
Terrestrial ecosystems absorb ~30% of anthropogenic carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions and thus play a fundamental role in mitigating climate change1,2. Over the past five decades, the terrestrial carbon sink has more than doubled at a pace that is consistent with the increase in anthropogenic CO2 emissions2,3. Current evidence demonstrates that the enhancement of the terrestrial carbon sink is partially attributable to the increased carbon uptake by vegetation under elevated atmospheric CO2 concentration (eCO2)4,5,6,7. The eCO2-induced changes in vegetation carbon uptake (represented by gross primary production (GPP)) are governed by two different mechanisms. The first is the direct effect of eCO2 through the stimulation of photosynthetic carbon fixation and the enhancement of water-use efficiency (hereafter eCO2(dir))8,9. The second is the indirect effect of eCO2 through its radiative forcing and the associated change in climate (e.g., temperature and water regime) and related environmental conditions (e.g., variation in nitrogen availability linked to temperature-driven changes in the mineralization rate of soil organic matter) (hereafter eCO2(ind))10,11,12. Recently, data-driven assessments based on in-situ and satellite observations have documented a declining trend in eCO2(dir)9,13. Given the dominant role of eCO2 in the recent increase in GPP14, the sign and temporal variation in eCO2(ind) is expected to increasingly control the future trajectory of the terrestrial carbon budget15. However, the dynamics of such indirect CO2 effect on the terrestrial carbon budget remain largely elusive. The relative importance of future indirect versus direct effects of eCO2 in regulating vegetation carbon uptake has not yet been quantified, and the underlying ecological mechanisms remain poorly understood. Such knowledge gaps are reflected in substantial uncertainties in the effectiveness of land-based climate mitigation policies.

eCO2(ind) originates from the strong and non-linear effects of eCO2-induced climate change on terrestrial GPP, which involve multiple pathways, including the plants’ response to changing temperature, water supply, atmospheric dryness (expressed by vapor pressure deficit, VPD) and their complex interactions16. In addition, these pathways via which climate influences GPP also interact with the eCO2(dir)17,18. For example, the rising VPD with eCO2 generally causes a reduction in stomatal aperture, modulating the transpiration rate and—at the same time—the positive effect of CO2 fertilization on photosynthesis19. In view of the variety of interacting feedbacks that regulate vegetation carbon uptake, it is challenging to quantitatively disentangle the total eCO2(ind), particularly at regional-to-global scales, where local-scale findings of Free-air CO2 enrichment (FACE) experiments may not be applicable20,21. Recent studies based on satellite products and model simulations have reported the weakening of the temperature-vegetation relationship in northern ecosystems over the past 30 years22, the increasingly negative impact of VPD on alpine grassland productivity23, and the increasing water constraint on vegetation growth in many regions across the globe24,25 and the corresponding higher risk of droughts to the global carbon cycle26. However, considering that changes in temperature, atmospheric dryness, precipitation, and soil moisture are single components of the climate response to the CO2 radiative forcing, findings of the abovementioned studies can only partially reflect the temporal variations in eCO2(ind). eCO2 drives changes in various climatic factors, and their effects on vegetation carbon uptake are covariant, can be additive or offsetting, and may lead to nonlinearities due to different feedback mechanisms27,28. Existing studies focusing on a single climate driver (e.g., temperature22), generally assumed that the effects are independent by neglecting the covariation and the interaction between drivers. Therefore, the assessment of the variations in the total indirect effect of eCO2 can only be partially represented.

To address these knowledge gaps, here we investigate the dynamics in eCO2(ind) at the global scale for the period 1982–2014 using both satellite retrievals and an ensemble of Earth system models (ESMs) participating in the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 6 (CMIP6)29 (Table 1), and project potential changes in eCO2(ind) up to the year 2100 under the SSP5-8.5 scenario. Factorial simulations derived from the fully coupled experiment and the biogeochemically coupled experiment are used to disentangle the eCO2(ind) signal for the historical and scenario periods30 (Table 2, details in Methods). To further evaluate the robustness of model-based results, we retrieve the eCO2(ind) term from satellite observations (hereafter eCO2(ind)obs) through a statistical methodology within the climate analog framework (Methods). We complement the analyses by deriving eCO2(dir) through multiple non-linear regression, incorporating CO2 and climate drivers, and exploring its relationship with eCO2(ind) across time and space. Finally, we investigate the sensitivity of eCO2(ind) on land aridity to elucidate the underlying eco-hydrological mechanisms.

Table 1 Information of CMIP6 ESMs used in this study
Table 2 Description of CMIP6 factorial simulations


Temporal change in the indirect effect of eCO2

An ensemble of historical simulations from seven CMIP6 models (CMIP6SMA, SMA: simple model averaging) shows that global eCO2(ind) during the period 2000–2014 is significantly (p < 0.05, t test) lower than that during 1982–1996 (Fig. 1a, b). Averaged across the global vegetated areas, eCO2(ind) simulated by CMIP6 models decreases from 0.24 ± 0.32 gC m−2 ppm−1 (mean ± s.e.) during 1982–1996 to −0.04 ± 0.24 gC m−2 ppm−1 during 2000–2014 (Fig. 1a, b). The emergence of negative eCO2(ind) during 2000–2014 suggests the recent upsurge of climate stresses on the global vegetation carbon uptake, which is in agreement with the negative contribution of climate change on global GPP trend after 2000s reported in previous literature31. Remarkable differences in changes in eCO2(ind) emerge across geographic areas and climatological gradients. Cold and dry climate zones experience a prominent decline in eCO2(ind). The statistically significant decreasing signal is mostly in boreal regions (16.8% of global vegetated land with p < 0.05) with hot spots in eastern Canada, Scandinavia, and south-central Siberia (Fig. 1c, d). Warm and wet climate zones show an opposite tendency with more limited significant patterns (9.9% of global vegetated land with p < 0.05) (Fig. 1c, d).

