
Rapid advances in information technologies, particularly in fields such as machine learning, have generated an escalating demand for innovative computing hardware and concepts1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12. Among them, photonic computing has attracted considerable attention owing to recent developments in photonic integration and optical communication technologies6,13,14,15,16,17,18,19. Recent studies have revealed the potential for overcoming major bottlenecks in electronic computing, suggesting that ultrahigh-speed computing with low energy consumption can be achieved16,20,21. Photonic computing substrates have been predominantly used to process optical analog signals and play an essential role in the interface between the physical world and the digital domain18,22. Such photonic approaches hold promise for accelerating signal preprocessing from sensing units, thereby alleviating the computational burden typically borne by electronic postprocessing units.

However, when photonic processing units handle signals acquired by sensing devices, the overall processing speed is essentially limited by the data acquisition speed of the sensing devices and the transfer to the processing units. This limitation becomes particularly severe when image sensors with numerous pixels are employed. In such systems, the spatial information acquired by an image sensor is converted into the electrical domain in a digital format, and large amounts of memory are required for data storage. The electrical domain conversion and memory accesses required for large amounts of data are significant bottlenecks that hinder the speed of image processing (Fig. 1a).

Fig. 1: Conceptual schematic of photonic machine vision system.
figure 1

a Conventional approach based on image sensors. The entire processing rate is limited by the low frame rate of the digital image sensors used for acquiring the visual information of a target object. b Proposed photonic approach based on single-channel image acquisition and photonic RC processor. c Conceptual schematic of the proposed system. d Setup for the high-speed random speckle pattern projector. RNG (deterministic) random number generator, ISO optical isolator, PM phase modulator, MMF multimode fiber. e Photonic RC processor based on a stadium-shaped microcavity coupled to input/output waveguide channels. The microcavity can form as a virtual random optical network via an internal chaotic multiple scattering from a ray-optic point of view. In this study, the signal was input from the waveguide channel (No. 10) to the reservoir, and subsequently, RC output signals were extracted from five output channels (Nos. 2–6) for further postprocessing.

Photonic neural network processors have great potential for accelerating image processing14,16,22,23,24,25,26,27. Some of these processors enable direct image acquisition without the use of image sensors and subsequent optical processing14,22,23. In particular, on-chip photonic neural networks offer the promise of ultralow latency processing23 but usually suffer from physical size constraints arising from the difficulty of high-density photonic integration. The maximum number of input/output nodes (channels) implemented in a photonic chip is limited, and such a size constraint makes scalable operation difficult.

Here, we introduce a scalable photonic image processing approach that circumvents the physical size constraints by exploiting the temporal degrees of freedom of photons. In our approach, visual information from physical objects can be compressively acquired with only a single input channel and can be optically processed in the time domain. Consequently, the time-domain approach does not require many input/output channels and facilitates large-scale photonic processing.

A pivotal technique underpinning time-domain processing is the photonic domain transformation from the spatial-domain information of a physical object into a time-domain signal using an optical random pattern projection. Similar techniques have been previously employed for ghost imaging or single-pixel imaging28,29. Single-pixel-based techniques typically require multiple measurements using different mask patterns and suffer from low switching rates of the mask patterns, typically ranging from tens of Hz to tens of MHz30,31,32,33. Consequently, the acquisition of such image information is time-consuming. To address this limitation, we use a high-speed random mask pattern projector based on dynamic speckle generation34 and show that it allows random mask patterns to be switched at a rate of tens of GHz, which is at least three orders of magnitude higher than that of conventional approaches.

In this study, the image-encoded optical signals are directly sent to a photonic reservoir computer (Fig. 1b). A feature of reservoir computing (RC) is that it can achieve excellent inference performance in time-series processing with a simple training method35,36,37,38,39,40,41,42. We use a microcavity-based RC for processing the time-domain signals and experimentally demonstrate that this approach is capable of high optical compression of the image information and dynamic image recognition. This approach works even when using the RC with only a limited number of input/output channels and enables high-speed image recognition and anomaly detection at gigahertz rates. By using a wavelength-multiplexing technique that provides parallel processing, we can further accelerate data acquisition and processing.

