About the Partner



Originally, CDDpress was set up by the non-profit organization "Cell Death Differentiation Association" (“Associazione Differenziamento e Morte Cellulare”, ADMC, associazione senza fini di lucro Cod. Fis. 96220730582), founded in 1992 within the University Rome Tor Vergata, Department of Experimental Medicine & Surgery, Faculty of Medicine & Surgery, via Montpellier 1, 00133, Rome, Italy.  The brand (CDDpress, ADMC, CDD-erc LLP) has a strong visibility in the scientific community and has launched three distinct journals, all published by SpringerNature.

Cell Death & Differentiation launched in 1994, is published monthly and devotes itself to scientific excellence in the field of cell biology, molecular biology, and biochemistry with a special focus on cell death and disease. The journal is committed to the rapid publication of high-quality original papers relating to these subjects, together with topical, usually solicited, reviews, meeting reports, editorial correspondence and occasional commentaries on scientifically controversial issues. It continues to attract the best material in the field. You can learn more about Cell Death & Differentiation and its latest metrics on the Journal Information page.

Cell Death & Disease, launched in 2010, is an online-only, open access journal. It seeks to promote diverse and integrated areas of experimental and internal medicine with its specialties, including cancer, immunity, metabolism and neuroscience, with a special translational flavour on cell death and disease. It seeks to encompass the breadth of translational implications of cell death. You can learn more about Cell Death & Disease and its latest metrics on the Journal Information page.

Cell Death Discoverylaunched in 2015, is a multidisciplinary, international, online-only, open access journal, dedicated to publishing sound research at the intersection of medicine with biochemistry, pharmacology, immunology, cell biology and cell death. It pays particular attention to scientific reproducibility. You can learn more about Cell Death Discovery and its latest metrics on the Journal Information page.

CDDpress Conferences, in addition to the three journals, CDDpress organizes scientific conferences, including regular ones in Cambridge, Capri and Shanghai.