2019 Research Leaders: Leading institutions

The 2019 Research Leaders are based on Nature Index data from 1 January 2018 to 31 December 2018.

Table criteria

Position Institution Share 2017 Share 2018 Count 2018 Change in Adjusted Share* 2017–2018
1 The University of Tokyo (UTokyo), Japan 472.01 448.85 1191 -10.2% Decrease
2 Kyoto University, Japan 307.24 289.61 761 -11.0% Decrease
3 Osaka University, Japan 188.74 171.45 496 -14.2% Decrease
4 Tohoku University, Japan 142.97 166.91 496 10.2% Increase
5 RIKEN, Japan 153.05 160.44 616 -1.0% Decrease
6 Nagoya University, Japan 121.18 131.66 434 2.6% Increase
7 Tokyo Institute of Technology (Tokyo Tech), Japan 130.47 126.76 368 -8.3% Decrease
8 Hokkaido University, Japan 116.17 114.17 286 -7.2% Decrease
9 Kyushu University, Japan 97.33 87.70 313 -14.9% Decrease
10 National Institute for Materials Science (NIMS), Japan 73.49 73.25 284 -5.9% Decrease
11 National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST), Japan 63.06 70.14 233 5.0% Increase
12 Keio University, Japan 62.11 55.97 128 -14.9% Decrease
13 University of Tsukuba, Japan 40.09 39.56 215 -6.9% Decrease
14 National Institutes of Natural Sciences (NINS), Japan 27.79 34.17 171 16.1% Increase
15 Kanazawa University (KU), Japan 27.42 33.55 97 15.5% Increase
16 Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology Graduate University (OIST), Japan 21.17 31.09 67 38.6% Increase
17 Okayama University, Japan 28.97 30.71 140 0.1% Increase
18 Hiroshima University (HU), Japan 28.91 29.73 121 -2.9% Decrease
19 Chiba University, Japan 20.23 27.39 89 27.8% Increase
20 Waseda University, Japan 32.47 26.56 138 -22.8% Decrease
21 Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology (JAMSTEC), Japan 21.78 25.59 98 10.9% Increase
22 Kobe University, Japan 28.13 24.31 131 -18.4% Decrease
23 High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK), Japan 19.02 23.66 198 17.4% Increase
24 Tokyo University of Science (TUS), Japan 18.96 23.11 73 15.1% Increase
25 Osaka Metropolitan University (OMU), Japan 29.53 18.91 65 -39.6% Decrease
26 Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology (TUAT), Japan 20.17 18.83 39 -11.9% Decrease
27 The Graduate University for Advanced Studies (Sokendai), Japan 15.83 17.98 124 7.2% Increase
28 Nagoya Institute of Technology (NITech), Japan 16.51 16.84 35 -3.7% Decrease
29 Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation (NTT), Japan 7.11 16.56 39 119.9% Increase
30 Tokyo Medical and Dental University (TMDU), Japan 15.73 16.42 55 -1.5% Decrease
31 Kumamoto University, Japan 18.03 15.87 51 -16.9% Decrease
32 Nara Institute of Science and Technology (NAIST), Japan 17.28 15.21 43 -16.9% Decrease
33 Research Organization of Information and Systems (ROIS), Japan 13.13 14.99 84 7.8% Increase
34 Tokyo Metropolitan University (TMU), Japan 14.21 14.37 118 -4.5% Decrease
35 Shinshu University (SU), Japan 10.04 14.20 109 33.5% Increase
36 Shizuoka University, Japan 8.60 14.14 30 55.3% Increase
37 Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA), Japan 8.40 11.86 77 33.3% Increase
38 Japan Synchrotron Radiation Research Institute (JASRI), Japan 13.90 11.79 111 -19.9% Decrease
39 Chuo University, Japan 7.89 11.24 28 34.5% Increase
40 University of Hyogo, Japan 5.18 10.99 32 100.4% Increase
41 Ehime University, Japan 11.45 10.44 31 -13.9% Decrease
42 Yokohama City University (YCU), Japan 9.40 9.93 46 -0.3% Decrease
43 National Institute for Environmental Studies (NIES), Japan 5.44 9.92 43 72.1% Increase
44 Gifu University, Japan 2.17 9.74 37 324.9% Increase
45 Toyota Group, Japan 8.38 9.53 25 7.3% Increase
46 University of Toyama, Japan 8.03 9.47 26 11.3% Increase
47 Yokohama National University (YNU), Japan 9.80 9.26 27 -10.8% Decrease
48 Gunma University, Japan 10.33 8.67 31 -20.8% Decrease
49 University of Yamanashi, Japan 7.04 8.54 27 14.6% Increase
50 Yamagata University, Japan 7.17 8.22 36 8.3% Increase
51 Tokushima University, Japan 6.01 7.92 29 24.3% Increase
52 Ritsumeikan University, Japan 10.23 7.89 36 -27.2% Decrease
53 The University of Electro-Communications (UEC), Japan 5.10 7.75 28 43.3% Increase
54 Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA), Japan 7.02 7.60 54 2.2% Increase
55 Aoyama Gakuin University, Japan 6.51 7.52 19 9.1% Increase
56 Kyoto Institute of Technology (KIT), Japan 10.14 7.35 20 -31.6% Decrease
57 National Institutes for Quantum Science and Technology (QST), Japan 8.80 7.31 34 -21.6% Decrease
58 University of the Ryukyus, Japan 3.78 6.93 32 72.8% Increase
59 Niigata University, Japan 11.46 6.74 45 -44.4% Decrease
60 The Kitasato Institute, Japan 10.86 6.72 21 -41.6% Decrease
