of 33 MeADbx1 cells showed oEPSCs, and 29 of 33 showed oIPSCs (Fig. 6t,u). The oIPSCs of MeADbx1 and MeAFoxp2 cells were similar in magnitude, and both were of long latencies (>10 ms) (Fig. 6p–s). Bath application of TTX or TTX + 4-AP completely abolished oIPSCS in both populations, suggesting that they are polysynaptic connections (Fig. 6o,u–w). oEPSCs of MeADbx1 cells were of short latency (~4 ms) (Fig. 6s), and their amplitude did not change after TTX + 4-AP application, supporting that AOB cells provide monosynaptic excitatory inputs to MeADbx1 cells (Fig. 6u,x).

These results confirmed that AOB targets MeAFoxp2 and MeADbx1 cells differently. The fact that MeAFoxp2 cells receive minimum direct inputs from the AOB and other primary olfactory relays suggests that sensory information reaching MeAFoxp2 cells is likely more processed, which may explain the higher response selectivity of MeAFoxp2 cells than MeADbx1 cells.

Activating MeAFoxp2 cells is sufficient for aggression in naive mice

To understand the functional importance of MeAFoxp2 and MeADbx1 cells in social behaviors, we bilaterally injected Cre-dependent and Flp-dependent hM3Dq viruses into the MeA of Foxp2cre and Dbx1cre;LSL-FlpO naive male mice, respectively (Foxp2hM3Dq and Dbx1hM3Dq) (Fig. 7a,b). Control animals were injected with mCherry virus in the MeA (Foxp2mCherry and Dbx1mCherry). Three weeks later, we intraperitoneally (i.p.) injected saline and clozapine-N-oxide (CNO) on two consecutive days and, 30 min later, introduced a pup, an adult male and a female intruder into the cage sequentially, each for 5–10 min with 5 min in between (Fig. 7c). To determine whether MeAFoxp2 activation could result in increases in aggression in mice that are not spontaneously aggressive, we first tested animals’ baseline aggression level after saline injection on day 1, followed by CNO injection on day 2. Although only four of 10 Foxp2hM3Dq male mice attacked a male intruder after saline injection, all Foxp2hM3Dq males attacked the intruder after CNO injection (Fig. 7d,e). In comparison, only four of eight control Foxp2mCherry mice initiated attack after CNO injection (Fig. 7d,e). The total attack time of Foxp2hM3Dq males significantly increased after CNO injection (Fig. 7f), although the latency to attack did not decrease in animals that attacked on both days (Extended Data Fig. 6a). Possibly due to increased aggression, Foxp2hM3Dq mice spent less time investigating the male intruder after CNO injection (Fig. 7g). For most Foxp2hM3Dq animals (9/10), we tested the aggression level again on day 3 after saline injection and observed a significantly lower total attack duration in comparison to that of day 2 after CNO injection, further suggesting that the longer attack duration after Foxp2hM3Dq activation is not simply due to a natural increase in aggression with repeated resident–intruder (R–I) tests (Extended Data Fig. 6b). Furthermore, CNO-induced attack was not due to an increase in general arousal, as locomotion did not differ between saline-injected and CNO-injected days (Extended Data Fig. 6c). Notably, the increased aggression is adult male specific, as we did not observe an increase in infanticide after activating MEAFoxp2 cells (Extended Data Fig. 6d). The overall pup interaction was also unchanged (Extended Data Fig. 6e). Similarly, male sexual behaviors, including female investigation, mounting and intromission, were not affected by MEAFoxp2 activation (Extended Data Fig. 6f–l). Control Foxp2mCherry animals showed no significant change in any social behavior after CNO injection compared to saline injection (Fig. 7d–g and Extended Data Fig. 6d–l).

Fig. 7: MeAFoxp2 cells bi-directionally modulate territorial aggression, whereas MeADbx1 cells do not.
figure 7

a, Strategies for chemogenetic activation of MeAFoxp2 and MeADbx1 cells. b, Representative histological images of hM3Dq (red) expression in the MeA of Foxp2cre and Dbx1cre;LSL-FlpO mice. Top right shows an enlarged view of the MeA infection. Blue: DAPI. c, Experimental timeline of chemogenetic activation experiments. d, Representative raster plots showing behaviors toward male intruders of five Foxp2hM3Dq and five Foxp2mCherry male mice after i.p. injection of saline or CNO. e, Percentage of Foxp2hM3Dq and Foxp2mCherry male mice that attacked a male intruder after saline or CNO injection. f,g, Percent of time Foxp2hM3Dq and Foxp2mCherry mice spent attacking (f) and investigating (g) a male intruder. hk, Follows the conventions in dg. CNO injection into Dbx1hM3Dq mice caused a reduction in social investigation but did not change aggressive behaviors toward a male intruder. l, Strategies for chemogenetic inactivation of MeAFoxp2 and MeADbx1 cells. m, Representative histological images showing hM4Di (red) expression in the MeA of Foxp2cre and Dbx1cre;LSL-FlpO mice. Top right shows an enlarged view of the MeA infection. Blue: DAPI. n, Experimental timeline of chemogenetic inactivation experiments. o, Representative raster plots showing behaviors toward male intruders of five Foxp2hM4Di and five Foxp2mCherry mice after i.p. injection of saline or CNO. pr, Percent of time Foxp2hM4Di and Foxp2mCherry male mice spent investigating (p) and attacking (q) a male intruder and the latency to first attack (r). sv, Follows the conventions in or. CNO injection into Dbx1hM4Di or Dbx1mCherry mice did not change any male-directed behaviors in comparison to those after saline injection. e,i, McNemar’s test; P = 0.0412 (e). f,g,j,k,pr,tv, Two-way repeated-measures ANOVA followed by Sidak’s multiple comparison tests; interaction terms: P = 0.0004 (f), P = 0.004 (g), P = 0.2653 (k), P = 0.0550 (p), P = 0.0091 (q) and P = 0.1836 (r). n, number of animals. All statistical tests are two-tailed. Data are mean ± s.e.m. *P < 0.05, **P < 0.01, ***P < 0.001, ****P < 0.0001, otherwise P > 0.05. See Source Data Fig. 7 for more detailed statistics.

