
The introduction of spin polarization to non-magnetic semiconductors is an important step for realizing novel spintronics devices1. So far, various schemes have been demonstrated to generate and detect spin current in non-magnetic semiconductors, which include electrical and optical means2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10. Spin pumping is known as a method to generate a pure spin current without a net flow of charge current in non-magnetic materials adjacent to a ferromagnetic layer under ferromagnetic resonance (FMR). When the FMR condition for the ferromagnetic layer is fulfilled, precession of magnetization creates excess spin-polarized carriers in the ferromagnetic layer due to damping caused by the exchange interaction between magnetic spins and carriers11,12. The excess spin polarization of carriers in the ferromagnetic layer penetrates into the adjacent non-magnetic layer, which generates spin current in the vicinity of the interface but no charge current under zero bias. The pure spin current can be detected electrically as a d.c. electromotive force induced by the inverse spin Hall effect (ISHE), which converts spin current Js to charge current Jc through the spin–orbit interaction: JcθSHEJs × σ, where θSHE is the spin Hall angle and σ is the spin polarization unit vector13,14. Thus, by measuring the d.c. electromotive force, one can determine the value of θSHE. Spin injection and detection based on spin pumping and the ISHE have been applied to a variety of material systems13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23. Recent work showed that it may be a promising tool for the generation and investigation of spin current in semiconducting materials, such as Si (refs 16,17), Ge (refs 18,19) and GaAs with n-type as well as p-type conduction20.

Magnetization dynamics under FMR also produces d.c. voltage in the ferromagnetic layer through galvanomagnetic effects, that is, anisotropic magnetoresistance and anomalous Hall effect (AHE)24,25,26. These effects have often been neglected in the quantitative analyses on the observed d.c. voltage generated in a non-magnetic layer next to a ferromagnetic layer under FMR; the non-negligible contribution of these effects was pointed out only recently22,23,27. It is known that a ferromagnetic (Ga,Mn)As, which can be grown seamlessly on GaAs28, shows sizable galvanomagnetic effects29,30, and thus we expect that (Ga,Mn)As/p-GaAs bilayer structure is a suitable system to investigate the d.c. voltage observed under FMR. In this work, we systematically investigate d.c. voltages generated in a p-GaAs layer beneath an epitaxially grown (Ga,Mn)As layer under FMR, which are measured as functions of the magnitude of external magnetic field, magnetic field direction, microwave power and temperature. The results are analyzed by a phenomenological transport model in combination with the Landau–Lifshits–Gilbert (LLG) equation, which shows that the observed d.c. voltage is induced by the ISHE in p-GaAs accompanied by spin pumping as well as transverse galvanomagnetic effects, that is, the planar Hall effect (PHE, which is the transverse component of anisotropic magnetoresistance, and not a genuine Hall effect in the strict sense) and AHE in (Ga,Mn)As. We show both the ISHE and PHE result in a symmetric lineshape of d.c. voltage in their magnetic field dependence, while AHE has an anti-symmetric lineshape. The analysis of the magnetic field angle dependence of d.c. voltages enables us to deduce the ratio of the d.c. voltage by the ISHE to that by the PHE, because the voltages brought about by the two effects have different angle dependence. This analysis shows that the magnitude of d.c. voltage induced by the ISHE is about eight times smaller than that by the PHE. The spin Hall angle of p-GaAs is determined to be 0.006 from the magnitude of d.c. voltage induced by the ISHE, which is also about eight times smaller than that obtained by neglecting the presence of the PHE, indicating the importance of separating the d.c. voltages of different origins.



A bilayer structure studied here consists of a 20-nm Ga0.935Mn0.065As and a 20-nm p-GaAs on a semi-insulating GaAs (001) substrate with a 100-nm undoped GaAs buffer layer all grown epitaxially by molecular beam epitaxy (see Methods, we also grow a single (Ga,Mn)As for reference). The p-GaAs layer is Be-doped GaAs with hole concentration p of 9.5 × 1018 cm−3. We cleave the grown epitaxial wafer into a 1 × 3 mm2 piece with a longer side along the [110] orientation. The top (Ga,Mn)As layer except for a central area with 1 × 2 mm2 is etched away, and two In ohmic contacts are formed at the two ends of bare GaAs:Be surface by annealing at 250 °C for 30 min. This heat treatment increases the Curie temperature TC of (Ga,Mn)As from 79 K to 118 K (ref. 31). The schematic of the sample is shown in Fig. 1a. We confirm that linear current–voltage characteristics between the ohmic contacts and (Ga,Mn)As/p-GaAs junction at reduced temperature T of 30 K. Figure 1b compares the temperature T dependence of magnetization M of (Ga,Mn)As on p-GaAs with that on undoped GaAs (reference sample) after the same heat treatment, in which one can see that both (Ga,Mn)As layers have virtually identical magnetic properties.