61 University of Fukui, Japan 5.18 6.54 20 19.2% Increase
62 Takeda Pharmaceutical Company Limited, Japan 5.69 6.46 21 7.3% Increase
63 Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA), Japan 7.75 6.38 23 -22.2% Decrease
64 Kindai University, Japan 11.94 6.28 26 -50.3% Decrease
65 Hitachi, Ltd., Japan 4.82 6.23 26 21.9% Increase
66 Konan University, Japan 3.82 6.20 17 53.3% Increase
67 Institute of Microbial Chemistry (IMC), Japan 10.05 6.17 10 -42.0% Decrease
68 Toho University, Japan 1.32 6.16 37 340.9% Increase
69 National Cancer Center (NCC), Japan 2.95 6.06 25 94.0% Increase
70 Kwansei Gakuin University, Japan 7.92 6.03 20 -28.1% Decrease
71 National Institute of Information and Communications Technology (NICT), Japan 6.88 6.01 36 -17.5% Decrease
72 Shimane University, Japan 2.74 5.99 15 106.3% Increase
73 Rikkyo University, Japan 6.87 5.86 25 -19.5% Decrease
74 Nagoya City University, Japan 5.14 5.78 21 6.2% Increase
75 Doshisha University, Japan 6.96 5.70 18 -22.7% Decrease
76 Gakushuin University, Japan 3.28 5.68 13 63.7% Increase
77 Tokyo Metropolitan Institute of Medical Science (IGAKUKEN), Japan 7.55 5.64 10 -29.5% Decrease
78 Ibaraki University, Japan 7.30 5.63 20 -27.2% Decrease
79 Tokai University, Japan 3.48 5.60 22 51.9% Increase
80 Tokyo University of Pharmacy and Life Sciences (TUPLS), Japan 3.93 5.58 11 34.2% Increase
81 Nara Women's University (NWU), Japan 1.59 5.57 45 230.2% Increase
82 Yamaguchi University, Japan 7.79 5.53 20 -33.0% Decrease
83 Nihon University, Japan 5.79 5.37 29 -12.6% Decrease
84 Toshiba Corporation, Japan 7.91 5.28 8 -37.0% Decrease
85 Kanagawa University, Japan 5.29 5.28 23 -5.8% Decrease
86 Saitama University, Japan 9.44 5.09 25 -49.1% Decrease
87 Kyushu Institute of Technology (Kyutech), Japan 4.37 5.01 16 8.4% Increase
88 Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (JAIST), Japan 9.76 5.01 13 -51.5% Decrease
89 University of Shizuoka, Japan 10.16 4.65 9 -56.8% Decrease
90 Eisai Co., Ltd., Japan 4.86 4.53 20 -12.0% Decrease
91 Kyoto Sangyo University, Japan 2.67 4.49 23 59.1% Increase
92 Nagasaki University, Japan 9.70 4.39 20 -57.2% Decrease
93 National Research Institute for Earth Science and Disaster Resilience (NIED), Japan 3.38 4.38 8 22.4% Increase
94 Nagaoka University of Technology (NUT), Japan 2.95 4.05 5 29.5% Increase
95 University of Miyazaki, Japan 4.83 4.01 25 -21.6% Decrease
96 Kochi University of Technology, Japan 4.67 3.93 9 -20.6% Decrease
97 Spintronics Research Network of Japan (Spin-RnJ), Japan 2.25 3.81 53 59.9% Increase
98 Kansai University, Japan 4.88 3.81 6 -26.3% Decrease
99 Mie University, Japan 2.90 3.72 17 21.1% Increase
100 National Center of Neurology and Psychiatry (NCNP), Japan 3.69 3.69 12 -5.5% Decrease
101 Toyohashi University of Technology, Japan 5.15 3.58 5 -34.3% Decrease
102 Sophia University, Japan 3.32 3.50 14 -0.4% Decrease
103 Juntendo University, Japan 5.65 3.39 20 -43.4% Decrease
104 Shimadzu Corporation, Japan 1.97 3.38 14 62.3% Increase
105 JEOL Ltd., Japan 2.43 3.13 24 22.0% Increase
106 Kyoto Pharmaceutical University, Japan 0.42 3.05 9 591.1% Increase
107 Meiji University, Japan 0.90 3.04 10 219.6% Increase
108 Mitsubishi Group, Japan 3.69 3.03 21 -22.5% Decrease
109 Gifu Pharmaceutical University (GPU), Japan 6.16 2.95 5 -54.7% Decrease
110 Kochi University, Japan 3.76 2.91 21 -27.1% Decrease
111 Ochanomizu University, Japan 3.20 2.79 25 -17.6% Decrease
112 Kagoshima University, Japan 3.59 2.69 16 -29.3% Decrease
113 Tottori University, Japan 2.20 2.59 7 11.0% Increase
114 Japanese Foundation for Cancer Research (JFCR), Japan 4.63 2.57 21 -47.7% Decrease
115 National Agriculture and Food Research Organization (NARO), Japan 4.35 2.52 20 -45.4% Decrease
116 Akita University, Japan 3.18 2.51 10 -25.5% Decrease
117 Chubu University, Japan 3.75 2.48 16 -37.6% Decrease
118 Health Sciences University of Hokkaido, Japan 1.51 2.40 3 49.9% Increase
119 Japan Fine Ceramics Center (JFCC), Japan 1.64 2.38 17 36.6% Increase
120 Rigaku Corporation, Japan 2.48 2.37 14 -9.5% Decrease
121 Kanagawa Institute of Industrial Science and Technology (KISTEC), Japan 0.83 2.30 10 160.2% Increase
122 Saga University, Japan 4.25 2.29 9 -49.1% Decrease
123 Fukuoka University, Japan 2.71 2.23 10 -22.4% Decrease
124 Meijo University, Japan 2.71 2.20 11 -23.4% Decrease
125 National Center for Global Health and Medicine (NCGM), Japan 2.26 2.14 12 -10.6% Decrease
126 National Institute of Infectious Diseases (NIID), Japan 1.92 2.06 14 1.6% Increase
127 Saitama Medical University (SMU), Japan 1.45 2.01 12 31.6% Increase
128 Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine (KPUM), Japan 3.87 2.00 9 -51.3% Decrease
