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    Since the early studies of the 17th century, microscopy has played a vital role in biological discovery − it enabled Robert Hooke to describe cells and Antonie van Leeuwenhoek to discover bacteria. Four centuries later, microscopy techniques remain at the centre of cell-biological research.

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    Identification of specific molecules involved in cancer and the development of inhibitors to block these molecules − targeted therapies − is an exciting and interesting area of current cancer research.The articles cover the biology of the main signalling pathways involved in cancer and the identification of important targets, as well as translating these discoveries into drug design, drug development and use in the clinic.

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    Angiogenesis − the development of new blood vessels − is essential for normal embryonic development, skeletal growth, wound healing and reproductive functions, but also contributes to the pathogenesis of numerous disorders, including cancer, arthritis and psoriasis.

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    Despite a vast amount of research into improving therapies and developing new ones, our ability to treat cancer has not significantly improved over the past few decades. Detecting cancer early − before it has had a chance to metastasize − remains the best strategy for reducing cancer deaths, but are we any better at detection than treatment?

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    Until recently, most of the emphasis in cancer research has been on the pathogenesis of primary tumours. Most cancer deaths, however, are the result of metastatic disease. Researchers are only just beginning to understand how cancer cells escape from their original location, travel throughout the body and select a new site at which to form new tumours, and metastasis research is one of the most rapidly developing areas of cancer biology.

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    Further characterization of cancer stem cells might lead to improved diagnostics and therapies by allowing us to better identify and target cancer stem cells. To cure cancer it is necessary to kill, differentiate or prevent the metastasis of cancer stem cells.