
The final size, shape and function of tissues in multicellular organisms hinge upon the precise control of cell division4. Owing to intrinsic and extrinsic cell polarity, a 90° rotation of the division plane determines whether a cell will divide formatively (producing daughter cells with different fates) or proliferatively5,6 (producing daughter cells with similar fates). A wrong choice can lead to over-proliferation of cells, resulting in aberrant morphogenesis or tumorigenesis7,8. Developmental regulators that specify cell fate and interface directly with the cell cycle machinery9,10,11 are likely arbiters of this decision. However, we have limited knowledge about how these regulators dynamically control cell division in situ.

SHR and SCR control the formative division in the Arabidopsis root that gives rise to the endodermis and cortex cell types (ground tissue). SHR, a mobile intercellular signalling molecule, is produced in the central tissues of the root and moves outward into adjacent cells, including the endodermis and the cortex–endodermal initial daughter (CEID) cell, where it activates SCR expression12,13. SHR and SCR together activate the expression of the cell cycle regulator CYCLIND6;1 (CYCD6) only in the CEID, triggering formative division14. In shr and scr mutants, this division does not occur, resulting in a single ground tissue mutant layer, rather than distinct files of endodermis and cortex cells1,2,15 (Fig. 1a).

Fig. 1: Long-term 4D confocal imaging of SHR reveals dynamics inconsistent with bistability.
figure 1

a, Diagram of Arabidopsis wild-type and SHR:GAL4–GR UAS:SHR–GFP shr2 mutant roots showing proliferative and formative division planes (adapted from ref. 52). SHR moves from the central tissues of the root into the adjacent cell layer. SHR expression and formative divisions occur in the inducible line upon treatment with dex. Yellow, QC (quiescent centre); orange, CEI (cortex–endodermal initial); red, CEID (cortex–endodermal initial daughter) and shr mutant layer; blue, cortex; purple, endodermis. b, Diagram of the SHR–SCR regulatory network controlling formative division based on Cruz–Ramirez et al.3. c, Confocal median longitudinal sections showing GFP-labelled SHR and H2B–RFP at timepoints after induction with 10 μM dex. Images are representative of independent timecourse experiments with eight roots. Numbers at the top left show the first five cell positions in the mutant ground tissue. Gamma is set to 0.75 to show signal in the mutant layer for the GFP-only images. Top and bottom show different roots. White arrows, formative divisions. Scale bars, 50 μm. d, Raw (grey) and smoothed (green) SHR trajectory (SHR–GFP/H2B–RFP fluorescence intensity) over time in the first five cells of a single cell file after full induction (10 μM dex). Plots are representative of 211 cells from independent time courses with 8 roots. Possible low and high steady states are indicated for cell 1. Black dashed line, proliferative division; orange dashed line, formative division. a.u., arbitrary units. e, SHR trajectory predicted by the Cruz–Ramirez model showing low and high steady states. f, SHR trajectories for cells that show a low peak of SHR accumulation hours prior to dividing formatively. Roots were treated with low dex (0.02 μM or 0.03 μM). Dark green, SHR trajectory corresponding to images in g. g, Median longitudinal sections through a root tip treated with low dex (0.02 μM) highlighting a cell with a low transient peak of SHR prior to dividing formatively. Plots and images in f and g are representative of 15 cells from 10 roots showing similar behaviour. Scale bars, 10 μm.

Cruz-Ramírez et al.3 proposed a bistable model to explain both how and where SHR and SCR trigger the decision to divide. According to the model, two positive feedback loops generate high stable steady states of SCR and nuclear SHR, triggering formative division (Fig. 1b). Bistability arising from positive feedback is at the heart of mathematical models of decision making in many systems16. However, positive feedback does not always lead to bistability17, and alternative decision-making mechanisms exist. For example, the simple presence of a factor at the right place and time can alter the cell cycle programme and lead to a different cell fate11.

Quantitative time-lapse imaging of transcription factor dynamics has provided key insights into gene-regulatory network function in single cell organisms and mammalian cell lines18,19,20. Assays of multiple transcription factors in tandem on a long timescale can enable examination of their regulatory relationships21. However, many technical challenges have made studies of network dynamics in vivo difficult22. Phototoxicity and photobleaching, in particular, restrict studies using confocal microscopy to short timescales or infrequent sampling and limit the number of fluorophores that can be imaged simultaneously. Owing to its lower phototoxicity, light sheet microscopy provides the means for longer-term multi-colour imaging of protein dynamics in vivo. This potential has been extolled for nearly two decades, but the technology has been used primarily for observation of cellular dynamics and morphology changes during development23,24,25.