129 Otsuka Holdings Co., Ltd., Japan 0.49 1.97 15 280.1% Increase
130 Jichi Medical University, Japan 1.19 1.96 15 55.6% Increase
131 National Institutes of Biomedical Innovation, Health and Nutrition (NIBIOHN), Japan 1.32 1.96 11 40.1% Increase
132 Chiba Institute of Technology, Japan 0.26 1.92 10 603.9% Increase
133 Fukushima University, Japan 0.33 1.90 8 438.8% Increase
134 Oita University, Japan 1.74 1.87 11 1.2% Increase
135 Toyota Technological Institute (TTI), Japan 3.95 1.84 10 -56.0% Decrease
136 Peptide Institute, Inc., Japan 0.88 1.83 2 97.8% Increase
137 Hamamatsu University School of Medicine, Japan 1.89 1.83 9 -8.7% Decrease
138 Aichi University of Education, Japan 1.84 1.77 6 -9.2% Decrease
139 Tokushima Bunri University, Japan 1.86 1.73 8 -12.5% Decrease
140 Hoshi University, Japan 0.08 1.66 3 1,783.4% Increase
141 Advanced Telecommunications Research Institute International (ATR), Japan 1.04 1.64 5 49.4% Increase
142 Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry (CRIEPI), Japan 0.14 1.63 9 979.0% Increase
143 Daiichi Sankyo Co., Ltd., Japan 0.33 1.55 12 340.1% Increase
144 Tokyo Medical University, Japan 0.13 1.53 7 1,057.9% Increase
145 Hirosaki University, Japan 2.47 1.53 10 -41.6% Decrease
146 Geospatial Information Authority of Japan (GSI), Japan 2.05 1.50 2 -30.8% Decrease
146 Panasonic Corporation, Japan 1.77 1.50 2 -20.1% Decrease
147 Fukushima Medical University (FMU), Japan 1.78 1.48 7 -21.4% Decrease
148 Iwate University, Japan 0.19 1.48 7 640.5% Increase
149 Tamagawa University, Japan 1.81 1.45 4 -24.5% Decrease
150 FujiFilm Corporation, Japan 2.02 1.42 14 -33.3% Decrease
151 Marine Ecology Research Institute (MERI), Japan 0.00 1.40 2 0.0% Increase
152 Sony Corporation, Japan 2.21 1.40 3 -40.4% Decrease
153 Sosei Co., Ltd., Japan 1.58 1.38 8 -18.0% Decrease
154 Kazusa DNA Research Institute (KDRI), Japan 0.72 1.35 13 75.4% Increase
155 Aichi Medical University, Japan 0.33 1.31 5 280.7% Increase
156 National Center for Child Health and Development (NCCHD), Japan 0.94 1.29 8 30.3% Increase
157 Toray Industries, Inc., Japan 0.78 1.28 13 53.9% Increase
158 Kobe Pharmaceutical University, Japan 4.94 1.28 5 -75.6% Decrease
159 Kogakuin University, Japan 0.25 1.28 7 381.7% Increase
160 National Center for Geriatrics and Gerontology (NCGG), Japan 0.70 1.27 4 70.9% Increase
161 Kansai Medical University (KMU), Japan 0.19 1.26 7 519.1% Increase
162 Comprehensive Research Organization for Science and Society (CROSS), Japan 1.15 1.24 10 2.2% Increase
163 Astellas Pharma Inc., Japan 0.01 1.24 9 14,086.5% Increase
164 The University of Aizu, Japan 0.00 1.20 3 0.0% Increase
165 Osaka Medical and Pharmaceutical University, Japan 1.67 1.19 7 -32.8% Decrease
166 Fujita Health University, Japan 0.96 1.18 8 16.0% Increase
167 Kurume University, Japan 1.64 1.18 8 -32.3% Decrease
168 Suntory Foundation for Life Science (SUNBOR), Japan 0.95 1.17 2 16.0% Increase
169 St. Marianna University School of Medicine, Japan 0.11 1.16 5 887.2% Increase
170 National Institute of Health Sciences (NIHS), Japan 0.83 1.15 4 32.0% Increase
171 Meiji Gakuin University, Japan 0.00 1.14 5 0.0% Increase
172 National Cerebral and Cardiovascular Center (NCVC), Japan 1.77 1.12 8 -40.4% Decrease
173 Fukuoka Dental College, Japan 0.67 1.12 3 57.4% Increase
174 Tohoku Medical and Pharmaceutical University (TMPU), Japan 0.35 1.07 4 187.3% Increase
175 Okayama University of Science, Japan 1.69 1.05 7 -41.2% Decrease
176 Showa University, Japan 0.27 1.03 10 265.3% Increase
177 Hosei University, Japan 0.27 1.02 4 258.5% Increase
178 Tamura Corporation, Japan 0.49 1.01 6 94.8% Increase
179 Tokyo University of Agriculture, Japan 0.94 1.01 5 0.9% Increase
180 Tokyo Women's Medical University (TWMU), Japan 2.25 1.01 9 -57.8% Decrease
181 SCIOCS Co. Ltd., Japan 0.00 1.00 2 0.0% Increase
181 NEC Corporation, Japan 0.19 1.00 1 389.5% Increase
182 Novel Crystal Technology, Inc., Japan 0.13 1.00 5 604.1% Increase
183 Osaka Research Institute of Industrial Science and Technology (ORIST), Japan 0.16 0.99 4 480.6% Increase
184 The Jikei University School of Medicine, Japan 1.46 0.98 7 -36.3% Decrease
185 Forestry and Forest Products Research Institute (FFPRI), Japan 0.98 0.93 7 -10.4% Decrease
186 Kagawa University, Japan 2.30 0.90 10 -63.0% Decrease
187 National Defense Academy of Japan (NDA), Japan 0.22 0.90 4 282.3% Increase
188 Tokyo Metropolitan Institute of Gerontology (TMIG), Japan 0.79 0.90 7 7.3% Increase
189 Horiba, Ltd., Japan 0.00 0.90 3 0.0% Increase
190 Kanazawa Medical University, Japan 0.35 0.88 8 139.5% Increase
191 Nippon Medical School, Japan 2.89 0.87 8 -71.7% Decrease
