
A major objective in quantum information science presently is finding communication and computational tasks for which it is possible to demonstrate in practice that using quantum instead of classical resources leads to superior performance in terms of computational power, security, or communication efficiency. In the quest for such demonstrations for computational tasks1, significant achievements include Boson Sampling2,3, which has been implemented for small sizes4,5,6,7, and sparse commuting (IQP) or random quantum circuits8,9,10,11,12,13,14. Another recent proposal deals with the power of quantum interactive proofs for verifying NP-complete problems with small proofs15,16.

Concerning communication tasks, there have been several works demonstrating security impossible to achieve by classical means, including quantum key distribution17,18 and several other cryptographic primitives in various configurations19,20,21,22,23,24, or involving nonlocal games that rely on the violation of Bell inequalities25,26,27.

In addition to increased security, quantum technologies can also provide an advantage in terms of communication and information resources, such as the amount of information that needs to be transmitted to jointly perform a distributed task between two or more parties who each receive an input, or the total time this takes. Calculating and optimizing the use of such resources is the goal of the field of communication complexity, where protocols typically either minimize the amount of information that needs to be exchanged to solve a problem with certainty, or maximize the probability of solving the problem successfully using a restricted amount of communication. This field has a great range of applications including, for instance, the optimization of very large-scale integrated circuits or data structures. It has been shown that quantum resources lead to exponential asymptotic savings compared with classical resources for several protocols28,29,30,31,32,33, including the Hidden Matching protocol34 used in our work. The underlying factor that enables this advantage is that while in classical networks such tasks require a very large amount of information exchange, when quantum resources are available it is sufficient for one of the parties to generate, locally manipulate, and send specific states called quantum fingerprints. However, these are highly entangled multi-qubit states of large dimension, whose generation is out of reach of experimental photonic technologies currently used in quantum communications.

A significant step in the direction of experimental quantum communication complexity was made by theoretical work proposing a mapping for encoding quantum communication protocols involving pure states of many qubits, unitary operations, and projective measurements to protocols based on coherent states of light in a superposition of optical modes, linear optics operations, and single-photon detection35. This model was used to propose the practical implementation of coherent state quantum fingerprints for computing the equality function in the simultaneous message passing model of communication complexity36, leading to experiments demonstrating a quantum advantage in the transmitted information in this model37,38. Further work proposed a model involving multiplexed coherent state fingerprints to improve not only the information resource but also the communication resource39. We also remark that a communication complexity advantage in time was claimed to be experimentally shown recently for the quantum switch resource used in indefinite causal structures40.

Here, we define a communication task and experimentally demonstrate a quantum advantage over the best-known classical protocol in the one-way communication complexity model, where only one party is allowed to send a message to a second one, who outputs a solution to the task—a model particularly suitable for applications in quantum networks. More precisely, based on the Hidden Matching problem introduced in ref. 34, we define the Sampling Matching problem, for which we show that it remains a hard problem for classical one-way communication while there is a quantum protocol that is exponentially more efficient with respect to the transmitted information than any randomized classical protocol with bounded error. We then apply the aforementioned coherent state mapping to Sampling Matching and we show that its implementation in this framework requires a single beam splitter and two detectors, contrary to the original Hidden Matching problem that would require the number of active components to increase at least logarithmically with the input size of the problem. The conception of Sampling Matching was inspired by a passive implementation of the round robin differential phase shift quantum key distribution (RR-DPS-QKD) protocol41,42, which trades simplicity and stability of the experimental setup with the need for remote phase locking in a full-scale implementation. In our case, exploiting these concepts allows us to use a state-of-the-art photonic system involving encoding in the phase of weak coherent states, linear optics, and single-photon detection, for a proof-of-principle implementation of Sampling Matching, which outperforms the best-known classical protocol with respect to the transmitted information from threshold input size of around 3000. The simplicity of our experimental demonstration paves the way to the demonstration of a number of useful communication tasks that rely on similar principles.


Sampling matching

We start by defining a one-way communication task that we call Sampling Matching (SM), which is inspired by the Hidden Matching (HM) problem defined in refs. 31,34 (see the Methods section for description and analysis of Hidden Matching). We then outline the linear optic circuit necessary for implementing Sampling Matching, which showcases the fact that through this problem we are able to drastically reduce the resources required for demonstrating a quantum advantage in the model of one-way communication complexity.

The Sampling Matching problem is illustrated in Fig. 1. It is a task involving two players, Alice and Bob, and is described as follows. For any positive even integer n, Alice receives as input a string x {0, 1}n, while Bob does not receive an input. His task is to sample a perfect matching σi on the complete graph of n vertices (where the vertices are indexed with the numbers {1, 2, …, n} and all edges are present) uniformly at random from a set of n − 1 edge-disjoint perfect matchings \({\cal{M}}_n \in \{ \sigma _1,..,\sigma _{n - 1}\}\). A perfect matching here is a list of n/2 pairs of vertices such that no vertex appears twice in the list. A set of edge-disjoint perfect matchings is a set of matchings where each edge (pair of vertices) appears at most once in the set. It is well known that the complete graph of n nodes can be decomposed into a set of n − 1 edge-disjoint perfect matchings. This set is known to both Alice and Bob. An example for n = 4 is shown in Fig. 2. The objective of the problem is for Bob to output any matching \(\sigma _i \in {\cal{M}}_n\) and the parity xk xl (where xk, xl are the kth and lth bit of x, respectively) for some pair (k, l) that belongs to the matching σi, with the constraint that the distribution of the matchings is uniform in \({\cal{M}}_n\) even conditioned on the message m(x) sent from Alice, i.e., \({\Bbb P}(\sigma _i|m(x)) = \frac{1}{{|{\cal{M}}_n|}}\), \(\forall \sigma _i \in {\cal{M}}_n\). This constraint of uniform matching output conditioned on Alice’s message is important because otherwise Alice and Bob can trivially solve the problem by sharing a public random coin which determines the matching, and then Alice sends the parity of an edge for that specific matching to Bob. This would solve the problem with O(1) transmitted information and thus becomes easy classically. Since we are in a communication complexity model, we expect Alice and Bob to be honest and perform the task according to the protocol.