Fig. 1: Historical variations in the indirect effect of elevated atmospheric CO2 concentration (eCO2) on vegetation carbon uptake.
figure 1

a Mean indirect effect of eCO2 on growing-season gross primary production (GPP) via associated climate change (eCO2(ind)) during the periods 1982–1996 and 2000–2014, as derived from the CMIP6 model ensemble (i.e., CMIP6SMA). Error bars represent the standard error of effects derived from ensemble members (i.e., seven CMIP6 ESMs). Δ expresses the mean of difference in eCO2(ind) between the two periods. The statistical significance of the difference is assessed by t test. b Frequency distribution of eCO2(ind) at the global scale during the periods 1982–1996 and 2000–2014, as estimated with CMIP6SMA. Distribution averages are shown as dotted horizontal lines. c Spatial pattern of difference in eCO2(ind) between the two periods (2000–2014 versus 1982–1996) derived from CMIP6SMA. Non-vegetated areas are excluded from our analysis and are shown in gray. Regions labeled by black dots indicate differences that are statistically significant (t test, p < 0.05). Dots are spaced 3° in both latitude and longitude, and statistics were computed over 9° × 9° spatial moving windows. d Mean difference in eCO2(ind) between the two periods (2000–2014 versus 1982–1996) simulated by CMIP6SMA, binned as a function of climatological mean precipitation (P) and air temperature (T). Black dots indicate bins with differences that are statistically significant (t test, p < 0.05). e Same as d, but for eCO2(ind)obs which was estimated by the satellite-observed GPPobs within a temporal climate analog framework. f (Cumulative frequency distribution of difference in eCO2(ind), and eCO2(ind)obs between the two periods (2000–2014 versus 1982–1996). Distribution averages are shown as solid vertical lines. The subplot below shows the zonal medians of difference in eCO2(ind), and eCO2(ind)obs between the two periods (2000–2014 versus 1982–1996) at 5° latitudinal resolution. Corresponding interquartile ranges of CMIP6SMA simulation are shown as shaded bands. Source data are provided as a Source Data file.

In parallel, we used satellite retrievals of near-infrared reflectance of vegetation (NIRv) as a proxy of observed GPP32 to further verify the robustness of the signals derived from model simulations. The satellite-observed eCO2(ind)obs was disentangled from the other confounding effects through a climate analog approach33, based on the identification of years with similar climate and distinct atmospheric CO2 concentration (details in Methods). Observation-based results confirm a global weakening effect of eCO2-driven climate change on GPP between the two periods (2000–2014 versus 1982–1996), with an overall change in eCO2(ind)obs of −0.38 gC m−2 ppm−1. We also found a good agreement between model-based and observation-based results in terms of spatial patterns emerging across climatological and latitudinal gradients (Fig. 1d–f).

A comprehensive set of experiments was additionally performed to test whether our model-based results were potentially affected by the data source, temporal window length, and the criteria used to define the growing season (Supplementary Text 1 and 2; Supplementary Figs. 1 and 2, and Table 1). Meanwhile, analyses replicated by using the kernel normalized difference vegetation index (kNDVI) as an alternative satellite GPP proxy were also performed to further verify the robustness of our results (Supplementary Text 3; Supplementary Fig. 3). Altogether, these results univocally show a substantial reduction of the indirect effect of eCO2 at the global scale (Fig. 1a and Supplementary Figs. 13) and particularly in the Northern Hemisphere (Fig. 1d–f and Supplementary Fig. 3c). Such patterns agree with the weakening temperature-vegetation relationship in northern ecosystems documented in previous literature22, and appear plausibly influenced by the increasing water limitation (Supplementary Fig. 4).

eCO2(ind) is expected to further decline in all investigated future temporal periods under the SSP5-8.5 scenario to the point that the global mean could persistently settle on negative values (Fig. 2a). Five out of seven individual ESMs agree that eCO2-driven climate change will exert a negative role on the global vegetation carbon uptake for the period 2086–2100, albeit the inter-model spread is considerable (Supplementary Fig. 5a). For the period 2086–2100, the global eCO2(ind)—as estimated by CMIP6SMA—is projected to decrease significantly by 0.36 gC m−2 ppm−1 compared to the analogous estimate derived for the period 1982–1996 (p < 0.01, t test) (Fig. 2a). Such decreasing signal appears statistically significant (p < 0.05) over 46.5% of global vegetated land and prominently in the Northern Hemisphere (Fig. 2b,c). The global declining signal is partially dampened by opposite increasing patterns mainly occurring along the equatorial belt, which, however manifest statistically significant over a smaller extent (32.7%).

Fig. 2: Projection of future variations in indirect effect of elevated atmospheric CO2 concentration (eCO2) on vegetation carbon uptake.
figure 2

a Mean indirect effect of eCO2 on growing-season gross primary production (GPP) via associated climate change (eCO2(ind)) derived from CMIP6SMA during the six independent periods, namely 2011–2025, 2026–2040, 2041–2055, 2056–2070, 2071–2085, and 2086–2100. Ensemble mean and standard error are shown by the diamond symbol and whiskers, both referring to the right orange y axis. Dotted horizontal line and its shaded band represent the eCO2(ind) during 1982–1996 and the corresponding standard error, as estimated by CMIP6SMA. Interannual changes in anomalies of growing-season GPP over 2011–2100 globally, simulated by CMIP6SMA under the fully-coupled experiment (GPPFULL) and the biogeochemically-coupled experiment (GPPBGC) are shown in blue and green lines, respectively. Numbers refer to the trends of GPPFULL and GPPBGC (unit: gC m2 yr−2) over 2011–2100. The statistical significance of trends is assessed by Mann–Kendall test. b Spatial pattern of difference in eCO2(ind) between the historical and future periods (2086–2100 versus 1982–1996) derived from CMIP6SMA. Regions labeled by black dots indicate differences that are statistically significant (t test, p < 0.05). Dots are spaced 3° in both latitude and longitude, and statistics were computed over 9°×9° spatial moving windows. c Zonal medians of difference in eCO2(ind) between the historical and future periods (2086–2100 versus 1982–1996) simulated by CMIP6SMA at 5° latitudinal resolution. Corresponding interquartile ranges of CMIP6SMA simulation are shown as shaded band. d, e Same as b, c but for the indirect effect of eCO2 on growing-season net ecosystem production (NEP) via associated climate change (eCO2(ind)-NEP) derived from CMIP6SMA. The inset in d shows the mean eCO2(ind)-NEP during the periods 1982–2014, 1982–1996, and 2086–2100, respectively. Error bars represent the standard error of effects derived from ensemble members. Source data are provided as a Source Data file.

To derive a more comprehensive picture of the terrestrial ecosystem response to eCO2-driven climate change, we explored the temporal change in the strength of indirect CO2 effect on carbon release by respiration (Supplementary Fig. 6), and on the net ecosystem carbon uptake (eCO2(ind)-NEP, Fig. 2d, e) through factorial experiments of CMIP6 ESMs. We estimated a global eCO2(ind)-NEP of −0.02 gC m−2 ppm−1 during the whole historical period (1982–2014), which is consistent with previous findings about the negative carbon-climate feedback from the land’s perspective (i.e., positive from the atmosphere’s perspective)34. In pace with the attenuation of the indirect effect on total vegetation carbon uptake (Fig. 2a), global eCO2(ind)-NEP is projected to decrease from 0.05 ± 0.12 gC m−2 ppm−1 during 1982–1996 to −0.05 ± 0.03 gC m−2 ppm−1 during 2086–2100 (inset box in Fig. 2d). The smaller decline in eCO2(ind)-NEP compared to that in eCO2(ind) (−0.1 versus −0.36 gC m−2 ppm−1) suggests the concurrently reduced influence on ecosystem respiration and its consequent offsetting effect. The latitudinal gradient of the changes in eCO2(ind)-NEP between the two periods is largely concordant with the one derived from the changes in eCO2(ind), thus reflecting similar spatial dependences on environmental factors (Fig. 2b–e).

