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The Biological Productivity of the Ocean: Section 4

By: Daniel M. Sigman (Department of Geosciences, Princeton University) & Mathis P. Hain (Department of Geosciences, Princeton University) © 2012 Nature Education 
Citation: Sigman, D. M. & Hain, M. P. (2012) The Biological Productivity of the Ocean: Section 4. Nature Education Knowledge 3(10):19
Productivity fuels life in the ocean, drives its chemical cycles, and lowers atmospheric carbon dioxide. Nutrient uptake and export interact with circulation to yield distinct ocean regimes.
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Previous Section: How Does Ocean Productivity Affect Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide?

Are Humans Changing Ocean Productivity?

Human activities can directly add significant quantities of major and trace nutrients to some regions of the coastal ocean, unambiguously impacting local productivity. While this enhanced productivity could theoretically benefit the upper trophic levels-including fisheries-a host of effects lead to habitat disturbance. As an example, in the waters surrounding the Mississippi Delta and the Chesapeake Bay, the decomposition of the sedimented organic matter produced by nutrient-enhanced phytoplankton blooms lowers the oxygen content of subsurface waters, driving away fish and other complex organisms that require oxygenated water. Anthropogenically enhanced nutrient inputs to the open ocean occur mostly through the atmosphere. In some regions (e.g., the North Atlantic), atmospheric N and Fe deposition on the open ocean has already been measurably enhanced by human activities (Duce et al. 2008), but this enhancement is not yet sufficient to have a clear impact beyond coastal regions and inland seas.

The human impacts on open ocean productivity are likely to be complex. Global warming associated with the anthropogenic increase in greenhouse gases appears to be strengthening upper ocean stratification, reducing the nutrient supply from below and thus decreasing global ocean productivity (Behrenfeld et al. 2006). At the same time, elevated CO2 concentrations may have a fertilizing effect on some phytoplankton (CO2 scarcity can restrict the rate of phytoplankton photosynthesis), while negatively impacting some organisms that produce CaCO3 hard parts (seawater CO32- concentration largely sets the saturation state of CaCO3 and decreases under higher CO2) (Morel et al. 2010). Such changes may alter fisheries substantially, but they are currently much less important than the effects of overfishing.

Purposeful fertilization of N- and P-rich polar surface waters with iron has been proposed as a mechanism for mitigating the anthropogenic rise in atmospheric CO2 by increasing the biological storage of CO2 in the deep ocean (Sarmiento et al. 2006). However, fertilizing the modern polar ocean for this purpose appears to yield only modest carbon storage and is likely to have substantial negative impacts, the expenditure of the effort aside. First, even if iron fertilization were to lead to complete consumption of nutrients, it takes too long for the deep waters to cycle through the polar ocean surface to substantially alter the currently rapid rise in atmospheric CO2 (Peng & Broecker 1991). Second, humans appear incapable of intentionally fertilizing a significant fraction of the Southern Ocean on a continuous basis; with only sporadic fertilization, a substantial portion of the additional CO2 sequestered in the deep ocean would upwell back to the surface to be released. Third, any modest increase in carbon storage that such fertilization does cause will come at the expense of lower oxygen concentrations in the ocean interior, one climate consequence of which may be enhanced release of the greenhouse gas nitrous oxide to the atmosphere (Jin & Gruber 2003).


Alkalinity: Alkalinity is closely related to pH, both describing the acid-base chemistry of water. While there are more complete definitions, alkalinity is the excess of strong base over strong acid in a solution.

Autotroph: As opposed to "heterotroph" and "chemo-autotroph", an organism that has the ability to harvest sunlight as a source of chemical energy.

Benthos: The collective group of organisms that share the sea floor as their habitat. This includes organisms that burrow into the sediments, organisms that permanently attach themselves to the seabed substrate, and organisms that simply rest on the seafloor. These benthic lifestyles are distinct from swimming "nekton" and free floating "plankton".

Biological pump: The photosynthetic production, sinking, and deep ocean decomposition of organic matter that cause a vertical gradient of dissolved inorganic carbon in the ocean, in net causing the storage of CO2 in deep waters and thus lowering atmospheric CO2. In some cases, the biological pump is taken to involve two components: (1) the rain of soft-tissue organic carbon from the surface to depth, the "soft-tissue pump", and (2) the rain of mineral calcium-carbonate from the surface to depth, the "carbonate pump". The former lowers atmospheric CO2, while the latter raises it.

Euphotic zone: The upper part of the ocean water column that receives at least 1% of the incident sunlight. The vast majority of photosynthesis in the ocean occurs within this zone.

Export production: The export of organic carbon from a given ecosystem (e.g., the surface mixed layer, the euphotic zone) over a specified time interval.

Fecal pellet: The particulate excretion of zooplankton. Fecal pellets contain substantial amounts of organic carbon and organically-bound nutrients. The sinking of fecal pellets from the surface ocean to depth is one of the main contributors to export production.