Fig. 1
figure 1

The Sampling Matching problem. Alice gets an input x {0, 1}n and sends a message m(x) to Bob who outputs the pair 〈(k, l) σi, b = xk xl〉 for a matching σi, whose distribution is uniform in \({\cal{M}}\), even conditioned on m(x). The parity should be correct with high probability for all choices of the matching

Fig. 2
figure 2

Illustration of a set of edge-disjoint perfect matchings for size n = 4. The matching set \({\cal{M}}_4\) has three edge-disjoint perfect matchings: [σ1:{(1, 2), (3, 4)}; σ2:{(1, 3), (2, 4)}; σ3:{(1, 4), (2, 3}]

It is also important to note that in our one-way model the communication cost of a protocol is the number of bits Alice has to send to Bob in order to solve the problem, while the transmitted information, instead of the number of bits sent, calculates the real bits of information about the inputs that the messages carry. For example, if Alice always sends the same, long message, independent of her input, then the communication cost will be large, while the transmitted information will be zero, since no information about her input has been transmitted. Transmitted information is a resource that is important for privacy, when on top of having an efficient protocol, we want the players to solve the task without learning much about the other player's input. One can define the transmitted information as the mutual information between the messages and the inputs and can upper bound it with the logarithm of the number of different messages. The transmitted information is always at most the communication cost, since one bit carries at most one bit of information, and hence the bottleneck is always the time. Last, we remark that we define our problem in the randomized setting where Bob is allowed to use random coins and output the correct value with high probability.

Let us now analyse the Sampling Matching problem in detail and show that there is an exponential gap between the classical and quantum transmitted information resource, as it is the case for the Hidden Matching problem as well. The two problems are in fact classically equivalent in their complexity. Indeed, it is relatively straightforward to see that Sampling Matching, which is effectively a sampling problem where Bob uniformly samples a matching from a set \({\cal{M}}_n\) and then uses Alice’s message to find the parity of an edge in the matching, and Hidden Matching, where Bob a priori receives a uniformly random matching from the set as input, are effectively equivalent with respect to their complexity.

  • SM → HM: Imagine there exists a protocol for Sampling Matching, meaning Alice sends a message m and Bob samples uniformly a matching σi from all matchings and uses m to output a parity of an edge in σi. Then, Bob uses the same protocol until the output of his sampling is the matching that he has received as input, in which case he computes the parity and outputs as in the Sampling Matching protocol. The error in HM is the same as in SM.

  • HM → SM: Imagine there exists a protocol for Hidden Matching. Then, to solve Sampling Matching, Bob first samples a matching uniformly at random, and then Alice and Bob use the protocol for HM and output accordingly. The error is the same.

The classical complexity bound for Sampling Matching is \(\Omega (\sqrt n )\) and is the same as the one for the Hidden Matching problem (see the Methods section for details). More specifically, in order for Bob to succeed with an error probability perror, we must have for the size of Alice’s message that

$$c \ge \frac{{{\mathrm{log}}_2e}}{e}\left( {\frac{1}{2} - p_{{\mathrm{error}}}} \right)\sqrt {n - 1} .$$

This bound was proven to be tight by describing a randomized one-way protocol using the birthday paradox argument to show that only \({\cal{O}}(\sqrt n )\) classical bits are sufficient to solve the problem. In particular, for \(p_{{\mathrm{error}}} \le 0.1\), the communication message size for the best-known classical protocol is \(c \ge \sqrt {2{\mathrm{log}}_e10} \sqrt n\). This bound as well as the lower bound of Eq. (1) will be used later in the performance analysis of our scheme.

When quantum resources are available, the task can be solved by transmitting an exponentially smaller number of qubits, similarly to Hidden Matching (see the Methods section for details). Alice encodes her n-bit input x into the state

$$\left| x \right\rangle = \frac{1}{{\sqrt n }}\mathop {\sum}\limits_{k = 1}^n {( - 1)^{x_k}} \left| k \right\rangle ,$$

where xk is the kth bit of the string x, and sends it to Bob. This state |x〉 is referred to as the fingerprint of the input x. Bob uniformly picks a matching \(\sigma _i \in {\cal{M}}_n\) and then measures the state |x〉 in the basis \(\left\{ {\frac{1}{{\sqrt 2 }}\left( {\left| k \right\rangle } \right. \pm \left| l \right\rangle } \right\}\), with (k, l) σi to output the pair 〈(k, l), b = xk xl〉 with certainty. This is because the measurement outcome \(\frac{1}{{\sqrt 2 }}(|k\rangle + |l\rangle )\) occurs if and only if xk xl = 0, whereas \(\frac{1}{{\sqrt 2 }}(|k\rangle - |l\rangle )\) occurs if and only if xi xj = 1. This protocol uses only log2n qubits, and hence both the communication and the transmitted information are exponentially better than in the classical case, where both resources must be at least \(\Omega (\sqrt n )\).