Beyond image recognition, our approach also serves as a compressive temporal encoder for single-shot high-speed imaging. This encoder enables continuous acquisition of a dynamic scene at GHz rates, combined with various techniques developed for high-speed optical fiber communication, including optical multiplexing techniques. The number of frames of captured images is not limited, in contrast to other high-speed imaging techniques based on pulse lasers and/or streak cameras43,44,45,46. A related imaging technique is optical time-stretching imaging47,48, which is based on the optical encoding of images in individual laser pulses and has been used for the imaging of fast-moving objects. State-of-the-art time-stretching imaging, when combined with structured light and compressive sensing techniques, has achieved frame rates ranging from megahertz to gigahertz levels49,50 and efficient data compression51. A feature of our image encoding technique is that it does not rely on an ultrashort laser pulse source but a commercial continuous-wave laser, unlike time-stretching imaging. Thus, our technique enables continuous imaging with a flexible time resolution and can achieve a higher frame rate using wavelength-division multiplexing. In this study, we experimentally demonstrate the imaging of a transient phenomenon at a microsecond scale.


Basic operation principle

The proposed system architecture includes a random pattern projector to temporally encode the spatial information of the target objects and a photonic RC processor to process image-encoded time-domain signals (Fig. 1c). The random pattern projector generates random mask patterns, which are projected onto the target object. The light reflected from the target is focused by a focusing lens and directly sent to the photonic RC processor, where an image of the target is denoted by v(x, y), and (x, y) represents the coordinates on the image plane. For a random mask pattern Mask(x, y, t) on the image plane at time t, the input light u(t) to the RC processor can be characterized by the spatial integral ∫Mask(x, y, t)v(x, y)dxdy, that is, the spatial information of the target image is encoded as a time-domain signal. The reservoir plays a role in mapping the input u(t) into a high-dimensional feature space7; thus, the features of u(t) can be separately distributed in the high-dimensional space, resulting in better recognition by simple postprocessing.

Let xr(t) and \(\phi ({{{{{{{{\boldsymbol{x}}}}}}}}}_{r}(t))\in {{\mathbb{R}}}^{M}\) be the reservoir’s internal state vector and observables in response to u(t). The observables ϕ(xr(t)) are sampled at sampling time interval τs during acquisition time TN. Similarly to previous studies42, the output vector \({{{{{{{\boldsymbol{y}}}}}}}}(n)\in {{\mathbb{R}}}^{{M}_{y}}(n\in \{1,2,\cdots \,\})\) is given by the observables ϕ(xr(tnj)), readout weights \({{{{{{{{\boldsymbol{W}}}}}}}}}_{j}\in {{\mathbb{R}}}^{{M}_{y}\times M}\), and bias \({{{{{{{\boldsymbol{b}}}}}}}}\in {{\mathbb{R}}}^{{M}_{y}}\) as \({{{{{{{\boldsymbol{y}}}}}}}}(n)=\mathop{\sum }\nolimits_{j = 0}^{N-1}{{{{{{{{\boldsymbol{W}}}}}}}}}_{j}\phi ({{{{{{{{\boldsymbol{x}}}}}}}}}_{r}({t}_{nj}))+{{{{{{{\boldsymbol{b}}}}}}}}\) for regression tasks, where tnj = nTN + jτs, (j {0, 1,   , N − 1}) and N = TN/τs, and y(n) = f(∑jWjϕ(xr(tnj)) + b) for classification tasks, where f is a softmax function. In this scheme, the output vector y(n) can be obtained in time interval TN. The weight matrix Wj can be trained using a training dataset such that a loss function, which is characterized by the difference between the output vector y(n) and the target vector ytag(n), is minimized. RC can quickly determine the global minimum of the loss function, resulting in low training costs. Postprocessing can be performed with application-specific circuits or field-programmable gate arrays for low-latency operation. In this study, we focused on evaluating the ability of an RC processor in terms of fast data acquisition and preprocessing as a proof of concept.

High-speed random pattern projector

The random pattern projector is based on a high-speed speckle generator, which is composed mainly of a laser source, deterministic random number generator, phase modulator, and multimode fiber (MMF) (Fig. 1d). When coherent light is input into the MMF, it couples into multiple propagation modes with different phase velocities, and their interference produces a speckle pattern at the end face of the MMF52. These speckles are highly sensitive to changes in the phase of the incident light. Therefore, by dynamically modulating the phase of the incoming light, we can alter the speckle patterns, which serve as the mask patterns for projection.

