
Human-technology interactions

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Technology shapes the way people behave, interact, grow, and develop, both within their own lives and in their relationships with others and their wider communities. At its best, technology allows people to bridge gaps, improve communication and enhance the efficiency of complex tasks. Yet greater immersion in the digital world undoubtedly creates new challenges and can adversely affect human-to-human interactions.

This Collection explores this complex and fast-evolving relationship between people and technologies. Multi- and interdisciplinary perspectives are welcomed on the design, use, adoption, and impact of technologies on people and societies. Research is invited on key themes, including but not limited to:

  • Social, behavioural, cultural and philosophical perspectives on the impacts of technology and automation
  • Domain-specific analyses (e.g. education, training, public health, recreation, workplace, business)
  • Development of technologies and user experiences using insights from the social and behavioural sciences
  • Ethical and policy issues arising from human-technology interactions
  • Future perspectives on the role and place of technology in society
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Blurred photo of person sitting at a desk, with an open laptop. A sci-fi looking dashboard is overlaid on the photo.

