Articles in 2022

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  • This PrimeView highlights how the PCA workflow reduces the dimensions of the original dataset to produce a biplot.

  • Principal component analysis is a multivariate statistical method that reduces a large number of variables into fewer variables, called principal components. This Primer describes how the method can be used for data analysis, explaining the mathematical background, analytical workflows, how to interpret a biplot and variants of the method.

    • Michael Greenacre
    • Patrick J. F. Groenen
    • Elena Tuzhilina
  • This PrimeView highlights the trade-off between biological complexity and tunability when designing and fabricating hydrogels for use in mechanobiology.

  • Hydrogels are used to mimic cells’ local environment, enabling the study of cellular responses to biochemical and mechanical cues. Here, Blache et al. discuss the challenges of creating hydrogels for mechanobiology studies and how they can be used to analyse cell behaviour in the context of mechanobiological processes and harnessed to create regenerative therapies.

    • Ulrich Blache
    • Eden M. Ford
    • Eileen Gentleman
  • Tandem mass spectrometry is increasingly utilized for clinical applications in laboratory medicine. In this Primer, Thomas et al. discuss experimental considerations and quality management for implementing clinical tandem mass spectrometry in the clinic with an overview of some key applications.

    • Stefani N. Thomas
    • Deborah French
    • William A. Clarke
  • This PrimeView highlights the procedure for growing and maintaining organoids from human stem cells, with a focus on recent developments that have reduced a number of limitations in organoid development and research.

  • Organoids are cell-based in vitro models derived from stem cells, reconstituting the complex structure and function of the corresponding tissue. In this Primer, Zhao, Chen, Dowbaj, Sljukic, Bratlie, Lin et al. discuss the development of organoids and methods for controlling their cellular environment.

    • Zixuan Zhao
    • Xinyi Chen
    • Hanry Yu
  • Magnetic nanomaterials can be used to transduce magnetic fields into biologically relevant signals. This Primer describes different magnetic transduction mechanisms, the design of nanotransducers and example applications for studying cell signalling and neuroscience.

    • Gabriela Romero
    • Jimin Park
    • Polina Anikeeva
  • This PrimeView highlights the use of intravital microscopy techniques to study a range of biological processes, including neurobiology, stem cell biology and cancer research.

  • Intravital microscopy (IVM) techniques are used to visualize intact and live tissues at the cellular and subcellular level. In this Primer, Scheele, Herrmann et al. discuss IVM in rodents, outlining challenges and opportunities for using the technique.

    • Colinda L. G. J. Scheele
    • David Herrmann
    • Jacco van Rheenen
  • This PrimeView highlights the general experimental design and setup of imaging flow cytometry.

  • Imaging flow cytometry combines the high-event-rate nature of flow cytometry with single-cell image acquisition associated with microscopy. In this Primer, Rees et al. discuss the typical imaging flow instrumentation, the type of data acquired and how to analyse them.

    • Paul Rees
    • Huw D. Summers
    • Minh Doan
  • This PrimeView highlights how hydrogen produced from water electrolysis can be utilized for fuel and chemical feedstock.

  • Electrochemical water splitting using renewable electricity is a promising method for the sustainable production of hydrogen. This Primer overviews considerations, techniques and methods for water electrolysis and describes methods to improve rigour and reproducibility when analysing electrochemical data.

    • Arthur J. Shih
    • Mariana C. O. Monteiro
    • Marc T. M. Koper