Source data

We noticed that Dbx1cre;LSL-FlpO male mice tend to be more aggressive than Foxp2cre male mice, possibly due to their difference in genetic background (Extended Data Fig. 7)26,27. Twelve of 18 Dbx1cre;LSL-FlpO animals (combining mCherry and hM3Dq groups) attacked the intruder during the first encounter (after saline injection), whereas only six of 18 Foxp2cre animals did so (Extended Data Fig. 7b). Notably, there was no difference between Dbx1hM3Dq and Dbx1mCherry groups in the percentage of animals that attacked (Fig. 7i). The latency to attack and attack duration also did not differ on CNO-injected and saline-injected days in both Dbx1hM3Dq and Dbx1mCherry groups (Fig. 7j and Extended Data Fig. 8a), although Dbx1hM3Dq male mice investigated the male intruder less after CNO than saline injection (Fig. 7k). Activating MeADbx1 cells did not change the probability of infanticide, male sexual behaviors or locomotion significantly (Extended Data Fig. 8b–k). Thus, MEAFoxp2 cells can specifically drive inter-male aggression in even non-aggressive naive male mice, whereas activating MEADbx1 cells does not promote any specific social behaviors to a significant level.

Inhibiting MeAFoxp2 cells reduces aggression in experienced animals

We next asked whether MeAFoxp2 and MeADbx1 cells are necessary for social behaviors, including inter-male aggression. We injected Cre-dependent and Flp-dependent hM4Di-mCherry into the MeA of Foxp2cre and Dbx1cre;LSL-FlpO male mice, respectively (Foxp2hM4Di and Dbx1hM4Di). Control animals were injected with mCherry virus (Fig. 7l,m). Three weeks after viral injection, all animals went through repeated R–I tests until they showed stable aggression (Fig. 7n). Then, we i.p. injected saline and CNO on separate days in a randomized order and, 30 min later, tested the behaviors against a male and a receptive female intruder, each for 10 min (Fig. 7n). After CNO injection, Foxp2hM4Di mice spent more time investigating and less time attacking the male intruder (Fig. 7o–q). The latency to attack increased significantly (Fig. 7r). Foxp2mCherry mice showed no difference in male investigation or attack duration between CNO-injected and saline-injected days (Fig. 7o–r). In contrast, CNO injection in Dbx1hM4Di mice did not result in significant changes in male investigation, aggressive behaviors or latency to attack (Fig. 7s–v). CNO injection in Foxp2hM4Di or Dbx1hM4Di mice caused no change in female investigation or any aspects of male sexual behaviors except an increase in mount number in both Dbx1hM4Di and Dbx1mcherry groups (Extended Data Figs. 7m–s and 8l–r). These results suggest that MeAFoxp2 cells specifically modulate inter-male aggression, whereas MeADbx1 cells do not.

Differential outputs of MeADbx1 and MeAFoxp2 cells

As MeADbx1 and MeAFoxp2 cells play distinct roles in driving social behaviors, presumably through their differential connections on downstream cells, we next asked whether these two MeA subpopulations differ in their projections using anterograde virus tracing (Fig. 8a–d). We observed that both MeA subpopulations project mainly to other extended amygdala areas, such as PA, CoA, posterior BNST (BNSTp) and medial hypothalamus (MH) (Fig. 8e–i and Extended Data Fig. 9). The average density of projections originating from MeADbx1 and MeAFoxp2 did not differ significantly in any specific amygdala or hypothalamic nucleus (Fig. 8i). Nevertheless, we observed some differences in projection patterns. The MeADbx1 cells generally provide more inputs to AVPV and MPOA subnuclei, structures related to sexual behaviors33,34, than the VMHvl and PMv, structures related to aggression3. The overall fiber density from MeADbx1 cells in MPOA + AVPV is approximately twice that in VMHvl + PMv (Fig. 8i, j). In contrast, the density of the fibers originating from MeAFoxp2 cells is similar in the sexual-behavior-related and aggression-related medial hypothalamic regions (Fig. 8i,j). Furthermore, a close analysis of the BNST revealed differential patterns of projections from MeADbx1 and MeAFoxp2 cells. Whereas MeADbx1 cells target the principal nucleus of the BNST (BNSTpr) primarily, MeAFoxp2 cells project more densely to the interfascicular part of the BNST (BNSTif) (Fig. 8k).