192 Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology (TUMSAT), Japan 0.82 0.86 5 -1.7% Decrease
193 Stanley Electric Co., Ltd., Japan 0.00 0.86 1 0.0% Increase
193 Teikyo Heisei University, Japan 0.00 0.86 1 0.0% Increase
194 Aichi Institute of Technology (AIT), Japan 1.09 0.83 4 -27.9% Decrease
195 Muroran Institute of Technology, Japan 0.80 0.80 4 -5.2% Decrease
196 Advantest Laboratories Ltd., Japan 0.00 0.80 1 0.0% Increase
196 Takasago International Corporation, Japan 0.00 0.80 1 0.0% Increase
197 NHK Science and Technology Research Laboratories (NHK STRL), Japan 0.00 0.78 1 0.0% Increase
198 Shiga University of Medical Science (SUMS), Japan 1.60 0.77 8 -54.6% Decrease
199 Tokiwa University, Japan 0.00 0.75 2 0.0% Increase
199 Hyogo University of Health Sciences, Japan 0.14 0.75 1 399.8% Increase
200 Kyoto Prefectural University, Japan 1.29 0.72 5 -47.5% Decrease
201 Meiji Pharmaceutical University, Japan 2.82 0.71 3 -76.3% Decrease
202 Japan Women's University, Japan 0.42 0.70 6 58.4% Increase
203 Hokkai-Gakuen University, Japan 0.00 0.70 3 0.0% Increase
204 Toyota Physical and Chemical Research Institute, Japan 0.45 0.69 6 45.9% Increase
205 Hamamatsu Photonics K.K., Japan 0.53 0.69 2 21.6% Increase
206 Osaka Women's and Children's Hospital, Japan 0.14 0.68 2 357.9% Increase
207 Health and Kampo Institute, Japan 0.00 0.67 1 0.0% Increase
208 Kowa Company, Ltd., Japan 0.03 0.66 9 1,925.8% Increase
209 Toyo University, Japan 1.11 0.66 5 -44.0% Decrease
210 Human Metabolome Technologies, Inc., Japan 0.00 0.64 1 0.0% Increase
211 Hyogo Medical University, Japan 0.61 0.63 7 -2.5% Decrease
212 Fuji Electric Co., Ltd., Japan 0.43 0.63 2 38.8% Increase
213 Teikyo University, Japan 1.18 0.62 5 -50.1% Decrease
214 Nippon Shokubai Co., Ltd., Japan 0.57 0.62 2 3.7% Increase
215 ULVAC, Inc., Japan 0.16 0.62 2 262.7% Increase
216 Shibaura Institute of Technology (SIT), Japan 1.42 0.60 4 -60.0% Decrease
217 Azabu University, Japan 1.01 0.60 3 -44.3% Decrease
218 Toei Scientific Industrial Co., Ltd., Japan 0.00 0.58 1 0.0% Increase
218 Public Works Research Institute (PWRI), Japan 0.00 0.58 2 0.0% Increase
218 Seikei Gakuen, Japan 0.99 0.58 2 -44.1% Decrease
219 Japanese Red Cross Society, Japan 0.53 0.58 11 4.1% Increase
220 TDK Corporation, Japan 0.93 0.57 1 -41.9% Decrease
221 Takara Bio Inc., Japan 0.02 0.57 3 3,163.2% Increase
222 Nippon Sheet Glass Group (NSG Group), Japan 0.39 0.56 7 36.3% Increase
223 International Christian University (ICU), Japan 0.40 0.56 3 30.6% Increase
224 Kirin Holdings Company Limited, Japan 0.87 0.54 9 -40.8% Decrease
225 Musashino University, Japan 0.00 0.53 2 0.0% Increase
226 Aichi Cancer Center, Japan 0.52 0.53 3 -4.7% Decrease
227 Konica Minolta, Inc., Japan 0.43 0.52 3 14.1% Increase
228 Research Institute for Humanity and Nature (RIHN), Japan 0.07 0.51 3 560.7% Increase
229 Hyogo University of Teacher Education, Japan 0.00 0.50 1 0.0% Increase
229 Amine Pharma Research Institute Co., Ltd., Japan 0.00 0.50 1 0.0% Increase
229 National Institute of Fitness and Sports in Kanoya (NIFS), Japan 0.00 0.50 1 15,099.1% Increase
229 Tohoku Steel Co., Ltd., Japan 0.00 0.50 1 0.0% Increase
229 Chiba Institute of Science, Japan 0.14 0.50 1 230.4% Increase
229 Kokushikan University, Japan 0.00 0.50 1 0.0% Increase
229 National Institute of Technology, Gifu College, Japan 0.00 0.50 1 0.0% Increase
229 National Institute of Technology, Gunma College, Japan 0.00 0.50 1 0.0% Increase
229 National Institute of Technology, Kushiro College, Japan 0.50 0.50 1 -5.6% Decrease
229 National Institute of Technology, Tokyo College, Japan 0.00 0.50 1 0.0% Increase
230 University of Kitakyushu, Japan 0.94 0.49 3 -50.4% Decrease
231 National Defense Medical College, Japan 0.56 0.48 2 -20.0% Decrease
232 Hokkaido University of Education, Japan 0.00 0.47 3 0.0% Increase
233 Sumitomo Electric Industries, Ltd., Japan 1.37 0.47 5 -67.7% Decrease
234 National Museum of Nature and Science (Kahaku), Japan 0.52 0.47 4 -15.1% Decrease
235 The Noguchi Institute, Japan 0.00 0.47 2 0.0% Increase
236 Fujitsu Ltd., Japan 0.51 0.46 8 -14.2% Decrease
237 JSR Corporation, Japan 0.47 0.46 11 -6.5% Decrease
238 The Open University of Japan, Japan 0.50 0.45 4 -14.2% Decrease
239 Aoi Electronics Co., Ltd., Japan 0.00 0.44 1 0.0% Increase
240 FLOSFIA Inc., Japan 0.00 0.43 1 0.0% Increase
240 Koito Manufacturing Co., Ltd., Japan 0.00 0.43 1 0.0% Increase
240 Olympus Corporation, Japan 0.05 0.43 1 668.7% Increase
240 Metawater Co., Ltd., Japan 0.00 0.43 1 0.0% Increase
241 Sysmex Corporation, Japan 0.13 0.42 7 196.9% Increase
242 Hayashibara Co., Ltd., Japan 0.00 0.42 1 0.0% Increase
