New Dental Elf service launches

Since the last issue of this journal the editor together with Douglas Badenoch, an information scientist has launched a new dental blog site: The Dental Elf ( The Dental Elf is one of a suite of three health blogs that aim to keep people up to date with important and reliable evidence in these areas. For mental health issues there is The Mental Elf ( and for learning disabilities the WELD blog ( The Mental Elf and WELD blog have been running longer than the Dental Elf but all three sites are developing a following and we hope that the Dental Elf will catch up.

The home page of Dental Elf has a brief introduction text (Figure 1) from which people can link to the full story (Figure 2). This provides links to the journal abstract and other relevant information. Many of the studies highlighted on the Dental Elf will go on to have commentaries written for the Evidence-based Dentistry Journal. In addition to new studies it will also highlight commentaries and appraisals of systematic reviews that are newly published on sites like the Centre for Reviews and Dissemination at York and critical summaries from the American Dental Association's Centre for Evidence-Based Dentistry (

Figure 1
figure 1

The Dental Elf home page

Figure 2
figure 2

A Dental Elf blog page

PubMed Health - What Works?

The United States National Library of Medicine perhaps best known for its Medline database although it includes a wide range of other resources has now pulled together a range of content into a new – What Works clinical effectiveness section which may be of interest to readers.

PubMed Health – What Works home page