Fig. 8: Outputs of MeAFoxp2 and MeADbx1 cells.
figure 8

a,c, Strategies for anterograde viral tracing of MeAFoxp2 (a) and MeADbx1 (c) cells. Pie charts showing the distribution of infected cells. b,d, Representative histological images showing the infected cells in Foxp2cre (b) and Dbx1cre;LSL-FlpO (d) mice. Green: GCaMP6f expression. Blue: DAPI staining. e,g, Representative histological images showing MeAFoxp2 (e) and MeADbx1 (g) projections at various downstream regions. The gain of PA and BNST images in g was reduced to avoid complete saturation. f,h, Overviews of MeAFoxp2 (f) and MeADbx1 (h) cell outputs. i, The intensity of MeAFoxp2 and MeADbx1 projection fields in various regions, calculated as the average pixel intensity in a given region divided by the maximum mean intensity value among all regions with ≥0.2 normalized intensity and the VMHvl. j, The intensity of fibers, originating from MeAFoxp2 and MeADbx1 cells, at AVPV and MPOA (anterior medial hypothalamic regions) over the VMHvl and PMv (posterior medial hypothalamic regions). The dotted line denotes y = 1. k, The intensity of fibers, originating from MeAFoxp2 and MeADbx1 cells, at BNSTpr over that in BNSTif. The dotted line denotes y = 1. i, Two-way repeated-measures ANOVA followed by Sidak’s multiple comparison tests. j,k, Two-tailed unpaired t-test; P = 0.0081 (j) and P = 0.0095 (k). Parentheses and n indicate number of animals. All statistical tests are two-tailed. Data are mean ± s.e.m. **P < 0.01, otherwise P > 0.05. One-sample t-test for each behavior with null hypothesis ratio = 1, corrected for repeated testing with FDR of 0.05. #q < 0.05, otherwise q > 0.05. See Extended Data Table 1 for brain region abbreviations. See Source Data Fig. 8 for more detailed statistics.

Source data


In this study, we showed that two MeA subpopulations, marked by the expression of different transcription factors from early development, play distinct roles in social behaviors, show differential input and output patterns and are responsive to different conspecific sensory cues. The male-specific responses of MeAFoxp2 cells exist before puberty and aggression onset, suggesting that these responses are largely developmentally hardwired. The reliability and temporal precision of MeAFoxp2 cell responses improve with adult social experience, demonstrating distinct roles of nature versus nurture in setting up the response patterns of this population.

MeAFoxp2 and MeADbx1 cell activity and function in social behaviors

Our previous work identified two developmentally distinct GABAergic MeA subpopulations marked by the expression of Dbx1 and Foxp2 (refs. 9,23). They differ in sex steroid hormone receptor expression, ion channel composition and intrinsic electrophysiological properties9,35. Our current study further revealed their distinct functions in social behaviors that are well matched with their differential connectivity and in vivo response patterns. These results suggest that social circuits at the MeA could be largely hardwired according to transcription-factor-defined genetic programs.

MeAFoxp2 cells responded strongly during both male investigation and attack. Functionally, chemogenetic activation of MeAFoxp2 cells promoted attack even in non-aggressive male mice. Anatomically, MeAFoxp2 cells receive very little direct input from the AOB. Thus, despite the long-recognized role of the MeA in pheromone processing6,7,10,36,37, MeAFoxp2 cells appear to be more involved in facilitating aggressive actions. However, our population fiber photometry recording does not provide single-cell resolution. Therefore, it remains possible that distinct subsets of MeAFoxp2 cells process olfactory cues and mediate aggressive actions.

In contrast to MeAFoxp2 cells, MeADbx1 cells are tuned to broad social cues, including those from males, females and pups and respond robustly during ejaculation but minimally during attack or other copulatory behaviors. Consistent with the lack of activity increase during attack, inactivation of MeADbx1 cells does not impair male aggression, and chemogenetic activation of MeADbx1 cells does not promote attack. Given that MeADbx1 cells are three times more abundant than MeAFoxp2 cells and more excitable9, yet fail to promote attack, we conclude that aggression generation requires activation of a specific transcriptionally defined subpopulation instead of any subset of MeA GABAergic cells.

Given the response pattern of MeADbx1 cells, we considered their primary role in processing social cues during the investigatory phase. However, animals with inactivated MeADbx1 cells properly directed their attack toward males and mount toward females, suggesting that MeADbx1 cells are dispensable for sex discrimination. This negative result is possibly due to the existence of other extended amygdala populations that can readily distinguish male and female cues38—for example, MeAFoxp2 and aromatase cells in BNSTpr39. Interestingly, we found that MeADbx1 cells robustly increase activity during male ejaculation. Recent works found that Esr2+ cells in the BNST are also highly activated during ejaculation and functionally important for diminished sexual motivation after ejaculation38,40. Here, we observed a tendency of decreased mounting and intromission duration after activating MeADbx1 cells (Extended Data Fig. 6p,r), hinting at the possible role of MeADbx1 cells in suppressing sexual motivation as BNSTEsr2 cells. This hypothesis, however, requires further investigation in future studies.

