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Forkhead box O (FOXO) family transcription factors have a well-identified role in T cell commitment to a regulatory phenotype, in part by inducing the expression of the master regulator of regulatory T (TReg) cells — FOXP3. New data published in Nature show that FOXO1 also has a crucial role in maintaining the function of TReg cells in a manner independent of FOXP3.

FOXO1 also has a crucial role in maintaining the function of TReg cells in a manner independent of FOXP3

These studies were carried out using a series of mutant mice labelled for expression of FOXO1 and/or FOXP3, some of which had a conditional deletion of Foxo1 in FOXP3+ TReg cells or expressed a mutant form of FOXO1 that cannot be exported from the nucleus. In live-imaging experiments, the authors showed that low-dose CD3-specific antibody treatment triggered the translocation of FOXO1 from the nucleus to the cytosol in conventional T cells, but this did not occur in TReg cells owing to markedly decreased AKT-mediated phosphorylation of FOXO1 in TReg cells. Therefore, TReg cells seem to be relatively resistant to the T cell receptor-induced clearance of FOXO1 from the nucleus compared with conventional T cells.

Conditional deletion of Foxo1 in TReg cells did not affect the number of TReg cells but led to severe pathology — including splenomegaly and lymphadenopathy — comparable to that of TReg cell-deficient FOXP3-mutant mice. So the lymphoproliferative disease resulting from the loss of FOXO1 is a consequence of the loss of TReg cell function. Expression of a permanently nuclear FOXO1 mutant in FOXO1-deficient TReg cells completely rescued the pathology, showing that nuclear FOXO1 activity is required for TReg cell function.

By cross-referencing putative FOXO1-binding sites in the nuclei of TReg cells against gene expression in wild-type, FOXO1-deficient and nuclear-FOXO1-mutant TReg cells, the authors identified 310 direct FOXO1 target genes. A comparison of the direct target genes of FOXO1 and FOXP3 showed that 90–99% of the targets were specifically regulated by only one of the transcription factors. One such FOXO1-specific target gene in TReg cells is the gene encoding interferon-γ (IFNγ).

A prominent feature of wild-type TReg cells is the inability to produce pro-inflammatory cytokines. By contrast, FOXO1-deficient TReg cells had high levels of IFNγ mRNA and protein. In a T cell-transfer model of colitis, disease could be attenuated by wild-type or Foxo1−/−Ifng−/− TReg cells, but not by Foxo1−/− TReg cells. Together, the data indicate that Ifng is a crucial target gene repressed by FOXO1 for the control of TReg cell function.