242 Nippon Chemical Industrial Co., Ltd., Japan 0.00 0.42 3 0.0% Increase
243 Setsunan University, Japan 1.01 0.41 5 -61.4% Decrease
244 Tokyo Gakugei University (TGU), Japan 1.81 0.41 3 -78.4% Decrease
245 Honda Motor Co., Ltd., Japan 0.67 0.41 3 -42.1% Decrease
246 Toin University of Yokohama, Japan 0.14 0.40 2 167.5% Increase
247 Products Innovation Association (PIA), Japan 0.00 0.40 1 0.0% Increase
248 Asahi Kasei Corporation, Japan 1.40 0.39 5 -73.5% Decrease
249 Tokyo Kasei University, Japan 0.41 0.39 3 -10.4% Decrease
250 Miraca Holdings Inc., Japan 0.33 0.38 15 8.5% Increase
251 Matsumoto Dental University (MDU), Japan 0.21 0.38 4 72.7% Increase
252 Tokuyama Corporation, Japan 0.55 0.38 1 -35.4% Decrease
252 Research Institute for Electromagnetic Materials, Japan 0.60 0.38 1 -41.0% Decrease
253 Renesas Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd., Japan 0.00 0.36 1 0.0% Increase
254 Sumitomo Chemical Co., Ltd., Japan 0.85 0.36 3 -60.0% Decrease
255 Utsunomiya University, Japan 1.43 0.36 5 -76.3% Decrease
256 Toyama Prefectural University, Japan 2.20 0.36 3 -84.6% Decrease
257 Kyodo Milk Industry Co., Ltd., Japan 0.00 0.36 1 0.0% Increase
258 MicroBiopharm Japan Co., Ltd. (MBJ), Japan 0.01 0.35 7 3,938.1% Increase
259 Aichi Science and Technology Foundation, Japan 0.13 0.35 3 165.2% Increase
260 Toyobo Co., Ltd., Japan 0.00 0.35 2 0.0% Increase
261 Nihon Waters K.K., Japan 0.00 0.35 2 0.0% Increase
262 Japan Fisheries Research and Education Agency (FRA), Japan 0.31 0.35 4 5.2% Increase
263 Japan Organization for Metals and Energy Security (JOGMEC), Japan 0.44 0.33 1 -29.2% Decrease
263 Hokkaido Research Organization (HRO), Japan 0.25 0.33 1 25.9% Increase
263 Immuno-Biological Laboratories Co., Ltd., Japan 0.33 0.33 1 -5.6% Decrease
263 Topcon Corporation, Japan 0.00 0.33 1 0.0% Increase
263 PricewaterhouseCoopers Aarata LLC, Japan 0.00 0.33 1 0.0% Increase
263 Association for the Development of Earthquake Prediction, Japan 0.00 0.33 1 0.0% Increase
263 Ushio Inc., Japan 0.13 0.33 1 151.7% Increase
263 Sharp Corporation, Japan 0.00 0.33 2 0.0% Increase
263 Fukui Prefectural Police Headquarters, Japan 0.00 0.33 1 0.0% Increase
263 Ichikawa Koumuten Co., Ltd., Japan 0.00 0.33 1 0.0% Increase
264 Inpex Corporation, Japan 0.18 0.33 3 71.1% Increase
265 Sapporo Medical University, Japan 1.19 0.33 4 -74.1% Decrease
266 Niigata University of Pharmacy and Applied Life Sciences (NUPALS), Japan 0.00 0.33 3 0.0% Increase
267 Osaka Ohtani University, Japan 0.17 0.33 3 84.1% Increase
268 Graduate School for the Creation of New Photonics Industries (GPI), Japan 0.00 0.32 3 0.0% Increase
269 Japan Coast Guard (JCG), Japan 0.33 0.32 2 -9.0% Decrease
269 Meisei Gakuen, Japan 0.01 0.32 2 5,756.4% Increase
270 Thinkcyte Inc., Japan 0.00 0.32 1 0.0% Increase
271 Nisshinbo Holdings Inc., Japan 0.00 0.31 1 0.0% Increase
271 National Livestock Breeding Center (NLBC), Japan 0.00 0.31 1 0.0% Increase
271 Nippon Veterinary and Life Science University (NVLU), Japan 0.04 0.31 2 667.0% Increase
272 Institute of Systems, Information Technologies and Nanotechnologies (ISIT), Japan 0.84 0.31 2 -64.9% Decrease
273 Ishikawa Prefectural University, Japan 0.38 0.31 2 -22.1% Decrease
274 Iwate Biotechnology Research Center (IBRC), Japan 0.29 0.31 3 0.0% Increase
275 Kyorin University, Japan 0.17 0.30 4 70.1% Increase
276 The University of Shiga Prefecture, Japan 0.21 0.30 1 37.8% Increase
276 Tokyo Denki University, Japan 0.61 0.30 1 -53.4% Decrease
277 Nara National Research Institute for Cultural Properties, Japan 0.00 0.30 3 0.0% Increase
278 Iwate Medical University, Japan 1.98 0.30 6 -85.9% Decrease
279 Osaka Sangyo University, Japan 0.00 0.29 4 0.0% Increase
280 Bruker AXS K.K., Japan 0.25 0.29 2 7.9% Increase
280 National Institute of Public Health (NIPH), Japan 0.67 0.29 1 -59.5% Decrease
281 Ryukoku University, Japan 2.45 0.28 2 -89.2% Decrease
282 Marine Works Japan Ltd., Japan 0.13 0.27 2 107.2% Increase
283 Wakayama Medical University, Japan 1.17 0.27 4 -78.0% Decrease
284 Alps Pharmaceutical lnd. Co., Ltd., Japan 0.00 0.27 1 0.0% Increase
285 Repertoire Genesis Inc., Japan 0.04 0.26 2 460.1% Increase
286 Kitami Institute of Technology, Japan 0.05 0.25 3 414.0% Increase
287 Chitose Institute of Science and Technology, Japan 0.07 0.25 1 230.4% Increase
287 Takahata Precision Japan Co. Ltd. (TPJP), Japan 0.00 0.25 1 0.0% Increase
287 Hokuto Corporation, Japan 0.00 0.25 1 0.0% Increase
287 NESI Inc., Japan 0.00 0.25 1 0.0% Increase
287 National Institute of Technology, Maizuru College, Japan 0.00 0.25 1 0.0% Increase
287 CTI Engineering Co., Ltd., Japan 0.00 0.25 1 0.0% Increase