Previous work showed that MeA GABAergic cells are activated during pup-directed attacks and can promote infanticide22. However, neither MeAFoxp2 nor MeADbx1 cells increased activity during pup-directed aggression or affected infanticide when artificially activated, suggesting that MeAFoxp2 cells are specialized for adult-directed aggression. Therefore, other GABAergic subclasses likely exist for driving infanticide and remain to be identified.

Developmentally wired versus experientially wired

There is an ongoing debate regarding whether the responses of cells in the SBN are developmentally hardwired or established through adult social experience. In the VMHvl, an essential region for male aggression41,42,43, individual cell responses to male and female cues overlap extensively in naive adult male mice and diverge only after repeated interaction with females44. In contrast, aromatase-expressing cells in male BNSTpr preferentially respond to female cues over male cues, even in naive animals39. Ca2+ imaging in the MeA revealed that approximately half of MeA cells are tuned to one stimulus in naive animals, and, after sexual experience, the proportion of cells that are responsive to the opposite sex increases, denoting experience-dependent activity refinement10. In our study, MeAFoxp2 cells showed strong male-biased responses in naive animals, suggesting that male olfactory inputs are developmentally wired to target MeAFoxp2 cells. However, the responses of MeAFoxp2 cells in naive males are slow and inconsistent and only become fast and consistent after repeated social interactions and aggressive encounters, suggesting that adult social experience plays an important role in refining this hardwired circuit to improve its input (sensory cue)–output (spiking) transformation efficiency.

How is the male-specific response of MeAFoxp2 cells achieved during development? The classical ‘organization/activation’ model states that gonadal hormones act in two phases to establish sex-specific circuits45,46,47. First, during the organization stage, gonadal hormones during prenatal development set up the basic structure and connection of the circuit. Then, the circuits are activated by gonadal hormones during puberty to generate appropriate sex-specific social behaviors. In male mice, puberty occurs between P30 and P38 when testosterone spikes and aggression emerges28,45. The fact that male-biased responses of MeAFoxp2 cells exist before puberty suggests that male cues have been wired preferentially to MeAFoxp2 cells during the organization stage. After puberty, MeAFoxp2 cells show enhanced male-biased responses due to decreased responses to non-male social cues, suggesting further circuit refinement possible through local inhibition. Altogether, we propose that the response specificity of MeAFoxp2 cells during development is achieved through a multi-stage process, including pre-pubertal hardwiring, pubertal refinement and adult social experience-dependent potentiation. Future microcircuit studies could help further validate this model and its generality in the SBN.

Social behavior circuits beyond MeA

In mice, olfactory inputs are the most essential for determining the identity of a conspecific—for example, its sex, age, social ranking and health state (for example, sickness)48. Because MeAFoxp2 cells receive little direct input from the AOB and other primary olfactory relays, we speculate that MeAFoxp2 cells obtain highly ‘processed’ olfactory information from the PA. Recent works revealed that PA cells projecting to the VMHvl are crucial for territorial aggression, and these cells are activated during both male investigation and attack49,50. The PA also projects strongly to MeA; however, whether this projection is essential for aggression remains to be explored. On the contrary, MeADbx1 cells receive abundant inputs from AOB and other primary olfactory processing regions, which could be responsible for the broad and fast responses of MeADbx1 cells to various social cues.

At the output level, MeADbx1 and MeAFoxp2 cells project to distinct pBNST subnuclei: MeADbx1 primarily to the BNSTpr and MeAFoxp2 cells mainly to the BNSTif. Miller et al.19 recently demonstrated that MeA cells that express D1R target the BNSTif primarily, and activating MeAD1R-BNST projections increased territorial aggression. This supports the relevant role of BNSTif in aggression and a potential downstream mechanism by which MeAFoxp2 cells mediate aggressive action. Additionally, MeAFoxp2 cells project relatively more densely to the VMHvl and PMv than MeADbx1 cells. Given that VMHvl and PMv are central for male aggression42,43,51, the more robust projection of MeAFoxp2 cells to these regions is consistent with the essential role of MeAFoxp2 cells in male aggression.

Our study identified a developmentally hardwired circuit at the MeA to process male information essential for initiating aggression. We revealed the distinct contribution of development versus experience in social information processing and highlighted a lineage-based organization strategy that enables the same SBN to drive diverse social behaviors2.



All animal procedures were approved by the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee of NYU Langone Health under protocol IA16-01416. Adult and juvenile experimental and stimulus mice were housed under a 12-h light/dark cycle (10:00 to 22:00 dark) with water and food ad libitum. Holding and experimental room temperatures were maintained at 20–22 °C and humidity kept between 30% and 70% (average ~45%). After surgical procedures, all experimental animals were single housed. The Foxp2cre mice were originally provided by Richard Palmiter (now Jackson Laboratory stock no. 030541)26. The Dbx1cre mice were originally provided by Alessandra Pierani and crossed to the Flp-excised and Cre-inducible LSL-FlpO mouse line or to the Ai6 mouse line (Jackson Laboratory stock no. 028584 and no. 007906, respectively)24,25,27. Both Foxp2cre and Dbx1cre mice are black, whereas the fur color of LSL-FlpO mice is agouti. Stimulus animals were C57BL/6N and 129S4/SvJae group-housed females, pups (P1–P7) and group-housed BALB/c males purchased from Charles River Laboratories and bred in-house. Females were considered receptive if an experienced male could mount and intromit the female in at least three attempts. No statistical methods were used to pre-determine sample sizes, but our sample sizes are similar to those reported in previous publications49,52,53.