The physical implementation of the qubit protocol is extremely challenging due to the high dimensionality of the fingerprint states required to show a quantum advantage, which means that highly entangled states of many qubits need to be generated and maintained during the entire run of the protocol. Applying the coherent state mapping proposed by Arrazola and Lütkenhaus35, it is possible to describe an alternative quantum protocol based on coherent state fingerprints36 as follows. Alice prepares the message |αx〉, by applying the displacement operator \(\hat D_x(\alpha ) = {\mathrm{exp}}\,(\alpha \hat a_x^\dagger - \alpha ^ \ast \hat a_x)\) to the vacuum state, where \(\hat a_x = \frac{1}{{\sqrt n }}\mathop {\sum}\nolimits_{k = 1}^n ( - 1)^{x_k + \phi }\hat a_k\) is the annihilation operator of the entire coherent state mode, and \(\hat a_k\) is the photon annihilation operator of the kth time mode; she also adds an additional constant factor of ϕ {0, 1} chosen uniformly randomly. Hence,

$$\left|{\alpha _x}\right\rangle = \hat D_x(\alpha )\, \left|0\right\rangle = \mathop { \otimes }\limits_{i = 1}^n \left| {( - 1)^{x_i \oplus \phi }\frac{\alpha }{{\sqrt n }}} \right\rangle_i,$$

where \(\left|{( - 1)^{x_k \oplus \phi }\frac{\alpha }{{\sqrt n }}} \right\rangle_k\) is a coherent state with amplitude \(\frac{\alpha }{{\sqrt n }}\) occupying the kth time mode. Here, |αx〉 is the fingerprint for input x, and can be thought of as a sequence of n coherent pulses with the total mean photon number over the sequence being \(\mu = \mathop {\sum}\nolimits_k |\frac{\alpha }{{\sqrt n }}|^2 = |\alpha |^2\), which is independent of the input size.

Note that this protocol takes time n, since we have a sequence of n time modes, and thus loses any advantage compared with the classical protocol in terms of communication time. Nevertheless, the information transmitted by this protocol remains only logarithmic, which is exponentially better that the classical protocol that requires \(O(\sqrt n )\) bits of information.

Let us now see how Alice and Bob could implement this protocol in practice. An illustration for any n is shown in Fig. 3. Alice sends the state |αx〉 as described above, and Bob generates locally a sequence of n coherent pulses \(\left| \beta \right\rangle = \mathop { \otimes }\nolimits_{i = 1}^n \left| {\frac{\alpha }{{\sqrt n }}} \right\rangle _i\), interferes them sequentially in a balanced beam splitter with the corresponding pulses from Alice, and observes the clicks on the single-photon detectors that we name D0 and D1.

Fig. 3
figure 3

Circuit illustration for the implementation of Sampling Matching using coherent states for any input size n. Alice prepares her message by encoding her input x {0, 1}n and an additional factor ϕ {0, 1} on the phase of a train of coherent states, using a phase modulator (PM), to produce the coherent state fingerprint |αx〉. Bob, on his side, produces a sequence of n states with the same total mean number as Alice’s state, interferes his pulses with Alice’s sequentially on a balanced beam splitter, and obtains the parity information from the clicks on the single-photon detectors D0 and D1. As an example, the red dots in the first and third time slots of Alice’s and Bob’s sequences, respectively, indicate that Bob observes a single click at D1 and D0 detectors respectively for these time slots, and thus he outputs x1 x3 = 1. If he obtains single clicks at more than two time slots, then he randomly chooses any two of them to output the parity outcome

In the ideal setting, the state in the incoming modes of the beam splitter at the kth time slot is,

$$\left| {( - 1)^{x_k \oplus \phi }\frac{\alpha }{{\sqrt n }}} \right\rangle _i \otimes \left| {\frac{\alpha }{{\sqrt n }}} \right\rangle _k,$$

and the output state is,

$$\left| {\frac{{(1 + ( - 1)^{x_k \oplus \phi })}}{{\sqrt 2 }}\frac{\alpha }{{\sqrt n }}} \right\rangle _{D_0} \otimes \left| {\frac{{(1 - ( - 1)^{x_k \oplus \phi })}}{{\sqrt 2 }}\frac{\alpha }{{\sqrt n }}} \right\rangle _{D_1}.$$

From this equation, we see that D0 clicks only if xk ϕ = 0, while D1 clicks only if xk ϕ = 1. Now suppose Bob gets the clicks at kth and lth time slots in detectors D0 and D1, respectively. This implies xk ϕ = 0, while xl ϕ  = 1. Combining them results in xk xl = 1 since 2ϕ ≡ 0 (mod 2). Therefore, Bob successfully outputs the pair 〈(k, l)σi, b = xk xl〉 for the matching (k, l)σi. This protocol only lets Bob obtain the parity information of the bits and not the bit values xk,xl because of the hiding factor ϕ.

The cases where Bob can make an error in inferring the correct parity value of any matching are as follows. (i) Bob does not observe any single click over the entire run of the experiment. The probability of this happening is p¬1 = exp(−2|α|2). Bob’s error probability in this case is \(\frac{1}{2}p_{\neg 1}\). (ii) Bob observes exactly one single click over the entire run of the experiment. Since the parity of a pair is inferred from the clicks at two distinct time slots, in this case Bob does not infer any parity outcome with certainty. The probability of exactly one single click happening is,

$$p_1 = \left( {\begin{array}{*{20}{c}} n \\ 1 \end{array}} \right)p_c(1 - p_c)^{n - 1},$$

where \(p_c = 1 - {\mathrm{exp}}\left( { - 2\frac{{|\alpha |^2}}{n}} \right)\) is the probability of getting a click in one time slot. Bob’s error probability in this event would be \(\frac{1}{2}p_1\). Combining the two cases, Bob’s error probability is,

$$p_{{\mathrm{error}}} = \frac{1}{2}(p_0 + p_1).$$

In a practical setting, we need to take into account three main sources of error: (i) the transmission and detection loss characterized by the efficiency parameters ηchannel and ηdet, respectively; modeling the detection loss with a beam splitter followed by perfect detection allows us to lump these two loss factors into a single parameter \(0 \le \eta \le 1\); (ii) the limited interference visibility \(0 \le \nu \le 1\); and (iii) the detector dark counts characterized by the probability pdark. As we will justify in the following, in our experimental conditions the dark count probability is negligible compared to the expected signal count probability, therefore we do not consider the effect of dark counts in our analysis. Considering experimental imperfections (η, ν), the incoming state at the kth time slot becomes,