Figure 1: d.c. voltage measurements and temperature dependence of magnetization.
figure 1

(a) Schematic of measurement configuration for d.c. voltage, which is measured simultaneously with FMR spectrum. The Cartesian coordinate systems used in analyses are also presented. (b) The temperature T dependence of in-plane magnetization for (Ga,Mn)As/p-GaAs (triangles) as well as (Ga,Mn)As/undoped GaAs (circles).

FMR spectra and d.c. voltages

The sample is mounted on a quartz sample rod and put in a TE011 microwave cavity, in which a magnetic (electric) field of the microwave is maximized (minimized). Microwave with frequency f0=9.0 GHz is introduced to the cavity in a cryostat. Twisted Cu wires are bonded to the ohmic contacts and are connected to a d.c. voltmeter. We measure FMR (microwave absorption) spectrum and d.c. voltage V between the two ohmic contacts simultaneously by sweeping the magnitude of an external magnetic field H. The ac modulation field Hac (1 mT, 100 kHz) parallel to H is superimposed to obtain FMR spectrum in its derivative form. To measure the angle (θH between H and [001] orientation) dependence of spectra, the sample is rotated about [110] axis, while keeping the (110) plane parallel to H (Fig. 1a). The same measurements are done for (Ga,Mn)As/undoped GaAs reference sample with two In ohmic contacts at the two edges of the (Ga,Mn)As surface (Supplementary Fig. S1b).

Figure 2 shows a typical result of (a) FMR spectrum and (b) V curve (offset voltage Voffset is subtracted) under microwave power P=20 mW at T=30 K and θH=89o. The Voffset is due to electromagnetic induction by the application of Hac. One can see a characteristic V signal in the vicinity of ferromagnetic resonant field HR. To describe the lineshapes of spectra, we introduce symmetric (LsymH2/[4(HHR)2H2]) and anti-symmetric Lorentzian (La-sym=−4ΔH(HHR)/[4(HHR)2H2]), where H=|H| and ΔH is the linewidth (FWHM)14,32. As shown by dashed lines in Fig. 2a, the FMR absorption spectrum (Fig. 2a) is fitted well by −(2I/πΔH)dLsym/dH, where I is the absorption coefficient33, and VVoffset (Fig. 2b) is fitted well by the sum of VsymLsym and Va-symLa-sym where Vsym and Va-sym are the magnitudes of symmetric and anti-symmetric voltage components. The fits show that the FMR spectrum and two components (symmetric and anti-symmetric components) of the measured d.c. voltage have identical HR as well as identical ΔH, indicating a strong correlation between FMR in (Ga,Mn)As and V in p-GaAs. Fig. 2c show FMR spectra and V curves as a function of θH measured at T=45 K and P=20 mW. The θH dependence of HR and ΔH obtained from FMR spectra is summarized for (Ga,Mn)As/p-GaAs and (Ga,Mn)As/undoped GaAs in Fig. 2e, respectively. While HR is identical for both samples, a larger ΔH for (Ga,Mn)As/p-GaAs is observed. This increase in ΔH is known to be caused by spin pumping, which produces additional damping by the diffusion of spin angular momentum into the adjacent layer11. (The θH dependence of HR and ΔH for (Ga,Mn)As/undoped GaAs can be explained well by conventional analyses, which are shown in Fig. 2e by solid lines34,35,36, see Supplementary Note 1).

Figure 2: FMR spectra and d.c. voltages.
figure 2

Typical spectrum of (a) FMR and (b) d.c. voltage V obtained at temperature T=30 K and magnetic field angle θH=89o, where offset voltage Voffset is subtracted. Solid lines are experimental results and dashed lines are fitting. In panel b, symmetric and anti-symmetric components of fitting are also shown by dashed lines. The θH dependence of (c) FMR spectra and (d) VVoffset obtained at T=45 K and microwave power P=20 mW. The θH dependence of (e) FMR resonant fields HR and (f) linewidths ΔH of (Ga,Mn)As/p-GaAs (triangles) as well as (Ga,Mn)As/undoped GaAs (circles). Solid lines show the fitting results. arb. units, arbitrary units.

Microwave power dependence of d.c. voltages

Figure 3a shows VVoffset as a function of P at 30 K, and at θH=89o and −89o, respectively. The signal shows an opposite polarity with opposite θH. The Vsym and Va-sym obtained from the fit increase in proportion to P as shown in Fig. 3c, showing that the both components are related to FMR.