Viruses and stereotaxic surgery

For fiber photometry experiments, we injected 100 nl of AAV2-CAG-Flex-GCaMP6f (2.21 × 1013 vector genomes per milliliter (vg/ml) or 1.82 × 1012 vg/ml; UPenn Viral Core) unilaterally into the MeA (AP = −1.5 mm, ML = 2.15 mm, DV = −5.1 mm) of Foxp2cre male mice. For Dbx1cre;LSL-FlpO mice, we injected either 100 nl of AAV8-Ef1a-fDIO-GCaMP6f (1 × 1013 vg/ml; kindly provided by Naoshige Uchida) or 120 nl of mixed AAV9-Ef1a-fDIO-Cre (2.5 × 1013 vg/ml; Addgene) and AAV2-CAG-Flex-GCaMP6f (1:2; 2.21 × 1013 vg/ml; UPenn Viral Core) or 150 nl of AAV2-Ef1a-fDIO-GCaMP6f (4.1 × 1012 vg/ml; UNC Vector Core) into the MeA. For fiber photometry recordings in Foxp2cre juvenile mice, we injected 100 nl of AAV1-CAG-Flex-GCaMP6f (9.4 × 1012 vg/ml; UPenn Viral Core) unilaterally into the developing MeA (AP = −0.7 mm, ML = 2.03 mm, DV = −5.05 mm). For chemogenetic experiments, we bilaterally injected 400–600 nl of AAV1-Ef1a-DIO-hM4D(Gi)-mCherry, 150 nl of AAV2-hSyn-DIO-hM3D(Gq)-mCherry or 150–600 nl of AAV2-hSyn-DIO-mCherry (3 × 1012 vg/ml, 5.1 × 1012 vg/ml and 5.6 × 1012 vg/ml, respectively; Addgene and UNC Vector Core) into the MeA of Foxp2cre mice. For chemogenetic experiments in Dbx1cre;LSL-FlpO mice, we injected 300 nl of AAVDJ-hSyn-fDIO-hM4D(Gi)-mCherry, 50–60 nl of AAV2-Ef1a-fDIO-hM3D(Gq)-mCherry (Vigene) and 60–120 nl of AAV2-Ef1a-fDIO-mCherry (2.65 × 1013 vg/ml, 1.84 × 1013 vg/ml and 1.1 × 1013 vg/ml, respectively; Addgene). For monosynaptic retrograde rabies experiments in Foxp2cre mice, we injected unilaterally into the MeA 200–250 nl of mixed AAV1-CA-Flex-RG and AAV8-Ef1-Flex-TVA-mCherry (1:1; 3 × 1012 vg/ml and 5.4 × 1012 vg/ml; UNC Vector Core) and, 4 weeks later, 800 nl of EnvA G-Deleted Rabies-eGFP (2.26 × 108 and 1.07 × 108 transforming units per milliliter (TU/ml); Salk Viral Vector Core). For monosynaptic retrograde rabies experiments in Dbx1cre;LSL-FlpO mice, we injected mixed 110–120 nl of AAV8-Flex(FRT)-G and AAV8-Flex(FRT)-TVA-mCherry (1:1; 1.82 × 1013 vg/ml and 1.39 × 1013 vg/ml; Stanford Gene Vector and Viral Core) and, 4 weeks later, 800 nl of EnvA G-Deleted Rabies-eGFP (Salk Viral Core). We also unilaterally injected 80–100 nl of AAVDJ-Ef1a-fDIO-EYFP (2.1 × 1012 vg/ml; UNC Vector Core) into the MeA of Dbx1cre;LSL-FlpO mice for anterograde tracing experiments. For Chr2-assisted circuit mapping, we injected 150 nl of AAV2-Flex-GFP (3.7 × 1012 vg/ml; UNC Vector Core) unilaterally into the MeA of Foxp2cre mice and 40–200 nl of AAV9-hSyn-ChrimsonR-tdTomato (5.5 × 1012 vg/ml; Addgene) unilaterally into the olfactory bulb (AP = 4.45 mm, ML = 0.25 mm, DV = −1.55 mm) of Foxp2cre and Dbx1cre;Ai6+/− mice. EnvA G-deleted Rabies virus titers were 2.26 × 108 and 1.07 × 108 TU/ml.