Here, we use long-term 4D imaging of living roots and quantitative analysis to gain insight into the dynamics of the SHR–SCR gene-regulatory network that controls formative divisions in the root stem cell niche. Our measurements revealed a key aspect that was missing from the existing model: namely, that SHR and SCR levels are interpreted within the context of the cell cycle. We present evidence that low threshold levels of SHR and SCR are sufficient and act early in the cell cycle to change the orientation of the division plane.

SHR dynamics determine formative division

To investigate the mechanism by which SHR dynamically controls formative cell divisions, we generated a fluorescently labelled inducible SHR construct, SHR:GAL4–GR UAS:SHR–GFP, capable of rescuing the formative divisions absent in shr2 mutants1,2 (Fig. 1a). We induced transcription of SHR–GFP in its endogenous expression domain (the central tissues of the root; Fig. 1a) using diminishing concentrations of dexamethasone26 (dex) (10, 1, 0.05, 0.03, 0.02 and 0.01 μM), and imaged the roots in 3D every 15 min for up to 24 h using confocal microscopy (Fig. 1c and Supplementary Videos 14). We observed movement of SHR-GFP into the adjacent mutant ground tissue nuclei, as predicted from previous SHR localization studies27,28. We then quantified the fluorescence of SHR–GFP in the ground tissue nuclei (n = 935 cells from 29 roots) relative to a nuclei marker as a measure of SHR concentration (Extended Data Fig. 1a and Supplementary Methods), from the time of induction up to formative division or the end of the experiment if no division occurred (Fig. 1d and Supplementary Data 1).

The inducible SHR line enabled us to produce data from many cells in each root, and to produce a variety of SHR accumulation trajectories with different division outcomes (Fig. 1d and Extended Data Fig. 1b–f). We observed near complete rescue of meristematic formative divisions at 1 μM and 10 μM dex (96% and 99%, respectively) and no formative divisions at a concentration of 0.01 μM dex (Extended Data Fig. 1f). Occasionally, a cell divided anticlinally (proliferatively) before the periclinal formative division (Fig. 1d, cell 4). The rescued formative divisions are likely to be controlled by the SHR–SCR–CYCD6 pathway that controls CEID division in the stem cell niche of wild-type plants (Extended Data Fig. 2a–d and Supplementary Note 1), and levels of SHR–GFP in fully induced (10 μM dex) plants were comparable to levels of SHR:SHR–GFP in the relevant tissues (Extended Data Fig. 2e,f).

The bistable model3 postulates that SHR triggers formative division when nuclear SHR levels in the ground tissue flip to a high steady state (Fig. 1e). Consistent with this model, in many cases we observed a rapid increase in SHR levels followed by a period during which higher SHR levels were relatively constant prior to division (Fig. 1d, cell 2). However, in other cases, a transient low peak of SHR was able to trigger division many hours later (Fig. 1f,g, Extended Data Fig. 1b and Supplementary Video 5). These SHR kinetics are inconsistent with a bistable model in which high steady state levels of nuclear SHR are necessary to trigger division, where the scale of the model (predicted SHR levels) is comparable to the observed range of SHR protein levels (Fig. 1e–g). We sought next to directly examine SHR regulation of SCR levels.

Bistability is not required for SHR regulation of SCR

We measured SHR and SCR accumulation simultaneously in single nuclei, using a custom light sheet microscope built to image growing root tips under near physiological conditions29 (Extended Data Fig. 3a–c, Supplementary Video 6 and Supplementary Methods). We first introduced SCR:SCR–mKATE2 into the SHR:GAL4–GR UAS:SHR–GFP shr2 background. Next, we induced transcription of SHR–GFP and subsequent activation of SCR–mKATE2 expression using different concentrations of dex (40 μM, 20 μM and 0.4 μM; Supplementary Methods) to obtain a range of SHR and SCR accumulation profiles. We imaged and quantified the levels of SHR and SCR in the ground tissue nuclei every 15 min for up to 48 h after induction (Fig. 2a–d, Supplementary Videos 7 and 8 and Supplementary Data 2; n = 577 cells from 14 roots). In fully induced roots (40 μM dex), 89% of the meristematic cells had divided after 45 h.

