
Atomic systems involving highly excited Rydberg states are an attractive system for the continuing quest to realize large-scale quantum networks1,2,3,4,5,6. An ultra-cold atomic ensemble in a quantum superposition of a ground and a Rydberg state features both rapid and deterministic preparation of quantum states and their efficient transfer into single-photon light fields7,8. Notable achievements include the demonstration of deterministic Rydberg single-photon sources9,10, atom-photon entanglement11, many-body Rabi oscillations12,13,14,15, photon anti-bunching and interaction-induced phase shifts16,17 and single-photon switches18,19,20. In parallel to these efforts, significant advances have been made in employing Rydberg interactions for entanglement of pairs of neutral atoms21,22,23 and many-body interferometry24.

All these experimental demonstrations relied critically on the strong interactions between Rydberg atoms. The interactions prevent more than one atom from being excited into a Rydberg state within a volume called the blockade sphere, if excitation into the Rydberg state is slow7. In the opposite limit of fast excitation to the Rydberg state, the interactions between the atoms act by dephasing the collective multi-atom states, thereby removing quantum state components with more than one excited atom from the observed Hilbert subspace25. Both Rydberg blockade and dephasing mechanisms contribute to the sub-Poissonian statistics of the output light fields in experiments of refs 9, 10, 12, 16.

However, the large values of the electric dipole transition elements between Rydberg states also translate into a magnified sensitivity of these states to black-body radiation and ambient electric fields, leading to their relatively short lifetimes1,26. Spontaneous emission, atomic motion and collisions further limit storage times for the ground-Rydberg atomic coherence9,18. In contrast, ground atomic states are ideal for preserving quantum coherence27, but implementation of fast and deterministic quantum operations is challenging due to their weak interactions. For example, deterministic single photons can be produced using measurement and feedback of Raman-scattered light fields28, but the generation times are 1 ms—three orders of magnitude longer than in Rydberg approaches. Such considerations suggest to employ Rydberg levels for interactions and ground levels for storage to achieve both fast quantum operations and long-lived memory. In this work, we demonstrate a quantum memory where a non-classical polariton state created by Rydberg interactions is sheltered in the ground hyperfine sublevels for long-term storage.


Experimental set-up

Our experimental approach is illustrated in Fig. 1: two 795 nm Raman fields (Ωp and Ωc) are applied to create an approximately coherent state of a spin-wave between the ground hyperfine states |a> and |b> in an ultra-cold ensemble of 87Rb. Next, a 297 nm laser pulse Ω1 couples state |b> directly to state |r> (np3/2) creating a Rydberg polariton state. Subsequently, another 297 nm laser pulse Ω2 transfers the excitation from the Rydberg state into state |b> for storage. After a storage period Tg in the ground states memory, the read-out field Ωr converts the atomic excitation into the retrieved light field. The latter is directed onto a beam splitter and is subsequently detected by single-photon detectors D1 and D2. Additional details of the experimental protocol are given in Supplementary Notes 1 and 2.

Figure 1: Overview of the experiment.
figure 1

(a) Essential elements of the experimental set-up. An ultra-cold 87Rb gas is confined in a crossed dipole trap formed by two 1,064 nm fields. Two 795 nm beams (probe and control) and a 297 nm beam are focused on the atomic sample with waists (ωp, ωc, ω1,2)=(5, 25, 18) μm, respectively. The probe and control beam are aligned with an angle 3°, while the 297 beam counter propagates with the probe beam. Probe Ωp and control Ωc laser fields are orthogonally circularly polarized. To avoid the dephasing of Rydberg state induced by inhomogeneous light shifts, the dipole trap is turned off before the Rydberg excitation field Ω1 and switched back on after the Rydberg transfer field Ω2. (b) Level diagram and experimental protocol. (i) Atoms are initially prepared in state |a> by means of optical pumping. The atomic ensemble is driven from |a> to |b> by the probe field Ωp and control field Ωc. Next, the 297 nm field Ω1 couples |b> directly to the Rydberg state |r>, creating a singly excited Rydberg state. (ii) By applying the 297 nm field Ω2, the short-lived Rydberg excitation is mapped into the ground state |b> for storage. (iii) The ground-state excitation is retrieved by the read field Ωr and measured at D1 and D2. The atomic levels involved are |a>=|5s1/2, F=1, mF=0>, |b>=|5s1/2, F=2, mF=−2>, |e>=|5p1/2, F=1, mF=−1> and |r>=|np3/2, mJ=−3/2>.