During surgery, adult male mice were anesthetized with isoflurane (2%) and then placed in a stereotaxic apparatus (Kopf Instruments). For fiber photometry recordings in juvenile mice, P11 pups were anesthetized with isoflurane (2%) and placed in a stereotaxic apparatus modified with a neonatal anesthesia head holder and zygoma ear cups (Kopf Instruments). The virus was then delivered into the target region of interest through a glass capillary using a nanoinjector (World Precision Instruments). For fiber photometry experiments in adults, a 400-μm fiber optic cannulae with ceramic ferrule (Thorlabs, FT400EMT, CF440-10 or RWD, R-FOC-L400C-50NA) was placed 0.3 mm dorsal to the viral injection site and cemented with adhesive dental cement (C&B Metabond, S380). For juvenile experiments, juveniles at P24 were implanted with the optical fiber in the MeA (AP = −0.7 mm, ML = 2.03 mm, DV = −4.75 mm). Histology analysis was performed for all animals, and only animals with correct virus expression and fiber placement were used for the final analysis.

Behavioral assays and analysis

Behavior was recorded by two synchronized top and side cameras (Basler, acA640-100gm) at 25 frames per second and digital video recording software (StreamPix 5, NorPix) in a dark room with infrared lights. Behaviors were manually annotated on a frame-by-frame basis by using a custom MATLAB function called ‘BehaviorAnnotator’ (

For male–male interactions, we annotated investigation, groom and attack. For male–female interactions, we recorded investigation, mount, intromission and ejaculation. For male–pup interactions, we recorded investigation, groom and infanticide. For fiber photometry analysis, investigation and groom were combined as ‘Investigation’. ‘Investigation’ was considered nose contact with any body part of the target mouse. ‘Groom’ was classified as when a mouse has its front paws holding the back or face of the target mouse or pup and licking either face or back. ‘Attack’ was determined as a series of actions by which the male mouse lunges, bites, chases and pushes the target mouse. ‘Mount’ was defined as a series of fast movements by which the male mouse places its front paws on the target mouse and positions itself on top of the target mouse. ‘Intromission’ was annotated as deep rhythmic thrusts following the mount. ‘Ejaculation’ was considered when the male stops deep thrusting and freezes in place for several seconds while firmly holding the female mouse and then slumping to the side. ‘Infanticidal behavior’ was considered as biting the pup that results in tissue damage. For fiber photometry and chemogenetic analysis, pup investigation and groom were combined as ‘pup investigation’.

In this study, experiments were not performed in a blinded manner as the experimental conditions were clear to the experimenters and the analyses were carried out using a recording system not subject to human bias. During behavioral annotations, the experimenter was blinded to the GCaMP6 signal or to the behavioral response.

Fiber photometry

Foxp2cre and Dbx1cre;LSL-FlpO randomly selected male mice aged 2–8 months were used for adult fiber photometry recordings. Foxp2cre male mice starting at age P25 were used for juvenile fiber photometry experiments. For adult head-fixed experiments, the mice were naive and did not have any interactions with other conspecifics outside of their littermates and dams. The recording mouse was head-fixed using a 3D-printed head ring and placed on a 3D-printed wheel54 for a minimum of 3 d of training before testing. Each stimulus was presented five times for 10 s with a 40-s interval in between presentations and a minimum of 5-min break in between different stimuli. Male and receptive female stimulus mice were anesthetized with ketamine (100 mg kg−1) and xylazine (10 mg kg−1).

Fiber photometry was performed as previously described 49,55,56. Fiber photometry signals were collected by using a custom Tucker-Davis Technologies (TDT) program, OpenEx. To analyze changes in Ca2+ activity, the MATLAB function ‘msbackadj’, with a moving window of 25% of the total recording time, was used to obtain the instantaneous baseline signal (Fbaseline). The instantaneous ΔF/F was calculated as (Fraw − Fbaseline) / Fbaseline. The z-score of the ΔF/F (Fz) was obtained using the MATLAB function ‘zscore’ for the whole trace. The peri-event histograms (PETHs) were calculated by aligning the Fz of each trial to either the onset or offset of each behavior. In recordings of head-fixed naive male mice (Fig. 2), the Fz peak was calculated by obtaining the average of the maximum value during stimulus presentation. In recordings of freely moving animals, the introduction Fz peak was calculated by obtaining the maximum value during the first 100 s of stimulus introduction into the resident’s cage. The Fz mean was calculated by obtaining the average of the mean values during specific behaviors during the specified intruder presentation window. The male PI was calculated as (Zinvestigate male − 0.5 × (Zinvestigate female + Zinvestigate pup)) / (|Zinvestigate male| + 0.5 × |Zinvestigate female + Zinvestigate pup|); the female PI was calculated as (Zinvestigate female − 0.5 × (Zinvestigate male + Zinvestigate pup)) / (|Zinvestigate female| + 0.5 × |Zinvestigate male + Zinvestigate pup|); and the pup PI was calculated as (Zinvestigate pup − 0.5 × (Zinvestigate male + Zinvestigate female)) / (|Zinvestigate pup| + 0.5 × |Zinvestigate female + Zinvestigate male|).

When recording from freely moving mice (Figs. 35), a receptive female and an adult male mouse were introduced into the cage for 10 min. A pup was placed in the cage for 5 min. The male intruder was placed in the cage for >10 min until the recording mice elicited more than six attacks, without exceeding 1 h in the cage. A receptive female was introduced until 5 min after the recording mouse ejaculated.

