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Targeting calcium-related mechanotransduction in early OA

Sensation of mechanical stimuli by chondrocytes is critical to cartilage homeostasis and osteoarthritis development. The earliest responses in chondrocyte mechanotransduction pathways involve calcium influx and changes in mitochondrial function, which occur in seconds to minutes. Deeper understanding of these events can elucidate new therapeutic targets for early intervention to prevent osteoarthritis.

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Fig. 1: Chondrocyte mechanotransduction pathways in posttraumatic osteoarthritis pathogenesis.


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The authors would like to thank Lisa Fortier and Itai Cohen for their helpful discussions on this topic. Funding was provided by NSF CMMI 1927197 (L.J.B.), NIH 1R03AR075929-01 (M.L.D.), NIH 5K08AR068470-02 (M.L.D.) and NIH 1R01AR071394-01 (L.J.B.).

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Correspondence to Lawrence J. Bonassar.

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L.J.B. is a co-founder and holds equity in 3DBio Therapeutics, which develops engineered cartilage for therapeutic applications. M.L.D has no competing interests.

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Delco, M.L., Bonassar, L.J. Targeting calcium-related mechanotransduction in early OA. Nat Rev Rheumatol 17, 445–446 (2021).

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