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Perceptual straightening of natural videos

An Author Correction to this article was published on 15 May 2019

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Many behaviors rely on predictions derived from recent visual input, but the temporal evolution of those inputs is generally complex and difficult to extrapolate. We propose that the visual system transforms these inputs to follow straighter temporal trajectories. To test this ‘temporal straightening’ hypothesis, we develop a methodology for estimating the curvature of an internal trajectory from human perceptual judgments. We use this to test three distinct predictions: natural sequences that are highly curved in the space of pixel intensities should be substantially straighter perceptually; in contrast, artificial sequences that are straight in the intensity domain should be more curved perceptually; finally, naturalistic sequences that are straight in the intensity domain should be relatively less curved. Perceptual data validate all three predictions, as do population models of the early visual system, providing evidence that the visual system specifically straightens natural videos, offering a solution for tasks that rely on prediction.

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Fig. 1: Quantifying straightness of image sequences in the intensity and perceptual domains.
Fig. 2: Measuring perceptual straightness of image sequences.
Fig. 3: Curvature reduction for natural image sequences.
Fig. 4: Curvature increase for artificial image sequences.
Fig. 5: Curvature conservation for naturalistic, intensity-linear image sequences.
Fig. 6: Changes in curvature induced by models of the visual system.

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The data supporting the findings of this study are available from the corresponding author on reasonable request.

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The code used to analyze the data of this study is available from the corresponding author on reasonable request.

Change history

  • 15 May 2019

    The original and corrected figures are shown in the accompanying Author Correction.


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We thank S. Palmer and J. Salisbury for making available the video sequences in their Chicago Motion Database. We are also grateful to Y. Bai for helpful comments on the manuscript. This work was supported by the Howard Hughes Medical Institute (O.J.H, R.L.T.G., E.P.S).

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Authors and Affiliations



O.J.H., R.L.T.G. and E.P.S. conceived the project and designed the experiments. O.J.H. designed the analysis and performed the experiments. O.J.H, R.L.T.G. and E.P.S. wrote the manuscript.

Corresponding author

Correspondence to Olivier J. Hénaff.

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The authors declare no competing interests.

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Journal peer review information: Nature Neuroscience thanks Konrad Kording and other anonymous reviewer(s) for their contribution to the peer review of this work.

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Integrated supplementary information

Fig. Supplementary 1 Recovery analysis for curvature estimation.

We simulated 4 observers with different sensitivities, viewing 21 different sequences with varying perceptual curvature, and evaluated our ability to estimate the perceptual curvature from the same amount of data we use in our experiment. Simulated observers’ sensitivities span the range of human sensitivities, and perceptual curvatures vary from 0° to 180°. (a) Greedy, two-step estimation, that first estimates the most likely perceptual trajectory, and then measures its curvature, is plagued by substantial bias. (b) Our method, which estimates the most likely perceptual curvature given many plausible perceptual trajectories, is largely unbiased.

Supplementary Fig. 2 Initial, middle and final frames from the first six natural and artificial sequences used in our experiment.

Natural image sequences follow the top (blue) path, whereas artificial sequences follow the bottom (green) path between the same end-points.

Supplementary Fig. 3 Initial, middle and final frames from the last five natural and artificial sequences used in our experiment.

Natural image sequences follow the top (blue) path, whereas artificial sequences follow the bottom (green) path between the same end-points.

Supplementary Fig. 4 Predictability of natural, artificial and naturalistic sequences, for first, second, third and fourth-order predictors in the intensity and perceptual domains.

Each predictor is fit independently to a sequence in the pixel-intensity and perceptual domains by regressing the previous 2 (first-order), 3 (second-order), 4 (third-order) or 5 (fourth-order) samples onto the next one. We then compare the errors of these predictors in each domain. As expected, higher-order predictors are more accurate than lower-order ones, but all show the same pattern of errors across domains and sequences types. Circles indicate the median across sequences, error bars (where visible) represent the 68% confidence interval. Left: natural sequences (experiment 1, n = 12 sequences). Middle: artificial sequences (experiment 2, n = 12 sequences). Right: naturalistic ‘contrast’ sequences (experiment 3, n = 9 sequences). The ‘control’ trajectories show the same curvature as in the intensity domain, but are otherwise identical to the human observers’ perceptual trajectories.

Supplementary Fig. 5 Changes in curvature in contemporary deep convolutional neural network architectures.

Despite their strong performance in object recognition, none of these architectures straighten natural videos. Circles indicate the median across sequences, error bars representing the 68% confidence interval are smaller than these circles (n = 12 sequences for natural and artificial stimuli, n = 9 sequences for naturalistic ‘contrast’ stimuli). (a) 19-layer VGG architecture34. (b) 19-layer VGG architecture with batch normalization35. (c) 152-layer Residual Network architecture36. (d) 121-layer Dense Network architecture37.

Supplementary Fig. 6 Recovery analysis for multiple simulated populations.

In Figs. 3c, 4c and 5c we show a single, typical, population of simulated controls (whose median change in curvature is depicted here by a gray arrow). The simulation process is inherently variable, as is the subsequent recovery, due to finite numbers of subjects and trials. Here we evaluate the dispersion of the median curvature change across repetitions of the simulation and recovery procedure (gray histogram, n = 5 independent repetitions). Experiments 1 and 2: the curvature change for human observers is much larger than for any of the simulated controls (p < 0.001, two-tailed Z-test). Experiment 3: human observers show increased curvature relative to controls, but much less so than in experiment 2 (p = 0.02, two-tailed Z-test). Together, these experiments show that the typical simulated populations shown in Figs. 35 are representative of the distribution across simulated populations.

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Hénaff, O.J., Goris, R.L.T. & Simoncelli, E.P. Perceptual straightening of natural videos. Nat Neurosci 22, 984–991 (2019).

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