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Spatiotemporal co-optimization of agricultural management practices towards climate-smart crop production


Co-optimization of multiple management practices may facilitate climate-smart agriculture, but is challenged by complex climate–crop–soil management interconnections across space and over time. Here we develop a hybrid approach combining agricultural system modelling, machine learning and life cycle assessment to spatiotemporally co-optimize fertilizer application, irrigation and residue management to achieve yield potential of wheat and maize and minimize greenhouse gas emissions in the North China Plain. We found that the optimal fertilizer application rate and irrigation for the historical period (1995–2014) are lower than local farmers’ practices as well as trial-derived recommendations. With the optimized practices, the projected annual requirement of fertilizer, irrigation water and residue inputs across the North China Plain in the period 2051–2070 is reduced by 16% (14–21%) (mean with 95% confidence interval), 19% (7–32%) and 20% (16–26%), respectively, compared with the current supposed optimal management in the historical reference period, with substantial greenhouse gas emission reductions. We demonstrate the potential of spatiotemporal co-optimization of multiple management practices and present digital mapping of management practices as a benchmark for site-specific management across the region.

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Fig. 1: A simulation framework enables spatiotemporal optimization of multiple management practices.
Fig. 2: Spatial pattern of yield, SOC changes (ΔSOC), net GHG emissions and optimized management practices under the target of maximizing yield and minimizing GHG emissions.
Fig. 3: Distributions of simulated yield, ΔSOC and GHG emissions under the target of maximizing yield and minimizing GHG emissions across the study region (that is, the NCP).
Fig. 4: Distributions of optimized management practices under the target of maximizing yield and minimizing GHG emissions across the study region (that is, the NCP).
Fig. 5: Coefficients of the predictors of a linear mixed-effects regression for optimized management practices.

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Data availability

Daily historical climate data are available at The soil database is freely available at The raw datasets from CMIP6 simulations are available at The bias correction method is available at The APSIM Classic is freely available at The data needed to regenerate the results in this study are publicly available at

Code availability

The code used to generate the results can be accessed at


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We acknowledge financial support from the national key research programme of Ministry of Science and Technology of China (grant no. 2021YFE0114500 to Z.L.) and the National Natural Science Foundation of China (grant no. 42001105 to L.X.) and the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities (XUEKEN2023012, KYLH2023005 to L.X.).

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Z.L. conceived the study; L.X., G.W., P.Z. and H.Z. compiled the data; L.X., G.W. and H.Z. led the data assessment with the contributions of S.L.; L.X. conducted mapping; Z.L., L.X., G.W., E.W. and J.C. interpreted the results with the contribution of all authors; Z.L. and L.X. led manuscript writing with substantial contributions of all authors; Z.L., L.X. and Y.Z. contributed to the manuscript revision.

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Correspondence to Zhongkui Luo.

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Xiao, L., Wang, G., Wang, E. et al. Spatiotemporal co-optimization of agricultural management practices towards climate-smart crop production. Nat Food 5, 59–71 (2024).

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