287 Prefectural University of Kumamoto (PUK), Japan 0.63 0.25 1 -62.8% Decrease
287 Cell Science and Technology Institute, Inc. (CSTI), Japan 0.00 0.25 1 0.0% Increase
287 Japan Radiation Engineering Co., Ltd. (JREC), Japan 0.00 0.25 1 0.0% Increase
287 Sumitomo Bakelite Co., Ltd., Japan 0.00 0.25 1 0.0% Increase
287 Seikagaku Corporation, Japan 0.00 0.25 1 0.0% Increase
287 Yasuda Women's University, Japan 0.00 0.25 1 0.0% Increase
287 South Konandai Science Research, Japan 0.00 0.25 1 0.0% Increase
288 Ajinomoto Co., Inc., Japan 1.27 0.24 7 -82.1% Decrease
289 Remote Sensing Technology Center of Japan (RESTEC), Japan 0.00 0.24 3 0.0% Increase
290 National Institute of Technology, Ibaraki College, Japan 0.06 0.24 3 268.3% Increase
291 National Institute of Technology and Evaluation (NITE), Japan 0.00 0.24 1 0.0% Increase
292 National Hospital Organization Osaka National Hospital, Japan 0.00 0.24 6 0.0% Increase
293 Toyo Suisan Kaisha, Ltd., Japan 0.00 0.23 1 0.0% Increase
294 Japan International Research Center for Agricultural Sciences (JIRCAS), Japan 0.07 0.23 3 200.9% Increase
295 The Institute of Applied Energy (IAE), Japan 0.04 0.23 4 410.3% Increase
296 NBC Meshtec, Inc., Japan 0.00 0.22 1 0.0% Increase
296 Tokyo Ohka Kogyo Co., Ltd. (TOK), Japan 0.00 0.22 1 0.0% Increase
297 Aichi Gakuin University (AGU), Japan 0.17 0.22 2 21.0% Increase
298 Nippon Kayaku Co., Ltd., Japan 0.56 0.22 7 -63.2% Decrease
299 Nikon Corporation, Japan 0.38 0.21 2 -49.6% Decrease
300 Anti-Aging Science Inc., Japan 0.00 0.20 1 0.0% Increase
300 Wakayama University, Japan 0.00 0.20 1 0.0% Increase
300 Daiichi Kigenso Kagaku Kogyo Co., Ltd., Japan 0.00 0.20 1 0.0% Increase
300 Organization of Volcanic Disaster Mitigation, Japan 0.00 0.20 1 0.0% Increase
300 Kanomax Japan, Inc., Japan 0.00 0.20 1 0.0% Increase
300 MOLSIS Inc., Japan 0.00 0.20 1 0.0% Increase
301 National Institute of Technology, Kagoshima College, Japan 0.00 0.20 4 0.0% Increase
302 National Rehabilitation Center for Persons with Disabilities (NRCD), Japan 0.85 0.19 1 -79.2% Decrease
303 JNC Corporation, Japan 0.70 0.18 2 -75.2% Decrease
304 Sumitomo Rubber Industries, Ltd., Japan 0.40 0.18 1 -57.1% Decrease
305 Kobe City Medical Center General Hospital, Japan 0.00 0.18 3 0.0% Increase
306 Megakaryon Corporation, Japan 0.00 0.18 1 0.0% Increase
306 National Hospital Organization Osaka Toneyama Medical Center, Japan 0.13 0.18 2 24.6% Increase
307 Shiga University, Japan 0.00 0.17 4 0.0% Increase
308 Yokohama Environmental Science Research Institute, Japan 0.00 0.17 1 0.0% Increase
308 Yokohama Soei University, Japan 0.00 0.17 1 0.0% Increase
308 UBE Corporation, Japan 0.40 0.17 1 -60.7% Decrease
308 Kumamoto Industrial Research Institute, Japan 0.12 0.17 1 32.2% Increase
308 National Institute of Technology, Suzuka College, Japan 0.00 0.17 1 0.0% Increase
308 Asia Air Survey Co., Ltd., Japan 0.00 0.17 1 0.0% Increase
308 Osaka Organic Chemical Industry Ltd., Japan 0.00 0.17 1 0.0% Increase
308 Maxnet Co., Ltd., Japan 0.00 0.17 1 0.0% Increase
308 Kobe City College of Technology, Japan 0.06 0.17 2 183.2% Increase
308 Techno-Synergy, Inc., Japan 0.00 0.17 1 0.0% Increase
308 ENEOS Holdings, Japan 0.48 0.17 1 -67.5% Decrease
308 Aichi Prefectural University, Japan 0.00 0.17 1 0.0% Increase
308 Soka University, Japan 0.00 0.17 4 0.0% Increase
308 Hayakawa Institute of Seismo Electromagnetics Co. Ltd.(Hi‐SEM), Japan 0.00 0.17 1 0.0% Increase
309 National Institute of Technology, Nagaoka College, Japan 0.31 0.16 2 -51.1% Decrease
310 Prefectural University of Hiroshima, Japan 0.18 0.16 2 -18.0% Decrease
311 Kawasaki Institute of Industry Promotion, Japan 0.80 0.15 1 -82.3% Decrease
311 Saitama Cancer Center, Japan 0.11 0.15 1 27.4% Increase
312 The Nippon Dental University, Japan 0.41 0.15 12 -65.7% Decrease
313 Asahikawa Medical University, Japan 1.48 0.15 3 -90.6% Decrease
314 Kansai University of Health Sciences, Japan 0.00 0.15 1 0.0% Increase
315 Saitama Children's Medical Center, Japan 0.07 0.15 2 101.1% Increase
316 Tochigi Cancer Center Research Institute, Japan 0.00 0.14 2 0.0% Increase
317 Central Institute for Experimental Animals, Japan 0.27 0.14 2 -50.6% Decrease
318 Nissan Chemical Corporation, Japan 0.11 0.14 1 21.4% Increase
318 National Institute of Technology, Ariake College, Japan 0.00 0.14 1 0.0% Increase
318 Imabari City Waterworks Bureau, Japan 0.00 0.14 1 0.0% Increase
318 Kobe Gakuin University, Japan 0.04 0.14 1 228.7% Increase
318 Osaka Department of Public Health and Medical Affairs, Japan 0.00 0.14 1 0.0% Increase
318 Hanshin Water Supply Authority, Japan 0.00 0.14 1 0.0% Increase
318 Okinawa Prefectural Government, Japan 0.00 0.14 1 0.0% Increase