$$\left| {( - 1)^{x_k \oplus \phi }\sqrt {\frac{\eta }{n}} \alpha } \right\rangle _k \otimes \left| {\sqrt {\frac{\eta }{n}} \alpha } \right\rangle _k,$$

and the output state is now written as,

$$\begin{array}{*{20}{l}} {\left| {\left( {\frac{{(1 + ( - 1)^{x_k \oplus \phi })}}{{\sqrt 2 }}\sqrt \nu + \frac{{(1 - ( - 1)^{x_k \oplus \phi })}}{{\sqrt 2 }}\sqrt {1 - \nu } } \right)\sqrt {\frac{\eta }{n}} \alpha } \right\rangle _{{{D}}_0,k} \otimes } \hfill \\ {\left| {\left( {\frac{{(1 - ( - 1)^{x_k \oplus \phi })}}{{\sqrt 2 }}\sqrt \nu + \frac{{(1 + ( - 1)^{x_k \oplus \phi })}}{{\sqrt 2 }}\sqrt {1 - \nu } } \right)\sqrt {\frac{\eta }{n}} \alpha } \right\rangle _{{{D}}_1,k}.} \hfill \end{array}$$

We see that due to the limited visibility there is a nonzero click probability for the wrong detector in a given time slot. From Eq. (9), we find that the probability of a click in the correct detector at each time slot is,

$$p_c = 1 - {\mathrm{exp}}\left( { - 2\eta \nu \frac{{|\alpha |^2}}{n}} \right),$$

while the probability that a click occurs in the wrong detector is,

$$p_w = 1 - {\mathrm{exp}}\left( { - 2\eta (1 - \nu )\frac{{|\alpha |^2}}{n}} \right).$$

Now we look at the cases where Bob can output the incorrect parity outcome: (i) He does not observe at least two single clicks in the time slots during the experiment. The probability \({\Bbb P}\)(less than two single clicks) = \({\Bbb P}\)(no single clicks) + \({\Bbb P}\)(exactly one single click),

$$p_{\neg 11} = (1 - p_1)^n + \left( {\begin{array}{*{20}{c}} n \\ 1 \end{array}} \right)p_1(1 - p_1)^{n - 1},$$

where p1 = pc(1 − pw) + pw(1 − pc) is the probability of observing a single click in one time slot. Bob’s error probability in this case is \(\frac{1}{2}p_{\neg 11}\). (ii) Bob observes at least two single clicks in the time slots. He then randomly chooses any two of those single-click slots (k, l) to output the parity for pair (k, l) σi. The probability that he outputs the wrong parity value is,

$$p_{11w} = \frac{{2p_c(1 - p_w)p_w(1 - p_c)}}{{[pc(1 - p_w) + p_w(1 - p_c)]^2}}.$$

Combining these two cases, Bob’s total error probability is,

$$p_{{\mathrm{error}}} = \frac{1}{2}p_{\neg 11} + (1 - p_{\neg 11})p_{11w}.$$

The quantum protocol with coherent state fingerprints for Sampling Matching that we introduced above has a complexity of \({\cal{O}}(|\alpha |^2{\mathrm{log}}_2n)\) for the transmitted information, where μ =  |α|2 is the total mean photon number in the coherent fingerprint of Alice and is independent of n. Note that our protocol offers an exponential advantage for the information resource, but not for the communication resource which is n. This is the same as in previous works on protocols with coherent states35.

In order to illustrate the performance of this protocol for Sampling Matching with respect to the classical bounds and examine the possibility of demonstrating a quantum advantage in practice, we compare the transmitted information resource for the quantum protocols with coherent states for a given error probability perror. The results are shown in Fig. 4a for perror = 0.1 for the best-known classical protocol and for the coherent state protocol in the ideal and practical settings, where in the latter case we have considered the experimental parameters of Table 1. In both cases, we have found the optimal |α|2 for our fixed perror value. We have also included in the graph the classical lower bound described previously and we have additionally considered the case where Bob only outputs the parity outcome when he he obtains at least two single clicks in the experimental run, which we call the post-selected protocol.

Fig. 4
figure 4

Log–log plot of transmitted information resource vs. the input size n for solving the Sampling Matching problem within error probability perror = 0.1. In panel a, we compare the optimal classical protocol, the classical lower bound, and the quantum protocols in the ideal setting, in the practical setup with the experimental parameters of Table 1, and in the post-selected case where Bob only outputs a parity outcome when he obtains at least two single clicks in the protocol run. For the last two protocols, we also show the experimental results obtained with the setup of Fig. 5, for input sizes between 1000 and 4000. These results are also shown more clearly in panel b that focuses on this region. The optimal mean photon number per pulse in each case, as well as other parameters, is given in Table 2. The error bars for the experimental points refer to the standard deviation, which primarily comes from the error in estimating the mean photon number per pulse. We see that for the experiments implementing the standard and post-selected protocols, for input size above 3000 and 2000, respectively, our results outperform the best classical protocol hence demonstrating the obtained quantum advantage

Table 1 Experimental parameters corresponding to our implementation and used in the simulations

We remark that although the ideal protocol can outperform the best classical protocol for relatively low input size, in the realistic case this can happen for n ~3000. We also observe that the post-selected case diminishes slightly this threshold and that beating the classical lower bound requires a very large input size. These threshold input sizes are similar to Hidden Matching (see the Methods section for details). However, although reaching such values would be a formidable challenge for Hidden Matching, Sampling Matching allows by its conception to reach the threshold for the best classical protocol in practice, as we will see below.

Experimental implementation

The experimental setup realizing in practice the schematic illustration of Fig. 3 and that we use for our proof-of-principle implementation of the Sampling Matching problem is shown in Fig. 5.