When comparing naive freely moving and experienced male mice responses, the ‘latency to respond’ was calculated as the time lapse from behavior onset to when the response reaches Z ≥ 1. The ‘% of trials respond’ was calculated as the percentage of trials that reached Z ≥ 1. ‘Investigation time per trial (s)’ was calculated as the average duration of all male investigation trials. Heat maps were constructed as FZ − Fz at time 0 for each trial.

Chemogenetic-mediated activation and silencing

For chemogenetic activation experiments, randomly selected naive male mice with no prior social experience except with their dam and littermates were used. On day 1, male mice were i.p. injected with saline. Thirty minutes after injection, video recordings started. After a 5-min baseline period, a pup intruder was placed into the cage for 5 min, followed by a 10-min presentation of an adult male and a receptive female, with 5-min breaks between stimulus. On day 2, male mice were i.p. injected with 1 mg kg−1 of CNO (Sigma-Aldrich, C0832), and stimuli presentation was repeated as on day 1. On day 3, Foxp2cre male mice were i.p. injected with saline, and stimuli were introduced as on days 1 and 2.

For chemogenetic silencing experiments, experimental male mice were trained to attack by introducing an adult male mouse daily for 10–30 min per day until they could consistently attack within a 10-min period. Mice were then i.p. injected with saline or CNO (1 mg kg−1) on interleaved days for one or two rounds. Thirty minutes after injection, behavioral recordings started, and, after a 5-min baseline period, an adult male or a receptive female was introduced into the cage for 10 min each, with a 5-min break.

Animal body tracking

The velocity (pixels per frame) of each animal after 30 min of saline or CNO i.p. injection was obtained during the first 5 min of the chemogenetic assay before the introduction of any stimulus. The location of each animal was tracked using the top-view camera recordings and analyzed using a custom-written MATLAB GUI and code (

Distribution of MeAFoxp2 and MeADbx1 cells across the medial-lateral and dorsal-ventral axis

MeApdFoxp2 and MeApdDbx1 cells were counted using Adobe Photoshop. The optic tract was used to calculate the medial-lateral cell distribution, whereas the dorsal edge of the MeAp was used to calculate the dorsal-ventral cell distribution. The ‘point to distance’ MATLAB function was used to calculate the distance from a point (that is, MeAFoxp2 or MeADbx1 cells) to a line (that is, the optic tract or the dorsal edge of the MeApd). Wilcoxon matched-pairs rank tests were performed to compare the distance distributions of MeApdFoxp2 and MeApdDbx1 cells.

Triple in situ hybridization RNAscope

For in situ hybridization, brains were perfused with 1× PBS and fresh frozen in dry ice. Brains were embedded in O.C.T. compound (Sakura, 4583) and cut in 20-µm sections using a cryostat (Leica, CM1950) and placed directly into slides (Fisherbrand Superfrost Plus microscope slides, Thermo Fisher Scientific, 22-037-246). Every sixth section containing the MeA (bregma −1.4 mm to −2.1 mm) was used for staining. Using the manufacturer’s protocol (Advanced Cell Diagnostics)57, slides containing the sections were dehydrated with several steps of ethanol and digested with proteinase, followed by hybridization of the mixed target probes for GFP (538851-C2), Slc32a1 (319191) and Slc17a6 (319171-C3). Slides were then stained with DAPI and coverslipped. Sections were imaged using a confocal microscope (Zeiss, LSM 800).

Immunohistochemistry and imaging analysis

Mice were anesthetized and perfused with 1× PBS, followed by 20 ml of 4% paraformaldehyde (PFA). Brains were fixed in 4% PFA for 6–12 h at 4 °C, dehydrated in 15% sucrose overnight, embedded in O.C.T. compound (Sakura, 4583) and cut into 50-µm sections using a cryostat (Leica, CM1950). Every third section was used for immunohistochemistry performed as previously described9. In brief, free-floating sections were incubated with primary antibody and blocked in 10% normal donkey serum (Jackson ImmunoResearch, 017-000-121) overnight. Brain sections were washed, placed in secondary antibody and blocked for 4–16 h. Then, sections were washed, mounted (Thermo Fisher Scientific, 12-550-15) and coverslipped using Fluoromount mounting media with DAPI (Thermo Fisher Scientific, 00-4959-52). Primary antibodies used were rabbit anti-Foxp2 (1:500, Abcam, ab16046), rat anti-GFP (1:1,000, Nacalai, 04404-84) and rabbit anti-mCherry (1:1,000, TaKaRa, Living Colors DsRed Polyclonal Ab 632496). Secondary antisera used were donkey anti-rat Alexa Fluor 488 (1:300; Jackson ImmunoResearch, 712-545-150) and donkey anti-rabbit Cy3 (1:1,000, Jackson ImmunoResearch, 711-165-152). Sections were imaged using a slide scanner (Olympus, VS120) or a confocal microscope (Zeiss, LSM 800) and counted manually using Adobe Photoshop. Cells stained with DAPI were automatically counted using the ‘analyze particles’ feature in ImageJ software and manually corrected.