318 Tokai Gakuin University, Japan 0.00 0.14 1 0.0% Increase
318 Nagoya City Environmental Science Research Institute, Japan 0.00 0.14 1 0.0% Increase
318 Morioka City Waterworks and Sewerage Bureau, Japan 0.00 0.14 1 0.0% Increase
319 Miyagi University of Education, Japan 0.02 0.14 4 690.9% Increase
320 Hiroshima City University (HCU), Japan 0.23 0.14 3 -42.1% Decrease
321 Kokugakuin University, Japan 0.00 0.13 1 0.0% Increase
321 Himeji Dokkyo University, Japan 0.00 0.13 1 0.0% Increase
321 SCREEN Holdings Co., Ltd., Japan 0.44 0.13 1 -71.7% Decrease
322 Saitama Prefectural Rehabilitation Center, Japan 0.00 0.13 1 0.0% Increase
322 ZEON Corporation, Japan 0.05 0.13 1 136.0% Increase
322 Saga Prefectural Livestock Experiment Station, Japan 0.00 0.13 1 0.0% Increase
322 National Institute of Technology, Hiroshima College, Japan 0.07 0.13 1 77.0% Increase
322 PI-Crystal, Inc., Japan 0.00 0.13 1 0.0% Increase
322 Institute for Quantum Chemical Exploration (IQCE), Japan 0.00 0.13 1 0.0% Increase
322 Tokyo University of Technology (TUT), Japan 0.00 0.13 4 0.0% Increase
322 Japan Automobile Research Institute (JARI), Japan 0.00 0.13 1 0.0% Increase
322 Osaka Gas Co. Ltd., Japan 0.00 0.13 1 0.0% Increase
322 The Nippon Foundation, Japan 0.10 0.13 1 18.0% Increase
322 Maebashi Institute of Technology, Japan 0.00 0.13 1 0.0% Increase
322 Japan Environmental Sanitation Center (JESC), Japan 0.00 0.13 1 0.0% Increase
323 Kanagawa Children's Medical Center, Japan 0.07 0.12 2 63.7% Increase
324 Nagoya Medical Center, Japan 0.21 0.12 3 -47.5% Decrease
325 Kansai Electric Power Co., Inc., Japan 0.13 0.12 4 -11.0% Decrease
326 Foundation for Computational Science (FOCUS), Japan 0.00 0.11 1 0.0% Increase
326 Kumamoto Institute for Photo-Electro Organics (Phoenics), Japan 0.90 0.11 1 -88.4% Decrease
326 National Institute of Technology, Tsuruoka College, Japan 0.25 0.11 1 -58.0% Decrease
326 Sojo University, Japan 0.13 0.11 1 -16.1% Decrease
326 Yokohama University of Pharmacy, Japan 0.23 0.11 1 -53.6% Decrease
327 Kawasaki Medical University, Japan 0.59 0.11 3 -82.4% Decrease
328 Nozomi Hospital, Japan 0.00 0.11 2 0.0% Increase
329 Fujikura Ltd., Japan 0.00 0.11 1 13,302.1% Increase
330 Research Organization for Information Science and Technology (RIST), Japan 0.52 0.10 2 -81.4% Decrease
331 Kanagawa University of Human Services, Japan 0.00 0.10 1 0.0% Increase
331 The United Nations University, Japan 0.00 0.10 1 0.0% Increase
331 Toranomon Hospital, Japan 0.26 0.10 1 -63.5% Decrease
331 Niigata University of International and Information Studies (NUIS), Japan 0.25 0.10 1 -62.2% Decrease
331 CeSPIA, Inc., Japan 0.00 0.10 1 0.0% Increase
331 Rissho University, Japan 0.09 0.10 1 3.8% Increase
331 Kyushu Dental University (KDU), Japan 0.54 0.10 1 -82.5% Decrease
331 Sanyo-Onoda City University, Japan 0.00 0.10 5 0.0% Increase
332 Showa General Hospital, Japan 0.00 0.10 1 0.0% Increase
333 Toyama Chemical Co., Japan 0.00 0.09 1 0.0% Increase
334 Akita Prefectural University, Japan 1.67 0.09 1 -94.9% Decrease
334 KOTAI Biotechnologies, Inc., Japan 0.00 0.09 3 0.0% Increase
334 Renesas Electronics Corporation, Japan 0.00 0.09 1 0.0% Increase
334 J-Pharma Co., Ltd., Japan 0.00 0.09 1 0.0% Increase
334 Nagoya City Science Museum, Japan 0.00 0.09 1 0.0% Increase
334 NB Health Laboratory Co. Ltd. (NBHL), Japan 0.00 0.09 1 0.0% Increase
335 Tsurumi University, Japan 0.04 0.09 2 103.2% Increase
336 Kibi International University, Japan 0.00 0.09 2 0.0% Increase
337 National Institute of Technology, Fukushima College, Japan 0.25 0.09 2 -67.0% Decrease
338 Nayoro Observatory, Japan 0.00 0.08 1 0.0% Increase
338 Kurume Institute of Technology, Japan 0.00 0.08 1 0.0% Increase
338 Yokohama Zoological Gardens (Zoorasia), Japan 0.00 0.08 1 0.0% Increase
338 Morinaga & Co., Ltd., Japan 0.00 0.08 1 0.0% Increase
338 Tohoku Gakuin University, Japan 0.26 0.08 1 -69.7% Decrease
338 Teikyo University of Science, Japan 0.00 0.08 1 0.0% Increase
338 Unisoku Co., Ltd., Japan 0.17 0.08 1 -52.8% Decrease
338 Koshien University, Japan 0.00 0.08 2 0.0% Increase
338 Shimizu Corporation, Japan 0.00 0.08 1 0.0% Increase
338 iMed Japan Inc., Japan 0.00 0.08 1 0.0% Increase
338 Toyohashi Sozo University, Japan 0.00 0.08 1 0.0% Increase
338 Osaka Prefecture Research Institute of Environment Agriculture and Fisheries, Japan 0.00 0.08 1 0.0% Increase
338 Research Institute for Production Development, Japan 0.35 0.08 1 -77.5% Decrease
339 Rhelixa, Inc., Japan 0.00 0.08 2 0.0% Increase
340 Obihiro University of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine, Japan 0.72 0.08 1 -89.7% Decrease