Fig. 2: Long-term 4D light sheet imaging of SHR and SCR dynamics reveals that bistability is not required to model their regulatory relationship.
figure 2

a, 3D reconstruction of a z-stack showing induced SHR–GFP (green), SCR–mKATE2 (magenta) and H2B–CFP (blue) fluorescence in a SHR:GAL4-GR UAS:SHR–GFP SCR:SCR–mKATE2 UBQ10:H2B–CFP shr2 root. Scale bar, 50 μm. b, Endodermal nuclei detected in Imaris are selected for quantification. Colours specify different cell files. Scale bar, 50 μm. c, Median longitudinal sections of the root in a and b showing timepoints after induction with 40 μM dex. Images in ac are representative of independent timecourse experiments with nine roots. White arrows, formative divisions. Scale bars, 50 μm. d, Quantification of SHR and SCR trajectories (SHR–GFP/H2B–CFP and SCR–mKATE2/H2B–CFP fluorescence intensity, respectively) for a single cell after full induction (40 μM dex). Measurement is representative of 274 cells from independent timecourse experiments with nine roots. SHR and SCR trajectory values are normalized to the 90th quantile (Supplementary Methods). Black dashed line, proliferative division; orange dashed line, formative division. eh, Mean of all fully induced SHR (green) and SCR (magenta) normalized trajectories (Supplementary Methods) and predictions for SCR (grey lines) from the Cruz–Ramirez (e), Michaelis–Menten (f), Hill (g) and positive feedback (h) models. R2, adjusted R squared; n = 274 cells from 9 roots (treated with 40 μM dex; Supplementary Methods).

SHR and SCR levels appeared to follow simple dynamics (Fig. 2d). The average SHR and SCR curves closely follow a sigmoid pattern, with SCR having a slightly steeper and later rise (Fig. 2e–h). To further investigate the regulation of SCR by SHR, we fit the data to the bistable model3 and to three basic ODE models (Supplementary Methods). For each model, we used the averaged SHR dynamics as input to predict SCR expression. Using the published parameters3, the bistable model predicted a rapid jump in SCR levels that we did not observe in the data (Fig. 2e). By varying each parameter by two orders of magnitude, we were able to find parameter regimes that fit the data reasonably well (Extended Data Fig. 4a,b). However, in many of these cases the model no longer displays bistable properties (Extended Data Fig. 4c).

For the three basic ODE models, the fits were comparable (Fig. 2e–h; Michaelis–Menten: adjusted R2 = 0.987; Hill: adjusted R2 = 0.996; positive feedback: adjusted R2 = 0.994). The best fit Hill coefficient for the Hill model was larger than 1, which can occur due to the existence of positive feedback30 (Supplementary Methods). This model and the model explicitly incorporating positive feedback visually appeared to capture the rise of SCR better than the Michaelis–Menten model. This finding is consistent with previously described SCR autoregulation31.

It is not surprising that we were able to fit the data to the Cruz–Ramirez3 model given the larger number of parameters (which can lead to overfitting). However, three other more simple monostable alternatives with fewer parameters also fit the data well. We conclude that bistability is not required to explain the regulatory relationship between SHR and SCR.

SHR and SCR act early in the cell cycle

To further investigate the assumption that bistable steady-state levels of SHR and SCR determine whether a cell will divide formatively, we examined SHR and SCR accumulation just prior to division, when the trajectories of both factors have reached high levels. We found variability in SCR levels and did not observe a bimodal distribution corresponding with the fate of the cell (Extended Data Fig. 5a–d). Furthermore, SCR often did not appear to reach a stable point (Extended Data Fig. 5e,f).

Therefore, we hypothesized that a threshold amount of SHR and SCR triggers formative division at an earlier timepoint. To test this, we determined the accuracy of predicting formative division across a range of SHR and SCR thresholds (Fig. 3a and Supplementary Methods). Optimal thresholds were low relative to the full range of SHR and SCR levels and were able to accurately predict formative division 80% and 73% of the time, respectively. A similar analysis of the SHR confocal data found a maximum prediction accuracy of 87% (Fig. 3a).

Fig. 3: Low threshold levels of SHR and SCR present during an early cell cycle window specify formative division.
figure 3