Rydberg excitation

Single-photon excitation from the ground state |b> to the Rydberg state |r> (62p3/2) is studied in Fig. 2. The normalized sum Sn of the D1 and D2 detection rates is shown in Fig. 2a as a function of single-photon detuning δr from the |b>←|r> resonance. The measured (fwhm) width of the spectrum γ/2π=1.3 MHz is largely determined by the 0.7 μs duration of the excitation pulse Ω1. The population of single excitation prepared in |b>, N (at δr=0) is shown in Fig. 2b as a function of Raman excitation population NR in |b> (no coupling to the Rydberg state). N and NR are obtained by normalizing the corresponding probabilities of photoelectric detection by the retrieval, transmission and detection efficiencies (Supplementary Note 3). The data are fit with a function of N=ζχNR exp(−χNR), where ζ=0.20(1) and χ=0.87(4) are adjustable parameters. The fit is suggested by the dephasing mechanism of multi-particle Rydberg excitations put forward in ref. 25. Here ζ corresponds to the population transfer efficiency of the |b>→|r>→|b> process in the absence of loss due to multi-particle dephasing, whereas the maximum single excitation preparation efficiency (including multi-particle dephasing loss) in state |b> is ξm=ζ/e.

Figure 2: Single-photon excitation to Rydberg p state.
figure 2

(a) Single-photon spectroscopy of |b>←|r>=|62p3/2, mJ=−3/2> transition. The normalized photoelectric detection rate Sn of the retrieved field is shown as a function of detuning (δr). The data are fit with a Lorentzian profile. (b) N, the population of prepared single excitation (with Ω1 and Ω2 fields ) is shown as a function of Raman excitation population NR. Error bars, ±1 s.d.

The coherence properties of the ground-Rydberg transition are investigated in Fig. 3a by measuring the retrieved signal as a function of storage time Tr in state |62p3/2>. The fast signal decay (with 1/e lifetime =1.58(5) μs) is a result of the atomic motional dephasing. During the Rydberg excitation, a spin-wave with phase is imprinted on the ground-Rydberg coherence by the Ω1 field, where k1 is the wave-vector of Ω1, r is the atomic position and the spin-wave period is Λr=2π/|k1|=297 nm. For a gas of atoms of mass M at a temperature T, atomic motion smears the spin-wave phase grating and leads to a 1/e decoherence time of (refs 28, 29), from which the inferred atom temperature is T10 μK. A lower value of T7 μK is found by observing the thermal expansion of the atomic cloud. The difference between the two measurements is a possible indication of atomic heating by the repeated application of the memory protocol. The =1.58(5) μs coherence time for the |62p3/2> state is nearly identical to the =1.58(2) μs found for the |29p3/2> state (Supplementary Note 4), indicating the absence of Rydberg interaction-induced decoherence.

Figure 3: Temporal dynamics of atomic polariton.
figure 3

(a) The normalized photoelectric detection rate Sn of the retrieved field is shown as a function of storage time Tr in the Rydberg state. The data are fit with a Gaussian function exp(−(Tr+Td)2/), while Td=1 μs is the delay between two 297 nm fields Ω1 and Ω2 for Tr=0 and =1.58(5) μs. (b) The normalized photoelectric detection rate Sn of the retrieved field is shown as a function of storage time Tg in the ground states coherence. The data are fit with function exp(−(Tg+Td)2/), where Td=6 μs is the delay between the Raman excitation and the readout for Tg=0 and =71(2) μs. Error bars, ±1 s.d.

Ground-state coherence

To achieve longer storage time, we apply the Ω2 field to coherently transfer the excitation from the Rydberg state |r> to the ground state |b>, with the single-photon detuning δr=0. Due to the non-collinear geometry between the probe and control fields with respective wave-vectors kp and kc, the atomic excitation forms a ground states spin-wave, with phase , where the wave-vector mismatch is Δk=kpkc and the spin-wave period is Λg=2π/|Δk|=15 μm. The stored excitations can be converted into a propagating field by applying a read-out field Ωr. To study the temporal dynamics of the quantum memory, the retrieved signal is measured as a function of the storage time Tg in the ground hyperfine sublevels, as shown in Fig. 3b. The observed 1/e quantum memory lifetime is =71(2) μs, while the expected lifetime from the scaled value of the ground-Rydberg coherence is × (Λgr)≈80 μs. Assuming the difference in the two values is due to diffusion of atoms out of the ensemble in the transverse (x and y) dimensions, we estimate the transverse waist (1/e2) of the atomic ensemble to be 6(1) μm, which agrees with the measured 5 μm waist of the probe field (Supplementary Note 4). In the future, the quantum memory lifetime can be extended into the minute range by employing a suitable state-insensitive optical lattice capable of atom confinement on a length scale smaller than the spin-wave period Λg (refs 27, 30).

Quantum statistics

To characterize the non-classical behaviour of our quantum memory, the atomic excitation is read out after a storage time of Tg=2 μs and a Hanbury Brown-Twiss measurement is performed on the retrieved field with a beam splitter followed by two single-photon detectors D1 and D2. The photoelectric detection events at detectors D1 and D2 are cross correlated, with the resulting second-order intensity correlation function g(2)() shown in Fig. 4, where is the time delay between the detection events. Panel (a) shows the measurement for an approximately coherent state created by the two Raman fields Ωp and Ωc. The measured second-order intensity correlation function at zero delay g(2)(0)=1.06(8) is consistent with unity. Panels (b–d) show the quantum statistics of a memory coupled to Rydberg levels np3/2 for n=29, 62 and 70, respectively.

