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Volume 1 Issue 3, March 2023

Lived experience: shifting focus

On the cover of this issue, we feature the mind and brain as a prism — refracting the simple input of white light into a resplendent and living rainbow. It serves as a metaphor to consider how mental health lived experience is complex and inhabited by an individual. For some, embracing their lived experience has become a transformative experience, prompting them to use their status as a mental health ‘expert by experience’ to inform research, advocacy and policy, ultimately, to help others.

See our Editorial for more on how shifting our focus to the value of lived experience can be transformative for the science of mental health and wellbeing.

Cover design: Marina Spence


  • The language of mental health is always being updated to better capture states of being and to be more inclusive. ‘Lived experience’, the core qualia of a mental health condition as it is perceived and inhabited by an individual, reflects this evolution. It is what makes some of us mental health ‘experts by experience’.



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