In previous studies, spatial light modulators (SLMs) such as digital micromirror devices (DMDs) have been utilized to generate optical mask patterns at rates of up to 22 kHz28. A recent promising study demonstrated modulation rates up to 2.4 MHz using mechanically rotating mask patterns30. In contrast, our proposed projector can attain modulation rates exceeding tens of gigahertz using a wideband phase modulator. (We used a 16-GHz phase modulator in this study.)

Photonic reservoir computing processor

A major advantage of using a photonic RC processor is that the high-dimensional mapping operation, resulting in better inference, can be optically performed at low latency and high speed. We designed and fabricated a silicon photonic chip based on a stadium-shaped microcavity structure coupled to 14 single-mode waveguides (Fig. 1e). The microcavity acts as a reservoir, whereas the single-mode waveguides are used as the input/output channels to and from the reservoir. A feature of the microcavity is its efficient capability for optical confinement in a small footprint and the formation of various wave patterns depending on the shape of the microcavity53. The stadium-shaped cavity is known to be a ray-chaotic cavity and is inspired by the Bunimovich stadium54. The wave mixing due to the chaotic nature of the cavity forms a wave field inside the cavity corresponding to a spatially continuous optical random network within 50 μm × 200 μm (Fig. 1e). The length of the memory for storing past information was roughly estimated as 0.25 ns, partially with the aid of the time-delay caused by the length difference in the optical fibers coupled to the output ports from the stadium cavity (see Supplementary Note 1.) Nonlinearity is introduced in the intensity detection. Numerical results reveal that the stadium-shaped cavity-based RC has a higher computational performance for tasks requiring nonlinearity than nonchaotic cavity-based RC55, although the cavity parameters used in the study are different from the present study. Other studies have also revealed the potential of ray-chaotic cavities, such as the stadium-shaped cavity, as reservoirs numerically56 or with a microwave experiment57. To our knowledge, this study reports the first experimental demonstration of photonic microcavity-based RC for image processing. For a description of the fundamental capabilities of temporal signal processing, see Supplementary Note 1 and Supplementary Figs. 13, where it is shown that the photonic RC processor can outperform photonic RC systems or a photonic neural network circuit on benchmark datasets.

Image recognition

We evaluated the image recognition performance of the proposed system. In the experiment, we chose 28 × 28-pixel MNIST handwritten digit images58 from “0” to “3” as the target images and displayed them on a DMD (Fig. 2a). Random speckle patterns were generated and projected onto the target at a rate of 25 Gigasamples per seconds (GS/s). The reflected light was introduced into the photonic RC processor via an optical fiber. The RC outputs were measured using fast-response photodetectors. Figure 2b, c shows the change over time in the light intensity reflected from the images of the targets (i.e., an input to the RC) and the corresponding RC outputs from channels 2–6 (Fig. 1e), respectively. The waveforms of the reflected light strongly depended on the images of the targets, and a variety of spatiotemporal responses in the reservoir outputs were produced.

Fig. 2: Conversion of images into time-domain signals and reservoir outputs.
figure 2

a Handwritten digit images displayed on the digital micromirror device, “0,” “1,” “2,” and “3” from the top. b Image-encoded time-domain signals corresponding to each digit image. c Outputs from channels (2–6) of the reservoir computing (RC) processor responding to the time-domain signal, which are represented by blue, orange-, green-, red-, and purple-colored curves, respectively.

For the evaluation, we used 1000 samples of images of digits from “0” to “3” and acquired the RC outputs over acquisition time TN for each image. The prediction outputs y were trained on 900 image samples and tested on 100 image samples. To characterize how much information of the target image is compressively input to the RC processor during the acquisition time TN, we defined the compressive sensing ratio C of the image-encoded signal input to the RC processor as N/(28 × 28)59, where N = TN/τs denotes the number of data points of the image-encoded time-domain signal.

Figure 3a shows the classification accuracy for various acquisition times and compressive sensing ratios. The classification accuracy exceeded 90% for TN ≥ 0.4 ns, which corresponds to the compressive sensing ratio C ≥ 1.28%, revealing the potential of the proposed approach for ultrafast image recognition at sub-nanoseconds with a substantial compression efficiency. As an example, the confusion matrix for TN = 0.56 ns (C = 1.78%) is shown in Fig. 3b. Most predicted labels were distributed along the diagonal line and matched the true labels. For comparison, we also performed numerical simulations. To mimic the random projection of a digit image (28 × 28 = 784 pixels in size), an N × 784 Gaussian random mask matrix was used. As a classifier, we used a neural network with a single fully connected hidden layer and \(\tanh\) activation functions. We confirmed that the classification performance of the proposed system was comparable to that of the neural network (Fig. 3a).