Fig. 5
figure 5

Experimental setup for implementation of the quantum protocol for Sampling Matching with coherent states. A continuous wave laser operating at λ = 1563 nm (Laser1) followed by an amplitude modulator (AM) and an optical variable attenuator (VOA) is used for the generation of coherent light pulses at 1 MHz repetition rate and with 16 ns duration, at the mean photon number required for the protocol (see main text for details). The pulses are split at beam splitter BS2 to two paths corresponding to Alice and Bob. Alice encodes the phase information to her pulses sequentially according to her input string x {0, 1}n using a phase modulator (PM), while Bob prepares his sequence by encoding 0 to his pulses. Both modulators are controlled by a data acquisition card (DAQ). We use a delay line (DL) to adjust precisely the path lengths of the sequences such as to optimize their interference at the balanced beam splitter BS3. The output pulses are then directed to two single-photon detectors D0 and D1, and the detection events are registered using a time tagger. To monitor and correct the phase drift in the pulse sequences of Alice and Bob, we use a phase-correction loop, which consists of a second continuous wave laser operating at λ = 1527 nm (Laser2), followed by amplitude modulation and attenuation, and a combination of circulators (C1, C2), an optical filter (OF) and a photodiode (PD), to suitably direct the monitoring pulses through the setup in the opposite direction than the signal while preventing this light from reaching unwanted devices. We also compensate for Alice’s and Bob’s path length difference induced by the presence of a different number of components

The coherent light is generated using a low line-width (~10 kHz) continuous wave laser source operating at telecommunication wavelength (Laser1, Pure Photonics, λ = 1563 nm). An amplitude modulator (AM) is then used to produce a sequence of coherent pulses with a 1-MHz repetition rate and pulse duration of 16 ns. A balanced 50:50 beam splitter (BS1) is used to monitor the power of the laser pulse, and we use a variable optical attenuator (VOA) to attenuate the pulses to the desired mean photon number. A second 50:50 beam splitter (BS2) splits the coherent pulses in two paths, sent to Alice and Bob. We introduce a delay line (DL, Kylia) to fine tune the path lengths of Alice and Bob, hence ensuring that their pulses arrive simultaneously at the 50:50 beam splitter BS3 and interfere optimally. Before this, Alice and Bob modulate their pulses, each using a phase modulator (PM). These are driven by a data acquisition card that provides the desired voltage levels, which is fixed for Bob and corresponding to her input x {0, 1}n for Alice. After interfering, the pulses are detected by telecom wavelength, free running InGaAs single-photon detectors D0 and D1 (ID230, IDQuantique). The detection events are recorded and analyzed with a precision of 1 ps using a time tagger (quTAG, QuTools).

The remaining components in the experimental setup are used for the phase-correction loop that we use to monitor and correct the phase drift between Alice’s and Bob’s pulses. More specifically, we introduce a second continuous wave laser source (Laser2, Pure Photonics, λ = 1527 nm) that is modulated similarly as described before. The pulses are directed through a circulator (C2) to BS3, where they are separated and then interfere on BS2 before being detected using a photodiode (PD). A second circulator (C1) prevents any of this light to go into the direction of Laser1. Furthermore, an optical filter (OF) is used in the path leading to detector D0 to ensure that only light from Laser1 (λ = 1563 nm) reaches the detector. The difference in the length of the paths leading to D0 and D1 due to the presence of these components is appropriately compensated using a fiber before detector D1. To correct the phase drift, we use an averaging technique that estimates the phase drift over a block of pulses and corrects accordingly the phase in the next block (see the Methods section for details).

We are now ready to analyze the performance of our experiment for Sampling Matching. The relevant experimental parameters that have also been used for the simulations are shown in Table 1. The channel transmission loss, i.e., the loss from when Alice and Bob apply their phase modulation to the input of detectors D0 and D1 is 3.5 dB, hence ηchannel ≈ 45%. Furthermore, our single-photon detectors feature a quantum efficiency ηdet ≈ 25%. The effect of these losses is that it is necessary to increase the mean photon number in the coherent fingerprint state compared with the ideal setting, in order to achieve the desired error rate perror.

The limited visibility, ν, is due to the imperfect interference of Alice and Bob’s pulses. It is important to remark that in our proof-of-principle implementation, we use a single laser for generating the pulses that Alice and Bob need to prepare their states, which is important for improving the visibility. However, the preparation of these states and all subsequent steps are done independently following the protocol, hence enabling us to use this setup for assessing the quantum advantage. As noted before, to achieve a high visibility, we also fine tune the delay line in the setup by following a simple calibration procedure whereby we send first sequences of 0 inputs to both Alice and Bob and then sequences of 0 and 1 inputs to Alice and Bob, respectively, and observe the resulting detector clicks.

Finally, we further investigate the dark counts to make sure it is safe to neglect them in our analysis and indeed we observe that the signal click probability is substantially (three orders of magnitude) larger than the dark count probability. We also note that our detectors feature a dead time of 10 μs, which means that after a detection event, the detector becomes idle for the next 10 pulses. For the input size targeted in our work (≥1000), the probability of a click within these pulses is extremely low due to the extremely low photon number of pulse that we use. This effect can therefore be safely neglected.

Based on these experimental parameters obtained in our setup, we estimate the optimal mean photon number μ for the entire coherent fingerprint state that achieves the desired error rate perror = 0.1, and hence the mean photon number per pulse, μp, for input size n around the threshold regions observed in Fig. 4, in particular from 1000 to 4000. These values are summarized in Table 2. In Fig. 4a, b, we show the experimentally obtained results for the transmitted information based on the above analysis. We see that for input size above 3000, our experiment for Sampling Matching provides an advantage in information compared to the best classical protocol, even within the error bars.