Figure 3: Microwave power dependence of d.c. voltages.
figure 3

(a) Magnetic field angle θH=89o and (b) θH=−89o at temperature T=30 K. (c) Microwave power dependence of magnitudes of symmetric (Vsym, squares) and anti-symmetric (Va-sym, circles) components of d.c. voltages for θH=−89o and 89o at 30 K.

Temperature dependence of d.c. voltages

Figure 4a shows the T dependence of VVoffset measured under P=100 mW at θH=89o. The ΔH increases above 80 K, which is consistent with previous FMR results on (Ga,Mn)As37. The T dependence of Vsym and Va-sym at various P from 20–100 mW is presented in Fig. 4b, respectively, in which the signals decrease to zero as T approaches TC, showing that the signals are indeed related to the magnetization dynamics in (Ga,Mn)As. The temperature at which FMR signal disappears is in good agreement with TC determined by magnetization measurements, indicating that heating caused by microwave absorption is negligible. By changing the measurement configuration, we rule out possible contribution from transverse thermoelectric effect (Nernst-Ettingshausen effect) to V in the present structure (Supplementary Note 5). The magnitude of Vsym shows a monotonic decrease with the increase of T, while that of Va-sym does not, suggesting that the two signals have different origins.

Figure 4: Temperature dependence of d.c. voltages.
figure 4

(a) Spectra obtained at microwave power P=100 mW and magnetic field angle θH=89o as a function of temperature T. The T dependence of (b) symmetric d.c. voltage Vsym and (c) anti-symmetric d.c. voltage Va-sym as a function of P ranging from 20–100 mW (black 100 mW, red 90 mW, green 80 mW, dark blue 70 mW, light blue 60 mW, pink 40 mW, olive green 20 mW).


There are three possible origins of the observed d.c. voltage induced by magnetization dynamics; one is the ISHE14, and the other two are transverse galvanomagnetic effects, i.e., PHE and AHE38. We use the LLG equation, dM/dt=−γ M × μ0Heff+(α/|M|)M × dM/dt, to describe the magnetization dynamics, where M is the magnetization vector, dM/dt its time derivative, γ the gyromagnetic ratio, μ0 the permeability in vacuum and α the damping constant39. The first and second terms in the LLG equation correspond to precessional and damping torques, respectively. We use a Cartesian coordinate system with x along [110] and z along the precession axis of M as shown in Fig. 1a, and thus M=(mxeiωt, myeiωt, Mz), where ω is the angular frequency of precession. The effective magnetic field vector Heff is the sum of an external magnetic field, magnetic anisotropy fields, their dynamical components, and microwave field h= e i ω 0 t (h, 0, 0) with ω0=2πf0. By solving the LLG equation, one can calculate the H dependence of complex susceptibility χ as well as the real (Re) and imaginary (Im) parts of mx and my: Re(mx), Im(mx), Re(my), and Im(my) (see Supplementary Notes 1, 2 and 3).

The ISHE signal VISHE in p-GaAs results from the pure spin current with spin polarization along in-plane z′ direction ([] orientation) generated by spin pumping, which flows perpendicular direction to the interface between (Ga,Mn)As and p-GaAs. Because the spin current induced by spin pumping is proportional to the damping term in the LLG equation, VISHE is expected to be proportional to the time averaged z′ projection of the damping term11,40, VISHE(αω/Mz)[Im(mx)Re(my)−Re(mx)Im(my)]sinθM, where θM is the angle between M and [001] orientation (the overscore denotes the time average). When the sample size is finite, electric field ε of microwave along z′ direction (Fig. 1a) may generate the PHE and AHE signals (VPHE and VAHE) in (Ga,Mn)As. We obtain VPHEεMzRe(mx)sinθM and VAHEεMzRe(my)sinθM, where x||x′. Figure 5 shows the calculated lineshapes and θH dependences of ISHE, PHE and AHE, which indicates that VISHE and VPHE have symmetric lineshape, whereas VAHE has anti-symmetric lineshape, and that the three signals have the same linewidth. Although it is hard to distinguish the ISHE from the PHE in each spectrum due to the same symmetry and linewidth, the difference in θH dependence (Fig. 5d) allows us to separate the components of the ISHE and PHE from Vsym.

Figure 5: Calculated lineshapes and magnetic field angle dependence of d.c. voltages.
figure 5

In calculation, experimentally obtained parameters are utilized (Supplementary Note 1). (ac) Lineshapes of d.c. voltages induced by the ISHE (VISHE), PHE (VPHE) and AHE (VAHE) under in-plane magnetic field. (df) Out-of-plane field angle θH dependences of VISHE, VAHE and VPHE, which are normalized by microwave absorption coefficient I. arb. units, arbitrary units.