Fig. 3: Classification results for a 4-class handwritten digit image dataset.
figure 3

a Classification accuracy vs. acquisition time (compressive sensing ratio) for test image samples. The filled blue circles and orange crosses represent the accuracies obtained with and without the reservoir computing (RC) processor, respectively. The green crosses represent the accuracy of the numerical neural network with the same number of neurons with \(\tanh\) activation functions. When using the RC processor, the accuracy exceeded 90% for TN ≥ 0.4 ns, which corresponds to compressive ratio C ≥ 1.28%. The performance is better than the performance without the RC processor and is comparable to that of the numerical neural network. Confusion matrix for the test image samples in the proposed system b with and c without the RC processor for TN = 0.56 ns.

To gain insights into the effect of the photonic RC processor, we investigated the classification performance of the system without the RC processor, where the time-domain signal before RC processing was directly used as an input to a linear classifier. The classification performance was found to be substantially worse than that of the system proposed in this study (Fig. 3c). The photonic RC processor has a finite memory time (Supplementary Fig. 4). The memory time can partly contribute to storing and mixing the image-encoded time-domain information during the acquisition time TN of sub-nanoseconds. The memory and high-dimensional mapping operation of the RC can result in better classification.

We also evaluated the classification performance on larger and more difficult image datasets. Image classification was successfully performed even for such datasets with high compressive efficiency at nanosecond acquisition times. See Supplementary Note 2 and Supplementary Figs. 5 and 6 for details.

Recognizing microsecond phenomena

To demonstrate the capability of recognizing dynamic scenes, we measured the switching behavior of the DMD, which switched between displaying digit “1” and digit “2” images. In the experiment, the laser light was repeatedly phase-modulated using the same pseudorandom signal, and the dynamic speckle patterns were repeatedly projected onto the DMD. The reflected light was directed to our RC processor, and the reservoir outputs were acquired at TN = 0.56 ns to obtain the classification results. According to our correlation analysis, the digit “1” image transitioned to the digit “2” image around 4600 ns (Fig. 4a). Figure 4b shows the time dependence of the classification probability for the switching behavior. The result reveals that the digit “1” image was switched to that of digit “2” around 4600 ns, and digit “2” can be steadily recognized after the transition (see Supplementary Movie 1). The detection of the switching behavior was consistent with the results of our correlation analysis. Although the time scale of the DMD display switching was on the order of a few microseconds, our system has the potential to recognize and detect faster phenomena.

Fig. 4: Demonstration of dynamic image recognition.
figure 4

In this demonstration, we initiated a switch on the digital micromirror device from displaying digit “1” to digit “2.” This switching event transpired in just a few microseconds. a Short-time correlation values for digits “1” and “2” as a function of time, which are represented by the blue and orange curves, respectively. The correlation analysis reveals that the waveform of the measured time-domain signal changed from that of digit “1” to that of digit “2.” The transient behavior of the switching was observed from 4600 ns. b The recognition probability as a function of time.

Image-free anomaly detection

Next, we evaluated the feasibility of anomaly detection (Fig. 5a). Anomaly detection is the task of identifying an abnormality or rare event from sampled information and must operate in real-time as much as possible. Detecting anomalies using images generally requires heavy computation, which prevents real-time operation. This problem becomes more serious when the implementation of an edge device with limited computational resources is considered. Our photonic approach can reduce redundant and unnecessary information in the image data through a compressive transformation into time series data; thus, the required computation for detection can be offloaded from the electronic postprocessing units. This approach also provides the advantage that image data can be treated in the same manner as time series data from other sensors. The lightweight computation and low training cost of our approach enable not only on-device prediction but also on-device learning in edge devices.