Table 2 Experimental parameters and analysis

Furthermore, we also consider the case when Bob runs the Sampling Matching protocol multiple times (#Runs in Table 2) and gives an output only for those runs where he gets a parity outcome. Without this post selection, every time Bob would not obtain the parity outcome, he would output a random parity with error rate 1/2. However, with post selection, since he rejects those no-parity outcome cases, he can succeed with a lower error rate \(p_{{\mathrm{error}}}^{{\mathrm{POST}}}\). This can also be interpreted as performing the protocol with lower mean photon number,

$$\mu _p^{{\mathrm{POST}}} = \mu _p\frac{{(\# {\mathrm{Runs}} - \# {\mathrm{Runs}}_{{\mathrm{noclicks}}})}}{{\# {\mathrm{Runs}}}}.$$

The corresponding experimental values are provided in Table 2. In Fig. 4, we also plot the experimental results for the transmitted information in the post-selected scenario. We observe that the quantum protocol performs the Sampling Matching task with lower resources than the best classical protocol from input size of 2000 and above, hence demonstrating a quantum advantage in this case as well.


The results that we have presented demonstrate rigorously a quantum advantage in the information resource in the one-way model of communication complexity. We achieved this by introducing the Sampling Matching problem, which is inspired by the emblematic Hidden Matching problem, and by analyzing it using the recently formulated coherent state mapping for quantum communication protocols. These two advancements enabled us to bypass the great challenge associated to the implementation of such tasks with the usual high dimensional multi-qubit fingerprint states.

As we have noted, an essential element of our proof-of-principle implementation is the ability to achieve high interference visibility, which has been facilitated in our case by the use of a single laser for generating the coherent states used by Alice and Bob for their sequences and the fine tuning of the path length difference using a delay line. In a full-scale implementation, where two separate lasers would be used, maintaining a good interference would require the use of stable, ultra narrow line-width lasers such that the phase difference between the pulses would be slower than the duration of the experimental run43. In combination with phase-correction techniques like the one used in our experiment, such an experiment is foreseeable in the near future and would be useful more generally for quantum communication tasks.

We also remark that our experimental results allow outperforming the best-known classical protocol but not the classical lower bound. For this, we need an input size on the order of ~106, which in turn would require attenuating the coherent pulses to a mean photon number per pulse of the same order. In this case, the dark counts of the single-photon detectors cannot be neglected any longer; indeed, the dark count rate exhibited by the detectors used in our experiment is precisely of this order, and therefore it is impossible to show an advantage due to the noise. However, this would become possible using ultra low dark count superconducting nanowire single-photon detectors44, which also feature good quantum efficiencies and are commercially available.

The Sampling Matching problem that we have defined can also be seen as a verification tool, with applications in cryptographic and computational settings, most notably quantum money schemes, where it can replace the verification techniques that use Hidden Matching45,46. The soundness of verification in these schemes depends on the size of the input, hence since Sampling Matching allows for a simple implementation for large input sizes, our approach may readily increase the robustness of these schemes.


Hidden matching

The intuition behind introducing the Sampling Matching problem was the Hidden Matching problem. Here, we describe this problem as defined in refs 31,34 and provide a possible linear optic implementation, which as we will see is out of reach for current experimental technology.

The Hidden Matching problem is illustrated in Fig. 6. Here, for any positive even integer n, Alice receives as input a string x {0, 1}n while Bob receives a perfect matching σi on the complete graph of n vertices uniformly at random from a set of n − 1 edge-disjoint perfect matchings \({\cal{M}}_n \in \{ \sigma _1,..,\sigma _{n - 1}\}\). The objective of the problem is for Bob to output any one of the n/2 possible parity values xk xl for some pair (k, l) that belongs to the matching σi with minimum communication and information cost. It is important to note that we look at the one-way communication model for this problem, otherwise it is easy to see that the task can be done with logarithmic communication, since Bob can send to Alice the indices (k, l) and Alice will reply with the parity. Furthermore, as for Sampling Matching, we analyse this problem in the randomized setting where Bob is allowed to use random coins and output the correct value with high probability.

Fig. 6
figure 6

The Hidden Matching problem. Alice receives an input x {0, 1}n while Bob receives as input a matching σi uniformly at random from an edge-disjoint set \({\cal{M}}_n \in \{ \sigma _1,..\sigma _{n - 1}\}\). The objective of the problem is for Bob to output the correct parity value, b, for any one of the pairs in the matching 〈(k, l) σi, b = xk xl〉. Only one-way communication, from Alice to Bob is allowed, in the form of a message m(x)

Bar-Yossef et al.34 and later Buhrman et al.47 showed that the best classical protocol for Hidden Matching must have communication and transmitted information of at least \(\Omega (\sqrt n )\). The detailed proofs can be found in refs. 34,47 but we provide here a high-level description. The main idea is that Alice’s message should allow Bob to output the parity of an edge from each one of the possible matchings, in other words for O(n) different edges, since there are O(n) edge-disjoint matchings in the set. No matter which \(\Omega (\sqrt n )\) edges one picks on a complete graph of n nodes, they will always contain at least \(\Omega (\sqrt n )\) different vertices corresponding to different bits of the input x, and hence Alice must send at least \(\Omega (\sqrt n )\) bits of information about these bits if Bob is to be able to solve the problem and hence also \(\Omega (\sqrt n )\) communication (since communication is always at least as much as the information). The proof structure for computing the lower bound is as follows47: if Alice’s message to Bob is small, let’s say c bits, then the set of inputs x {0, 1}n for which Alice sends a particular message m will be large (typically of the order of 2nc). This would mean that Bob will have very little knowledge for most of the bits of x. Using techniques from ref. 48 this implies that Bob would not be able to correctly answer the parity xk xl for most of the \(\left( {\begin{array}{*{20}{c}} n \\ 2 \end{array}} \right)\) possible pairs (k, l). Even though Bob has some relaxation in the sense that he can output the parity outcome of any one of the n/2 pairs of σi, still it turns out that on average it is hard for him to output the correct parity outcome. Using this idea, it was shown in47 that in order for Bob to succeed with an error probability perror, we must have for the size of Alice’s message that

$$c \ge \frac{{{\mathrm{log}}_2e}}{e}\left( {\frac{1}{2} - p_{{\mathrm{error}}}} \right)\sqrt {n - 1} .$$