Heterotroph: An organism that lives by heterotrophy, in which the organic carbon produced by other organisms is collected and oxidized (or "respired") using a chemical oxidant available in the environment, most commonly oxygen (O2).

GPP: Gross primary production, the total rate of organic carbon production by autotrophs.

Inorganic carbon: Carbon with the oxidation state +IV, including carbon dioxide (CO2), carbonic acid (H2CO3), bicarbonate ion (HCO3-), carbonate ion (CO32-), and carbonate minerals (e.g., calcium carbonate, CaCO3). Dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) is the sum of CO2, H2CO3, HCO3- and CO32- that are dissolved in water, thereby excluding gas and mineral solids. The ratio among the species of DIC is controlled by pH, with higher pH (lower activity of protons) converting a greater fraction of the CO2 to HCO3- and CO32-.

Microzooplankton: Zooplankton that are small (~ 1-100 µm) and thus can only forage the smallest phytoplankton (of their size or smaller). The body of these small grazers is relatively simple, commonly lacking a complex digestive tract, such that they do not excrete solid fecal pellet but instead release metabolic byproducts back into the water column. For this reason, grazing by microzooplankton promotes nutrient recycling in the surface ocean, thereby raising primary productivity relative to new nutrient supply and export productivity (see "NEP:NPP ratio").

Mixed layer: Or wind-mixed layer, the uppermost skin of the ocean where wind-driven turbulence homogenizes chemical properties of surface water down to the mixed layer depth (MLD). The MLD varies both geographically and seasonally, ranging from a few meters to hundreds of meters.

Nekton: Organisms that swim or are otherwise self-propelled and not largely reliant on ocean viscosity, turbulence, and circulation; for example, fish, whales, and squid. To be distinguished from more or less passively drifting "plankton" and bottom-dwelling "benthos."

NEP: Net ecosystem production, the amount of photosynthesis minus the amount of respiration within a given ecosystem (e.g., the surface mixed layer, the euphotic zone) over a specified time interval. Depending on the ecosystem and the time interval chosen, NEP may closely track the export of organic carbon from the ecosystem (i.e., export production).

NEP:NPP ratio: The ratio between the net ecosystem production and the net production of biomass by phytoplankton (NPP) is a useful measure for nutrient recycling. It has also been named the "f-ratio" (for flux ratio) and represents the fraction of NPP that is supported by new nutrient supply, as opposed to regenerated productivity that is supported by the recycling of nutrients from organic matter within the surface ocean. This ratio is small in the low-nutrient and unproductive subtropical ocean (due to a high degree of recycling) and much greater on the highly productive polar ocean (which has proportionally less recycling).

NPP: Net primary production, which is gross primary production (GPP) minus the autotrophsʼ own rate of respiration; it is thus the rate at which the full metabolism of phytoplankton produces organic matter.

Organic carbon: Carbon that exists in the environment with the oxidation state -IV to +III. Organic carbon is thermodynamically unstable in the presence of the O2 in the atmosphere and dissolved O2 in ocean waters (as well as other oxidants, including nitrate and sulfate), such that its biologically mediated oxidation releases energy for life. Organic carbon may exist in particulate or dissolved form.

Photosynthesis: The chemical process that uses sunlight as an energy source for the conversion of (oxidized) carbon dioxide to (reduced) organic carbon.

Phytoplankton: Planktonic organisms that are autotrophic and thus generate chemical energy from sunlight through photosynthesis.

Phytoplankton bloom: When environmental conditions improve, autotrophic phytoplankton may grow and divide rapidly, resulting in an increase in biomass and cell numbers and fuelling higher trophic levels. Thus, increasing light (e.g., winter to summer, shoaling of mixed layer depth), nutrient input and low grazing stress encourage the development of blooms. Overall, if net primary production by a given autotroph exceeds the sum of their mortality and grazing losses this organism is said to bloom. The increase of biomass during a bloom provides the feedstock for secondary production by heterotrophic organisms, which ultimately leads to increased grazing stress on the blooming organism. Over the annual cycle a given ocean region typically experiences a complex succession of blooms by specific autotrophic organisms, closely associated with rises in the population of their respective grazers.

Plankton: Organisms that are suspended in and largely drift in ocean water; can be subdivided into (1) (autotrophic) phytoplankton and (2) (heterotrophic) zooplankton and bacteria.

Remineralization: The transformation of organic matter to inorganic constituents (e.g., dissolved inorganic carbon, nitrate, and phosphate). Synonymous with "decomposition," but focusing on the consequence of this process of returning nutrients and other chemical to their dissolved, inorganic form. See also "respiration."

Respiration: The oxidation of organic matter (largely organic carbon being oxidized to carbon dioxide) for the purpose of yielding chemical energy for basic life functions. Often results in the conversion of particulate organic matter back to dissolved inorganic chemicals.

Secondary production (SP): The growth rate of heterotrophic biomass.

Zooplankton: Planktonic organisms that graze upon organic matter, fulfilling their energy requirements by the respiration of organic carbon.

References and Recommended Reading

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