Fig. 5: Detection of cracks in concrete images.
figure 5

a Schematic of anomaly detection scheme in images. The inset shows examples of normal images (without cracks) and anomalous images (with cracks). In this experiment, binarized images from a concrete crack dataset were displayed on the digital micromirror device. The acquisition time was set as TN = 0.4 ns. The system was trained using 1500 normal image samples (without cracks) such that the output y corresponds to a nonzero constant value (α = 1). The squared representation error y − α2 was used as an anomaly score. b The probability densities of anomaly scores from 500 normal images without cracks and 500 anomalous (crack) images, which are represented by the filled blue and orange boxes, respectively. The two probability densities are well discriminated. The inset shows examples of measured anomaly scores for some sample images. For the display, we set three samples, represented by the green dotted lines, as crack images. c Receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve to illustrate the detection capability of crack images as its discrimination threshold is varied. The true positive rate denotes the rate of correctly detecting cracks, whereas the false positive rate denotes the rate of wrongly detecting the absence of cracks. The area under the curve (AUC) was 0.974.

To demonstrate this, we used a benchmark dataset of concrete cracks for structural health monitoring and inspections60,61. The dataset contains 227 × 227-pixel concrete images with and without cracks. Each image was taken approximately 1 m away from the surface with a camera directly facing the target61. The images were displayed on the DMD. The system was trained with 1500 normal image samples (without cracks) such that the output y corresponded to a constant value α = 1. To identify abnormalities (images with cracks in this case), an anomaly score was defined as the representation error (y − α)2. This score is distributed around zero for normal images (without cracks), whereas it has a large outlier when a crack is detected (Fig. 5b). The receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve, which plots true positive rates against the false positive rates, is shown in Fig. 5c. The area under the curve (AUC) was 0.974, which suggests a good measure of separability, considering AUC = 1 in an ideal model.

High-speed image encoder for image reconstruction

Here, we demonstrate that the proposed system can be used not only as a high-speed recognizer but also as a high-speed imager (Fig. 6a). A key advantage of our proposed system is that the reservoir outputs include the image information; thus, an image can be reconstructed from the reservoir outputs using appropriate reconstruction algorithms, e.g., well-developed algorithms for ghost imaging and single-pixel imaging28. However, such algorithms require complete information on the sequences of the projected random mask patterns, which is not applicable in our case because it is difficult to measure the fast spatiotemporal behavior of random patterns over 10 GHz rates with an image sensor, which typically operates at tens of hertz. Therefore, we used a trained neural network model to reconstruct the image of a target from the measured reservoir outputs (Fig. 6a). Note that real-time processing is not required for this reconstruction. As a simple proof-of-concept experiment, we used two original datasets containing four-class handwritten digit images and four-class images from the Fashion-MNIST dataset62. Each image was binarized and displayed on the DMD, and reservoir outputs were recorded for TN = 20 ns. To reconstruct the image, we used a convolutional neural network model trained to output the corresponding target image. We used 900 images for training and 100 images for testing. Figure 6b shows the results of image reconstruction for some of the test samples. The root mean squared error (RMSE) values for the 100 test images were 0.219 and 0.223 for the MNIST handwritten digit and Fashion-MNIST datasets, respectively. Decreasing TN led to an increase in the RMSE. However, this trade-off can be resolved by incorporating wavelength-division multiplexing (WDM). A similar performance was obtained for TN ≥ 0.8 ns in the WDM scheme. See Supplementary Note 3 and Supplementary Figs. 7 and 8 for details.

Fig. 6: High-speed temporal image-encoding and reconstruction.
figure 6

a Schematic of the high-speed image encoder. The recorded time-domain signals were used as the inputs to the neural network model for image reconstruction. PD: photodetector. b Examples of reconstructed images for test samples. In the experiment, we used the MNIST handwritten digit and Fashion-MNIST image datasets and trained the neural network model using 900 image samples for each dataset. c Reconstructed images during the DMD display switching from digit image “1” to “2” (see Supplementary Movie 1). In b, c, the time-domain signals were recorded with the acquisition time TN = 20 ns.

The proposed encoder facilitates the observation of a rare event or transient phenomenon. The proposed approach does not require broadband pulse lasers for the encoding of the target images. Continuous recording over a long period with a controllable time resolution TN is feasible. To evaluate the feasibility of continuous recording as a primitive experiment, we reconstructed images of the microsecond switching behavior when the DMD switched from displaying digit “1” image to displaying digit “2” image. In this experiment, the dynamic speckle patterns were repeatedly projected onto the DMD, and the reservoir outputs were acquired using TN = 20 ns. Under these conditions, the image at each timestep can be reconstructed with a time resolution of TN (see Supplementary Movie 1). As shown in Fig. 6c, the switching from digit “1” to “2” can be observed. However, because the network was trained only with four classes of digit images in this study, the reconstructed transient images (shown in the middle of Fig. 6c) might not be captured correctly; the images can be attributed only to the projections of the digit images used in training. For more precise image reconstruction, it is advisable to train the reconstruction model using a more extensive dataset comprising independent basis images, such as Hadamard basis patterns63.