In Fig. 6a, we show the θH dependence of normalized Vsym/I as well as the fit, which is sum of calculated VISHE/I and VPHE/I curves, and the ratio of the two signals is adopted as a fitting parameter. The fitting reproduces the θH dependence of Vsym/I well, and shows that the contributions to Vsym from the ISHE and PHE are 11.8% and 88.2%, respectively. Figure 6b shows the θH dependence of normalized Va-sym/I and the calculated AHE curve, which shows that the θH dependence of Va-sym can be described well by VAHE. Moreover, non-monotonic T dependence of Va-sym in Fig. 4c supports that the origin of Va-sym is the AHE, because similar non-monotonic T dependence of the anomalous Hall resistance is observed in d.c. transport measurements using a Hall bar. The observed comparable magnitudes of Vsym and Va-sym in d.c. voltages (Figs 3c and 4b) agree with what we expect from the amplitudes of planar Hall and anomalous Hall resistances determined by d.c. transport measurements (Supplementary Note 4).

Figure 6: Angle dependence of d.c. voltage.
figure 6

Open circles denote the d.c. voltage obtained at 45 K. Magnetic field angle θH dependence of (a) symmetric component Vsym and (b) anti-symmetric component Va-sym of d.c. voltage, normalized by microwave absorption coefficient I. Dotted and dashed lines in panel a show the θH dependence of d.c. voltages induced by the inverse spin Hall effect VISHE/I and planar Hall effect VPHE/I, where the ratio of the magnitudes of VISHE and VPHE is adjusted to reproduce the experimental result. Solid line represents total contributions, VISHE/I+VPHE/I. Solid line in b shows the θH dependence of d.c. voltage induced by the AHE VAHE normalized by I. arb. units, arbitrary units.

From Vsym=15 μV at T=45 K and P=20 mW, VISHE is calculated to be 1.77 V. By using this value, the spin Hall angle of p-GaAs is obtained to be 0.006 (Supplementary Note 6). If the entire symmetric component (Vsym=15.0 μV) were treated as the ISHE signal, the spin Hall angle would have been θSHE=0.05, which is comparable with heavy metals (Liu et al.41 and references therein).

We also measure d.c. voltage of a 10-nm-thick permalloy (Py) film deposited on thermally oxidized Si substrate, which shows that Py also generates symmetric and anti-symmetric voltages induced by galvanomagnetic effects (not shown), although the magnitudes of them are sensitive to Ni-Fe composition (Py has large PHE and small AHE)42. As Py-based structures is one of the most investigated systems for spin pumping and ISHE14,16,17,18,20,21,22,23, our approach used here is useful for systems other than the (Ga,Mn)As-based one.

In summary, we have demonstrated spin injection from (Ga,Mn)As into p-GaAs by means of spin pumping and its detection by the inverse spin Hall effect. While the PHE produces the same symmetric spectral lineshape as that of the inverse spin Hall effect, we have shown that the two can be separated by measuring the angle dependence of the signal. This allows us to determine the spin Hall angle of p-GaAs (p=9.5 × 1018 cm−3) as 0.006. The present study shows that one needs to take sufficient care to convert d.c. voltages to the inverse spin Hall effect and thus to the spin Hall angle of the non-magnetic layer, indicating the critical importance of separating the inverse spin Hall effect from galvanomagnetic effects.


Sample preparation

(Ga,Mn)As (20 nm, Mn composition x=0.065)/GaAs:Be (20 nm, hole concentration p=9.5 × 1018 cm−3) bilayer structure is grown on semi-insulating GaAs (001) substrate by molecular beam epitaxy through a GaAs (100 nm) buffer layer. The growth temperature is 560 oC for GaAs buffer and GaAs:Be and 250 °C for (Ga,Mn)As. During growth, V/III beam equivalent pressure ratio is kept at 8. The carrier concentration of GaAs:Be is calibrated by room-temperature Hall measurements on separately prepared 1-μm-thick GaAs:Be layers. The thickness of GaAs:Be (20 nm) is a few times thicker than a surface-depletion layer of p-GaAs with p~;1019 cm−3. The wafer is cleaved into a piece with lateral dimension of 1 × 3 mm2 and then the two edge regions of top (Ga,Mn)As are removed by wet etching to pattern 1 × 2 mm2 rectangular (Ga,Mn)As mesa. The etching depth is ~;25 nm, which is confirmed by atomic force microscopy. The samples is annealed at 250 °C for 30 min in air, to form two In ohmic contacts on exposed surface of GaAs:Be. A reference sample without GaAs:Be layer is also prepared by virtually identical growth and annealing conditions.

Additional information

How to cite this article: Chen, L. et al. Direct-current voltages in (Ga,Mn) As structures induced by ferromagnetic resonance. Nat. Commun. 4:2055 doi: 10.1038/ncomms3055 (2013).