a, Prediction accuracy of trajectory classification into formatively dividing and non-dividing cells for a range of SHR and SCR thresholds (Supplementary Methods). Light sheet (LS), n = 449 cells from 14 roots; confocal (conf), n = 743 cells from 29 roots. b, Maximum prediction accuracy of trajectory classification into proliferatively and formatively dividing cells for a given nuclear size window. ***P = 3.8 × 10−91, 8.9 × 10−61, 8.0 × 10−43 for conf - SHR, LS - SHR and LS - SCR, respectively; one-tailed binomial test. An approximate 50% accuracy is expected by chance. Light sheet, n = 500 cells from 14 roots; confocal, n = 633 cells from 29 roots. Top, example masks used to calculate the nuclear size trajectory for a single cell. NS, not significant. Data are mean ± s.e.m. c, Normalized nuclear size at the beginning of the time course for proliferatively (prolif.) and formatively (form.) dividing cells. Two-tailed Mann–Whitney test. Boxes encompass the IQR, centre lines show the median, and whiskers extend to the full range of the data. d, Quantified normalized CDT1a–CFP (G1 marker) fluorescence intensity and normalized nuclear size of a complete cell cycle from a light sheet PlaCCI time course. Top, CDT1a–CFP and H3.1–mCHERRY confocal images showing raw signal, and the Otsu threshold mask. Plot and images are representative of 45 cells from independent timecourse experiments with 2 roots. Scale bar, 5 μm. eg, Frequency of dividing cells in unsynchronized roots (e), and roots synchronized with hydroxyurea at G1/S (f) or oryzalin at G2/M (g). Blue, formative; yellow, proliferative. h, Percentage of first divisions after dex induction that were formative for roots shown in eg. Unpaired one-sided Student’s t-test P is shown. Data are mean ± s.e.m.

Source Data

To improve these predictions, we considered the possibility that dynamic features of the SHR and SCR trajectories or position in the cell cycle may contribute to the decision to divide formatively. We took a simple machine learning approach (Supplementary Methods) to determine whether we could predict which cells divide using a set of features describing various aspects of the dynamics of the SHR, SCR and nuclear size trajectories (for example, maximum rate, mean SHR and area under the curve; Supplementary Table 1). We used nuclear size as a proxy for position in the cell cycle11 (Fig. 3b and Supplementary Methods). Our learning model was able to predict whether a cell divides formatively 89% and 92% of the time for the light sheet and confocal data, respectively.

To determine the most predictive features, we assessed the ability of each individual feature to discriminate between formatively dividing and non-dividing cells (Supplementary Methods). In addition to features associated with SHR levels, features relating to nuclear size were significant predictors of formative division (Supplementary Tables 2 and 3), suggesting that threshold levels of SHR might be required during a specific window of the cell cycle for formative division to occur.

To test this hypothesis, we determined the accuracy of predicting formative versus proliferative division for each individual cell cycle based on whether a threshold of SHR or SCR was reached during one of four quarters of the nuclear size range (Supplementary Methods). Requiring the threshold for SHR or SCR to be met in the first quarter of the nuclear size range resulted in higher accuracies than the predictions using threshold alone (90%, 94% and 89% for the confocal SHR, light sheet SHR and light sheet SCR, respectively) and higher accuracy than requiring the threshold to be met in any of the other three quarters of the nuclear size range (Fig. 3b). In addition, the feature most predictive of formative division over a single cell cycle was the maximum SHR level during the first quarter of the nuclear size range, which accurately predicted 94% and 89% of the confocal and light sheet datasets, respectively (Supplementary Tables 4 and 5). Cells that divided proliferatively had significantly larger nuclei at the beginning of the time course compared with formatively dividing cells (Fig. 3c), suggesting that these cells were already past a critical window of the cell cycle when SHR first reached threshold levels. Using the PlaCCI line32, which contains a marker for G1, we found that the 25th percentile of nuclear size falls within G1 or up to 1 h after G1 89% ± 1% of the time (mean ± s.e.m.; n = 36 cells from 2 roots) (Fig. 3d, Extended Data Fig. 6a and Supplementary Video 9). This suggests that SHR and SCR are required during G1 or early S phase to trigger a formative division.

To experimentally validate the hypothesis that position in the cell cycle determines sensitivity to SHR, we synchronized the cell cycle throughout the root meristem prior to induction with dex by treating roots containing the inducible SHR construct with hydroxyurea (see Supplementary Methods), which causes cell cycle arrest at the G1/S transition and early S phase33. We anticipated that this treatment would result in larger numbers of cells exposed to SHR during the critical early cell cycle window, leading to greater numbers of formatively dividing cells. Consistent with our hypothesis, 94% ± 3% of the first divisions after dex induction (n = 3 roots) in hydroxyurea-treated roots were formative compared to only 52% ± 4% of cells (n = 3 roots) treated with dex alone. Conversely, after synchronization with oryzalin at a later stage of the cell cycle (G2/M) followed by dex treatment, only 20% ± 6% of first divisions after dex treatment were formative (Fig. 3e–h, Extended Data Figs. 6b and 7a–c and Supplementary Video 10).