We proposed and experimentally demonstrated a high-speed photonic time-domain image processing approach. This photonic approach is totally different from previous time-domain processing approaches, which involve electronic preprocessing of input image data16,64. In our approach, real-world visual information is highly compressed and optically acquired through a single input channel. This feature empowers optical high-speed time-domain processing at gigahertz rates even when using a small optical processor with a limited number of input/output channels. This approach is scalable, versatile, has a low training computational cost, and is suitable for deployment in edge-computing devices. Moreover, this approach leverages the advantages elucidated in previous studies on ghost imaging or single-pixel imaging, such as robustness to noise and the capability to process images under extremely low-light conditions.

The processing rate can be further increased through refinements and improvements. A potential approach is to use parallel processing based on multiplexing techniques such as space-division multiplexing and/or WDM. A space-division multiplexing technique could be implemented using multiple fiber receivers in the proposed system. For WDM, a multi-wavelength laser (e.g., an optical comb) would enable the generation of independent speckle patterns in parallel. The approach can lead to a significant reduction in the acquisition time of a target image without decreasing classification accuracy (See Supplementary Fig. 7).

Despite the advantages of the proposed approach, there is room for further improvement. One improvement is to make the proposed fiber system more robust because speckle patterns are sensitive to environmental changes, such as vibrations and temperature fluctuations. The recognition accuracy degraded under a temperature fluctuation of ±0. 3 °C (Supplementary Note 4). However, the system stability can be improved in terms of both hardware and software by isolating the MMF from environmental temperature fluctuations and/or by training the optimal weight parameters of the neural network with data samples acquired at different temperatures (see Supplementary Fig. 9).

The second is to improve the photonic RC processor, which has only a short memory and linear operation. The memory time can be improved with larger-sized cavities designed for a higher quality factor, e.g., photonic crystal cavities56. In our setup, a nonlinear component, e.g., a semiconductor optical amplifier with strong gain saturation, can be easily introduced to add a nonlinear conversion in the image-encoded signal before the reservoir processing. The proposed time-domain image acquisition approach is applicable to various time-domain processors, including recurrent neural networks, delay-based reservoir computers65, and extreme learning machines66.

The third is to develop a postprocessor to realize a fast end-to-end photonic processor. One approach to accomplish this is to deploy a photonic postprocessing technique developed as an analog readout in RC. This technique is based on a balanced Mach–Zehnder modulator and an integrator67 so that the multiply-accumulation operation can be performed in the time domain. An additional advantage of analog computation in the time domain is that it can be performed even at ultra-low energies; in principle, a weak signal at a single-photon level can be processed11.

We also demonstrated that the proposed approach can be used for high-speed imaging. The proposed approach is simple, versatile, and can continuously record a target scene for a long time. A wide range of time-scale phenomena can be captured by varying the modulation rate and controlling the acquisition time. Another feature of this approach is its compatibility with optical multiplexing techniques, such as WDM. This can compensate for a drawback of the time-domain approach, i.e., the trade-off between the resolution of the acquired images and acquisition time. By incorporating the WDM, image acquisition can be achieved in a shorter time scale by suppressing the degradation of the image resolution (Supplementary Fig. 8), which can open a novel pathway for the imaging of ultrafast dynamic phenomena.