Relationship between the indirect and direct effects of eCO2

To quantify the relative importance of indirect versus direct effects of eCO2 in regulating vegetation carbon uptake, simulated and observed eCO2(dir) was derived based on a multiple non-linear regression (Methods) (i.e., CMIP6SMA and obs-RM in Fig. 3a). The analyses were complemented by two additional independent estimates of eCO2(dir) based on factorial experiments of CanESM5 (i.e., CanESM5-FE in Fig. 3a), and on the climate analog approach applied to observational datasets (i.e., obs in Fig. 3a) (details in Methods). We found that along with the decrease in eCO2(ind), global eCO2(dir) has dropped as well in recent years and is expected to further decline in the coming decades (Fig. 3a). Model results based on factorial experiments and non-linear regression show a strong reduction in global eCO2(dir) between the periods 2000–2014 and 1982–1996, largely in agreement with satellite-derived estimates (Fig. 3a). Nevertheless, the magnitude of the decline simulated by CMIP6SMA (−0.44 gC m−2 ppm−1, or −22.8%) is clearly lower than the analogous estimate derived from satellite product (obs: −1.20 gC m−2 ppm−1 or −78.3%; obs-RM: −1.65 gC m−2 ppm−1 or −67.0%) and from dedicated factorial experiments (CanESM5-FE: −1.38 gC m−2 ppm−1 or −69.2%) (Fig. 3a). While we recognized the intrinsic difficulties of disentangling drivers and producing robust causal attribution in observation-based analysis, we argued the emerging differences between models and observations could be partially attributable to the simplifying assumptions of CMIP6 models.

Fig. 3: Relationship between direct and indirect effects of elevated atmospheric CO2 concentration (eCO2) on vegetation carbon uptake.
figure 3

a Mean direct physiological effect of eCO2 on growing-season gross primary production (GPP) (eCO2(dir)) during periods 1982–1996 and 2000–2014, simulated by CanESM5 factorial experiments (i.e., CanESM5-FE), and estimated by observed GPP under the temporal climate analog framework (i.e., obs), estimated by observed GPP in combination with the non-linear regression model (i.e., obs-RM), and estimated by CMIP6SMA-simulated GPP in combination with the non-linear regression model (i.e., CMIP6SMA). Mean eCO2(dir) during the period 2086–2100 under SSP5-8.5 projected by CMIP6SMA is also provided. Error bars represent the standard error of effects derived from ensemble members (i.e., seven CMIP6 ESMs). b Mean eCO2(dir) derived from CMIP6SMA and its standard error during seven independent periods, namely 1982–1996, 2011–2025, 2026–2040, 2041–2055, 2056–2070, 2071–2085, and 2086–2100, shown by diamond symbol and whiskers. Bars in green and orange represent the relative contributions of the indirect effect of eCO2 (eCO2(ind)) and eCO2(dir) to the net effect of eCO2 (eCO2(net)) during corresponding periods and derived from CMIP6SMA. c Spatial pattern of relationship between changes in eCO2(ind) and eCO2(dir) between historical and future periods (2086–2100 versus 1982–1996), where “– –” represents decrease in eCO2(ind) and decrease in eCO2(dir), “– +” represents decrease in eCO2(ind) and increase in eCO2(dir) and so on. The legend shows the fraction of vegetated areas for each thematic class (i.e., “– –”, “– +”, “+ –”, and “+ +”). d Boxplot of changes in eCO2(ind), eCO2(dir), and eCO2(net) between historical and future periods (2086–2100 versus 1982–1996) for different thematic classes mentioned in c and for the globe (rightmost). Boxplot elements: box = values of 25th and 75th percentiles; horizontal line = median; rectangle = mean; whiskers = values of 10th and 90th percentiles. Source data are provided as a Source Data file.

Under the investigated SSP5-8.5 scenario, the relative importance of eCO2(ind) and eCO2(dir) for the terrestrial carbon cycle is expected to vary greatly. The relative contribution of eCO2(ind) to the net effect of eCO2 (i.e., eCO2(net), the sum of eCO2(dir) and eCO2(ind)) will likely decrease from 11.1% (1982–11996) to −22.6% (2086–12100) (Fig. 3b). On the contrary, the relative contribution of eCO2(dir) is projected to increase, mainly due to the higher relative decreasing rate of eCO2(ind). However, in view of the expected progressive decline in both eCO2(ind) and eCO2(dir), eCO2(net) could become negative, and eCO2(ind) could emerge as the dominant driver of the future temporal dynamic of GPP. Some regions of the globe, such as central Canada, northern Amazon, and western and southern Africa, could exhibit a dominant role of eCO2(ind) by the end of 21st century (Supplementary Fig. 7). A detailed analysis suggests that the negative eCO2(ind) will overcome the positive eCO2(dir) over 30.3% of global vegetated land by 2041–12055, and over 48.0% by 2086–12100 (Supplementary Fig. 8). These results agree with previous studies which have emphasized the expected net negative role of eCO2 on the terrestrial carbon uptake as a result of the increasing detrimental impacts of climate change on vegetation and a saturating CO2 fertilization13.

Results reveal that 66.9% of global vegetated land could experience the same direction of changes in eCO2(ind) and eCO2(dir) (i.e., “+ +” and “– –” in Fig. 3c) between the historical (1982–11996) and future (2086–2100, SSP5-8.5) period, while the remaining 33.1% could manifest reverse directions of changes (i.e., “+ –” and “– +”). The concurrent decrease in eCO2(ind) and eCO2(dir) (“– –”) appears to be the most pervasive case (48.5%), particularly over northern latitudes (Fig. 3c). Averaged across regions with simultaneous reductions in eCO2(ind) and eCO2(dir), changes in eCO2(ind) and eCO2(dir) explain 47.9% and 52.1% of reduction in net CO2 effect on growing-season GPP (−4.87 gC m−2 ppm−1), respectively (Fig. 3d). Such concurrent decrease in eCO2(ind) and eCO2(dir) is also reflected in the sharper decrease in eCO2(net) in northern lands (−2.69 gC m−2 ppm−1, or −82.0%) between the historical and future periods compared to the global mean (−1.65 gC m−2 ppm−1, or −75.7%), as estimated by CMIP6SMA (Supplementary Table 2).

