Reviews & Analysis

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  • Fernandez, Martinez-Romero et al. review concepts, methods, tools and challenges to leverage Big Data in preclinical aging research, with a focus on rodent studies.

    • Maria Emilia Fernandez
    • Jorge Martinez-Romero
    • Rafael de Cabo
    Review Article
  • Unlocking the secrets of the brain requires high precision tools to record neuronal activity. Neuroscientists have tools to capture neuronal activity with unprecedented speed, precision and fidelity. Thanks to a ground-breaking redesign of the linker peptide of GCaMP proteins, a domain seldomly considered for optimization, a new sensor bridges the gap between calcium imaging and electrophysiology.

    • Ana Marta Capaz
    • Nicolas Renier
    News & Views
  • A recent study performed directed C5-cytosine methylation of CpG islands to demonstrate that acquired methylation at critical loci could be reestablished for multiple generations in mice. This work provides a manipulatable system to examine how non-genetic information is transmitted across generations to regulate complex phenotypes.

    • Gautam Sarkar
    • Eric Lieberman Greer
    News & Views
  • New research using high-dimensional behavioural analyses has further undermined the “females are the more variable sex” trope that often accompanies all-male studies. But when we consider the benefits to the inclusion of females in research, their lesser variability is only the icing on the cake. It’s just good science, really.

    • Bronwyn M. Graham
    News & ViewsOpen Access
  • Despite centuries of effort from philosophers, physicians and biologists, the answer to the seemingly simple question “what is aging?” remains elusive. Some even posit that aging represents a phenomenon too expansive to ever be succinctly defined. A new study tackles this question by profiling hundreds of phenotypes across age in mice and examining how the trajectories of these phenotypes are altered by geroprotective genetic and dietary interventions.

    • Michael R. MacArthur
    • Sarah J. Mitchell
    News & Views