Correction to: Cell Death and Disease 2016; 7: e2374. doi:10.1038/cddis.2016.278; published online 22 September 2016

Since the publication of this paper the authors have noticed an error in the author affiliations, specifically that Dr. Nicoloso and Dr. Spizzo share co-last authorship. The correct list of affiliations is:

Laura Cesaratto1,9, Eleonora Grisard1,9, Michela Coan1,2, Luigi Zandonà1, Elena De Mattia3, Elena Poletto4, Erika Cecchin3, Fabio Puglisi4,5, Vincenzo Canzonieri6, Maria Teresa Mucignat1, Antonella Zucchetto7, Gabriele Stocco8, Alfonso Colombatti1, Milena S Nicoloso1,9 and Riccardo Spizzo1,9

The authors would like to apologise for any inconvenience caused.