341 International University of Health and Welfare (IUHW), Japan 0.34 0.08 2 -78.8% Decrease
342 Nagasaki Institute of Applied Science, Japan 0.07 0.07 76 1.7% Increase
343 Japan Monkey Centre (JMC), Japan 0.00 0.07 5 0.0% Increase
344 Kanto Gakuin University, Japan 0.00 0.07 1 0.0% Increase
344 Sumitomo Pharma Co., Ltd., Japan 0.17 0.07 1 -59.5% Decrease
344 Shigei Medical Research Institute, Japan 0.13 0.07 1 -46.1% Decrease
344 NRL Pharma, Inc., Japan 0.00 0.07 1 0.0% Increase
344 Taisho Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd., Japan 0.00 0.07 1 0.0% Increase
344 Nichia Corporation, Japan 0.00 0.07 1 0.0% Increase
344 Peccell Technologies, Inc., Japan 0.00 0.07 1 0.0% Increase
345 Showa Pharmaceutical University, Japan 2.99 0.07 13 -97.8% Decrease
346 Tokyo Seiei College (TSC), Japan 0.00 0.07 1 0.0% Increase
346 Kawasaki University of Medical Welfare, Japan 0.00 0.07 1 0.0% Increase
346 Foundation for Advancement of International Science (FAIS), Japan 0.00 0.07 1 0.0% Increase
346 Niigata Prefectural Museum of History, Japan 0.00 0.07 1 0.0% Increase
346 FMC Tokyo Clinic, Japan 0.00 0.07 1 0.0% Increase
347 Osaka Electro-Communication University (OECU), Japan 0.00 0.06 3 0.0% Increase
348 Hiroshima Prefectural Technology Research Institute, Japan 0.00 0.06 1 0.0% Increase
348 Tsuru University, Japan 0.00 0.06 1 0.0% Increase
348 Morinaga Dairy Service Co., Ltd., Japan 0.00 0.06 1 0.0% Increase
348 Toyama Prefectural Agricultural, Forestry and Fisheries Research Center, Japan 0.00 0.06 1 0.0% Increase
348 University of Tokyo Health Sciences, Japan 0.00 0.06 1 0.0% Increase
349 Doshisha Women's College of Liberal Arts, Japan 0.22 0.06 1 -75.0% Decrease
349 Niigata College of Medical Technology, Japan 0.00 0.06 1 0.0% Increase
350 Foundation for Biomedical Research and Innovation (FBRI), Japan 0.40 0.06 2 -86.4% Decrease
351 UACJ Corporation, Japan 0.00 0.06 1 6,973.3% Increase
351 Tokyo Metropolitan Bokutoh Hospital, Japan 0.00 0.06 1 0.0% Increase
351 Shizuoka Institute of Epilepsy and Neurological Disorders, Japan 0.00 0.06 2 0.0% Increase
351 Ehime Rehabilitation Center for Children, Japan 0.00 0.06 1 0.0% Increase
351 Dynacom Co., Ltd., Japan 0.00 0.06 1 0.0% Increase
351 Osaka Institute of Technology (OIT), Japan 0.00 0.06 8 0.0% Increase
351 Tokyo Metropolitan Children's Medical Center, Japan 0.10 0.06 1 -44.9% Decrease
351 Rakuno Gakuen University (RGU), Japan 0.00 0.06 1 0.0% Increase
351 Tokyo Zokei University, Japan 0.00 0.06 1 0.0% Increase
352 Murata Manufacturing Co., Ltd., Japan 0.52 0.06 7 -90.0% Decrease
353 Ceres, Inc., Japan 0.02 0.05 2 242.9% Increase
354 Organ Technologies, Inc., Japan 0.00 0.05 1 0.0% Increase
355 Earthnote Co., Ltd., Japan 0.00 0.05 1 0.0% Increase
355 Satake Chemical Equipment Manufacturing Ltd., Japan 0.00 0.05 1 0.0% Increase
355 Japan Radioisotope Association, Japan 0.00 0.05 1 0.0% Increase
355 Asahi Geo Survei Co, Ltd. (AGS), Japan 0.00 0.05 1 0.0% Increase
355 Daicel Corporation, Japan 0.00 0.05 2 0.0% Increase


Each year, the Nature Index publishes tables based on counts of high-quality research outputs in the previous calendar year. Users please note:

  1. The data behind the tables are based on a relatively small proportion of total research papers, they cover the natural sciences and health sciences only and outputs are non-normalized (that is, they don’t reflect the size of the country or institution, or its overall research output).
  2. The Nature Index is one indicator of institutional research performance. The metrics of Count and Share used to order Nature Index listings are based on an institution’s or country’s publication output in 145 natural-science and health-science journals. The journals were selected on reputation by an independent panel of leading scientists in their fields. The list is reviewed periodically and journals may be removed or added. Articles from eLife were no longer included in the Nature Index from 2023 after the journal changed its publishing model.
  3. Nature Index recognizes that many other factors must be taken into account when considering research quality and institutional performance; Nature Index metrics alone should not be used to assess institutions or individuals.
  4. Nature Index data and methods are transparent and available under a creative commons licence at nature.com/nature-index/.
  5. Springer Nature remains neutral with regard to jurisdictional claims in published maps and institutional affiliations.

The Nature Index database undergoes regular updating, corrections, adjustment of institutional hierarchies, and removal of retracted papers and thus the live website can differ from the frozen research leaders.