Additional analyses based on model simulations from the idealized 1% per year increasing CO2 experiments show spatial patterns and trends in both indirect and direct CO2 effects at the global mean level similar to those described above (Supplementary Text 4; Supplementary Figs. 911). Meanwhile, under such idealized scenario where radiatively-coupled mode is available, estimates of direct CO2 effect based on the non-linear regression framework and those based on the climate analog approach were carefully compared against those obtained directly from factorial experiments (Supplementary Text 4). The high agreement among the three sets of estimates further supports the validity of our multiple non-linear regression framework and of the climate analog approach (Supplementary Figs. 12 and 13).

GPP in the Northern Hemisphere has increased steadily during the past decades35 in response to the large and positive eCO2(ind) and eCO2(dir) (Supplementary Fig. 14), thus playing a critical contribution to the global terrestrial carbon sink36,37. Therefore, the widespread and strong decrease in both indirect and direct effects of eCO2 in the Northern Hemisphere resulting from our analyses rises concern about the future dynamic of the regional carbon sink and its capacity to keep the pace of anthropogenic emissions.

Mechanisms behind the decline in the indirect effect of eCO2

To disentangle the possible mechanisms responsible for the declining eCO2(ind), we explored its relationship with the expected changes in terrestrial water availability. To this aim, we first exploited the CMIP6 simulations to quantify the spatiotemporal variations in aridity conditions, here expressed in terms of surface (0–10 cm) soil moisture (SMsurf). Results indicate a projected widespread decline in terrestrial water availability by the end of the century compared to the current conditions (82.6% of global vegetated land exposed to a reduction in SMsurf, Fig. 4a). At the global level and based on multi-model means (i.e., CMIP6SMA), we estimated a significant decrease in SMsurf during 2086–2100 by 7.3% (p < 0.01, t-test) compared to analogous estimates obtained for the period 1982–1996 (Fig. 4b). Similar drying patterns emerge for individual model runs (Supplementary Fig. 15), for total soil moisture (SMtotal), for a widely used aridity index (defined as the ratio of annual precipitation to potential evapotranspiration, P/PET) (Supplementary Figs. 16 and 17). Previous studies focusing on dryness indices38 and hydrological regimes39,40 further corroborate such drying trends.

Fig. 4: Sensitivity of indirect CO2 effect on terrestrial water availability.
figure 4

a Spatial pattern of relative change in surface soil moisture (SMsurf) between the historical and future periods (2086–2100 versus 1982–1996) derived from CMIP6SMA. Regions labeled by black dots indicate changes that are statistically significant (t test, p < 0.05). Dots are spaced 3° in both latitude and longitude, and statistics were computed over 9° × 9° spatial moving windows. b Global mean SMsurf derived from CMIP6SMA during the period 1982–1996, 2000–2014, and 2086–2100, respectively. Numbers refer to change in SMsurf relative to 1982–2016. c Difference in indirect effect of elevated atmospheric CO2 concentration (eCO2) on growing-season gross primary production (GPP) via associated climate change (eCO2(ind)) between the periods 1982–1996 and 2000–2014 derived from CMIP6SMA, binned as a function of corresponding changes in SMsurf and mean annual SMsurf (Supplementary Fig. 4a). SMsurf = 0.26 m3 m−3 (i.e., the green solid line) overall corresponds to the ratio of annual precipitation to potential evapotranspiration (P/PET) = 1 at the mean annual scale, that is the threshold between non-humid and humid regions (Supplementary Fig. 17b). Black dots indicate bins with differences that are statistically significant (t test, p < 0.05). d Same as c, but for the difference between the periods 1982–1996 and 2086−2100. Source data are provided as a Source Data file.

To investigate the relationship between change in eCO2(ind) and land surface drying/wetting, we averaged the change in eCO2(ind) across gradients of mean annual SMsurf during 1982–1996 and the corresponding change in SMsurf (i.e., 2000–2014 versus 1982–1996, and 2086–2100 versus 1982–1996). SMsurf = 0.26 m3 m−3 generally corresponds to P/PET = 1 at the mean annual scale (Supplementary Fig. 17b), which is widely treated as the threshold between non-humid and humid regions41,42. We found that eCO2(ind) generally declines (enhances) with the land drying (wetting) in humid regions (SMsurf > 0.26 m3 m−3, Supplementary Fig. 4a) in both historical and scenario simulations (Fig. 4c, d). However, in water-limited conditions (SMsurf < 0.26 m3 m−3), the weakened negative eCO2(ind) along with the land drying results in a negative relationship between changes in eCO2(ind) and SMsurf (Fig. 4c, d and Supplementary Fig. 7). CO2 and drought-related enhancement in growing-season water-use efficiency (WUE) (Supplementary Fig. 18), relax the water limitation to vegetation growth, especially over semi-arid climate zones24,43,44,45, and may consequently limit the negative trend in eCO2(ind) (Fig. 4d). In addition, for water-limited environments, a decrease in eCO2(ind) occurs consistently under both land drying and wetting, indicating the possible importance of other factors, such as vegetation type and species diversity, in modulating the vegetation response to climate change.

Similar sensitivities to increasing water limitation have been obtained using SMtotal and P/PET in place of SMsurf and referring to different temporal window lengths (Supplementary Figs. 16, 17, and 19). Such high consistency demonstrates the substantial independence of our results on the proxy of terrestrial water availability and the selection of time-window length.


Our study provides multiple and coherent evidence that the indirect effect of eCO2 on global vegetation carbon uptake via associated climate change has declined over the last three decades (Fig. 1 and Supplementary Fig. 3). The signal of the ongoing trends has been derived both from Earth system models’ simulations and from satellite observations using a statistical approach to disentangle direct and indirect CO2 effects from time series analysis. In addition, results show that the positive indirect effect of eCO2 that has stimulated the global GPP in recent years will most likely continue to decline in the future, particularly in northern high latitudes, and turn into negative values firmly under the high CO2 emission scenario (Fig. 2). This epochal change in the sign of the indirect CO2 effect may lead to a positive land carbon-climate feedback from the atmosphere’s perspective34,46.

The interpretation of the CO2 effects mediated by climate change is intrinsically complex because primary productivity is controlled by different environmental drivers in the different biomes, like low temperature in the boreal regions, incoming radiation in the humid tropics, or water availability in the arid regions27. For this reason, analyses have to address multiple factors and their interactions at once28,47. However, previous assessments were largely based on the analysis of a single climatic factor (e.g., temperature22, water availability48, and VPD23), while our study presents an attempt to integrate multiple drivers across the different World regions. For instance, the strong signal emerging in the boreal regions (Figs. 1f and 2c) can be partially attributable to the weakening temperature-vegetation relationship in northern ecosystems22, which may be related to the non-linear response of photosynthesis to temperature, increased extreme heat, increasing water limitation driven by the anticipation of phenology49 and expansion of woody shrubs50,51.