Bar-Yossef et al. also proved that this bound is tight by describing a randomized one-way protocol using the birthday paradox argument to show that only \({\cal{O}}(\sqrt n )\) classical bits are sufficient to solve the problem. The proof structure is as follows: Note that Bob’s matching belongs to the set \({\cal{M}}_n\) of n − 1 edge-disjoint perfect matchings. Since Alice has no information about which matching Bob has received, to maximize the probability of success she encodes her message to contain the parity information of at least one pair from each matching with high probability. Suppose she does this by sending c random bits of the input x or equivalently c(c − 1)/2 pairs to Bob. Each perfect matching σi that Bob would receive has n/2 pairs. Thus the matching set \({\cal{M}}_n\) has in total n(n − 1)/2 distinct pairs, since each edge appears only once. The probability that none of the pairs that Alice sends to Bob is in the matching σi received by Bob is,

$$p_{{\mathrm{error}}} = \left( {1 - \frac{1}{{n - 1}}} \right)^{c(c - 1)/2} \approx {\mathrm{exp}}( - c^2/2n).$$

For \(p_{{\mathrm{error}}} \le 0.1\), the communication message size for the best-known classical protocol is therefore \(c \ge \sqrt {2{\mathrm{log}}_e10} \sqrt n\). These bounds are the same for Sampling Matching as explained previously.

Using quantum resources, the above task can be solved by transmitting an exponentially smaller number of qubits34. Alice encodes her input x into the fingerprint state, \(\left| x \right\rangle = \frac{1}{{\sqrt n }}\mathop {\sum}\nolimits_{k = 1}^n ( - 1)^{x_k}\left| k \right\rangle\), where xk is the kth bit of the string x, and sends it to Bob. For any matching \(\sigma _i \in {\cal{M}}\) that Bob has as input, there exists a measurement by Bob which allows him to give the correct answer with certainty. To do so, he just measures the quantum state in the basis \(\left\{ {\frac{1}{{\sqrt 2 }}\left( {\left| k \right\rangle } \right. \pm \left| l \right\rangle } \right\}\), (k, l) σi. The outcome \(\frac{1}{{\sqrt 2 }}(|k\rangle + |l\rangle )\) occurs if and only if xk xl = 0 whereas \(\frac{1}{{\sqrt 2 }}(|k\rangle - |l\rangle )\) occurs if and only if xi xj = 1. Thus Bob gets the parity result of one of the pairs (k, l) σi with certainty. This protocol uses only log2n qubits, and hence both the communication and the transmitted information are exponentially better than in the classical case.

As we did for Sampling Matching, let us now analyze the physical implementation of the Hidden Matching problem under the coherent state framework of refs. 35,36. In this framework, Alice prepares the coherent state fingerprint as a sequence of n coherent pulses whose phase corresponds to her input x {0, 1}n, hence,

$$\left| {\alpha _x} \right\rangle = \mathop { \otimes }\limits_{k = 1}^n \left| {( - 1)^{x_k}\frac{\alpha }{{\sqrt n }}} \right\rangle _k,$$

where μ = |α|2 is the mean photon number for the state |αx〉, which is independent of the input size n. As shown in Fig. 7, which illustrates how this scheme could be implemented in practice for n = 4, upon receiving the state |αx〉 from Alice, Bob rearranges the input modes of |αx〉 according to the pairs (k, l) σi using a number of switches and delay lines, interferes all the pairs in σi sequentially in a balanced beam splitter, and observes the clicks recorded by single-photon detectors D0 and D1.

Fig. 7
figure 7

Circuit illustration for the implementation of Hidden Matching using coherent states, for matchings from the set in Fig. 2. Alice encodes her input x {0, 1}4 as a train of four pulses and sends it Bob. Depending on his input matching \(\sigma _i \in {\cal{M}}_4\), Bob uses a switch to send each of the pulses in the coherent state sequence in the upper or the lower arm. Both arms contain an appropriate combination of switches and delay lines, where the number indicated in each loop denotes the number of time steps the loop will delay the corresponding pulse and one step is equal to the duration between the pulses in the sequence. The number of active elements needed to implement the protocol is 4. For a general input size n, this number grows as \({\cal{O}}({\mathrm{log}}n)\)

In the ideal setting, the state in the incoming modes at the beam splitter for pairs (k, l) is,

$$\left| {( - 1)^{x_k}\frac{\alpha }{{\sqrt n }}} \right\rangle _k \, \otimes \, \, \, \left | {( - 1)^{x_l}\frac{\alpha }{{\sqrt n }}} \right\rangle _l,$$

and following the standard beam splitting transformations the state at the output modes is,

$$\left| {\frac{{1 + ( - 1)^{x_k \oplus x_l}}}{{\sqrt 2 }}\frac{\alpha }{{\sqrt n }}} \right\rangle _{{{D}}_0} \otimes \, \, \, \left| {\frac{{1 - ( - 1)^{x_k \oplus x_l}}}{{\sqrt 2 }}\frac{\alpha }{{\sqrt n }}} \right\rangle _{{{D}}_1}.$$

From the above equation, we see that D0 clicks only if xk xl = 0, and D1 clicks otherwise. Now if Bob gets clicks at multiple time slots, he picks arbitrarily one of these time slots and outputs the pair 〈(k, l) σi, b = xk xl〉 depending on which detector clicked. The only way he can output an incorrect parity value is if he does not observe any click during the entire run of the protocol, which happens with probability p0 = exp(−|α|2), in which case he outputs a random choice. Thus his error probability is \(p_{{\mathrm{error}}} = \frac{1}{2}p_0\).