Monosynaptic retrograde rabies input mapping

To determine the inputs to MeAFoxp2 and MeADbx1 cells, we injected randomly selected adult male mice with Cre-dependent or Flp-dependent AAV-G and AAV-TVA-mCherry viruses and, 4 weeks later, with EnvA G-Deleted Rabies-eGFP. After 7 d, mice were perfused, and every one in three brain sections was collected (50-µm thickness sections). Starter cells were considered TVA-mCherry and Rabies-eGFP double positive. Upstream Rabies-eGFP cells were then counted using ImageJ software. Owing to proximity with the MeA starter cell location, the lateral hypothalamus (LH), anterior MeA and anterior amygdalar area (AAA) were excluded from the analysis. Brains with more than 70% of starter cells in the MeA were considered for further analysis. Regions with more than 2% of total inputs to MeAFoxp2 and MeADbx1 cells were included in Fig. 6.

Output axonal projection mapping

To determine the projection patterns of MeAFoxp2 and MeADbx1 cells, every one in three brain sections was collected (50-µm thickness sections) and analyzed in Adobe Photoshop as previously described55. In brief, the average pixel intensity of each region of interest (Iraw) was obtained, and the background intensity from the contralarateral side (lbackground) was substracted (Isignal) and normalized to the maximum lsignal across all brain regions (Inorm). The average Inorm was then calculated for all animals to obtain the average axonal projection intensity for each terminal field. Animals with more than 65% of starter cells in the MeA were considered for analysis. Regions with more than 0.2 normalized intensity were included in Fig. 8. VMHvl was shown in the analysis given its well-established role in territorial aggression42,58,59. The LH and anterior MeA were excluded from the analysis owing to their proximity to the starter cells.

Brain slice electrophysiology

For AOB to MeA circuit mapping experiments, we injected AAV2-Flex-eGFP and AAV9-hSyn-ChrimsonR-tdTomato into the MeA and the AOB, respectively, of Foxp2cre+/ male mice or AAV9-hSyn-ChrimsonR-tdTomato into the AOB of Dbx1cre+/Ai6+/ male mice. Whole-cell patch-clamp recordings were performed on MeA slices from all mice.

Mice were anesthetized with isoflurane, and brains were removed and submerged in ice-cold cutting solution containing (in mM): 110 choline chloride, 25 NaHCO3, 2.5 KCl, 7 MgCl2, 0.5 CaCl2, 1.25 NaH2PO4, 25 glucose, 11.6 ascorbic acid and 3.1 pyruvic acid. Coronal sections of 275 µm were cut on a Leica VT1200 S vibratome and incubated in artificial cerebral spinal fluid (ACSF) containing (in mM): 125 NaCl, 2.5 KCl, 1.25 NaH2PO4, 25 NaHCO3, 1 MgCl2, 2 CaCl2 and 11 glucose at 34 °C for 30 min and then transferred to room temperature for cell recovery until the start of recording. Whole-cell voltage-clamp recordings were performed with micropipettes filled with intracellular solution containing (in mM): 135 CsMeSO3, 10 HEPES, 1 EGTA, 3.3 QX-314 (chloride salt), 4 Mg-ATP, 0.3 Na-GTP and 8 sodium phosphocreatine (pH 7.3 adjusted with CsOH). Signals were recorded using MultiClamp 700B amplifier and digitized by DigiData1550B with sampling rate of 20 kHz (Molecular Devices). Data were analyzed using Clampfit (Molecular Devices) or MATLAB (Mathworks). To activate ChrimsonR-expressing axons, brief pulses of full-field illumination (pE-300 white; CoolLED, 605 nm, 1-ms duration, 10 repeats, with 6-s interval) were delivered onto the recorded cell. oESPSs and oIPSCs were recorded by holding the membrane potential of recorded neurons at −70 mV and 0 mV, respectively. ACSF, TTX (1 µM), TTX (1 µM) and 4-AP (100 µM) were sequentially used to test if optogenetically evoked responses are monosynaptic. All drugs were pre-applied for 5 min in the slice chamber before data acquisition. Latency was measured as the time difference when the current exceeded 1.5 folds of the standard deviation of baseline compared to the light onset.


All statistical analyses were performed using MATLAB or GraphPad Prism (versions 8 and 9) software. Statistical analyses were two-tailed. Parametric tests, including paired and unpaired t-test and one-way ANOVA, were used if distributions passed the Kolmogorov–Smirnov normality test. Normality tests were not performed for one-way ANOVA with missing values, sample size ≤4 and two-way ANOVAs. If data were not normally distributed, non-parametric tests were used. One-sample t-test was performed to determine whether the group mean differs from a specific value. When multiple t-tests were performed, P values were adjusted using the original false discovery rate (FDR) method of the Benjamini–Hochberg process. For comparisons across more than two groups, one-way ANOVA or repeated-measures one-way ANOVA was performed for normally distributed data, followed by Tukey’s multiple comparison tests; Friedman or Kruskal–Wallis tests were used for non-normally distributed data, followed by a two-stage linear step-up procedure of Benjamini, Krieger and Yekutieli multiple comparison tests. Two-way ANOVA was performed for differences between groups with two independent variables, followed by Sidak’s multiple comparison tests. All significant P values < 0.05 are indicated in the figures. *P < 0.05; **P < 0.01; ***P < 0.001; ****P < 0.0001. For detailed statistical analysis, see the Source Data associated with each figure.

Reporting summary

Further information on research design is available in the Nature Portfolio Reporting Summary linked to this article.