Our assessment shows that the increasing water limitation is a critical driver of the weakened indirect effect of eCO2 on the global vegetation carbon uptake (Fig. 4 and Supplementary Figs. 16, 17 and 19). This phenomena may be driven by the detrimental effect of water scarcity on the resilience of global vegetation to climate variability and extremes52. An exception to this pattern occurs in water-limited environments, where the negative indirect effect of eCO2 seems to weaken with the land drying (Fig. 4c, d), probably due to the enhancement of direct CO2 effect on WUE and the resulting mitigating effect on water constraints24 (Supplementary Fig. 18). A recent analysis focusing on global forests suggests that WUE and aridity index are closely and negatively related below a threshold value of aridity index≈153, partly supporting our finding.

The complex interplay between the rapid changes in climate conditions and the increasing risks of natural disturbances may also contribute to the transition from positive to negative indirect CO2 effects. For example, warmer and drier conditions facilitate insect outbreaks, while warmer and wetter conditions increase disturbance from pathogens54. The expected intensification of disturbances may amplify the negative effect of climate change on primary productivity by enhancing plant vulnerability and mortality rates55. However, the abovementioned processes have not yet been fully considered in state-of-the-art dynamic vegetation models and ESMs that are used in major climate assessments like the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Assessment Reports56,57. The simplified representation of disturbances and mortality in these models may ultimately hamper our full understanding of the ongoing and future variations in carbon-climate feedback, and in turn, lead to the overestimation of the future terrestrial carbon sink due to the misestimation of the indirect effect of eCO2. In fact, our study shows that CMIP6 model simulations clearly report a lower magnitude of the decline in global indirect CO2 effect during the historical period compared with observation-based estimates (Fig. 1f). This could be attributable to the poor representation of water limitation and natural disturbances in current ESMs, the limited consideration of vegetation mortality associated with biotic agents and the non-linearity of the processes behind57,58. Considering that disturbance regimes are expected to intensify in many parts of the globe because of climate change54,58,59, the enhanced representation of the phenomena in ESMs would plausibly produce an even stronger decline in the global projection of the indirect CO2 effect.

The weakened indirect effect of eCO2 reported here, in addition to the concurrent decline in direct physiological effect, confirms the transitory nature of the strong growth benefits induced by climate warming and CO2 fertilization, especially in the boreal regions9,60. These findings are in accordance with the expectation about the future saturation of CO2 fertilization effect and the increasingly negative effect of climate change on vegetation13. More importantly, the simultaneous reductions in indirect and direct effects of eCO2 imply that eCO2 may exert a less positive up to negative role on the terrestrial carbon uptake in the future (Fig. 3), consequently reducing the ecosystems’ capacity to sequester atmospheric CO2. These phenomena may ultimately lead to an acceleration of climate change in the second part of the century, further challenging the efforts of humanity toward carbon neutrality. In addition, more frequent and severe climate extremes in a warming climate61,62, e.g., increasing drought conditions, may further aggravate the decline in the indirect effect of eCO2 (Fig. 4) as well as that in direct CO2 fertilization63. The intensification of a positive feedback loop between climate change and land CO2 emission undoubtedly would limit the potential of terrestrial ecosystems to serve as carbon sinks and have great implications for the efficacy of land-based mitigation policies and for the societal efforts required for meeting climate mitigation targets. In this respect, our results contribute to a better understanding of global change impacts on terrestrial ecosystems under current and future conditions, and meanwhile, may help the development of more integrated and realistic mitigation strategies, by informing climate policies on the weakening of the fertilization effects of eCO2 and associated amplification of climate warming.


CMIP6 simulations

To explore the indirect effect of eCO2 on vegetation carbon uptake, we used outputs from an ensemble of seven Earth system models (ESMs) that participate in the carbon-climate feedback experiment (C4MIP) within the framework of the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 6 (CMIP6)30 ( ACCESS-ESM1-5, CanESM5, CNRM-ESM2-1, E3SM-1-1, MIROC-ES2L, MRI-ESM2-0, and UKESM1-0-LL (Table 1). These models were selected because they provide simulations under different coupling modes required to disentangle the effects of eCO2. We focused on the SSP5-8.5 scenario because C4MIP simulations are available only for the highest emission trajectory (CO2 concentration is projected to reach 1135 ppm in 210064). The ESMs have full carbon cycles, which include carbon uptake by vegetation that varies in response to changes in atmospheric CO2 concentration and climate46. For each ESM, one biogeochemically-coupled experiment and one fully-coupled experiment in both historical (1982–2014) and future scenario (2015–2100) periods were analyzed within a factorial simulation framework (Table 2). In biogeochemically coupled experiments (“hist-bgc” and “ssp585-bgc” in the CMIP6 terminology), biogeochemical processes over land respond to eCO2, whereas the radiative code experiences fixed CO2. In the fully-coupled experiment (“historical” and “ssp585” in the CMIP6 terminology), both radiative and biogeochemical processes respond to eCO2 (consistent with observations in the historical period). All other forcings (e.g., non-CO2 greenhouse gases, aerosols, and land use) are identical for these two sets of experiments, i.e., time-varying in both radiative and biogeochemical processes. Furthermore, we used outputs from CO2 individual forcing experiment (“hist-CO2” in the CMIP6 terminology) conducted by the Detection and Attribution Model Intercomparison Project (DAMIP)65 (Table 2). “hist-CO2” experiment refers to the historical simulation driven only by observed changes in CO2 concentration, with other forcings keeping temporally constant (e.g., non-CO2 greenhouses gases, aerosols, and land use). Combining “hist-CO2” with “historical” and “hist-bgc” enables to quantify the historical eCO2(dir) through factorial simulations of CMIP6 runs. Unfortunately, CO2 individual forcing experiment has not yet been extended to the future period, and only one ESM (i.e., CanESM5) took part in all three experiments. Because of these disadvantages, the abovementioned analysis applied for the estimation of global direct effects of eCO2 was complemented by a more general regression framework extendible to the full ESM ensemble and to the different temporal periods (details in section “Quantifying indirect and direct effects of eCO2 by model outputs”). Factorial simulations based on the abovementioned experiments (“hist-bgc”, “historical”, and “hist-CO2”) were elaborated in the following sections.

