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Kidney physiology and susceptibility to acute kidney injury: implications for renoprotection


Kidney damage varies according to the primary insult. Different aetiologies of acute kidney injury (AKI), including kidney ischaemia, exposure to nephrotoxins, dehydration or sepsis, are associated with characteristic patterns of damage and changes in gene expression, which can provide insight into the mechanisms that lead to persistent structural and functional damage. Early morphological alterations are driven by a delicate balance between energy demand and oxygen supply, which varies considerably in different regions of the kidney. The functional heterogeneity of the various nephron segments is reflected in their use of different metabolic pathways. AKI is often linked to defects in kidney oxygen supply, and some nephron segments might not be able to shift to anaerobic metabolism under low oxygen conditions or might have remarkably low basal oxygen levels, which enhances their vulnerability to damage. Here, we discuss why specific kidney regions are at particular risk of injury and how this information might help to delineate novel routes for mitigating injury and avoiding permanent damage. We suggest that the physiological heterogeneity of the kidney should be taken into account when exploring novel renoprotective strategies, such as improvement of kidney tissue oxygenation, stimulation of hypoxia signalling pathways and modulation of cellular energy metabolism.

Key points

  • Rather than a disease entity, acute kidney injury (AKI) comprises a heterogeneous group of conditions that lead to a rapid decline in excretory kidney function.

  • Distinct AKI aetiologies, including sepsis, major surgery, hypovolaemia and inflammatory processes within the kidney, are associated with complex pathophysiological processes that are characterized by distinct changes in gene expression patterns.

  • The unique vascularization of the kidney is associated with regional heterogeneity of oxygen supply, which creates areas at high risk of hypoxia.

  • Tubular segments differ in their ability to use substrates for ATP generation and in their energy demand, which creates further variability in their susceptibility to injury.

  • Emerging renoprotective strategies address these unique susceptibilities and distinct aetiologies to improve oxygen supply, prevent mitochondrial dysfunction or regulate metabolic pathways and oxygen consumption.

  • Over the next few years, pathophysiology-guided strategies are expected to translate into improvements in AKI clinical prevention, diagnosis and therapy.

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Fig. 1: Metabolic pathways across nephron segments.
Fig. 2: Susceptibility of different nephron segments to various AKI aetiologies.
Fig. 3: Kidney injury pathways as potential targets for renoprotection.

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The authors are funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, German Research Foundation), Project-ID 394046635 — SFB 1365, and acknowledge the secretarial assistance of C. Neubert in the preparation of this manuscript before submission.

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H.S., F.J.B., K.M.S.-O., S.B., U.I.S. and P.B.P. researched data for the article. All authors made substantial contributions to discussions of the content, wrote the manuscript, and reviewed or edited the manuscript before submission.

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Correspondence to Pontus B. Persson.

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K.-U.E. reports personal fees from Akebia, Astellas and Bayer, grants from Astra Zeneca, Bayer and Vifor. P.B.P. advises for Bayer regarding renal safety and has received funding from Bayer. The other authors declare no competing interests.

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Nature Reviews Nephrology thanks R. Evans, S. Heyman and the other, anonymous, reviewer(s) for their contribution to the peer review of this work.

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Diffusional equilibrium

A condition of balanced oxygen distribution (that is, lack of partial pressure of oxygen (pO2) heterogeneities) within a tissue.

Arterial–venous shunting

The diffusion of oxygen from arteries to veins in blood vessels that are arranged in a countercurrent.

Vascular congestion

In the context of acute kidney injury, vascular congestion describes reduced kidney perfusion in critical regions due to low blood flow and erythrocyte aggregation.

Rheological measures

Treatment protocols aimed at improving intrarenal haemodynamics and, thus, excretory kidney function.

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Scholz, H., Boivin, F.J., Schmidt-Ott, K.M. et al. Kidney physiology and susceptibility to acute kidney injury: implications for renoprotection. Nat Rev Nephrol 17, 335–349 (2021).

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