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Carbon fiber technique for the investigation of single-cell mechanics in intact cardiac myocytes


This protocol describes a method for attaching single isolated cardiac myocytes to carbon fibers for mechanical manipulation and measurement. This method relies on cell-adhesive carbon fibers that attach easily to the cell membrane without causing damage, and is thus applicable to intact myocytes. To connect the carbon fiber to micromanipulators, a fiber holder with glass capillaries must first be fabricated. After connection of the fibers to the micromanipulators, firm attachment is easily established by gently pressing the fiber tip onto the cell membrane. Unlike other methods, this technique does not require vast technical expertise, and therefore greatly facilitates experiments. This method enables detection of the effect of drugs, genetic defects or the expression of exogenous proteins on both active and passive properties of cardiac myocytes. In combination with other experimental procedures, this technique can also be applied to the study of mechano-transduction. This protocol can be completed in 3.5 h.

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Figure 1: Diagram of the recommended experimental setup for the simultaneous measurement of sarcomere length (SL) and fluorescent emissions of a voltage-sensitive indicator (di-8 ANNEPS) at 560 and 620 nm.
Figure 2: Capillary-held carbon fiber.
Figure 3: Stretch experiment.

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Correspondence to Seiryo Sugiura.

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Supplementary Video

Length perturbation experiment in a single rat cardiac myocyte. The length of a cardiomyocyte was changed cyclically by applying a sinusoidal command of varying frequency (0.5 to 10 Hz) to the piezo-electric actuator connected to the carbon fiber. (MPG 3265 kb)

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Sugiura, S., Nishimura, S., Yasuda, S. et al. Carbon fiber technique for the investigation of single-cell mechanics in intact cardiac myocytes. Nat Protoc 1, 1453–1457 (2006).

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