A set of variables generated by ESM simulations were used for the following analyses, including: monthly scale gross primary production (GPP), net primary production (NPP), autotrophic respiration (Ra), heterotrophic respiration (Rh), evapotranspiration (ET), maximum, minimum and mean air temperature (Tmax, Tmin, and T), precipitation (P), cloud cover (CL), relative humidity (RH), surface (0–10 cm) soil moisture (SMsurf, 0–10 cm), and total soil moisture (SMtotal, depth depending on models, see Table 1). Considering that the hydrologically active soil depth varies greatly among the models (from 2 m in UKESM1-0-LL to 35.18 m in E3SM-1-1), SMtotal as well as SMsurf was converted from the original gravimetric unit (kg m−2) to volumetric unit (m3 m−3) by dividing the gravimetric soil water content by the corresponding soil depth, Such conversion allows for the comparison of results obtained from different models and the development of more robust multi-model ensembles of soil moisture. Variations in SMtotal and SMsurf were expressed in relative terms (%) with respect to their average values computed for the baseline period (e.g., 1982–1996)39 (Fig. 4 and Supplementary Figs. 4, 15 and 16). Only for the ES3M-1-1 model, some of the abovementioned variables were not provided (NPP, Tmax, Tmin, and RH), and therefore they were retrieved by empirical formula and statistical approach (additional details reported in Supplementary Text 5). We additionally derived ecosystem respiration (Reco) as the sum of Ra and Rh, and the net ecosystem production (NEP) was calculated as the difference between GPP and Reco66. Vapor pressure deficit (VPD), which directly relates to atmospheric water demand19,67, was calculated based on Abbott and Tabony68 for each grid-cell as follows:


where T is given in °C, and the resulting VPD is in kPa. Furthermore, we used the ratio of mean annual P to potential evapotranspiration (PET) as the aridity index retrieved from the FAO Penman-Monteith algorithm69. Details on the PET estimation are reported in Supplementary Text 6.

CMIP6 outputs were resampled to a common 0.5° × 0.5° global grid-cell using the bilinear method of interpolation. Moreover, for each temporal window (e.g., 1982–1996, 2000–2014, 2086–2100, and 1982–2014), we computed the associated multi-year mean growing season at the grid-cell scale. The growing season was defined as the period spanning months with average T > 0°C14 and—limitedly to arid and semi-arid ecosystems—cumulative P between 10% and 90% of the annual total P (Supplementary Fig. 20). The integration of a P threshold in the definition of the growing season for water-limited environments enables to account for possible inactive vegetation phase at T > 0 °C due to water deficit conditions70. Areas characterized by an aridity index, quantified in terms of P/PET, <1 were labeled as arid and semi-arid ecosystems9. For arid and semi-arid grid cells located in the Southern Hemisphere, P accumulation was set to start in July and end in June of the next year. The resulting growing season was used as a reference period to aggregate the original monthly variables provided by CMIP6 to the growing-season scale. The robustness of our results is tested with respect to two alternative definitions of the growing season period: (1) T > 5 °C and cumulative P between 10% and 90% of the annual total P; (2) T > 5°C and cumulative P between 20% and 80% of the annual total P (Supplementary Fig. 2). In both cases, the P threshold is applied to arid and semi-arid regions only.

Observation-based products

We exploited the long-term GPP dataset (hereafter GPPobs) based on near-infrared reflectance of vegetation (NIRv) retrieved from the Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR) reflectance observations32,71 ( The satellite GPP dataset, provided at monthly temporal resolution and at 0.05° spatial resolution, has global coverage and spans the period 1982–2014 (Supplementary Fig. 21a). It has been largely validated in previous studies against ground measurements and compared with estimates derived from machine-learning upscaling approaches, light-use-efficiency models and processed-based models32,72. To match the spatial and temporal resolution of ESMs output, satellite GPP data were resampled to 0.5° and integrated over the growing season derived from the CMIP6 simulations in the fully-coupled experiment, as described above, to increase consistency in the data-model comparison (Supplementary Fig. 20). The obtained satellite-based growing season GPP data were used to evaluate the ESMs performance in capturing global GPP dynamics (Supplementary Figs. 22 and 23).

Furthermore, to explore the observed impact of eCO2 on vegetation carbon uptake (details in the following sections), we used monthly Tmax, Tmin, T, P, CL, actual water vapor (VP), and PET retrieved from the Climatic Research Unit (CRU v4.05) climate dataset73 ( delivered for the whole globe at 0.5° spatial resolution and covering the period 1982–2014.

We additionally derived monthly VPD values as the difference between the saturated vapor pressure (SVP) and VP for each grid-cell based on the following formulation:


where T is given in °C, VP and VPD are in kPa. Here we applied Eq. (2) instead of Eq. (1) to estimate VPD because RH is not available from the CRU dataset. All climatic factors were then aggregated at the growing-season temporal resolution.

We derived a global vegetated land mask from the annual land cover maps of the European Space Agency’s Climate Change Initiative74 ( acquired for the period 1992–2014 at 300 m spatial resolution, referring to a simplified aggregation scheme based on physiognomy alone. Land cover maps were resampled to 0.5° using the majority method to match the common spatial resolution. All grid cells (0.5 × 0.5° resolution) classified as vegetation class (including forest, grassland, shrubland, cropland, and wetland) throughout the 23 years were defined as vegetated areas and included in our analyses (Supplementary Fig. 24).

Assessing indirect/direct effects of eCO2 from model outputs

Following similar approaches reported in literature10,16,75,76, the effect of eCO2-induced climate change on growing-season GPP (i.e., the indirect effect of eCO2, expressed as eCO2(ind)) was derived from factorial simulations of multiple CMIP6 experiments by calculating the difference between the trend in growing-season GPP generated in the fully-coupled mode and that in the biogeochemically-coupled mode normalized by the increase rate of atmospheric CO2 concentration:

$${{{{{{\rm{eCO}}}}}}}_{2}({{{{{\rm{ind}}}}}})=\frac{{{{{{\rm{\delta }}}}}}{{{{{{\rm{GPP}}}}}}}^{{{{{{\rm{FULL}}}}}}}-{{{{{{\rm{\delta }}}}}}{{{{{\rm{GPP}}}}}}}^{{{{{{\rm{BGC}}}}}}}}{{{{{{{\rm{\delta }}}}}}{{{{{\rm{CO}}}}}}}_{2}}$$

