Reviews & Analysis

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  • Human aging is associated with increased rates of many cardiac diseases and tissue remodeling. However, disentangling the mechanisms that underlie normal heart aging from disease processes is challenging. A study now addresses this gap by investigating healthy primate cardiac aging and provides evidence that SIRT2 signaling may regulate cardioprotective effects.

    • Laura Cox
    • Michael Olivier
    News & Views
  • Plants have an additional organelle to animals (the chloroplast), which means that they have a greater repertoire of protein homeostasis (proteostasis) mechanisms. We find that chloroplast proteostasis components prevent aggregation of a pathogenic fragment of human huntingtin expressed in plants, which reveals a potential avenue for therapeutic intervention in human proteinopathies.

    Research Briefing
  • Parkhitko et al. discuss combinatorial approaches targeting underlying mechanisms of aging across species and describe frameworks to analyze these interactions and their cross-species translational potential.

    • Andrey A. Parkhitko
    • Elizabeth Filine
    • Marc Tatar
    Review Article
  • A recent publication in Nature Aging suggests that DOPA decarboxylase may serve as an emerging biomarker that can identify neurodegenerative disorders that are characterized by dopaminergic cell loss. Here we discuss how this finding can assist clinicians and researchers in the differential diagnosis of individuals who present with parkinsonism or cognitive decline.

    • Marcel M. Verbeek
    • Bastiaan R. Bloem
    News & Views
  • Senescent cells accumulate with age and promote tissue decline. A broad genomic screen reveals that senescent cells can be eliminated from aged mice by interfering with their unique secretory program. Reducing the capacity of the endoplasmic reticulum by inhibiting the YAP–TEAD complex sensitizes senescent cells to apoptosis.

    Research Briefing
  • Microglia exhibit unexpected sex differences in gene expression and accessibility and compromised inflammatory responses during the aging process in mice. We established a mouse model with accelerated microglial turnover (3xDR), which results in aged microglia in non-aged brains. Analysis of this model revealed that aged microglia themselves contribute to cognitive decline.

    Research Briefing
  • By using multimodal MRI in aging humans, we found that noradrenergic brain regions are associated with episodic memory impairment, whereas dopaminergic areas are implicated in working memory impairment. Unravelling the role of changes in these neurotransmitter systems in age-related memory loss contributes to our understanding of the development of neurodegenerative diseases.

    Research Briefing
  • Cost-effective and scalable means for detecting amyloid-β positivity in clinical practice are urgently needed. Here, in three memory clinic cohorts, we show that risk stratification with a plasma p-tau217-based model can substantially reduce the need for expensive or invasive testing, while still accurately determining the amyloid-β status of patients with cognitive impairment.

    Research Briefing
  • Intestinal barrier dysfunction is a hallmark of aging. Zhang and colleagues examine the replenishment of adherens junctions in the intestine of aged Caenorhabditis elegans and discover the role of the SDPN-1–RAB-10 axis in the dysregulated endocytic recycling, offering new insights into the age-dependent impairment of the intestinal barrier.

    • Yifan Chen
    • Yidong Shen
    News & Views
  • Lysosomes are small vesicles in which cellular constituents are enzymatically degraded. Villalobos and colleagues now show that in Caenorhabditis elegans a shift in lysosome morphology from a vesicular to a tubular shape is critical for the lifespan extension triggered by calorie restriction. Moreover, tubular lysosomes form even in well-fed descendants of calorically restricted parents for up to four generations.

    • Tímea Sigmond
    • Tibor Vellai
    News & Views
  • Leveraging a single regression model based on conserved cytosines, we can now measure age in all mammalian tissues. This pan-mammalian epigenetic clock model confirms that aging is conserved across mammalian species at select regions of the DNA, which will accelerate the applicability of research findings from model organisms to humans.

    Research Briefing
  • Our understanding of the genetics that underlies healthy aging can be improved by integrating complementary traits related to chronological and biological aging. We present a multitrait genome-wide association study that reflects the genetics of a broad healthy aging factor and use genetics methods to investigate potential therapeutic relationships among various drug targets.

    Research Briefing
  • By applying deep molecular profiling to our long-term mouse parabiosis model, we reveal reduced epigenetic age in old mice that shared circulation with young mice. The rejuvenation effect is sustained at two months after detachment, leading to lifespan extension and improved physical function, and is associated with rejuvenated transcriptomic signatures.

    Research Briefing
  • Han et al. provide a substantial contribution to our limited comprehension of the mechanisms of aging in adipose tissue. They show that, with age, increased levels of adipose CRTC2 decrease the breakdown of branched-chain amino acids and activate mTORC1. This in turn leads to increased levels of senescence-associated secretory phenotype factors, which promotes senescence and adipose dysfunction.

    • N. Touitou
    • B. Lerrer
    • H. Y. Cohen
    News & Views
  • Neuronal aging is highly associated with misfolded protein aggregates that predispose to neurodegeneration, but the cellular factors that are involved in removing misfolded proteins are yet to be identified. In this issue of Nature Aging, Li and colleagues identified LONRF2 as an important player in protecting aging neurons against the accumulation of protein aggregates.

    • Mohieldin M. M. Youssef
    • Jeehye Park
    News & Views
  • We treated aged monkeys with a dose of the longevity factor klotho, which is known to increase synaptic and cognitive functions in mice. We found that a relatively low dose of klotho enhanced cognition in aged monkeys. These findings are important because they suggest that klotho replenishment could prove to be therapeutic in aging humans.

    Research Briefing
  • Aging increases vulnerability to respiratory viral infections, including by SARS-CoV-2. Delval et al. established a causal role for age-related pre-existing senescent cells in the severity of COVID-19 symptoms in an aging hamster model. Selective depletion of senescent cells using senolytic agents mitigated the risk of severe COVID-19 symptoms linked to aging.

    • Xu Zhang
    • Masayoshi Suda
    • Yi Zhu
    News & Views
  • SenNet Consortium members review current and emerging methodologies for spatially resolved mapping of senescent cells. They discuss their limitations and challenges involved in the aim of creating a comprehensive atlas of senescent cells during aging.

    • Aditi U. Gurkar
    • Akos A. Gerencser
    • João F. Passos
    Review Article
  • High-throughput analysis of cellular landscapes is an important tool to decipher the molecular mechanisms driving aging and disease. Here, Singh and Benayoun discuss key considerations in the design and analysis of omic data to gain robust and reproducible insights into the aging process.

    • Param Priya Singh
    • Bérénice A. Benayoun