
Partnerships in progress

Research alliances in Asia Pacific are shifting towards China.

  • Catherine Cheung, Tanner Maxwell, Catherine Armitage

Credit: Tanner Maxwell

Partnerships in progress

Research alliances in Asia Pacific are shifting towards China.

18 March 2021

Catherine Cheung, Tanner Maxwell, Catherine Armitage

Tanner Maxwell

Here we present a comparison of Collaboration Score (CS) between China and the rest of Asia Pacific’s top six research performers, and their CS with three research leaders outside the region — the United States, the United Kingdom and Germany. Nodes are sized according to each location’s Share in 2020* and line thickness represents the total CS, which is calculated by adding each partner’s Share in their joint articles.

The lines are coloured according to the per cent change in CS between 2015 and 2020. Arrows point to the country that contributes more Share in a given collaboration.

alt Source: Nature Index. Data analysis by Catherine Cheung, infographic by Tanner Maxwell & Catherine Armitage
alt Source: Nature Index. Data analysis by Catherine Cheung, infographic by Tanner Maxwell & Catherine Armitage
alt Source: Nature Index. Data analysis by Catherine Cheung, infographic by Tanner Maxwell & Catherine Armitage
alt Source: Nature Index. Data analysis by Catherine Cheung, infographic by Tanner Maxwell & Catherine Armitage

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