Figure 4: Quantum statistics.
figure 4

Measured second-order intensity correlation function g(2) as a function of delay . The data bins for g(2)(0) are highlighted. (a) g(2)() is measured with retrieved coherent light created by the two Raman fields Ωp and Ωc. (bd) 297 nm fields (Ω1 and Ω2) couple state |b> to a Rydberg state |np3/2>, and g(2)() is measured at n=29, 62 and 70, respectively. Error bars, ±1 s.d.

As a result of the chosen principal quantum numbers (n70) and sample size (10 μm) in our experiment, interactions between the most distant Rydberg atom pairs are in the van der Waals regime, which scale as n11 (ref. 1). For low values of n, the presence of multiple excitations is expected and the measured g(2)(0)=1.22(14) for n=29 is consistent with unity. When the interactions are not sufficiently strong for the blockade to be operational over the entire ensemble, more than one Rydberg atom can be excited. Van der Waals interactions lead to the accumulation of phase shifts between different atomic pairs, decoupling them from the phase-matched collective emission mode of the read-out stage. The observed suppression of two-photon events at zero delay for high-lying Rydberg states n=62 and 70 reflects Rydberg excitation blockade and interaction-induced dephasing between multiple excitations and demonstrates the single-photon character of the retrieved field. The transition from the classical statistics to the manifestly quantum regime is associated with an approximately four orders of magnitude increase in the interaction strength from n=29 to 70. The measured values of g(2)(0)=0.22(8) for n=62 and g(2)(0)=0(0.04) for n=70 confirm the preparation of single-quanta in the ground memory states. The quantum statistics of the retrieved light field as a function of storage time are shown in Fig. 5, with all the measured values for g(2)(0) well below unity for up to 42 μs-long storage.

Figure 5: Non-classical memory dynamics.
figure 5

The single excitation generated with the 70p3/2 state is mapped onto the retrieved field after being stored in the ground states memory for a time of Tg. The second-order intensity correlation function at zero delay g(2)(0) is measured at different storage times Tg. Error bars, ±1 s.d.


We have demonstrated a quantum memory with 8% efficiency to prepare a single excitation in <1 μs, and a memory lifetime of 70 μs. The storage times can be further extended, conceivably up to and beyond several seconds, by adopting a state-insensitive optical lattice27,30. The results presented here show that the two essential quantum network capabilities—fast quantum state generation and long-term storage—can be achieved at the same time in an atomic-ensemble-based system, opening a route toward a broad range of quantum information protocols. In particular, complex quantum states of atomic ensembles can be generated and stored in their ground states and subsequently converted into highly non-classical states of propagating light fields7.


Preparation of the ultra-cold atomic sample

To quickly create a dense sample of 87Rb in a low background pressure environment, a 2D+ magneto-optical trap (MOT) is first loaded from the background gas. The 3D MOT is then loaded from the cold atomic beam generated by the 2D+ MOT and directed through a differential pumping opening for 300 ms. For the following 22 ms, the gradient of the 3D MOT is increased to 25 G/cm to compress and load the atoms into an optical dipole trap formed by two orthogonally polarized YAG laser beams, intersecting at an angle of 22°. Sub-Doppler cooling of the atoms is performed by increasing the cooling light detuning and decreasing the power of repumper light for 12 ms. The dipole trap beams have a total power of 5 W and transverse waists of 17 and 34 μm, resulting in a maximum trap depth of 560 μK. The depth of the dipole trap is adiabatically lowered to 30 μK during the 200 ms after the sub-Doppler cooling stage to further cool the atoms, with the atomic temperature of 7 μK inferred from the observed rate of thermal expansion. The peak atomic density is ρ2 × 1011 cm−3. The atomic ensemble has 10 μm size in the longitudinal (z) dimension, while the 5 μm waist of the focused probe beam determines transverse (x− and y−) dimensions of the ensemble. A bias magnetic field of 3.5 G is switched on and atoms are optically pumped to the 5s1/2, F=1, mF=0 state.

Data acquisition

In each experimental trial, photoelectric events from detectors D1 and D2 are recorded within a time interval of 200 ns, determined by the length of the retrieved pulse. The photoelectric detection probability for both detectors is given by P=P1+P2=N1/N0+N2/N0, where N1,2 are the numbers of detection events recorded by D1 and D2 and N0 is the number of experimental trails. The probability for detecting double coincidences is given by P12()=N12()/N0, where N12() is the number of coincidences from the two detectors with time delay . The second-order intensity correlation function is calculated as g(2)()=P12()/(P1P2).

Data availability

The data that support the findings of this study are available from the corresponding author on request.

Additional information

How to cite this article: Li, L. & Kuzmich, A. Quantum memory with strong and controllable Rydberg-level interactions. Nat. Commun. 7, 13618 doi: 10.1038/ncomms13618 (2016).

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