Experimental setup

In our random speckle pattern projector, a narrow-linewidth tunable laser (Alnair Labs, TLG-220, linewidth < 100 kHz, 30 mW) was used as a coherent light source. The laser wavelength was set as 1550 nm. To dynamically generate speckle patterns, the laser light was phase-modulated using a lithium niobate phase modulator (EO Space, PM-5S5-20-PFA-PFA-UV-UL, 16 GHz bandwidth) with a uniformly distributed pseudorandom sequence generated using an arbitrary waveform generator (Tektronix, AWG70002A, 25 GS/s). The modulated light was directed through a polarization-maintaining single-mode fiber to the MMF, which is a commercially available step-index MMF with a core diameter of 200 μm, numerical aperture (NA) of 0.39, and length of 20 m. The light reflected from the DMD was collected using a focusing lens coupled to an MMF with a core diameter of 50 μm. Using the MMF facilitates straightforward coupling with the reflected light and introduces an additional mixing effect for the time-domain signal. The fiber was connected to an Erbium-doped fiber amplifier (Thorlabs, EDFA100P) and directed to the photonic RC processor. The output signals were amplified with EDFAs and measured using photodetectors (New Port, 1554-B). We set the number of the output signals as M = 5 for 4-class recognition tasks and an anomaly detection task. To evaluate performance, the signals were digitized using a digital oscilloscope (Tektronix, DPO72504DX, 25 GHz bandwidth) with τs = 0.04 ns and postprocessed using a computer.

Photonic RC processor

The RC processor was fabricated on a silicon chip. A 220 nm thick silicon layer was etched to form a stadium-shaped microcavity coupled with 14 single-mode waveguides. The single-mode waveguides were used as the input and output channels. The stadium was shaped with two semicircles of radius 25 μm and two parallel segments of length 150 μm. The width of the single-mode waveguide was 500 nm. A spot-size converter was used to couple the single-mode waveguide and an optical fiber. The variation in the fiber lengths coupled to the output ports of the photonic chip creates an additional time-delay memory for the input information. It partly contributes to the memory capacity of the whole RC system (Supplementary Note 1).

Compensation for optical losses

The optical losses in the receiver and processing section were mainly caused by the coupling losses of the receiver fiber, the coupling loss between the receiver fiber and a single-mode waveguide in a photonic chip, and the scattering loss in the microcavity, which were estimated as 8.8 dB, 17 dB, and more than 15 dB, respectively. The large losses were optically compensated using EDFAs with a noise figure of less than 5 dB. The signals were amplified with a gain from 25 dB to 30 dB so that the power was less than the saturation power of the photodetectors. The signal-to-noise ratio was estimated to range from 12.5 dB to 14 dB. In the range, the recognition performance was not significantly changed. The coupling loss can be mitigated by employing a mode converter to minimize mode mismatch, while the scattering loss can be reduced by designing a high-Q cavity, such as a photonic crystal cavity56.

Postprocessing for image recognition

The reservoir outputs were detected at a sampling time interval of τs during acquisition time TN. For the M reservoir outputs with a record length of N = TN/τs, MN features were used as inputs of the (linear) softmax classifier. The classifier was trained using Python (scikit-learn package) on a computer (OS: Mac, Chip: Apple M1 Max, Cores: 8, Memory: 64 GB). The computation time was a few seconds and a few ten seconds for the four-class and ten-class image recognition tasks, respectively.

Image reconstruction

In the image reconstruction task, we used the reservoir outputs from channels 2–6 (M = 5), which were sampled at intervals of τs = 40 ps. During preprocessing, the reservoir outputs were normalized using their respective means and standard deviations. The number of sampled data points for each reservoir output was N = TN/τs; thus, MN sampled data points were used as the input to the neural network model for image reconstruction. (TN ranged from 0.2 ns to 20 ns.) In the network model used to obtain the results shown in Fig. 6b, a fully connected network of size MN × 200 was used in the first layer. The outputs were sent to the first one-dimensional (1D) CNN layer with 10 kernels of size 3 and the ReLU activation function, followed by batch normalization and max pooling of size 2 × 2. The second 1D CNN layer used a single kernel of size 3 and the ReLU function, followed by batch normalization and max pooling of size 2 × 2. Then, in the fourth and fifth layers, fully connected networks of 50 × 784 and 784 × 784 were used to output the 28 × 28-pixel image. The network model was trained with K = 900 image samples to minimize the mean squared error, which can be expressed as follows: \(E=(1/K)\mathop{\sum }\nolimits_{k}^{K}{\sum }_{i,j}{({I}_{k}(i,j)-{I}_{k}^{({{{{\rm{target}}}}})}(i,j))}^{2}\), where Ik(i, j) and \({I}_{k}^{({{{{\rm{target}}}}})}(i,j)\) denote the pixel values of the reconstructed image and target image in the ith row and jth column for the kth sample, respectively. Subsequently, the model was tested with a separate set of 100 image samples.