where \({{{{{\rm{\delta }}}}}}{{{{{{\rm{GPP}}}}}}}^{{{{{{\rm{FULL}}}}}}}\) and \({{{{{{\rm{\delta }}}}}}{{{{{\rm{GPP}}}}}}}^{{{{{{\rm{BGC}}}}}}}\) are the trends in growing-season GPP in the fully-coupled experiment (i.e., “historical” and “ssp585”) and the biogeochemically-coupled experiment (i.e., “hist-bgc” and “ssp585-bgc”), respectively; \({{{{{{\rm{\delta }}}}}}{{{{{\rm{CO}}}}}}}_{2}\) represents the trend in atmospheric CO2 concentration and is prescribed by CMIP664,77. The statistical significance of the trends was evaluated using the nonparametric Mann–Kendall test. The absolute signal (term \({{{{{\rm{\delta }}}}}}{{{{{{\rm{GPP}}}}}}}^{{{{{{\rm{FULL}}}}}}}-{{{{{{\rm{\delta }}}}}}{{{{{\rm{GPP}}}}}}}^{{{{{{\rm{BGC}}}}}}}\)) was normalized to the unit of gC m−2 ppm−1, to eliminate the impact of the difference in increasing rate of atmospheric CO2 concentration in various periods (e.g., 1982–1996, 2000−2014, and 2086–2100). The term eCO2(ind) excludes the direct physiological effect of eCO2 and the effects of non-CO2 forcing agents on GPP, as these components have been removed from the factorial simulations (Eq. (3)). The approach enabled us to separately quantify the eCO2(ind) for different reference temporal period (e.g., 1982−1996, 2000–2014, and 2086–2100) at grid-cell level. For global-scale eCO2(ind) estimates, the GPP terms reported in (Eq. (3)) were obtained by spatial average weighting each grid-cell value based on its area (Fig. 1a). The same methodology is applied consistently for all global-scale and regional-scale aggregated metrics described in the following sections. The analyses were complemented by applying Eq. (3) to NPP, Ra, Rh, Reco, and NEP (in place of GPP) to comprehensively evaluate the response of distinct carbon fluxes to CO2 radiative forcing (Fig. 2d, e and Supplementary Fig. 6).

We quantified the direct effect of eCO2 on growing-season GPP (i.e., eCO2(dir)) within a multiple non-linear regression framework applied to simulations obtained from the CMIP6 fully-coupled experiment. Such approach was specifically designed since radiatively-coupled experiments ideally required to derived eCO2(dir) from factorial simulations were not available. To derive robust fitting functions, we first performed a collinearity test based on the variance inflation factor (VIF), to preliminary select what drivers to include in the multiple regression. Results show that CO2, Tmin, P, VPD, and CL, show no/weak collinearity (VIF < 10) in most parts of the globe (CRU: 97.0 ~ 100%; CMIPSMA: 86.7 ~ 100%) and thus were all retained in the predictor set (Supplementary Fig. 25). Considering that climate exerts non-linear control on terrestrial carbon uptake78,79, non-linear terms (e.g., interaction and quadratic terms) were incorporated into the regression model in addition to linear terms. Following the modeling framework described in Chen et al.80, we used stepwise regression at the grid-cell scale to reduce redundant predictors. The model form most often identified across all grid cells was ultimately adopted to each grid-cell, enabling a consistent analysis at the global scale. The adopted model is described by the following equation:

$${{{{{\rm{GPP}}}}}}=\beta \left({{{{{{\rm{CO}}}}}}}_{2}\right)+{C}_{1}\left({{{{{\rm{P}}}}}}\right)+{C}_{2}\left({{{{{\rm{VPD}}}}}}\right)+{C}_{3}\left({{{{{{\rm{T}}}}}}}_{\min }\cdot {{{{{\rm{VPD}}}}}}\right)+{C}_{4}\left({{{{{\rm{P}}}}}}\cdot {{{{{\rm{CL}}}}}}\right)+{C}_{5}+\varepsilon$$

where β, C1, C2, C3, C4, and C5 represent the regression coefficients, and ε is the residual error term. Therein, β (gC m−2 ppm−1) refers to the sensitivity of GPP to CO2, and thus reflects the term eCO2(dir). Such an approach enabled us to disentangle the direct physiological effect of eCO2 on GPP by factoring out the potentially confounding effects of climatic factors. All variables in Eq. (4) were taken from CMIP6 model simulations under “historical” and “ssp585” experiments. Regressions were estimated on annual anomalies (i.e., annual values minus the mean signal for a given period) for all variables, thus removing the background effects on vegetation but preserving those originating from interannual variations9. We performed an additional set of modeling experiments to test the model sensitivity on different hydrological variables. To this aim, we expressed the interannual variations in GPP within a non-linear regression that incorporates soil moisture in place of P (details in Supplementary Text 7). Test results based on the Akaike Information Criterion (AIC), the corrected Akaike Information Criterion (AICc), and the Bayesian Information Criterion (BIC) suggest that non-linear regression based on soil moisture has no substantial improvement in model performance (Supplementary Fig. 26) and leads to larger inter-model spread compared to the original one (i.e., Eq. (4)) (Supplementary Fig. 27 and Table 3). We therefore retained the regression framework based on P as defined in Eq. (4) for subsequent analyses.

For CanESM5, we estimated eCO2(dir) by the use of an alternative method based on the outputs from three sets of factorial experiments available for the historical period as follows:

$${{{{{{\rm{eCO}}}}}}}_{2}({{{{{\rm{dir}}}}}})=\frac{{{{{{\rm{\delta }}}}}}{{{{{{\rm{GPP}}}}}}}^{{{{{{\rm{CO}}}}}}2}-({{{{{\rm{\delta }}}}}}{{{{{{\rm{GPP}}}}}}}^{{{{{{\rm{FULL}}}}}}}-{{{{{\rm{\delta }}}}}}{{{{{{\rm{GPP}}}}}}}^{{{{{{\rm{BGC}}}}}}})}{{{{{{\rm{\delta }}}}}}{{{{{{\rm{CO}}}}}}}_{2}}$$

where \({{{{{\rm{\delta }}}}}}{{{{{{\rm{GPP}}}}}}}^{{{{{{\rm{CO}}}}}}2}\) is the trend in growing-season GPP in the CO2 individual forcing experiment (“hist-CO2”). Estimates based on this approach were compared against those generated by the abovementioned regression model to test the robustness of Eq. (4) in quantifying global mean eCO2(dir) and its change (Fig. 3a).

Deriving indirect effect of eCO2 from observations

To further corroborate our model-based findings, we investigated the direct and indirect components of eCO2 and their changes through an observation-based approach. The method is based on the pixel-level assessment of the changes in GPP under similar climate conditions but different atmospheric CO2 concentrations. For this purpose, we used the climate analog approach33 to identify couples of years with different atmospheric CO2 concentrations but similar climate conditions (i.e., climate analogous (CA) years) in each time period (e.g., 1982–1996, and 2000−2014) based on the CRU v4.05 climate dataset. Temporal climate analogs are derived from the Mahalanobis distance, which is a multivariate distance independent of the scale of the climate variables81. For the period 1982−1996, as an example, we first identified the two sub-periods 1982–1988 and 1989–1996, and then identified for each grid-cell the years in which the climate condition is most similar between the two sub-periods. We calculated the Mahalanobis distance based on eleven climate variables derived from the CRU v4.05 dataset and identified as key determinants for climate analog analysis in previous studies33,81,82,83. The selected variables include: mean annual CL, mean annual VPD, mean annual T, total annual P, annual P/PET, mean T, and total P for December–February (DJF) and June-August (JJA), T seasonality (represented by the standard deviation of monthly T), and P seasonality (represented by the coefficient of variation in monthly P). In order to reduce the dimensionality of the data space, we applied a principal component analysis to all climate variables and discarded the principal components with variance <0.0133. The Mahalanobis distance was then computed between all the possible 56-member couples of years at the grid-cell scale based on the following equation:

$${{{{{{\rm{MD}}}}}}}_{{{{{{\rm{ij}}}}}}}=\sqrt{\mathop{\sum }\nolimits_{k=1}^{N}\frac{{\left({x}_{{jk}}-{x}_{{ik}}\right)}^{2}}{{\sigma }_{k}^{2}}}$$

where j and i belong to the first and second sub-period, respectively; xjm and xim are the values of the principal component k in the year j and i, N represents the number of retained principal components, and σk2 refers to the standard deviation of the principal component k. Low MD scores represent similar climate conditions between the two sub-periods, high MD scores the opposite. For each grid-cell, the minimum Mahalanobis distance (MDmin) was then selected, and its corresponding couple of years were identified as potential CA years.

