
Brain evolution

Submission status
Submission deadline

Eighty-six billion interconnected neurons comprise the human brain, the product of billions of years of evolution. However, the mechanisms supporting the evolution of this remarkable structure over time remain poorly explored.

To develop knowledge in this area, Communications Biology welcomes submissions pertaining to brain evolution in humans and beyond. Accordingly, we are interested in studies exploring neuroimaging in non-human species, palaeoneurology, comparative neuroscience (i.e. across species), neuro-genetics studies for inference of evolutionary mechanisms, neuro-archaeological investigations, and computational models. We welcome any novel lines of enquiry that progress our understanding of brain evolution. Reviews, Perspectives, and Comments covering these topics will also be considered for inclusion in the Collection. All submissions will be subject to the same review process and editorial standards as regular Communications Biology Articles.

Diagram comparing brains of different species


Reviews and Commentary

Comparative neuroscience


Neuro-archaeology and -palaeology