In a practical setting, and following the same model for experimental imperfections as for Sampling Matching, the incoming state becomes,

$$\left| {( - 1)^{x_k}\sqrt {\frac{\eta }{n}} \alpha } \right\rangle _k \otimes \, \, \left| {( - 1)^{x_l}\sqrt {\frac{\eta }{n}} \alpha } \right\rangle _l,$$

and the output state is now written as,

$$\begin{array}{*{20}{l}} {\left| {\left( {\frac{{(1 + ( - 1)^{x_k \oplus x_l})}}{{\sqrt 2 }}\sqrt \nu + \frac{{(1 - ( - 1)^{x_k \oplus x_l})}}{{\sqrt 2 }}\sqrt {1 - \nu } } \right)\sqrt {\frac{\eta }{n}} \alpha } \right\rangle _{{{D}}_0} \otimes } \hfill \\ {\left| {\left( {\frac{{(1 - ( - 1)^{x_k \oplus x_l})}}{{\sqrt 2 }}\sqrt \nu + \frac{{(1 + ( - 1)^{x_k \oplus x_l})}}{{\sqrt 2 }}\sqrt {1 - \nu } } \right)\sqrt {\frac{\eta }{n}} \alpha } \right\rangle _{{{D}}_1}.} \hfill \end{array}$$

From the above equation, we see that the probability that there is a click in the correct detector is,

$$p_c = 1 - {\mathrm{exp}}\left( { - 2\eta \nu \frac{{|\alpha |^2}}{n}} \right),$$

while the probability that the wrong detector clicks is,

$$p_w = 1 - {\mathrm{exp}}\left( { - 2\eta (1 - \nu )\frac{{|\alpha |^2}}{n}} \right).$$

Let us now consider the cases where Bob can output an incorrect parity value outcome. (i) He does not observe any single click over the entire run of the experiment. The probability of this happening is p¬1 = (1 − p1)n/2, where p1 = pc(1 − pw) + pw(1 − pc) is the probability of observing a single click in one time slot. In this case, he outputs a random parity value. (ii) Bob observes at least one single click within all time slots. He then randomly chooses any one of those to output the parity value. The probability that he outputs the wrong parity value is \(p_{1w} = \frac{{p_w(1 \,- \, p_c)}}{{p_w(1 \, - \, p_c) + p_c(1 \, - \, p_w)}}\). From these two cases, we find that Bob’s error probability is,

$$p_{{\mathrm{error}}} = \frac{1}{2}p_{\neg 1} + (1 - p_{\neg 1})p_{1w}.$$

The quantum protocol with coherent state fingerprints for Hidden Matching that we have described and analyzed has a complexity of \({\cal{O}}(|\alpha |^2{\mathrm{log}}_2n)\) for the transmitted information, where μ = |α|2 is the total mean photon number in the coherent state. Note again that the exponential advantage concerns the information, but not the communication resource. As for Sampling Matching, for a fixed error probability perror = 0.1, we calculate the optimal |α|2 and the transmitted information for the quantum protocols with coherent states for the ideal, practical and post-selected cases. The latter here refers to the case where Bob only outputs the parity outcome when he observes at least one click in the protocol run. The results are shown in Fig. 8, where we have also included the bounds for the best classical protocol and the classical lower bound. The same remarks on the threshold input sizes as in Sampling Matching hold. Reaching these thresholds with the setup of Fig. 7 is currently beyond experimental reach. This motivates the definition of the Sampling Matching problem.

Fig. 8
figure 8

Log–log plot of the transmitted information resource vs. the input size n for solving Hidden Matching within error probability perror = 0.1. We compare the best-known classical protocol, the classical lower bound, and the quantum coherent state protocol in the ideal setting, in the practical setting with the experimental parameters of Table 1, as well as in the post-selected case where Bob only outputs an outcome when he observes at least one click in the protocol run. The optimal mean photon number to obtain an error probability of 0.1 is \(|\alpha |_{{\mathrm{ideal}}}^2 \approx 1.6\) whereas \(|\alpha |_{{\mathrm{exp}}}^2 \approx 7.1\). The minimum input size needed for the coherent protocol to beat the classical protocol in the ideal, practical, and post-selected cases is n = 17/2926/1760, respectively. To beat the classical lower bound, the minimum input size for the coherent protocol in the ideal setting is n = 10189, whereas taking into account the experimental imperfections, n = 394272

Phase-correction procedure

For our experiments for Sampling Matching, we have applied an averaging technique over blocks of pulses to correct for the phase drift occurring between Alice’s and Bob’s pulse sequences. Such an averaging corresponds well to our conditions, with the relatively high 1-MHz repetition rate of our experiment and the high stability of our setup. We make blocks of pulses and track the average of the phase drift in one block to use it to correct the drift of the subsequent block. The block construction we use is detailed in Fig. 9. We choose a block size of 8192 pulses. The first 7680 pulses are used for protocol run. The second segment of the block, Alicetrack, tracks the phase drift in the path corresponding to Alice’s PM. This is done by providing a ramp voltage in Alice’s PM from −5V to +5 V, and 0 V in Bob’s PM across 256 pulses. The response of the linear ramp voltage across a phase modulator is a cosine function Acos(ωt + ϕ), which is tracked using the photodiode PD. We then model the expected response corresponding to the actual response, hence obtaining the information on the phase and the phase drift up to a certain error. If Vbias is the voltage corresponding to the phase drift, then we add this factor to the voltage provided to Alice’s PM for the next block, i.e., \(V_{{\mathrm{PM}}} = V_{x_i} + V_{{\mathrm{bias}}}\). We similarly track and correct the phase drift in Bob’s PM over the last 256 pulses of the block, Bobtrack.

Fig. 9
figure 9

Block illustration for analyzing and correcting the phase drift in the pulse sequences of Alice and Bob. Phase tracking is done once for every block of 8192 pulses. The first 7680 pulses are used for performing the protocol. The second part of the block Alicetrack, tracks the phase drift in Alice’s PM. For this we give a ramp voltage from −5V to +5 V to Alice’s PM and 0 V to Bob’s PM. The third part of the block Bobtrack, tracks Bob’s PM by giving a ramp voltage from −5V to +5 V to Bob’s PM and 0 V to Alice’s PM