To understand how these findings inform division of the CEID in wild-type plants, we investigated the dynamics of SHR–GFP and SCR–mKATE2 driven by their native promoters in plants with a wild-type phenotype. We found that levels of SHR in the CEID fluctuated but never appeared entirely absent. SHR and SCR returned to pre-division levels quickly after division of the CEI (n = 6; Extended Data Fig. 8a–g, Supplementary Video 11 and Supplementary Data 3). Thus, it is likely that SHR and SCR are always present early in the cell cycle of the CEID, providing the conditions necessary for formative division.


How developmental regulators control cell division is a central question in developmental biology, with potentially broad applications in understanding basic cell cycle control. Although we cannot exclude the possibility of bistability without a definitive test for hysteresis34,35, which would be nearly impossible to perform in our system, our data suggest that SHR and SCR are unlikely to regulate formative cell division through a bistable mechanism. Bistability was proposed to explain how and where the decision to divide formatively is made3. Our data suggest an alternative mechanism must exist to restrict SHR–SCR-regulated formative divisions to the CEID in wild-type plants. Levels of SHR and/or other coregulators are possible candidates36,37.

Our finding that low transient levels of SHR and SCR can alter the orientation of the division plane is consistent with previous reports12,31. A window of sensitivity to these transcription factors in G1 and early S is consistent with the known role of D-type cyclins, including CYCD6, in phosphorylating RBR during the G1/S transition3. RBR-associated kinase activity peaks during the G1/S transition and early S phase38. Previous studies have suggested that developmental cues specifying division plane orientation are perceived during G1, much earlier than the first visible signs of division plane formation in G25. SHR and SCR are transcription factors that need time to activate their targets in the regulation of division plane orientation. Thus, it may seem obvious they would need to act early in the cell cycle. However, transcription and translation occur on the order of minutes39, whereas the median cell cycle time in roots40 is approximately 12 h. Given these timescales, SHR and SCR could still function effectively much closer to the time of division plane formation. Understanding the early cellular events regulated by SHR and SCR that lead to the altered division plane is an intriguing avenue for future study.

D-type cyclins activate the RB–E2F bistable switch that commits the cell to DNA synthesis and irreversible progression through mitosis34. Notably, however, SHR induction cannot initiate formative division outside of the meristem, indicating that SHR is not sufficient to trigger cell division by itself. In addition, CYCD6 is not expressed prior to proliferative divisions in the meristem in our inducible system or in wild-type roots14 (Extended Data Fig. 2b). These findings suggest a non-canonical role for SHR, SCR and CYCD6 in determining the orientation of the division plane but not initiation and commitment to division. Thus, the presence or absence of SHR early in the cell cycle determines whether the cell will divide proliferatively or formatively, but other cyclins and other developmental cues must be present to initiate cell cycle progression (Fig. 4a,b). The RB–E2F bistable switch acts to integrate the many signals indicating a cell’s readiness to divide41. These findings suggest that both the timing and orientation of cell division are determined there.

Fig. 4: A model for SHR and SCR control of formative division.
figure 4

a, Threshold levels of SHR and SCR specify formative division only when present during G1 or early S. b, The presence of SHR and SCR during G1 and early S activates CYCD6 to specify the orientation of the division plane, whereas other cyclins and developmental cues commit the cell to division. CYCD6 and other cyclins along with their associated kinases phosphorylate RBR, committing the cell to formative division. The two positive feedback loops (SCR autoregulatory loop and RBR release of SCR after phosphorylation by CYCD6) have a smaller role in the decision to divide formatively than previously predicted3.

The CYCLIN D–RBR–E2F pathway is highly conserved between plants and animals, including humans42,43. Coordination of axis determination and cell cycle progression by G1/S regulators is important for formative division in metazoans44,45,46, and D-type cyclins have been implicated in axis determination in metazoans such as Caenorhabditis elegans44. Thus, our findings may point to a shared mechanism used to coordinate axis and cell fate determination (patterning) with cell cycle progression (growth) across eukaryotic systems. Perturbation of the CYCLIN D–RBR–E2F pathway is estimated to occur during the development of nearly all cancers47,48,49,50,51, and defects in division plane orientation and formative division have recently been implicated in the genesis of breast and other cancers7,8. Most studies of cell cycle control have used single-cell organisms or cell lines. Future studies using an approach similar to the one described here could reveal mechanisms of cell cycle control that are important during the development of multicellular organisms and suggest opportunities for novel therapeutic interventions in cancer pathogenesis or prevention.


All methods are included in the Supplementary Information.

Reporting summary

Further information on research design is available in the Nature Portfolio Reporting Summary linked to this article.