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A Drosophila RNAi collection is subject to dominant phenotypic effects

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Figure 1: Eye color of VDRC 'KK' lines with differing site occupancy.


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We are grateful to E. Spana for comments and advice on Drosophila transgenesis. E.W.G. was supported by grants from the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC) (BB/J005169/1) to C.P.K. and the Cure Huntington's Disease Initiative (CHDI) Foundation (A-3267) to F.G. G.F. was supported by a grant from the Electromagnetic Field (EMF) Biological Research Trust (BRT 10/38) to C.P.K. This research used the Special Computational Teaching and Research Environment (SPECTRE) High Performance Computing Facility at the University of Leicester.

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Correspondence to Charalambos P Kyriacou.

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Supplementary Figures 1–3, Supplementary Table 1 and Supplementary Methods (PDF 1251 kb)

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Green, E., Fedele, G., Giorgini, F. et al. A Drosophila RNAi collection is subject to dominant phenotypic effects. Nat Methods 11, 222–223 (2014).

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