We assessed the statistical significance of the obtained MDmin. Considering that the chi distribution provides a null distribution for (non-squared) Mahalanobis distances, the obtained MDmin can be expressed probabilistically as percentiles of a chi distribution with degrees of freedom corresponding to the number of dimensions in which MDmin was measured (i.e., N in Eq. (6)). Following Mahony et al.33, we considered the 95th percentile of the associated chi distribution to identify the upper threshold of the representative analog. MDmin whose corresponding percentile is lower than the abovementioned threshold, indicates a statistically similar climate between those two years (i.e., CA years).

Climate analogs were found not significant for a minority of grid cells (4.2%), and these areas were therefore excluded from the following analyses. For the remaining grid cells, we estimated the direct physiological effect of eCO2 on GPP as follows:

$${{{{{{{\rm{eCO}}}}}}}_{2}({{{{{\rm{dir}}}}}})}_{{{{{{\rm{obs}}}}}}}=\frac{{\Delta {{{{{\rm{GPP}}}}}}}_{{{{{{\rm{obs}}}}}}}^{{{{{{\rm{CA}}}}}}}}{\Delta {{{{{{\rm{CO}}}}}}}_{2}^{{{{{{\rm{CA}}}}}}}}$$

where \(\Delta {{{{{{\rm{GPP}}}}}}}_{{{{{{\rm{obs}}}}}}}^{{{{{{\rm{CA}}}}}}}\) is the change in growing-season GPPobs computed between CA years, and \(\Delta {{{{{{\rm{CO}}}}}}}_{2}^{{{{{{\rm{CA}}}}}}}\) is the corresponding variation in atmospheric CO2 concentration acquired from the Earth System Research Laboratory of NOAA84 ( The analysis was complemented by the estimation of the combined direct and indirect effect of eCO2 on GPP quantified as:

$${{{{{{{\rm{eCO}}}}}}}_{2}({{{{{\rm{net}}}}}})}_{{{{{{\rm{obs}}}}}}}=\frac{\Delta {{{{{{\rm{GPP}}}}}}}_{{{{{{\rm{obs}}}}}}}}{\Delta {{{{{{\rm{CO}}}}}}}_{2}}$$

where \(\Delta {{{{{{\rm{GPP}}}}}}}_{{{{{{\rm{obs}}}}}}}\) and \(\Delta {{{{{{\rm{CO}}}}}}}_{2}\) represent the change in the mean growing-season GPPobs and CO2 concentration, respectively, computed between the two sub-periods. We finally derived the observed indirect effect of eCO2 on vegetation photosynthesis via associated climate change in a given period by combining Eq. (7) and Eq. (8) as follows:

$${{{{{{{\rm{eCO}}}}}}}_{2}({{{{{\rm{ind}}}}}})}_{{{{{{\rm{obs}}}}}}}=\frac{\Delta {{{{{{\rm{GPP}}}}}}}_{{{{{{\rm{obs}}}}}}}}{\Delta {{{{{{\rm{CO}}}}}}}_{2}}-\frac{\Delta {{{{{{\rm{GPP}}}}}}}_{{{{{{\rm{obs}}}}}}}^{{{{{{\rm{CA}}}}}}}}{\Delta {{{{{{\rm{CO}}}}}}}_{2}^{{{{{{\rm{CA}}}}}}}}$$

The approach assumes that both direct and indirect eCO2 effects on GPP are annual and do not have legacy effects, and that eCO2 is the dominant factor of climate change in the short-term. The above-described analyses were carried out at the grid-cell scale and separately for the periods 1982–1996 and 2000–2014. Changes between the two periods were then used to quantify the historical variations in the indirect effect of eCO2 from observations (Fig. 1e, f).

To further test the robustness of our methods, a set of additional experiments were produced. First, the observed direct effect of eCO2 was estimated using an alternative approach based on multiple non-linear regression model (i.e., Eq. (4)) in combination with CRU v4.05 climate dataset and GPPobs. The obtained results, expressed as eCO2(dir)obs-RM, were confronted with climate analog-derived eCO2(dir)obs estimates (i.e., obs-RM and obs in Fig. 3a). Second, the climate analog approach presented above and applied to observations was also implemented with CMIP6 model outputs in fully-coupled experiments to verify the consistency with results obtained from factorial simulations described in Eq. (3) (Supplementary Fig. 28).

Statistical analysis

To explore the dynamics of the indirect effect of eCO2 on vegetation carbon uptake during the historical period, we quantified the temporal changes in model-based eCO2(ind) and observation-based eCO2(ind)obs retrieved for the two independent periods 1982–1996 and 2000–2014. The significance of the emerging changes was assessed through t test. Results presented in the main text refer to analyses conducted over 15-year time windows. Results obtained for different temporal window lengths (12 and 16 years) are quantified as well to verify the robustness of our results (Fig. 1a and Supplementary Fig. 1).

In exploring the projected changes in eCO2(ind) from CMIP6 model simulations, we refer to six 15-year consecutive and independent periods, namely 2011–2025, 2026–2040, 2041–2055, 2056–2070, 2071–2085, 2086–2100 (Fig. 2a). We considered a series of not overlapped temporal windows to eliminate the possible impact of autocorrelation. To better disentangle the signal of future variation in eCO2(ind), we compared the eCO2(ind) during the last 15 years (2086–2100) against that one originating from the first 15 years of the historical period investigated here (1982–1996) and assessed the statistical significance of the change through t test.

Furthermore, to properly represent the generality of the relationships between the direction and extent of changes in eCO2(ind) and local aridity conditions, we performed binned average analysis across environmental gradients. Such spatial averaging minimizes the uncertainty originating from spatial heterogeneity (e.g., the difference in topography and vegetation type) that may randomly affect the control of climate change on vegetation carbon uptake (Figs. 1d and 4c, d).